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Tuesdat, Aug. 1.- Sennfe- Tbo laid befcre the Senate a méssagd frora tüc Prceldoni in answer to the rcsolntlon of Jiiïy 20, trananiittlng copies of tho correspondence bctwucn hluiaclf and Gov. Chamberlam, and other rcports in regard to the recent trowblo at. Hamburg, H C The President, in concludiB lúa ménage, ailudes to the dlatarbanoe in tho South, and says th:it lie awatta the fortheoiniug report of the Oomiuittee which recently iuYostlxated tlic Miasiarippi ail'air, fceling confldent that it will suntain ail tbat he has aaid abcut fraud and violencc fa that State. Orderod printed, and laid on tlio taDlo. AIbo, a letter froni thé Sccretary of War,' in answer to the rcsolution of July 2-4. tranamitünff a report in regard to the ïiuinber of emplovea In that departwent, from JS50 to 1873, inciunire. Ordered primad, attil on Uio tablo.... The Chair amiouuCíd a nuw conference, comnilltoe on the Consalar and Dlplomatio Approprlatlop bilis - Mesors. Sargent, Boufweü, and Norwood....A joint resolntioii, providiut! tor the r. storatioii of Iho valtisg of tht! original Declaration of Independenoe, was paascd....Tlie Belkna] trial sb rcaumed, and at noon tho Senate began to voto upou the srticlcBof impttachnient. Upuu the fint artido of tmpeaïnlneni :." Senator rotea gnllty, 25 not Knilty for want of jurisdictiou. Thosc who voUiii RUilty wcro: Bayard, Booth, Cameron l'a., Oncknll, Cooper, üavis, Bawes, Dcnni. Edmund, Gordon, Hainilton, Barrey, fljtchcock, KUy, Ksrnaa, Key Mc. ticBoatlt, lyorrinjtm, Mitchell, Morrill, Norwooi, Oglesby, Handotph, Kausom, liobertson, Sargent, Saulükury, herman, Steveuson Thnrtuan, Wadleigb. Wallace, W'hytc, Witter. Those votiriR in tlie negative were : Antliony, AlliBon, Boutwcll, Uriic, (Jammin (Wis.), Chrtstiancj Conklii q, Cou.:vir, Oragip, IJorwiy, JJaton, Ferry, ii, Ilainhn, Hvwe, Ingalb, Jonee (Nev.), Logan, Mcllillan, I'addoek, Patteraon, Spencer, West, Windom, Wrigbt. Jcnrs, of Florida, declined ut .t", ou the ground that tho BaanojunaJicUon. ] Eoeeabsei tórnotvot Inewcre: Ucorp, Bojoj Bwmeide, Olayton, EpIikIi, JoUntoji,.Jonci"la,), May, Mortou, Slwnin ■ ajmSanaed tbrt twoMd iKit vnfM Bmilty, aml thoreforc the rospoirdeuj as aoüaitted of tilo OBargo iu tha flrst irttcle. Onihi' Becond irticle, thtrtr -eix Benatoxa rated "f!Hllty," and twentyJtve " t guilty." rany vflo dirt r.ot anawer on tno fuut roll-call votad "KUilty" on the second article. Thoee Senators niio votflil "net guilty" repeated' tbeir reason ;nr doiog po. "want of jirisdiction." Upon tho thir.t aüd fourth articlcH the vote itood a ;i1i(,vf, :)■; votiüj? gliBty hd 2S njt Rnilty. liefore ro!l-eall on the fiftta artlcla at flnlabea, tlortoa. wbo had been dPtaiiied on account ■ í a hm vero faU this murninif, rauio in and votod juilty, ïuuking the on th.t article 37 goilt; tod S not RUilty. ïwu thirde of tho Senato uot haring taiulDg thearöelei of ini:i i i was ordered tbat a judgmentof acquitt&l jc.cjitiicd, and ihc Seuate sitliug as a Cuuii ui Xiuii :'.i-f:ni .)■! n Ijourned siui di Uuu ..