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AhíAsfc, N.T., July Ml, 1PÍ7C. Gkntlemen: Whon I lisiti ikfc bono trt roceívo 5be personal deliv'ery óf your lei ter on bofattÜ of the Democratie National Couvontion held on the 28th af June, at 8t. Louis, advising mo of my numin:iUon as tho candidato of the conntituoncy reprefiented by that body for the ofüco of President of tho United States, I answered that at my earlieat convenionco, and in conformity with usage, I Wmtd prepare anti transmit to you a formal a!c;paoict Í now ïlvaU niself of Üie llrst inlervai in unavoidubio occupatioua to fulflll that engagement. KKlOKM. Tho eortventlon, before making its ïoniinations, adopted a declaration of principies, which, as a wholo, seexns to aio a wise exposition of thd necesnities of our country and o .tlio xefQiflns aqpited, to bring back tlo dovíjruiuentto ice fcpïe ftijiM-imm, to reet) to p'jrlty o iiUiuimstration, and toroiiow tue proeperity of the people. But sonie of tluse reforma are so urgent that they claim more than a passing approval. The necpssity of a rsfortn in the scale of public expense, Federal, State and municipal, and tho modes of Federal taixutian, Justinos all tho prominence given to it in the declaration of tho Öt. Louis Gonveutioiit The present depresión in all tho business and industries Of the t)eüjle, Wbioh is deijriving labor of its tiiiploynietlti imd crrying wApt ihio bo ïndny Homes; lias lts . principal cHuee in tito bíces&ie 3oVeruinental coüsiimplioh, lindel1 the IUusIotJ of' a spocious prosporïty engendttred by the false policy of the federal Government. A waste of capital has been goimg on ever eince the peacc of ]HCr, wbioh could only end in universal disaster. The Federal taxe of the laet clevcb years reach the gigantic Bum of Í 1,600,000,000. Local taxation has aniountedto two-thirdtt uh lunch imn Tho Taal ögeregftte r noMes3tiáht7,fi(!0íipOí( W. TJWa enHrmoua taxation ioiiowíjda civil conflict that halgreatJy impaired our aggregato wealth, and had mado a prompt foducüou of expo&SQ indispensable. It wan aggravaled by tho most miBci utiilc und il 1-adj usted methotls oí taxation, that iucrcascii tho Haeniicoo of tho pyople far bevond tho recoipú of tho treasurj-, Tt w,is aiíííruvatfit, ni oreo ver, by a nnanoial poliey which tendod to diminish tho enerxy, sliill, nnd ecoüoniy of prodimtioTi mi1 fiiííalttv oí ptívite 4onsttmtJtiou, aüdiiidueíid íiliñHalcla(ín iíl buiii-" ncfia, and an, unromunerativo use oí oap'ital aiid labor. Even in prosperous times, the daily wants oí industriouB communitips prc&s cloöely uphu tholr daily earnings. Tho margiíi o$ posflible nüliotial savingB is at beet a anl&ll percentage of the natlonal tíari)!ug:, Tet nbw for.theab eJevfcn yeats tile Goveniineiilal tiou'ïnniijtioil liaé beeií H li;K:rp'oHioti of uatiouíil carninfjs than tho whole poople can posaibly pavo, even iu properous times, for all new inveetmente. The cansequences of thoso orrors are now a present public calamity ; but they were never doubtful, ueverinvisibe., They were uecespaj-y and inevitable, Bnd werc foreseeu and depicted whon tbe waves of that flírtitiou prosperity ron Jüghost, ín d Bp5ech íüadG byiüeonthe'tln'i .' j't mbe, 18C8, it waR said of ttiese tuxes : " Thoy bear heavily npon over' man3ti income, upon every industry, autl upon every buniness in the country, anti year by year they are destiued to presa etill inore heaviiy, unless they arrest tho sytitem which givea rise to ihem. It was contparativily casy when values were doubling undcr the repoated UMtaoa of Jcgal-tender papermoney to pay out of the frdth of our grnivinK and nptiareut wealü theBe taxee, btit, wlion valítfeB rëce'db &ná ïlinS; tpfratdö their natural BCale, the tax-gathoror takes from its Uüt only our income, not only öiir pronto, but aleo a portiou of our capital. 