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Republican Indorsement Of Tilden

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two yeans ago jcaauig iiepuuiican ana ínaopeüdeut journals spoko of Samuel J. Tilden, tben a candidato for Governor, as follovyn. whioh w il 1 moro than offset tlio preaont abusive criticiHïUö of Homo of the same journals now : Au adniirablo man for public oilice. - JVfeto York JZvening Post (Tï'}.) Peraanally ho ia honest enough.- Seto York C&mr mercial Adverttser (2èp.) Mr. Tilden lias ínfrly carnet! tbc favor of nis puriy. - Syracuae Journal (''. ) Haiuuel J. Tikleu we beliovc to bo a tttorÖQghly hoiu-st man, - W w York Journal of (Jon (hut.) In Doblïo and private lifo, as a Democrat and as i eittaen, hl record ohaUcog surutiny.- Sao York Ma, (Ind) Wc luwe nóihing to aay agaiimt Tiltion as a man, an excroplary citizcu and a Doiiuu-rat. - fcttlfppri Journal {Hrj.) Ffo on'e vj 1 1 di ny liïrf finiuent respcetability, or i-vi n veaftEM tiM-;i"st anydoubts ipon hn Integrïty. - Brooklyn (Jnwn (''.} yr. Tiuli'n is ;í gentleman 'öf and rctinrHK-Mt . Ilis has bceu a busy lifo, uscfiü, if not great. - l'tica Ucrald {Rep.) We havo respeot for Mr. Tilden. We utter uolhing in disparagement of his charactcr or his worth. - Albany Journal (iCr).) His bon&fity mul Iníegríty lift him aböVè tho foul atmosphfiro in wliich thcy plau their farious purpoees. - Brooklyn Argus (ind.) Mr. Tilden'e pnratnial character is o far above reproach tliat it wül wflcct houor upon his associatee - Xew York Tribune (Ind.) We respect Mr. Tilden personally, and are glad to havo an honorablo opponent iu the coming oampaign.--.Mjaio lixren (iep.) a man of uuquostionablo iütegrity and Krcat ability, against wUom nothing can be said on the sroiv of qualifleation and experience.- Xcw York Expres (Ind.) Mr. Tilden is a bighly reepectablo candidato, and no man in tlic Stulo wbo wiwdS to see the return of the Demoorats to power nccd bo ashamcd to vote for hiu.- Xcw York IHmen (liep.) We congratúlate our Dumocratic friende on Veing Uil by so rosiectaWo a standard bearcr as Samuel J Tüden. It ia a good nigii of tho times wiien even the Democracy can nomínate such a man. - Potighkeejm'e Kayle (ind.) Ho is a man oï ability and Integrity, and his selectiou by the Deniocracy as their standard -bearcr iö an evidence that character and capacity are stiH thought to be worth soniothing as qualificationa for office.- iWÜc York GfrdpMc (Ind.) He has always had the reputation of high persoual character, and his opj)osition to the Tweed gang of thievca has even placed him in some degree anaong political rofornnrs. Mr. Tilden íb a man of great wcalth, aud ík genfirally recognizcd, wc abould ay, aH a thoroughly safe, conaeruative pereon,- Ttoy Whij (liep.) We speak f rom no paitisan interest or fee! ing when we flay that tho Democratie Stato Convoution of New York did well to nomínate so eminent, ablc, and reputable ■ citiz-n as Stamel J. Tilden as its candidato for Governor, and equally well in.adoptiug as ouo of it principies "afroo no gag law." Mr. Tilden is the worthy bearer of a standard with tlii-í patriotic mtl gtorious inBcription. - Xew Tork Ia-1, r(I,ni.) Èté will loso son DemocraL n-otcB, but thcy Wil] not couut for anybody elí.,. Thoy tí11 be witlihi'kt eulin-ly. On the othcr hnd he will draw out moro votes f rom citizoiia who aro goncrally in. 1 . V., ... t. l tli.iit 'Mt mr il 1 nll tïï'iïi om ffliuï -.i'iti UIIll r 111 lUnHU ui,iii tti, nu niiLii auj UCllCl UliAll who in the Demócrata can nomínate. Tlie Bvenbl0 'ij.vbeiievcs tUat, altbou(,'li Mr. Tilden may ba a weak candidato with the reniñante of the Tweed ring, he is the very strongeat whora tho Demoerats can put before the people for the office of Govornor. - Seto York EvcninyPvst (JtepL) Tüdeu is au untieniably ablo man.- PitUburgh Dtepatch (-}i.) Mr. Tilden is nu honest reformer, and was very Hu-icnt in the war on the Tweed ring. - Louisville C'umttcrcial (AVyj.) TUü Democratie Convention lias selected a trong man as its candidato for Govemor iu Samuel J. Tilden. - Detroit Tribune {}'.) Mr. Samuel J. Tüdeu, who was nomíuated ly (he Domocrats of New Vork aö thcir caudidato for Governor. is ouo of the ablest aud tuost roapcctable men o thé }i:irty- Ii-.-t.n (;Mc (lip.) In nonJíiiating Samuel J. Tiuien for Governor, the New Vork Peniocracy havo put their best foot foremost. aiul ü1 any lu.m is to lK-atGcn. Dix we wOtlld rather it would bo Tilden than any othcr.- Cleveland Ilcrald (!U-}.) ftTr. Tilden wan the f oremos t of tho Domocratö who joined in the successful movemeut that ovtrthrew the Tammany ring, and his honorablo condiui in promoting that vital reform will probably coBt him votes ia iiy of New Vurk. - jitchjield (Conn.) Bnqüirtf (li'].) Mr. Tildeu hits made him-elf qmto ixpular in the rural dintricts by the active part iie took iu t-xpusIng the Taniiuauy irauds and aeeunng tho proeeeutiou and pnuiahment of Tweed. He wa also energetio ;unl earneal In the ptoseoon of the corrupt Judgea. - Hartftinf Courant (R&p) Mr, Tttdeo is, without doubt, the moat conspíou ous and capablo of tho workera in oppwing tho ring frav.ds, and Blanda well; whilo Qen. Dix has injwea UlmBeU not a llttltí by treating lightly the (al iuconipo.tency and abuses of JUvonicycr - StLouü QUfo (ƒ.) fh In presenting tho name of Samuel J. Tilden, inc opposition havo udonbtccüy nnmluated the very ijert rndn they eoiüd havo nomintitcd. Ue Is a gen1 „,,- a mmiol aijility- dovoled to the intercatn of his party; a finn believcr iu its principies nrt traditlons.- Washington SaUoiud iteixMicunUlep.) .■Mr Tilden, thu caudiilate for öovornor, is well ItnOsa nd. we udga, wèll known íor n polltlolan. So O.r ad fiff! public record ia nonct-rned we tuint it an honorable olie. He Bhowed hiiuscif nu iuaepcmleut man in f erroting otttthe Tweed ccrni!tp; -.lurÜKrn ChrUttanAdv ■ SÍÍ. 'l'ildrn Lb one of the moi-t able sud uprigiu o! bis partv tooHMfo many years oceoplM lefcdms poxiilon In it M'ifhont axpiratiou to pwUtical bouorp. Au accomplished lawyor and a man of irofound inteUIgence, as well aa of mgli morel nliaraotor. Mr. Tilden would flll tho Ki'tntoTial i;lir with honor and dignity. ' r"''y e]ucl to Oen. Dix in brain f orce, and greatiy mperir iu inaiiy of tho (jualifications which are requviie to a)ie up a tfroat statssman.- DotsUm Trawucr il!:',,


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