- . .o aiinitoan of lbo rnmmito on tho real-ostatc pool, Bubmit.Lr-it a nuijority eport, witHtno iollowilia resolutiou, wliich ho inked to have adoptcd : " liewlvcd, That thls report and the accoropooying tentimony, to{ethei with tho letters of Goorgo M. Robesou, tddtessed fo the comnlMfa aS priatftd and I to iho Juaiiiarj-i Coinroittoe, and that ne Bud oommuteo bo tnö&ooted to inqtiiro nto said alleged vji lationa 5Í the iau-, and II the liability of George M. Kobcuon for ■■uil allegad acts, add jr;ike Hucha report t ■ il-1 faota .mi t tlif law may lustíly, and in' e,ax with tbons tho aaid 1 Dan BSvtS AtlM tcKtiDony.11 Prati Bubmltfc d Uio n ■■. of the minoritr, üyued ly BCËBflm. Pfltti mul S]it:lli, bf 1'4-lltiHyirania, witli the fmiinviim' tesolntlon : "JteeolveS, r.iiattbe Uou rcomplaintor oeniufe (■, Giorftf M. IH.-m, growing nt of Eis official relations and tranaactions rilt Ibe firui of Jay Codï, MeOnllocB te Co., ■f LonaoB) nd tho temDorary speoial agenta .f the Rvy Depaitment." The mafjrilj esoluüon was agreed to, and the matter reforrdd ntUo Ju -iniary Coinmiiti ■■ KvndaB, OHalrman if the Ooxnmittee on appropriationB, n ported ppropriattos w7,;(w tor pcymeni ..f mdi bb ucuxrediu fta oouïU'ucUon oi thaNewZork Po ifHco tmliaing, Th'fl was lollowed li.. u Ejiar,) lolftfcal disciïssiOQ lulwei 11 Handall andGoi:. bc :;;i:clusion of which tlK' bill )'.-.!. WepmESBAÏ, A.KK. 2.- Mertate.- (,'aracin Wifl.), from the Coimï.iUee on riyilegèa and 1 lone, r. p ijfffic , .1 1 ,,f Wljani K. s. ian, a United Btatoa Senator from Aëfcantag, i ira Bipallfld i lüftl (01 allegtd dialoynltyy wi . UIl i'Njieniüw liim ■ irilng the payan al pi ia1ai .to c:, hi oxpuiaiou t hl8deatbi.phiheira.... ' ■ ... 1 ioodayfo tlie c iiusi I.irbor Appropriation bíll....Boutwoll reporteil a ñu frúiu tho Kelect committee on chil service, proiitiiiK tlint on and after the date, which ia left tlinilï, the existinfï pension agencies shall bo diw.ontinued, and all dutiea iinpoaed by law or regula iona on tho scveral pension agoute hall thceuftor performed by tur TreaBurer of tho Üllited itate ut Wiwhlnettm fhe substituto for the ■■i!' ■ bül granMng a pension t K.M. Hansell, a rrtaseoper in the State hcpaïlnient, who tVas ini ur-tMi Affending tho 1ste HeoMsry Rewafd froltl the i?.issin Pavrie, wis itasoíd; The substituto vfirdi.W0. !:■ Qf. - Arlion on the Silver bill was again posfcponed by tho fllibüstering táctica oí the opponents of tho nieaaurc. Mutchlcr marte a unanimoUB report of the Couimitteo on Kxpeuditures In the tntetior 'Department in the Inicuo Aayluin investigation, aud majority and hliuority report of the samo committec ia regard to the survey of public lauda ware ulso made. All ordcred printed and reoomniittctt - ïUe bill to transfer the Indiau Bureau to the War Department was taken np, iind Cook, who had charge of tho bilí, yielded the ftoor to Lanmr, who proceeded to make au elabórate speocü on the condition aud nceds of tho South. Ho spoke about two liourfl (hia timo being extended on liiotibn of Mr. Garftold), and eoniinahaVd lliroupkout hia hole speech the close and iuterested attenti'ou ol' the Uouae. ThdïiSdAy, Aiig. 1- iWjta-Logab introdm-nd a iiill fol' tho iasuo of Bilvcr coin, and to niake tho fjlver dollar a legal-tendcr... .The bill tr limit and llx tho Rignal Service was amended and passed....Tho Klver aud Harbor Appropriation bfil was taken up and pasacd. It appropristesi in {fio aggreate, $5,XK,(XK,.,.The Bínate ordernd the priutnin of I0;000 ekir'a copies of tho ProBide.nt's mcaïage. Hmm..