1 do not wish to exaggerato or alann. I pimply say that we caunot alford the costly and ruinous policy of the radica majority of Oongress. We camiot afford that iwlicy toward tho South. We cannot afford th niagniücfnt and oppresHive centralism into which our Governmrint in heinff converterl. We oannot tifford thc preFeíit mapnificent scale of taiatioít.'' ío the Secrelary of tho 1 ettid early ifi Í865, that there ís not a royal nad for a Governiriout morh titán for an individual or a Corporation. What you -wnnt to do ítow is cut dowtt yoür expensen and live within your income.'" i would givo all tue legerdemain of nnance and financiering ; I would give tho whole of it, for the oíd, üomely maxim, í( Live withiu your income." Thie reform will be resisted at every etep, but it ímiat bo prtíssed persistontly. We soe to-day tho immediate representatires of the ieople in onc branchof Congress, while stmggliug to reduce expenditures, comiielled to coufrent the menace of the Senate and Kxecxuive, that unless objectionable appropriatiotift be cousetitod to tilo oneralioneof tho Government therenndor ehall suffer detriment or caase, Iu my judgment an nmeudment to the conBtitutiou ought to bo devlaed fleparatitig into die tinct billR appropriations for the vari-ras depart monta of tie public servido, and excluding from each bilí all appropriivtious for other objeets and ftH independent R-gislation. ín that way alone can the revisory power of each of the two housos and of the Kxecutive bo preserved and exoinpted from the ' moral dureas which often compels assent to objectionablo appropriations rather than stop tho wheels of government. TUE SOUTH. An accessory cause enhanoing the di&tress in business is to be fouud in tho eyhteniatic and insnpportablo liliBgovornraelit ililpogcd upon the States oftheöouth. BoMde&the ordinary etfecíü of ignorjint and díehonoBt administration, it has inflictfld upon thein onormou ispues of frandulent bonds, the scanty avails of which were U or stolon, and tho existenee of which is a public dincredit, tendinK to bankruptcy or repudiation. Taxes, generally oppressive, in somo iUBtancen haveconfiscated the entire income of the property, and totally destroyed its marketable valué. It is impossiblo that these evils thould not react upon the propperity of the whole country. The nobler motives of humauity concur wilh the material interest of all in requiring that every obstac'e be removed to a complete and durable reconciliaüonbetween a kiudred population once unnaturally eetranged on the basis recognized by tho St. Louis platform- the constitution of the United States, with it amondments universally acceptod as a final settlemont of the controversios which engendered civil war; but in aid of a result so bcneücent tho moral íuflueiice of every good oitizen, a well as every Government authority, onght to be exertetl, not alone to njaintain their jiiBt equality before tho law but Hkewise to eetablish a cordial fraternity and good vnll ainong citizons, whatevor their race or color, who are now unítod in the one destiny of a common solf-govermnent. If tho dnty shal! be asHÍgncd to me, I shal! not fail to exerclHO the powers with wuich tho lawsand constitution of onr rountry clothes its Ohief Magiatrateto protect all íIh citizens, whatever tbeir former couditiou, in every political and personal right. THE i XliltKNCT. "Reform is necessary," declares the 8t. Louis Oonvention, (to establish a sound enrreney, reatore public credit, and malntain tho natfonal honor," and