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Sewing Machines THE SINCER, NEW DOMESTÏC, And tb.e HOWE, And sevnral good Secoml-Hand Machines at the SEWING MÁCHINU OFFICE, Aun Arbor. Also Needles for all Machines The vcry best that are made, and auachments and parta for nearly all machiues. S1NGER MACHINES Bspaired foetter therc than anywhere clse in America. If your machine doii't work well, trade it for one that does, or have it rcpairrd. AH ma chine gold un easy payments at the oflice. Sccond door eat of Post Office Ann Arlior, Tl ir li. (1550) I. ! Mtl-VMJJ,, A-rnt. r EORGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the finn of Clark Cropsey, and A K kaknky, late uf Texas, under the ürm name o KEARNEY & CKOPSEY, Have entablished themselvea at No. 33 South M ulii Ni., Ami Arbur, aud propose to do general Grocery Business They witl also keep CBOCKEKY, GLASS and WOODEN WARK, and a full line of DOMESTIC and FOUEIUN FUUXX8. They bare fitted and furulahed A First-class Lating Department, Where Meab can be bad at all hou rs, or board ); tbe week. Caih paid for Hutier, mul all ('untry produce. Guods pnmptly dcliv'■ ín any part of the city. Reuienibcr the place . 33 Soutb Main Street. KK.VKNKY L CItOPSEV. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1876. 1580 THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, Ín towntihip two south of range ttix east, comprising the i'iist half of the northeast quurter of section nineteen ; und that part of the west half ol the west half of the northweat quarter of eection twenty, lying north of the turnpike ; in all 100 42-100 acre?, witb House, Barn, an Onfailing Spring of Water, And about fifty acres well improved ; flrst clims land and situtttion beautiful. Two-thir la of the purchaue money may reiaain on the land three to ftve years. Kor tcrmn apply to GBO. E. HAND, Or H. J. BBAKKij, Botroit. Ann Arbor. 1574tf Yisitors to the Centennial, NBW YOEK BALTIMOBE AND WASHINGTON, TASS ITOTICEI 'l'luit tbe Cleveland Steamen NORTHWEST, B. N. RICE, Leave M.C. R. R. wharf, Detroit, duily at 9 o'clcck p. m.,exoept Sunday. This line hs nrruntfed aytitem of tickets yia Clerelnnd whereby over 300 routes cun be made to l'lii I inlt-l ili in and New Vork, going and returning by any route deaired. No other line cun offer hucu a nety of routes. I Tickets for sale at principnl Railroad Offices, on board steamers and at Compuny's office, foot of Bbelby st., Detroit. 1S" D. CARTER, Aent. TII,L IIEADS AND STATEMENTS AT THE ARGUS OFFICE, Corner Main and Huron Street. Northern Central K. R. Oo. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE " CENTENIMIAL." Through In 27 honra froni Detroit, a! per sched ule OÍ passeuger traína boluw : [Via Canada Southern Ratlway.] I-eave Toledo, 0 10 p m 10 45 a l " Mouroo, (i 52 ni II 1" a i " Dotroit, 6 !.r m ' 12 -'" ' (VlaGreat Western B'y] P H A M 1' M Leave Detroit, G2') 4 20 lí 20 [Via Grand Tronk K'y] I' M A M A M Lcave Detroit, 5 45 2 50 7 80 [Via New York Central E. R.] A M A M P M I' .1 Le. Niágara Falla, 4 00 7 ::u 1 45 6 10 Suspension Bridge, 4 20 7 85 2 M) 8 00 Búllalo, 4 85 7 ir, i 50 B M Rochester, 7 30 8 35pm5"30 12 20 a m [Via Northeru Ceutral R'y.J A M M P M AM A Le. Canandalgua, 9 45 4 40 i; 55 1 45 Pi-nn Yan, 1102 5 58 748 2 42 WaUÜns, 12 17 7 00 8 37 8 38 8 0 Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 09 t l: 8 0 Klrnira, 1 M) 810 H :tt 4 :i0 í) 00 Troy, 838 10 38 5 34 10 09 Minnequa, 4 Ull 11 06 ti 02 1" : WUllamsport, 6 10 12 85 7 40 12 2. Nortliuiiibirhiinl. 