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J V. Hiunilton lett for the Ceiitennia esleí1}'„pr. Maciean has return ed trom lus "pleas :ug " at Kingstou, Out. ",Tbe Bev. Mr. Ho'nies will preach in the , Jregatíonal Church next Suuday. Prof. TenBrooke supplied the Congregado! pulpit last Sunday foreuoou. No servias ,u the evening. _!,. C. Kisdon aud younger daujhter carne loU8 oa Tuesday trom the Centennial,- jaiseJ l'k a" other visitara. Jter. Mr. George preaohed in the M. E. 'burch last Suuday,- inomiug aud evemag, - .he 'pastor beiug absent at tho East. Associate-Justice Maratón, of the Supreme sort, w'"1 nls 'am'y. have been spending a [eI days ia this city, the guesta of Judge Cooley_VFe met Prof. B. C. Burt, of Terre Haute, n the campus yesterday, with bis bride (J 4üss Lelia A. ïabor,- both being Univer„„Biiuates of the clasa of '75. j. W. Shively, of New York, waa in town ítl[ouJay, and said he should vote for Tilden jj b( never voted again. Has alwaya been a jícpablioau but wauts a " change." Jibe niain walk running through the UniTersity campus, from the uorthwest corner to je southeaat coruer, ia beiug covered with pal tar anl gravel, - concrete they cali it. _Xhe Dundee Enterprise suspended publi,xn mth the last issue, Aug. 5, and the late njbliaher, V. W. Cook, will remove the eatablUbment to some place not yet annouuced. _Fraiik H. Kelly, Esq., of Cleveland, has nspendmga few daya in our city. In a juvereition with him on Tueaday he expressed jett coufidence that Tilden would carry Ohio. _}. M. Wheeler, wife, and daughter arrived iome yesterday, lookiug well aud hearty after gt year of travel in Europe, though a little fiugued froin doiug Washington and the Cenennial. _0n Sunday evening, during the absence of thefamily, the house oï Wm. Presley, of Webster ffas consumed by fire together with ruriirare, etc. Small insuiauce on f urniture, no iüjursnce on building. -The publisher of the Abgus is under obligations to the Dexter Leader tor a nomination orjudge of Probate, but thanking our cotóinporary for the iutended kindness he begs leave to decline the proffered honor. -The report of the City Marshal, for July, ton the r.umber of arrests made by the poloe during the mouth to be 21, of which 15 ra for violating the slaughter-house ordijuce, 5 for druukenness, and 1 for laroeny. -Prof. Frieze and daughter reached home Ksterday. Prof. F. reports meeting a large Emberof Anu Arbor poople m Philadelphia. He was more than pleased with what he saw d the Eiposition, and says the magnitude of lisplay in all departments is wonderful. -A promineut Republican city official has read Tilden's letter of acceptance and projimces it " the moat foolish thing ever writta by a candidate." We really hope that no ie will telegraph his opinión to Tilden. It light cause him to withdraw or commit --The Manchester people proposo to indulge áto excursión to Put-in-Bay next week : on Wedueaday, via L. S. & M. S. B B. to Mtdo and the steamer Uhief-Justice Waite, al the other on Thursday via D. H. & S. W. LI. and M. C. B. B. and the favonte steamer .vest. JtoSaturday évening last a fine hiokory jalaitat 115'in length, was raised on the uitat corner of Main and Liberty sheets - Binder1) corner- from whieh floats a Tilden índHendncks banner. A f ter the pole was iwaüsfully raised Messrs. Crainer and Frazer ekiered stimng aud telling speeches to the ámense crowd assembled in the streets. Toe ütyiind was also present and played several siriotic airs. -Omng in part to the inability to procure nek a speaker as the Executive Board desired, ladina part to an iudisposition to conflict nth the Eepublicans and draw away the limWsuilieuce Hou. Edwin Willits, their nomiwforCongress, is likely to be greeted with toevening, the meeting of the C. B. C. will be (aei: with notice to our Bepublican friends t to collide with the regularly uppointed 3nfcmeetiug8 again. -Gottfried Klinger, a baker living and do! business in Chelsea, was ia this city on maaj oí last wees, and missing the mail Wigotaboard the day express which makes i tontiuuous run frora this city to Jackson lithe train passel the Cholsea station, nearly ÍM peed, Klinger stood upon tlio platform aijumped, but was thrown violently to the IM, lus head striking a railroad tie and Sighiminstantly. Klinger formerly lived ta city and was in the employ of Messrs'f & Seabolt. -Compauy A. returned from the regimental ■mpmont on Saturday eveniug last, well Nd ifith their week of camp life. Large sswds of citizens were out upoo the sfteets "pplauded and cheered the company du"i feit marchto the armory. After arrivttlarmory Capt. Bevenaugh addressed "■mand, thankiug them for their close at'abn to duty aud soldierly deportment ; as"i them of the favorable opinión and men""f the commaudiug officers of the regiUUiningthe honor of their positian- ta company of the First regiment; urged diento proüt by the instructions received ""'gotowork with a determinaron to be "i bí no company. The remarks of the afiii were received witli ringiug cheers. Ct" P0OE.-The amount of relief f uruished i!t"ypoorinthes6Teral wards, during the of Juiy) a aa fonows . First war(Ji "(! Second, $24.44 ; Third, $5.90 ; Fourth, !'th, $4.58; Sixth, $12.59-total, iu■gPhysician's salary, $113.89. "" last session of the Board of Supervi'e city and township of the couuty was &"& to furnish its own teuiporary relief to W From that time until Feb. lst last, - fcee supervisors of this city had charge ;; forimhing of relief, and the Common 2 allowing the bilis. The Couuoil ij""lg that 'he poor could be maintained at "Pense than was at that time incurred to transfer the disbursemeut of the ad from tho Supervisors and place the charge of the City Marshal, allowing per mouth for performmg such work. a""tthe port of the Marshal for the past """'h, ending Aug. 1, we find that the ( 'lPeoses of poor for that period incluper month for disburscment was -sl-beingan average of 167.65. Por ''endmg Sept. 30, 1875, thero was exed 'o this city, including disbursemeut, 'm of 5,23ó.51-an average of $436.27 'nT"' A differ8nce " tavor of the last ths of $268.62 per month. The sums , 6 ' "le Marshal m each ward was : &, 1141.09; Second, $204.95; Third, jA Fourth, $248.91 ; Fifth, $85.03 ; Sixth, ■ Of thia amount $291.00 was for wood. ; uml)er of families furnished relief was tammg 2D8 persons. The families are ', 'ollowiug nationalities : American, 17 ; 16; Irish, 16 ; African, 15; English, nadjan, 1. ;,!fntch the nnes of the Demooratio 'we trom 8 to N, aud you will not nai Vï B iu