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Sewing Machines THE SINCER, ÏTEW DOMESTIO, And t2a.e HOWE, And sereral good Sooond-Hand Machines at the SEWINü MACHINli OFFICE, Anu Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very bost that are made, and attachiuents and parts for iiuarly all maehinea. S1HGER MACHINES R'fpairpd bettor thorc tlian anywhore elsc in America. II your inachilie dou'twurk well, trade it for jane tliat does, or have it repalred. All machines sold on easy payments at the otiicu. Sccond door east of Post Office, Aiin Arliur, tlirli. (1550) I. tu .ItlM:i.I„ Atf.nt. "1EORGE W. CEOPSEY, Lato of the finn of Clark & Ckopsky, and A. K i:. km:y, late of Texas, undcr tbc lirm uauic of KEÁKNEY & CROPSEY, Have established themsclves at Xo. 33 South Hain Si., Anu Arbor, and propone ti do ge 11 eral Grocery Business They will also keep CROCKEKY, GLASS and WOODKN WARE, and a full line of DOMKSTIC and FOREION FRUITS. They have litted and furnished A First-class Ëating Depart" ment, Where Meáis can be had at all hours, or board by the week. f'asii pald for Rutter, Efrn, and all 'oiinlry produce Gooui prom{itly dalivüred in auy part of the city. Remember the place. 33 South IHain sircot. KEARNEÏ & CROPSEY. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 15S0 THËHÏLI FARM FOR SALE. A.djoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, in townahip two south oí range six east, comprisn tie eat half of the northeast quarter of i ■ ïnii nineteen ; and thnt part of the wust half of j the west half of the northwest quarter of section Lwenty, lying north of the turnpike ; in all 100 42-100 acres, witb House, Barn, an (Mailing ■ Spring of Water, ind aboiït rtfty acres well lm pro vod ; tirst class ' and und Bituation beautiful. Two-thirds of the mi rehuso money may remain on the land three to Ive yeurs. For terms apply to GBO. E. HAND i Or II. J. ÜKAKiáS, Detroit. " Ann Arbor. 1574tf Visitors to the Centennial, ISTJEr YORK ÍALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, TAXIE 2TOTZCS ! i ti i i tme Cleveland Steamer NORTHWEST, R. N. RICE, M i-iiv.' M.C. 11. II. whnrf, Uetroit, duily at 9 'cleckp. m.,except 8uudays. This lino hits aringed ti ayatem of tickets via Cleveland whereby per 300 routes can be made to Pui (udclpuia ad New York, golng and returning by any deuired. No other line oun offer uuch a ( ety of routes. j 8 Tickets for aale at principal Railroad Onioes, on ard Ktuainers and at Ooinpany's olilce, foot of aelby et., Detroit. Ei 1&38 n. CARTER, Agent. ILL HEADS AN0 STATEMENTS AT THE ARGUS OFFICE, Corner Mala and Hurón Street, Northern Central R. R, Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE " CENTENNIAL." Through in 27 hours froni Detroit, as per sehediile of passenger trains below : [Via ("amula Southern RaUway.] Lrave Toledo, 10 p m 10 48 a in " Monroe, tí 52 pm ] i i", a m " Detroit, 6 55pm 12 20 p oi [Via (ireat Western U'y] I' M A M I" M Leava Detroit, 6 25 4 20 12 20 [Vla Grand Trunk K'y] PM A M AM Lcave Detroit, 5 45 2 .ÏO 7 30 [Via New York Central E. K. AM AM PM PM Le. Niágara Kalls, 4 00 7 30 1 45 8 10 Suspension Bridge, 4 2(1 7 :i.l 2 00 8 00 Buff&lo, 4:lö 7 45 150 9 50 Uochester, 7 30 3 :pm 5 30 12 Wam [Via Northern Ceutral K'y.] AM PM PM AM AM Le. Canandaigua, 9 15 4 40 6 65 1 4 r.iinYan, 1102 5 33 7 48 2 42 Watkins, 12 17 7 00 8 37 3 33 8 00 Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 09 8 43 8 08 Hlüiira, 1 ::u 8 10 9 30 4 30 9 00 Troy, 3 38 1 S9 5 S4 10 09 Mianeqiia, 4 09 11 06 C 02 10 38 Williamsport, fi 10 12 35 7 40 12 25 Northuinberlaiid, 12 40 9 25 2 05 Sunbury, 12 50 2 00 9 35 2 15 HarrisblUg, i 15 3 55 11 40 4 10 Baltimore, 7 8B OM 7 35 Washington, 'J 02 9 07 9 07 PhUadefphla, 7 00 7 . 