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"Washington, August 8, 1876. The cotumittee of conference on th Legislativa, Executivo and Judicial Ap propriation bill reached an agreemeu this evening which, doubtless, insure the final passage of the bill by bot Housea next Thursday. The two point of controversy of a serious characte during the past few days have been a to tho House reductions of the salarie of Senators and Representativos t $1,500 per rnmum irom the bsgin ning of the fisoal year, and of the Pres dent to $25,000 a year after the 4th o March next. All othor matters iu con troversy were substantially airange( several days ago. The ruajority of th House conferees refused to yield th two points above mentioned. All thre of the Senate conferees wanted the House rnember of conference to reeed aud sign a report of complete agree ment without bringing the House anc Sonate respectively to a vote on thes two points of difference. Representa tives Randall and Morrison absolutel refused to do so, and finally this even ing the Senate conferees agroed to sub mit them tor tho actiorr of the Senat and House to-inorrow, and then to b bound by whatever their respectiv branches of Congress conclude. Ther ia no doubt that the Senate will insis that their conforees shall stand firra but it is likely that the House will au thorize its conferees to recede, whic' they were not willing to do on thei own responsibilty. In this respec Randall and Morrison gain their poin which is to secure a in each Hous on these two subjects, and make the Senate responsible fot tho failure of th proposed reductious. The other principal matters ofcontro vorsy have befin settled, as follows The force of clerks in the executive de partment have been reduced by the dis charge of 755 employés, one-third on the tenth of September, one third Oc tober lOth, and the other third on No vember lOth próximo. The salaries o those retained who receive not tnor than $1,800 per annum will be left un changed. The Seuate conferees con sent to a reduction of about 10 pe cent, required by the House to bo mad in the salaries ofnearly all civil officer who receive more than $1,800 per year In view of the reduction of the regula clerical forcé, the Senate conforees as: the insertion of an item of $100,00 for temporary clerks in tho executiv departments, and the committee finally agreed that $G0,000 should bo appropri ated for this purpose. The amount in volved in the proposition reducing th pay of $1,400, $1,600 and $1,800 clerk was $122,000 per annum. The tota amount of reduction proposed by the House in this bill, as cotnpared with last year's appropriations, was $5,700, 000. The Senate conferees recede oi thp item of disagreement amountiug to $3,000,000, and the House manager yield an aggregate of $2,100,000. Thir ty-six million dollars is therefore the amount of reduction providud by the bill as it will be reported to-morrow. It is believed an agreemont concerning tho Indian Appropriation bill will now be arrived at very promptly. The House will probably rucede from its proposition for a transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Department, aud add the $G78,0l)0 which was omitted in consequence of the proposod change. Washington, Aug. 9. In the House to-day Mr. Randall, (Dein., Pa.,) from the conference oonimittee on the Executive, Legislativo and Judicial Appropriatiou bill, reportod that the committee had como to no conclusión and explained their differences. Ho expressed I1Í8 conviction that the detormination of the Senate was fixed and unalterable. The rosponsibility was on the Senate, and the Sonate was willing to assumn it. Mr. Morrison (Dom., III.,) of the conference committeo, said the House conrreres had pressed their views to the very extremity of right and duty. He cnew of no way to compel the Senate to concur in the opinión of tho House. 3ne rosult of tho agreement would be ;he discharge 705 employés and an aunual saving of $1,500,000 below the amount insisted on by the Senate. That at lenst was something.


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