it gocs on todemand a indicious system of preparation by public economies, by ofiicial retrenchment, and by wiso finance, which shall enablo tho natlon soon to ossure the whole world of its perfect ablllty and ig perfect readincss to meet any of it promiBos at the cali of the creditor entitled to payment. The object deniandcd bytho' conventiou is aresumption of specie paymentfl on the legal-tnder notes of the United StaHs. That would not only restore the public credit and maiutain the national honor, but it would establish a sound currency for the peoplo. Tho methods by which thisobjectieto bo pursued, and tho means by which it is to boattalncd aro diecloeed by wnat the couventiou demanded for the futuro, and hy what it denounccd in the past. The remtniption of specie payments by the Government of thc United States on its legal-tende.r notes would establish pocie paymonts by all lbo banks on their notes. The omcial statement made on the llith of May shows that tljc ainount of Iwink notes was $KtO,000,BDO, Iurs $-O,i)(H),(j(K) licld by thèmaelvos. Against these 20,(MX),()0U of notos the bauks huid U1,()00,0UO in legal-iendor notes, or a little nioro than L0 per cent. of their iniount, lint they also held on deposit in thc Federal trcasuryT as security for theso notes, bontls of tho Uuited States worth in gold abont ÍÜílOdOíijO, availáble and ciirrejit ín all forelt'n monev TnrirklH Tn rnin-ii, tiw. nu juroiK'i muney inariïeiH. m reanraing, the i j;mï:s, oven if it wre posible for all their noten to bo prenented for paymeut, wonld have $0000,00 of apeóle fuüfllB to pay $M0, (100,000 of notes, without contiacting thuir Joans to tlniir cus tornera or ealling on any private rtcbtor for payment. Suspended bank, undertakipg to rcsunift, ba ve iifuially boen obliged to collect from needy borrowers the uieans to redcem exeeseivo fosues and to próvido reserves. A vaguu itlofi pi distreap is, tncrefore, often astjociated with the procese oï resTimption, but tho couditiona which causod the IMsOW iu thowe former inetanceH do not tiow exist. The Governnicnt has only to makc good its own íromises and tho banks can talie care of theiuRelveB without (listrestíing any body. The Government ín, hptvfore, tho eole fUdiuqucut. The aiuotmt n legal-teudor notes of the United Hitttos now outetandiüg, Ik létont37O2O00,D0O,beBidée3ll00Ö)b0p of fnoUonal coïreüCy, Jlow sluill tho Government u;ilc theso notes at all timos as good au specie? It aas to próvido in referentie to the mas which froulfl bo kopt in xiso by the wants of business a centra] reservoir Of ooin, iwiequatt; to the adjUHtment of tho t(-mporary fluctviatiout of the intrruational balaucfl, mu as a guaranty auaiuHt tranwinnl (lriin.4,artilicialy oreMea by panic or by speculation. ít has aLso to próvido lor tho payment in coin of euch f ractional ■.urrt-ticy as ruay be presontcrl for redemptiou, ind auch inconsiiUnablo portion of leyal lendcr aw individiuilH may, from timo to time Ivsir.' to convert for special uao, or in order to hiy by ín coin their little store of money. Tt maké tlu coin n nw in the treatmry avitihiblr (JMbon f tiiis i-enervo, to pradAftlly Btreöglbeu tkbd e!