8 30 7 20 New York, 10 10 10 25 G ir, 10 20 Ploengen by thia route have tlie privilege of stopping oif at any point, aud of visiting Washington City without extra charge. Xo dust. Koud ttioroughly stone ballasted-, and its p:isH:ngor traiu aro equipped withevery known improveineut for the convenlenoe aud safeiy of passengers. Tlic far-famed Watkins Glen beinglocated on the direct line oí Xorttu-rn Central Railway passenger can takt' it in on their route to the Centenuial, by taking the Northern Central Railw;iy. lle sure your tickets read via New' York Central and Northeon Central Koads. Information given on appücatlqn to Western Passenger Agent. 1). M. BOYD, Jr., Gen. Pass. Agont. Sam'l L. Seymouk, Western Passenxer Agent, Buffklo.N. T. 159HÏ ThTenemy of diseasTT THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is tlie Grand Old MUSTANGLINIMENT Which bas stood the teet of forty yeara. There is no Sore it will rot heal, no LameneBS it will not eure, no Ache, no Pain tliat arhicti tho Human Body," or the Body ot a Horse or other domestic animal, thut does not yield to its magi: touch. A bottle oostinji 2öc, 50e, or $1.00, has olten saved the life of a human hcinf?, and restored to life and usefulnegi nutnj a valuaultí horBe. ,tarded the lllgbcst Jledal at Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 Broadway, iv York. COpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) flanufacturers, loiporters & Uealers in CHEOMOS and FEAMES, STEREOSOOPES& VIEWS, Albums, Gbapiiosooi'ES, and Suitable Views, Photographic Materials. Ve are Headquarter for everything in the ] waj of TKKKOI-THOYS & fflltilC I.VIKI!S, Being mauufactmers of the IICRO-SCIKXTIFIC LANTEKN, STEREO PANO PTICON, UNIVER81TY STEREO PTICON, AUVBHTISKll'S STEREOP'ílCON ARTOPPICON, ' 1 CHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'S LANTERN. " ' iach atyle being the best of its closs in the market. ? Catalogues of Lanterns and Slidee with ' tious for usiug sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a agicLanterD. 1571 j, 3Cut out tbia advortisoment for referenee..fg RAILROADS. M IC1 H (ÏaVcENTRAL BAILROAdT MAY 28, 1816. OOIKO WEST. A.M. A, M P.M.'P. M. P. H. p. V. Detroit, leave, 7 UU In U6 g 50 4 00; 6 UOi J( ü. T. Jiiuction, 1 15 1U 20 3 05 4 16 6 15 10 05 WnyUB Juncliun 7 57 10 49 3 32 4 50 (47 10 48 Vpailanti, 8 31 11 lu :: 51 5 ;s 7 12 11 ; Ann Arbor, 8 56 11 26 4 IS 45 1 4tll 30 Dexter, !r 80 4 S5 6 00' 8 lu _. , Chelsea, I 9 43!_ 4 47 B 23! 8 ïi , Ornas I.ake, 10 07 5 15 6 49 8 561 P-M a.ji. .taokBon. Ar., 10 40 12 .12 5 46 7 15' 9 25 12 42 Juckson Lv., ld 45 a 37 1 i) 30 ij Alljion, 11 36 1 14 a 10 26 1 ]] v. M. - p Marshall. 11! 26 1 54 5 3 10 58 1 4; BatüeCreek, 1 00 2 17 " 11 37 2 10 a. m. Ulebiir(f. 1 31 a. m. H 10 Kiilumazoo, 1 52 3 13 400-1230 2 M I,awton. 2 35 4 41 1 05 Decntur, i 2 52 S 00, 12 . Uovogiao, S 16 5 26 1 45 Nüe, 3 45 4 23 6 10 2 30 4 jj Huchanun, 3 59 8 26 2 45 . Three Uaka 4 4 55 7 04; 3 23 5 10 Ntw Buffulo, 4 43 6 08 7 21 3 40 . MloMgaaOlty, 5 10 5 35 7 50 4 05 5 50 L"ke, 5 48 0 14l 8 35 4 i e M Krii.sintuii, 6 45 7 15 9 35 5 42 J u Chicago, urrive, 7 30 8 00 10 SP 6 s ut OOINO KABT. .