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Republican State Convention

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The following candidatos for State officers were noininated by the Repubioan State Convention which met at liansing on Thnrsday of last week : For Goveruor- Charles M. Croswell, ol jenaweo. For Lieutonant Governor- Alonzo Sesaions, of Ionia. For Secretary of State - Ebenezor (i. D. lolden, of Keilt. For Treasurer- William B. McUreery, oL jronessee. For Auditor-General- Ralph Kly, of Gratiot. For Cominiasioner of Stato Land Office - 3enjamiu F. Partriilgo, of Bay. FÓr Attorney-Geueral- Otto Kirehner, of Wayne. For Superintendent of Public Instruction - ïorace S. Tarbell, of Saginaw For Membor oï State Board of Education - Witter J. Baxter, of Hillsdule. The norniuation of Mr. Croswell was made by acclaniation, tho Howard movement having diod " a borning." Mr. Croswell is a New Yorker by birth, isnearlySl years old, is a lawyer by profesBion, a gentleman of culturo and scholarly tastes, a resident of Adrián, and is not unknown to the public as an office-holdor. Against bis personal or official character nothing can be said, oxcept that ho lacks positiveness of character, and will bo likoly to follow his party right or wrong, rather than lead in any paths of reform. Mr. SoBsions was nominatod for Lieutenant Governor on tho first ballot, his principal corapetitor beiug Hon. W. E. Bates, of Saginaw. He has had legislativo experience. His nouiination was " a sop" thrown to the agricultural interests. Holden, for Secrotary of State, McCreery, for Treasurer, and Ely, for Auditor-Genoral, are the present incuinbents, givea a second term under the two term rule. They were all unanimously nominated. Clapp wanted a third term as Commis8Íoner of the tand Office, and his friends put in a plea of good service, back-bone, firmness in protecting the State against land pirates, and " true civil service reform," but ovor he went for Gen. Partridge, of Bay, - whose cards wero " a soldier and a granger." Smith was refused a second term for Attorney-Genural : bocause he was no great shakes of a lawyer and couldn't talk Germán. The candidato for Superintendent of Public Instruction is Prof. H. S. Tarbell, of Saginaw, reputed a competent school superintendent and practical struetor. Ho was brought out by the State Teachers' Association. His com petitor was tho Rev. J. H. McCarthy, o Jackson, over whose Jefoat we Bhal shed no toars. Mr. Baxter, candidato for Momber o the State Board of Education, has al ready served three or four ternis in tha office. The convention also norainated the following candidatos for Presidentia Electors : At large- Henry W. Lord, of Oakland, ani William A. Howard, of Kent. Districts- 1, William Doeltz ; 2, Charle? H Kempf ; 3, Preston Mitchell ; 4, Dolos Phil Itp3 ; 5, Jacob Den Herüor ; 6, Charles Kipp 7, Jeremiah Jcnks ; 8, Benton Hanchett ; 9 William Dunham. The Republican Couvention for thi Congrecsional district was held at Adri an on Tuesday last, and resulted in the nomination of Hon. Edwin Willits, o Monroe. The nomination was made on tho sixth ballot, the vote being : fo Willits, 29 ; Boies 12; Childs, 14; Cooley 1 ; 1. Tho highost vote Child receiyed was on the eecond ballot, 18 and Boies made his best tally on the first ballot, 19. Judge Cooloy neither gained nor lost from first to last. The Childs men took his dofeat in high dudgoon, refused (some of them) to mako tho noinination unanimous, anc left with " blood in their eyes." Mr Willits formerly resided at Delhi in this connty, graduated at the University in 1800, and has nearly ever since been a praetising lawyer, at Monroe He is a man of fair ability, and i elected will uiako just about an aver age Congressnian. The saine day Julius Csosar Burrows didn't got notninated at Niles Judge Keightley, ofjSt. Joseph, of whom nobody thought of, one of Gov. Bagly's manufactured judges, was notninated on the second ballot, the vote being: Burro ws, 22; Keightley, 27. John D. White, a young mau who graduated from the Law Department o: tho University of Michigan a few years ago (in 1872J, now ropresents the Ninth district of Kentucky in Congress, - being the only Rapublicaan member from that State. This young man, probably the youngest member of tho House, seems to have the Prosidential ear (he voted against tho anti-thirdterm rosolution), and the control of appointments and patronago in all Kentucky. And 80 District-Attorney Wharton, a special friond of ex-Secretary Bristow has been removed, because, report says, he refused to recommend tho wholesale and indiscriminato pardon of certaiu political friends of White, convicted of frauds upon tho revenue, illicit distilling and othor like potty (White thought) and popular crimes. Tho heads of other government officials have been gathered into White's garbage basket, for equally good reasons. The letteks oi acceptance of Tilden and Hendrieks will bo found on the last pago of this paper. Both are admirable documents, and that of Mr Tilden is one of tho ablest papers of its kind evor produced by any presidential candidato in this country, lt is a completo domonstration of the necesity of a change of administration, in the interest of reform, in tho interest of a sound curroncy, in th; interest of reduced taxation. To attempt to explain anything in it, or to niake any of its points plainer, would be a pieco of presumption of which we shall not bo guilty. Read it. The Democratie Congressional Convontion for this distriot, the Secoud, has been callea to be held at the Court House in the uity of Adrián, on Thursday, August ül, at 11 o'clock A. M. Delegates from this county should make a noto a note of date and place. And now what do our Republican frionds think about Alabama being a doubtful State ? Peace all along the linos, no colored voters interfered with, and over40,0UÜ Democratio majority. Zeloïes Truesdel, of this city, was nominated for Superintendent of Pubic Instruction on Wednesday, roceiving a large raajority on the first cali of the oü. Mr. Truesdel graduated ai the Jniversity in 1857, since which which ae has alinost continually been engoged n teaching in the higher schools of this State and Illinois. He was also the first jrincipal and real organizer of the State ubliciSchool at Coldwater. He is eininently qualified to discharge the duties of that important office. We congratuate Mr. .X. and the Democracy on his noraination, and shall be glad to congratúlate the átate on his eloction. The Detroit Tribune follows thu lead of Senator Morton and mukes a point against Mr. Tilden -because he does not devoto a paragraph of his letter of acceptance to a deuunciutioii of the Hamburg murderera. We have just looked through the letter of Mr. Huyes, written after the Hamburg outrage, and fail to sco that he said anytliing about Hamburg, Coushatta, Colfax, or any other " outrage." Why does the TriImne ask more of Tildeu than it requires of Hayes 'i Dou't make llesh of ono and fish of the other. Died at Niles on Tuesday last (politically) Julius Csosar Burrows, the " Coluinbian orator " of the " big village." One Judge Keightley, of St. Josoph county, is to adniinister upon his effects, - if any aro left. " Imperial Cscsar dead and turned to clay, Miglit atop a hole to keep the wind away." Don M. Dickinson, Esq., chairman of the Democratie State Central Committee, gave a reception to the delegates in attendance upon the State Couvention on Wednesday evening, including a large number of invited guests. The spread was a generous one.


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