ürgr ihat reserve, and to próvido for sucli other exce])tional ilcniiuids for coin &h may nriso. döftH not Beem to me a work of ditliculty. If vriely lanneÜ md liscreetly pursocd, it ought not to cost any Hacrilice to the Ihihíüchis of ih" oOOntry. It Bhould tcud, on the oontrvy, to the revival of hope ind couüdenoo. TUo (x)iu in the troaeury on the ;wth af Jime, inchidinif what in beid afiainst coin eer;iíicateB, amounted to nearly $74,000,000. The current of toteclous metal which bas flowed out of our couutry for ek-viui yeara from July 1, 1865, to JuneSO, 187(ï, averagiriR beftrty fTOfOQUjIdOp a year, wtis $S:i2,0(Jü,000 in the whole period, of which $617,000,000 wcre tlie product of our owu minc-p. To amnKB the roquisite qiiantity by intcrïüptiug from the puxrent flotviug out of tllp couöry, :i7:il by K-quiriii;; frum the fltock wbicJl exifit abroad without clisturbing tho iqnilibriinn of fordgO uioHny markets, is :t reMilt tobo eapiiy workcd ut by ]iracjeal tdlOwledge umi .itldinent. With respect to whai'-vi-r BTtrpluH of lgal tenclere ihewantBof bufjna(m)vyfaillokeepa iue, &nb vhU'h, In ortter to pava interest, uU be retarnen for rid( niption, thev can cithr bo paid or they can jo f ini(ii-ti. 'lylln r tiity continue a ourrency, ox e obsOVbed iiilotiir'viist mase oi' securitiOR biJa invchiuientri, in rr.croJy a quoetion of the rate of luteroHt thoy ÜZtflií Bron ff they wqto to romam Ib tboir proseut foriu, and the üivcniruen( wcr' fio agree to pay ou thcm a rato of intoreat ínakin thni (kKinilUias Inveaimentj tlu-y would tsea to atrcifiitto, ;uid tako their placo wlth i.iovcnni;rntt State, muiiicijKtl, iuuL otilar f(rjoratf and prívate boucis, of whi(;li uiousanda of unUions rxi-tanianií na, ín the perfeot eaae wlth wliich thoy can be ohangen frc.m onrreney luto lnvestmente t ho only Aanftertolx gnarded akitírt ím ttia niloption tf wnrrul incasnn'H intended to reiuovo a : talned surpins- that Is, the wlthdrawal oí a:iy whlcji is not a pcrinaucut gxccbs heyond th waots of ! business, Kven mons mischfnvouH wou Id le any j meajBiiro whichall'rctí. public imattiatiun vñíh tho ■ roaf "l' :ij appfcmmlcil étátdty ín a ivnmmmity ! w Ih'ili credit i no lunch uu'.l. 'A'lie fliictuaUoun of I values and Hotesitudes Id bnftinéu a.' araejy ■canseíl by íhe tomporary buhéis of unrn vyeji bïoïo Ihöir pelleft mu onuform lo r orta ■■ ,■■ ;ities, The amouut of ucccüsary ourreucy at a give'u time cacnot bö cloteniUned arMtrarily, &w fi'aould doi !"■ tetra; ■ ■■"t ím rnbjoot to lwth permanent and temprary changos, Au enlargement of jt, which seemed to be durablo. lappencd at beginiunK oí the civil war by a unbatituted nse of cm-rt nry in plMfi of Individual CrOiUtef It vrie wïHi ccrtaïn b taleft of tniRÍnesn ; it Attototfcwl Mtfa considerable fpgulsrity ut different tseasonA ííf ilio Lcar; Ju itutuum, für Inataücej tt-hfn tiiyers of grain ánd otticr ágrioulfurítl pfÖcltifftS bMin tHeit o+icratioüs, thev ÜBÜally nêêd Ui Itórrow bítpitill oc LírrüUliíig credítH by whifh tó lüake their murctaxlses. ünd wütit ib!80 íuuds in burivucy cápame of benff distribtited In Rtmll stiniH aniong the nmnrrmu; géllers. Tho additional ur,c(i of cirrency at euch times is 5 or(joro-per :-.i. of the wüol&voiuincand, ií ü surjjliiK boyoiul flat in rcnuircd ior ordmary iiae döpa not háppcu tó hMte miöu n hftnd ivt the uioney-cüierH, a Hcarcity of ouffêüóy eiiííiea, n1' Klo ts. Htringentry in thn loan market. It wan in referenco io bü.-1i èij-iTiiin-i ■ ; tlmt, in tho áiscuRsion of thiM subject in niy anuual uiüBnac to Uu; New York Legiblature of Jan. 5, 1875, the miggCHÜon wan made that " the Federal Government is bound to redeem evcry portion of ita Issues wliicl tho public donotwiüh to nee. Jlaving aasumed to monopolice thé suppry oí curroncv, and enatod (rschipivencss ftcainftt every:■ dj ! Uk H U Vöïlnd tb fiirnish all whi'fh the wantR of business require. TUe syetem unould pasüively allow the volume of circuiating crcdits to ebb aud flow according tothe ever-chanping wants of business. It shoiüd imítate as clonely aH posRible the national laws of trade, which it has superaeded by artificial con tri van cea;" miel, Ín a similar iliscussion in ni y message of Jan. 4, 