- Tho House was the sceno of an excitlng personal debate, growing out of a bitter at teek upon Blaine by Proctor Knott. THe Judlciary Oommittee had presentid a unanimous report upon Blaine's rcsolution directing an inveitligaUiin of hia charge that Knott i.mrt cujiprested t!s CaldweU dinpatcb. The cflnlnUttóê were ïiuitoit in exonerating hitn, iihd so reiwhod. To the BtirpMse of cvfrybödy, knott tooi; Iho floor and reSieod thfe Blaine matter, indulging in romarks wtaibb the friends of tlic latter deenied highly unjust aniLgnwsly objectiouablo. I'ryc, Hale and McCrary, of the committee, in turn reviewod hls remarks with a severity aeldom reached in debate. The majority of the Democratie 61de appeared to regard the arraignment a& enUrehf juat} nd, to Tive expresaion to thia belief, Hurd statod that, after the mt Femarkablo speech of Knott, r,'itïi tho eoncurrence of seven otheT membera of tho committee, he aeked to withlraw ÜKuport. Ihe Republican ïnembers of th committeo thercupon wlthdrew their names from tho report, aud it wae recoimnitted....SIr. Singleton, frtnn tho couferenco cotnmittoe on the t'onsnlur and Diplomatio Appropriation bill, reported thut t Ue couiniittee f allcd to agreoi The f eport wat ailo]tii umi a new Cohlefencocommittoeappointed. - A resolutioü was adoptod providing for an adjournment on Monday, Aug. 7. Fkiday, Aug. 4.- Senate.- A bill was paused authorizing tho employment of Indian sroutB;.:. Sonate biU to allew ñ pehSittn of feí per iilonlii to rolvllera who have lost botn ah arm and leg, iu lieu or $24 jicr month now allowcd, was passcd.. On iuotion of AlliKou, tho Senate insieted upon ita amendments to tbc Iliver and Harbor Appropriation bill, aud agreed to a conference asked for by thp Uouse - The Post-road bill was considóred. (.c- Hurlbut, from the Committeo on Civilbervice Reform, submitted tho report of the "onv mittee in regard to the Cb.itíago Peüsion Agency nvMenCo, Whitih was ordered printod. The committeo rncommended the passage of resolutione declarlnR that "the acceptanee or demauding of moneyby any persou as a consideraron for real or pretended influence in procuriug appointments to publfcofltcea is diagraceful to the individual anci prejudicial to the public interest, aud that suh misconduct ia aood cauao for removtü,'" and diïeclMfr the Judicittry Obmmittee to report a bill the pnniahtnent of such offenses....kord, froto the Jüdlciary Oommittee, reported back (with án aiucndïaent) what is known as tho Blaino school ainendinont to the constitution. Aftcr debate, tho House proceeded to vole on tho resolution and it wae adopted- yeas, 166 ; naya, 5. . . .Garflcld replied in a set speech to Lamar on the polilical eituation Ho spokn for two hours, and waa listoned to with close attention. Batürday, Aug. 4.- Senate.- The Senate devoted nearly the entire day to a polltieal discilssion of Southern affairs, tho occisión being the (alling up of srorton'a rcsolutlon lo p-fiüt io.OOO copies ol the PreBldcht's hieesago and accompanying docuiuonts on tho Uambnrg affair. Morton and Thurman took the lead for their respectivo sidea in the debate- Patterson, Cami ron. McMillan, and Gordon participating. Hintte.- Majoritjr and minority reports of the Coniuiittee on üxpenditures in the War Department aud in the Department of Justico were made by MeEsrs. Clyincr aud Caulfleld, and were ordcred printod.... Cox, the Chnirman of tho Commtttee ou Bankint? aud Currency, reported a bill to repeal sections of the resumption act of July 15, 1875, which direct the Secretary of the Treasury to redeem in coin the legal-tender notos then ontstanding. After ftn hour and a half of debato a Yote was taken ou the bill andit was passed by the following votot Vea- Ainsworlh, AnderBon, Atkens, Báuning, Bland ISoone, Jlradford, Brtght, Brown, N. Y. rown