ál II J i II] i I i 1 & L C S ; JLiL? ííl A. II. A. H. P. II. P. M. p. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 00 Keomngton, 5 45: 9 45 4 45 i 5 57 9 43 Lake, 6 4u 10 20 6 30 6 43 10 25 Michigan City, 7 32(11 00; 6 80 7 40 11 15 New Buffalo, 7 65 U 20 6 55 11 35 Three Oake, 8 09 11 32 7 0918 11 11 47 P. M. a. u. Buchanan, 8 42 7 50 12 20 Niles, 9 )■ 12 09 8 2C 8 55 12 35 Duwaiac, 9 27 8 49 1 01 Decatur, 9 52 9 15 1 26 I.awton, 10 10: ! 9 5 Kalamazoo, 10 45 1 38 10 10 10 26 2 15 Oalwlnug, 11 12 ; t3S üattle Creek, '11 52 2 17' . 11 09 3 16 P. M.i 1-8 H Marshall, lü 4.'. 2 5-S 9 S 11 86 3 47 Albion, 1 14 8 10 1155 4 07 ! U.K. 1. ■, .lackson, Ar., 2 ('8 3 65 a. m. 1'2 40' 4 5Ï JJ Jackson, I.V., 2 14 4 Ü0: 7 00 12 40 4 5 Oras Lake, 2 45 7 30 1 6 2S' i H Ohelaes, M - - - 7 56 6 50 lü ]j Ann Arbor, I 3 52: 5 15 8 36 2 00 6 i 10 Vjisiliuiii. 4 11 5 28 8 :").' 2 20 6 48 11 Wayne Jlinc, i 4 46 5 46 1 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 O. T. June, 5 SO 6 10 10 0" 3 15 7 1.Ï Detroit, Ar., I 5 46 6 -26. 10 15 3 30 8 00Í12 Sundaj-8 excepted. Saturday and Hunda; e: cepted. I Daily. H.B. LEÜYARD, Gen'lSupt., Detroit. H. C. Wkxtwouth, Oen. Pass. Agí., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & IND ANA HA1LROAD. GOINO WK8T. - 1876 - OOINO EA8T. STATIONS. Mili:. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Ma A. M. P. M. „ Detroit, dep. ..7:00 6:00 A' ■ F' Ypsüanti.... fs:35 7:15 I Bunkers 6:00 SSaline 9:20 7:46 I Hilludale ... 6:30 2: Hridifewater.. 9:45 7:67 Manchester.. 9:15 J: Manchester. 10: 1 8 8:00 [ Bridgewater 9:45 4: p. M. i Saline 10:10 4; Hillsdale 1:15 10:00 Ypeilanti.... ÜO:65 S: Bankers l:S0 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6: Traína run by Chicago time. To take effect , April IB, 1876. W. Ï. PARKER, Sup't, Ypmlanti. Cioiial Exlii PHILADELPAIA, PA. TUIS Great International Exhibition, designe tu commuiuorate tbe One Hundredlh Annivri sury of American Indepeudouce, optnud May lw aüd will elose Novurnticr Klth, ia7(i. AH the "i tlom of the World aud all the Statts and Tenn rics of the Uniuu will participate, ui-inging toettt ftf tlie moét eoniprehensive collectiun of art tren ures, mechanica! inventions, scientific discoveric luanufacturing achievenuriitíi, mineral speciniíin and agricultural producís ever exhibitt-d. Tl gruunds devotod to the Exhibition are situaUd 01 the line of the Pennsvlvania Railroad, aud ea brace four humlred and fifty acres of Fairmoun Park, all highly ituproved and ornamented, fl whïch are erected the largcst buildings ever OM structed, - five of these coveriug an areaof flft; acn.'s, and costingS5,000,üOO. The total numbero buildings erected for the purpuaea of the Exhibi tion is over one liundred. The Pdnnsylvania Eailroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL EOUTE OF THE ü. S, will be tbr must direct, convenieut and econoiuii-i way of reaching Philadelphia, aud thte great Ei hibitiou froui alt seoüoiu of the country. Iti tiains to and t'rom Philadol}jhia wlUjMsa ttiruiuli a GRAND CENTIONNIAL DEPOT, which th (Joiijpuny have erected at the Main En t ranee to tlu Exhibitiou Grounds, for the accommodatiou o( pdasengon who wish to stop at or start froiu tht nunterous iargo hoteU contiguous to this statiuo and the Exhibitiou, - a convunience of the greatesl value to visitors, and aiforded exclusiv-lj' q tbe !'