1876, it w;ih Raid that ' resuniption nhould be effeeted by such nieaeuren au von1d kbcp thp sgrfregftlfe a,mount o cúrfeticy $elf'idhipitiHtf! wiUtoút&re'iUiii} at tfny tlWe ft axtifteial scarcity, iiid wHuuüt exCUlng public itaaftinnioti with alarme which impair confidence, contract the whoïe ïarco macbinery of credit, and diöturb the natural operations of bUHJness. Public economies, omcial retrenebments, and wieo finance aro tlio means which tho St. Louts Convention indicates as provisión for resources and rndemptions. Tho beet resource is a reductlon of the expense of the Government belovr its incoiue, fotlhíftJíHpo''!;'! n" heW ciittrgè n Ihe pèOpie. If, howkver, the impfovidebefc' and kaftte hiMihave n:i,!uct6d lis to a period of fitlliug reteuucS oblige i$ tb .supplement the resul U of ccohorüieB audret ren " Milenta by soiue reSöf'ttp Ioaufi" wc sliouhl Dut hositate. Tho Government oiiijht not to pjfecalato on iis ovni dishonor in order to aavu interest on ita broken proxuiaes, which it stül compela private dealers to accept at a fietitious par. Tho Eïffheat national honor is not only right, but would prove protitablo. Of tbo public debt $986,000,000 ber intercBt at (ï por cent. in gold, and $712,000,000 at r'b1 cení: !n "old. The average interest 1b 5.58 per cent. A ünancial pólic; IftiiÖÖ aHgHfè prnurc the highest credit, winoly availed of, ougbi Kraclti'ílly to obtain a rednetion of 1 per cent. in interest ou mout of the loaiifl. A sa ving' of 1 percent, on tho average would be $17,000,000 a year in gold. That aaving regularly invested at 4 per cent. would, in Iosb than thirty-eight yoars, extinguían the principal. The whole of the $1,700,(300,000 of fundcd debt ttigltt biWê bv thispavintralon?, without coBtto the peölJle. ItESUMl-rfÖN, Tho pfopef tirae for festlroption ïb tlie time wnen wlflo preparHtioh símil have +it)ëned into perf-ec1 ability to accomplish the object tfiéh A tëffetiutj ánd cañe thát till iiiBpiro conödt'ndi) lm eñcourágé the reviving of bueinöe. Tlio carlic titile In which Rúch a resiilt can be li'roupht abotit 1 best. l'.vcn yriwB h-rarations shali bare been niaturctl, Uio exact dato wiutnl ïir.e %ti Ho liotiei with rcference to the then exÍBting Htate oí ír.ifl and credit operations in out own oonntry, and the oourso of foreign ciuiinierce and condition of ex chauges with othor uutious. Ihc speciüc meas ure and actual (luto aro mattorH of detail, havinj n -ffViifc to over-ohan#inK conditioiiB. They be löii VI t!ir. d?uiatli of pracUcftl, ttclminintrative btáteBmáñ'ftlii. TH8 Cattiíin of rt Bteafflef, aboti Rtarting from Nev . yurk. tö LíTer'iítíoi. _ cíofs no assemblc a council over Iiír ocean craft Ünd fli Jii auRle by which lo laih tho nuldcr for the whole voyagc. A human intulligencc niust bo at the hcln to diHcern the shifting forcea of water and winds A human ruind must be at the helm to feel the ele monta day by day, and guido to a mastery over tlHiuj 8uoh preparations are overything. With oüt UibtH it lefisjrUiTe copmand Ixing a day, an official prdmfee Itiinjj il H.ay, rtr sHams; They r worse. They are a snare iiid a delüelofi tö till ■$h9 trust thom. Tlicy (iostroy all coniidence aniong thoughtful men whoee judguiont will at last swaj public opinión. An attempt to act on suca a coin mand or such a promise without preparation woulc end in a n?w Buspension. It would be a fresh calamity, prolific of conf u#.iojj, distrust, and dis feFMS. ítE EftSTTMÍ-TtOÍf ACT. The aci of Öongreee or the Htli of July, 1875 enftcted that oü and after tho lat of Jantiary, 1Ö79 tho Secretary of the Treaeury shall tedeem in eoii lcgal-tcnder notes of the United Sfcatca cm presenta iioñ at tho ofiïce of toe