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A "war Governor" Speaks

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As an important contnoution to Vie poJiucai liteíaturo of tueday, we publüsli the followiug vigorouH letter froin thö Hon. Auetin BJair, Michigaii's popular "war Governor." lt wül be read with interest by everybody, wliataver ruñy bo thougbt of itn concliiHions : Jackson, Mieh., July II. Mr. K. Cowlcs, Editor Sainaw Courier: MyDkaiiSir: Your kind noto requcstiuíí my views of the political aituatiou ia at hand, añd I should have answered you somowhat earlicr, bwt that m y time was prcoecupied with utiior aü'air. Cousidfring tbe queetion from ruy standpoint cf iudependence, I have liad no dilllculty in irrivinj,' üt thü couclusiou that the reíomierá must support Gov. Tilden for {ha Prosidoucy, unless they intñiid to abandon tfaoir liopes in that direction. HoiHtheonly distiut:tivü reform candidato in the ilold. and he mcets f ully the requireuieuts of tan (K'caBin. Samuel J. Tilden is not only a leader, but lio ia a bold and agíreB8Íve oue. He iu;i;cs ao compronñscs with corruptton, and iicvít Beeks to avoid thc cnuiity of ring?. As a practical reforuier he baj led the way to tho restoratiuii of honest and eoonomical govermirnt in tho nnly wny poaslbléf, by a vijíoruuH asöault pon the powerfulcouibinatioas of political spcculators wlio have iiosst-Hsed Utemnulvos of tho reina of govorinm nt. And in thiK he has madti no úiítinction bdtweon partiflaiiF, but has struck at thoeo of h!s own } it y with thf sanie zea! and energy as at tuoso of íhe jiarty Qppfld tü him. He fiuibodiea vrithin himsclf both thc principies tasa flie pnutiivs of KcnuiiH1 véfovm. ]!lievirg that this is at prt-scut tlic Kreat need í' Uw coiuitry, I do not kreitate a moment iu my choicc bel him ainl fché Kcpublican candidato. I take very slight account of tho platforms. Kxperience has tangkt U9 that whllo eQzñetimes tbey makc a conpiderahle figure i n the campaign, they arerarely oonaultedaítarward excoptto uiark itteir cntiio worthlessnefts. ?íevor was thero a platform that proniwed more of reform than that of the Grant purty in 187'. but thc people do not nced to be told how oo'mplètely every one of those proinises !mvc ïhe sanie party tas latcly gWen ub auother at Cinoinnati, and it doses by iudorsing Grant atiï all tbc violationsof the fair promisesof four years apo. Who will even pretend to believe thciu now 2 The ticket headed by Gov. Uaye, of Ohio. us no proinise of reform whatever. The convei ton réfused to accept the only reformer before it, and nominatort Hayea as tho only pcrson with qualtties Hufficiently ncgative to maku liiui acceptabio to all tbe ring-masters of the party. He has none of the qnalltlee of a leader, aucl ttiere is not tho least reaibou to aupposo that ho woultl be able to coiubat succesefully tne powerful cmnbinations oí politicians And pitmderén who now have the control oí th? party. Híh election would be aimply to continue the present nAnagemynt for another four yeara. Besides thi roform required at thi tune is thé abolition of abuses that have mtreuchedüionist-lvcs in lúe adhiínlfitrátion of tho party in power. We cannot oven properly investiitate thoae abuses or tpTftoe theui to their Bourcee while thiy party romains in control. To elect Gov. Hayes is to prevent a thorough ovorhauling of wlmt bas been doiug for tlie last eiht years nnder Grant, and thnn cnabíe the grreat crimináis to escapo the justicf tin y doaervo. Can tliose who, seeing these abuses four years ago, brokeaway from their party connetïtions and supportcd Horace Greeley, nw sui)port Uaycs with auy show ol i';ison? Have they seen any thibg In the cöndnct of tho Grant party eince that t.nie to lead them to wish to return to it? Oov. HaycshaBno reform record. Grant, if yon pleasfi, that he is an bonost-upright gentleman, as I jiresume he is, thougb in that respect Uc bas nu advantage over Gov. Tilden, whatground lsthereeven for hope that he would be able to lead ais party ont of the sloueh of corruption in which it is walloViuy, I can seo none wh&tever. So far as roy knowledge goes the Liberal Republicaus of 1872, with few exceptiona, will support Oöw Tildón, ae I iutend earnestly to do mysetf. Your obedifiit nervnnt, Atjhiin Blaiti,


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