■ ■nti-yl,;mia liailroad, which is THE ÖNLÏ LINE RUNNING DIRECT TO THE CENTENMAL IH'ILDINGS. Excursión trains wUlalaOlUf itt the Encunpmextt of the Patrous of Husbaudry, at Ehn Station, on thisroad. -The Penpsylvania Railroad is the grandes! railway orgauization in the world. It control! seven thousand miles of roadway, fornjingcontinuouslinesto Phihidelphia, New York, BalttmQA and Washington, over which luxurious day aiiil night cars are run from Chicago, St. Louis, Loubville, Cinciuuati, ludianapolis, Columbus, Töledöi Cleveland, and Ei ie, without change..Ey lts malo line is luid with doublé aud Lhirdtract' Of lii-;ivv steel rails, unon a maan hoá of brokeu ui iiruvy sit'fi i;ui. upoil a (lCCp DOU 01 ifrOKt tjiic ballast, and its bridgen are all of iroo ■ stone. lts passenger trains are equipprd wilh o ry known iiuproveinent for comfort aud safety, ai are run at faster speed for greater distances thi the trailla of any line ou the continent. The Con pany bas largely increased its cquipment for C tenaial travel, and it will be prepared to buÜtl, i itü own shops, locomotives aud passenger cars i short notico, suüicicnt to acconimudatt uny f'-' demand. The unequated resources at the couiman of the Coinpany guarantee the most perfect accofl modations for all its patrous duriug the Centeani al Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICEXT SCKXERY for which tii Peüiisylvania Kuilruad issojustly celebrated, pn sents to the traveler over its perfect Roadway a L-vtT-chaiiKiiig panorama of river, muuutain, a laudscape views unequaled in America. THE EATING-STATIONS on tlüs line are nï surpassed. Meáis will be furuished at suïubl huurs aud ampio time allowed for enjoying theni. EXCUKSIÜN TICKJETÖ, at reduced rates, wE be sold at all principal Kailroad Ticket Otficcs i the West, Northwest and Southwest. flS'-lio sure thut your tickets read via the Grrt Penusylvania Route lo the Ceutennial. FRANK T110MSON, D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Manager. Gtn'i Pass'r A National Öentennial RouteTAKE THE Baltiiore&OlioRl THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THECENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! By thia line passongeie are lunded at the Cen tennial Qroundi, or at Broad a nd Pine Streets, in vicinity of theleudinsr hotels in Philnddphi, they nitty prefer. Uolderu of Through Tickets CAN STOP OFF AT TUE National Capital! And visit the Government Buildings acd b mnny objeota of intereat in and about washiogW11 City. Truvelers desiring A SPEED Y, PLEASANT & COMFOETABLE TEIP Should remember that the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad ' Is celebrated fir ita elegnnt Coaches, Splondid Htela, Grtind and Beautiful Mouutain Hud VftlleT Sccnery, and the iminy poiuts of Historie intr' iilinin ita lino. ir=Fre will nlwaya beanLofff ■"■-' by uuy otber Line, PULLMAN PALACE CARS kun thuodüh WITHOUT CHANGE Between the principal GESTEEN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Through Tickets, Baggage Cheoks, MoW lent of traina, BUeping Car AccommodatioDfl, &- :c, apply ut Ticket Oftiee at all principal puiat ÏORTH, SOUTH, E AST OR WEST. :. R. DORSET, L. M. COLE, „ An't Gen'l Ticket Ag't. Gen'l Ticket AS1 HOS. P. BARRY, THOS. R. SHARPWest'n l'agsenger Aeent. Maater of rBP


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