Assietant Treásurer íu the city of New York. It áutlloriáes the Secretary to prepare and pro vide for euch reeumptiori of specie paymente by the use of any surplus revenues no otherwiee appropriatcd, and by íBsuing, in his dis cretion, certain classes of bomls. .More thanone anda half of the f or years have passtd. Cn griss and tlic Xresidcnt have contiuued ever since to unite in acts which hav legislated out o existence evory posBiblo Rnrplua appüonble to this purpose. The coin in the treasury claimed to be long to the Government had, on the 8üth of Jul; fallen to lefls than $45,000,100, aa against ♦ñ9,nO0fO0í on the l&t of Jauuary, 187f, and tho availability of a part of that urn ie aid to be qiieationable. The revenuen aro falling fastcr thau appropriationp nn e ipendit ures are red uced t leatin g tne treas u ry with dixuiniHUing renourcei}. The Secretary has dono nothing under bis power to issue bouds. The legis'ative commandj the official prottiiee, fixin a day for n-snmption have been tdade. There has been uo procrees. There have been Bti-psbackward. There is no necronaancy in operations of the Ooternment. The homoly maximsof every-daylife are tho best etandards of its conduct. A debtor who should proniiso to pay a loau out of his surplus Incorae, yet io seeix overy day spending all he couU lay his jiamls otï in riotoos living, would loee al character f or honeaty and vcracity, Hisoftcr of a in-w proini&e, or his professicu as to the valuo of hie oíd promiBot would alikc provoko derision. THK LEQÁ TENDKR8. The St. Louis platform denounces the failure for eleven ycars to niakc good the promise of the lcgaltender noto. It denouncea the ouuhsíoq to accumulate any reaer-e for their redomption, It denouncca tho conduct which, during eleven years o peaco, bas made no advance toward resumption, no prcparatioiis for resumption, but instead has obstructed resumption by wasting our resources anc exhaunting all our surplus income, and, while pro fepging to intoiid a speedy reauniption of Bpocie paymcuts, has annually enactcO freh hindrancos thereto, and, having ñrst annouuced the barrennes of ihe promise of a day of resuinption, it next de nouncos that barren promise as a "hindrance to reeumption." It then demands its repcal, aud also demands the OBtablishmcnt of "a judiciou system of preparation for resumption." I cannot be doubted that the subatitution of a fivsu m of preparatioo, without promise of a day, for the worthless promiac of a day with out a system of proparation, would be the gain o tho subitáneo of resumption in oxchange for it shadow. Nor is the deuunciation unmerited bj that improvidencc which ín eleven y pars since the peace bas consumod $4,500,000,000, and ye could not afford to give the people a sound anc stable currency. Two and a per cent. on the expenditurea of these eloven years, or even loss wonld havo providfxt all the additional coin ncedf u for rfcBUiüpi ion. The distress now feit by the people in all their business and industries, though i has its principal cause in the enormous waBte o capital occasioned by tbc falso políciee of our Gov ornment, han betn íireatly aggravated by tho mis management ot curro noy. l'ncrtainty is the prolific parent of mischief in all business. Ne ver were its evils more feit than now. Meu do uothing bccause they aro unable to make any calculation on which they can nafely rcly. Tliey xmdertako noth itiff becauso they fear a lots in everj'thing they would attempt. They stop and wait. Tho merchant daree not buy for the future cousumption of hie cuetoüiers. The mauufacturer darea not make fabrica which may not rcfund his outlay. He shutn his factory and discharges Jiis