Kan., Cabell, Caldwell, Ala., Caldwell Tenn Campbell, Cannon, Ca6on, Cato, Caulflold, Clarke, Ky., Clarke, Mo„ Clymor, Cochrane, Collins Cook Cox, Dibrill, Douglass, urham, Kden, Evans! lauUtuer, Fulton, Finley, l'orncy, Fort, Frankün Ganse, Goode, Gooóin, Gunter, Harrison, Hartsoll, Jlaymoud, Hinkle, Herford, Holman, Hooker, Hopkin. Houw, Hubbell, Hunton, Hurd, Jones, Ky Landers, Ind., Laue, Iwrenco, Lewia, Lvnde, Mackey, Marsh, McFarland, MoMabon, Mtlïiken, Mills, Morgan, Mutcbler, NoI, Now, Payno, Pbolps I'uppleton, Iiandall, Rea, Ueagan, Reilly, John, Hice, Rlddle, Robinson, Savage, Sheakle, 8iniloton Slemons, Smith, Qa., Southard, Springer. Slingor, btevenson, Stone, Teese, Thomas, Throckmortou, Tuckcr, Turner, Van Vorheos, Vanee, O , WaddoU, Walker, Va., Walsh, WeUa, W'hitthorne, Williams, Ind., Williams, Ala., Wilshire, Wilson, W. Va., Yates, Young- 106. Aa;3- Abbott, Adams, Bagby, flailey, G. A., Baglev, J. H., Baker, Bnllou, Banks, Bell, Blair, Burchard' 111., Caswell, CUittenden, Conger, Crounae, Cntler, Dauford, Day, Duiand, Eamcs, Ely, i-reeman, Frye, üilüi'ii, Hale, Hancock, Hardenbcrg, Harris, Maas Uenderson, Uewltt, N. Y., Hoar, Hoag, Haynor Joyce, Kasson, Kehr, Kimball, Lamar, Lapham, l.cvy, I.yuch, MacDowell, McOrary, Mead, Metcalf, Mili' r, Ifonroe, 5Iorrison, Nash, Norton, O'Brieu, Odell, O'NeiU, l'acker, Page, Herce, Pipor, Platt Potter, Powell, Pratt. Rainey, Rosa, RusJs, Sampson, Schleicher, Siunickson. Bmull, Smith, Pa., Strait Stowell, Thompson, 1 homburg, Townsend Pa THfts, Wiiit, Walker, N.H., Ward, Warren, WclK Mtos,, White, Whiting, Williams, A., Micb., Willis Wilaou, Iowa, Woodburn- 86... .Cox then roix)rtoii a bilí, which was passed, creating a commission ol threo Senators, tbrco Repreacntatives, and thrce experts, who shall report ou or bofore tho 15th oi next Jauuary upon all mattere relating to the currouey. Mondat, Aug. 7.- tenate.- The Hoose amendments to tho Senate bill extending the timo for the redemption of lands sold by tho United States for direct taxes were agreed to, and the bill passed Majority and miuority roports of the special committeo appointed to inquirc into the late election n MisBissippi wero presented ....Tho House bill to repeal the resumption-dav clause of tho Itesuinptlon act of 1875, was read and referred The House joint resolution, proposing a sixl nuth amendmentt-j the constitution, prohibitiDu the appropriatiou of any school f nnd for the Bupport of sectariau schools, etc, wae, after diecusBion, referred to the Judiciary Committee. . . .The Sonate resumed consjderation of Morton's renolution to print 10,000 copies of tne Prosidont's message aud accompanying documenta in regard to the Hainbuíg affair. A long and hoated political debate followod, 1he chicf participants being Ediuunds Logíin na liatón. Uowse.- A resolution was offered by Douglass (Va.) allowing committees of investigation to report at auy time thls session. This was resisted by the Republicana, who rcaorted to niibustcring to prevent thu adoption of tho resolution. A compromiso was finally reached, in tho chapo of a rule providing tliat the Investiganng committeea shall bo authorized to report at anv time during tho present session, provided tho majority give notice to the minority to submit their rtport forty-eight hours beforo tho time of the preM-iiiatlou of the report to the House, so that both reports may go in together.


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