workiucn. CapitalittH cannot lonl on security tliry considcr safe. and their funds be alinost without interest. Men with enterprise whó have crelrt or securitios to pledge will not lorrow. ConBumption ha fallen bclow natiiral limita of a reasonable economy. The prices of many things a'rö under their range in frngal apecie-paying timf'S bcforo the civil war. Vaat masses oí currency lie in the bunkK unused. A y:;u and a half ago legal tendera wero at tlieir largest volume, and the $12,000,000 sinco retirod havo bren replaced by $100,iiiiü.u ii of li-iiik uotes. In the meantime tho banks ba re boen surreudcring ubout $4,000,0C0 a inonth, because thoy cannot flncl a profltablo uso for bo tnany of their note. The public mimi will no longer accept ehams. It bas aufferod cnough from illHsions. An iimincoro poiicy increados distruBt, An unntuble iiollcy hicreaaefl uncertainty. The pooplo Éetffl to bnow that tho Government is mov'mfi in (ïirccïLion oí ultímate safety and pont y, and that ït in domg no throtigh prudent, safe and ooii serva Uve iin-tlmrln whioh wilï be Bure to rCflcct no new eacriflee on tlic bustueRs of tho country. Then the inwpirutiou of & new hopo and weU-foundfld confldenco will hanton tho restoring prooeBBCB of nature, and proeperlty wiil begin to return. The St. Louis Convention concludcfl its exprfBsion in regard to the currency by a deelaratiou of itft convio'ione as to the practical resulta of the rvbtem of prepartion it deiuandn. lt say: "Webclieve such a nystein, well devised, and above all, inIrusted to coiupotont hands for ncoution, ircjittüti at no time an artificial scarcity of the currtney, and at no timo alarmiiiK the public uiind into a witlulrawal of the master ïiiachiuory oí credit by which 95 per cent.,of all busineeR tranBocüons aau ju ii(K-;ni'(l, a system open, public, and inspiring general confidence, would i rom the day of its adoption bring healing on its wlogs to all uur narrasscd JndustrieH, set ín motion tho whcolsof ooinnierce, ïiianufaiitiirefl, and the meclmnio nrln, restore employment to labor, and rvmw in atl its natural sourccH tlie prospcity of the people." The {invt'rnmi nt of the United States, in uiy oiiiiiou, eau ajdvasec to a troyniptlon of wpocie paymcotB on its loHal-tendt-r notös by gradual and safo proteítk-8 tendiutf to relievo tlio present business distrofia. If churgod by tho pecple witli the admiuistration of the Executive ollloo, I xhould dt'eni it a duty no to fixerciso" tho powerfl with whtch it ha In-in or ïuay l)c Inroated by (Mnpn'ns, ;ik tli; !(■( and floonnst 1o conduct the country to that bendice nt rcBUlt. TSK TITIL HKRVIOK. The conventiou justly aliinns that "reform is neceeuary iu the civil eervice, uccensary to its purJfl catión, necneai-y to its economy and it eiftciency, nec.'88ar' in order that the ordinary einplo inent of lunnc uiieinesB may noi ue n pnze ioueui ior ai me ballot-box, a reward of party zcal, infiload of poste of hoiior assigaecl ior provcd coniyetoncy and held for fldelity in public employ." The convenliou wiscly allowed that rvforniR are neccssary even moro in tho higher grades of public sorvice - President, Vice I'n sidriit, Jiul(,:rs, ponatpra, typpraaentatlves, Cablutit ofliocrs. These and 11 ótïi$rs in authority aro ïiot a privatr jiixunf-iti. Thy are a public runt. Twp evils iufcoet oilicial arvlae o the Fod■in]i)rjyHii.eiit ; ii in Üui irtuicnt and deinnr iliin notinn tluit th'1 jmblic scrvn'c oxistn not for the buainfBft and benefit of tho wliolo people, but for Uioiuiurcst. di iíHh-'-IioIUíth, wUo' are. in truth, but eervaut oi tin1 D89plo, Undcr thti influoucc of thiB pmiirirtHs error, pnlillr títójitóymeñtd havo been nuiltipin'ti, the muubcr of thoeo gathered into the riuikH of ottioí-lioldinff havo been sloadily increascd boyon'd auy posRible rc(]uirement of tlie publifi buineiiK, while inejiicicncy, peotÜAr ion, fr:iml, aml inalvrHatioti of public fund, fruiu bi(?li places of power to the lowe&t, have orerapread th' servioc like it lprosy, ïbe othorovilis tho orRbnization of the oflicial dBH ato i body "f poütioa) paerceiuriea, govt jQDuis au'-tisc mul (liclutii:g h noniiuatinoK of tluir I ow 13 Party, and attcniptinij to carry clectiniiH of tho pooplö ty nuduf' influenco and by itnmeusc ! comrptioH fnnrls ystenmticaUy oolloclod froin i tbe salarian and feos of oftïcc-holders. Tho oflioíal ■ daas in other conutrit'B, Hometimee by lts own ! weight, and soinottmen iu allianeo with thó army, lias beon able to rulo tho unorganiaed fotases. , Kven uuder uuivoreal BiiffijiKO lurn it biiB already iMown into a glaQÜO puuor, capabte of üfling instlnots'of a sound public opinión, and of resistiiif; y dbtnge of admluUtratiOD, uniü üjifnianaeemoat ; tolerable, nd pabilo njiiríf 1i;h 1" ■'■ii t}D 'i 4 ïii-lt of fs í-iviv' HYpïUtlOB The flret'stopiti feïormis the elevatíon of the ■tandard by wluHi the af$ta&tfftc P'ver aelects the agente to executo nilicial trusls. ' ■.'■ :' 1(T injortance ifl a coDBCfentious ïldelfty in thñ nxerciJfc of atithority to hold to account and displace untrnstworthy or incApablc tjUbordinotcB. The public inioreat in anhonest, sïtillfttï performance of an official tnwi must not bc sacrinced to the usufrurt of the im'umbent. AfU:r thftK immetdiate stepa, whic"h will indure the eShibitloïi of "better cxamplcs, ■we nifly wiitely go o"h to tito abolitloa ot unucceHury tífflceíí. and frnaUy ifi, t& ytftient, oafcfní afawoit& Öon of á betwr oivü-servlce .vwterü uiïdep tl.wherever ractiCaWlo, of proved cmííotctícy and üd hty. WftftlP nuch .migiit bc accoini1'' ' ':- ■' tfcífñ mathods, it mignt enW)tire delusivo eípc-efaíiofti íf I withhrld herd feo oxíff fteiori of iny oouvictiofi thfct no reform oí the civilcrvitio in thi country witl bo mi::i"1" !■ nj3 pcrmauoutuntil itu Chktf Magistrato la óonsnWiíSlíal disífnaíified for ro-election. JCxporience havinf? repef-'íly exftu.'red the f utility of B&]f-iiupo8cd restriction by caííí!i'íteíY pr incuiubents, throufíh this meaus ooly can he i& cftectuaHy deliverod from Iiíb grv&Uml tomptatíon to iuírurc the power and patronage with which the Exemitive in noccsflarily charge d. EdíiWtfitl ín the belief that lt Is the flrat dnty of a citizen of Uu: '.%■[ 'ii'li-an V tiitü hts fair ailotment of care and irouble in pubil' áuaírt, I ai'ofor forty yars, aa a prívate citizen, fuiiilii d i!-u det?; Thouh occupied in n unuaual degrec dnrJng all that period with concerus of Kovennnont, I have never acquired the habit. of officia! liic. Whcn, a year and a half ago, I entcred upon my present tfnet, it was in order to conaummate the reforma to wbJMh J had airea dy devotcd scvcral of tho best yoarsof myJie. 1ïnrrwii)f{-M I do, therefore, from freBh eAperióitfcc, hSfr 0ft'át trio difTcrftnce ibetwecn gUclinR throiiffh' nn o'Wcial ípTttiño and -work iug out a reíorm of syatems and jJolíciL6 it ia im-ï possiblo for me to contémplate whftt liceíls tö be douo in the Federal adnünistration without au anXimiB ponae of the diflculties of tho indcrtaking lf Biimmonod by the BvifFragcfl of .my country ir en to at tempt this work, I Phall enclcavor, with God's help, toiae tne efficiënt instniment of their wil!. (Öigned) Samuel J. Xiï.pes. To Oen. íohn A. MCIefnand, Chainnan ; Oen. W. lï. Fránklln, Hon. i. .1. Abbott, Jkíu. H. Í. Spannhorrt, Hon. ïf. J. KcdAelO, Hou. ï1. S. tyon and otlicr, etc.


Old News
Michigan Argus