1240 9 2" 2 0 .Sunbury, USO 2 00 9 35 2 1 llarrisburg, 2 4." S 55 1140 4 1 llaltimore, 7 35 6 !S 7 3Wasliiugtun, 9 02 9 07 9 0 Plilladelpliia, 7 00 7 : 3 30 7 2 New York, 10 10 10 25 6 45 10 2 PuBADgvn'by this roul(! have the piivilefe o stopping olí' at'any point, and of visiting Wasliíiife ton City without extra charge. No (lust. Kotul thorouhly stpn6 bailasted, am ita passenger tralns are euippeil withcvi-ry know tinprovement for thc couvenionue and aafety oí' pas sengftrs. The far-famed WatklüsGlen Ix-iiip; looated on th direct line ot' Northern Central Kailway passengel can take it in ou thcir route to lliu (.'ntennial, b takiug tile Northern Central íinihviiy. Be sure your ticket-s read vía New" York Centra and Northeon Central Roads. Information givi-n on appücatioD to Western Pas senger Agent. D. M. BOYD, .Ir., Qeni Pass. Agent. Sam'l L. Skïmouk, Western Passender Agent Búrlalo, N. Y. 1591tT THE ENEMY OF OSSEASF ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is tUe Grand Old MUST ANO LINIMENT Which has stood the test of fort y yeara. There íb no Sore it will not heal, no LnmcneBS it will not euro, no Ache, no Pain that ultiicLe the Human Body, or the Body ot a Horue or other domestic uniraul, thftt does not yitld to ite mngi2 touch. A bottle costina 25c, 50c, or $1.00, hits oftn Biived the life of u human boing, and restored to life and its.-t iihn s many a vnluivhle bone. luardi'd tbc Hlhest Tlcdal at Vlenna. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 Broadwny, Xew York. COpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) Manufacturera, Importvrs & Dealers in CHEOMOS and FEAMES, STEREOSOOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Gbaphoscoi'kr, and Suitadlk Views. Photographic Materials. We are Headquarters for everything in the waj of TKKKOl'TKOVS & MVtilC LAHTEM8, Being mauufactnrerH of the ' MICKO-SCIKNTIFIO LANTEKN, STEREO PANOl'TICON, UNIVEHSITY STEHEOPTICON, AUVERTISUK'S STEKBOPT1CON ARTOl'TICON, 3CH00L LANÏERN, FAMILY LaNTERN PEUPLE'd LANTERN. Each style being the best of its classin the raarket. o- Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with directions for uhíuj; aent on applicution, Any enterprising inau eau make mouey with a ilagic Lanturn. 1571 ktf"i :ul out this advortisemont for reference..g RAILROADS. MI IHSAN CENTRAL lUILttOAflT MAT !8, 1876. QOIMQ WIBT. A.M. A.M P.M.P. M.! P.M. p X Detroit, leave, 7 00 lil 05 2 60 4 00 6 Ofl i v . T. Juuotion, 7 15 10 20 8 06 4 16l 6 15'10 05 Wayne Junction 7 47 10 49 3 32 4 50. 6 47 lo 41 ïpsilunti, 8 31.11 10 3 51i 6 28 7 12 n u AnnArbor, 8 i6 11 20 4 13: 6 45 7 45ln so xter, 9 20' 4 35 6 061 8 10 helse, 9 4:i 4 47 8 23 8 ÜBi „ Urans Lake, 10 07 .6 15 6 49 8 66 P.M A u aokaon. Ar., 10 40 12 32 S 46 7 15 9 25 12 (j ackson, Lv., 10 45I12 37 9 30 ij j Albion, II 35 1 14 g 10 2 1 21 v. M. - lalslmll. T_' 26 1 W 5 g 10 58 1 BaUleCreek, 1 U0 2 17 11 37 j Jj A. M. talesburtf. 1 31 a. m. 13 10 Kabimu.iMi, 1 52 8 03 4 00 12 3U 2 5' ,nwton, 2 35 4 41 1 05 -U JeCtttur, 2 .r)2 5 00 1 25 )uv.:r.-i;ir, 3 16, .' Jli 1 55' file, :i 45. 4 23 (i 10 2 30 43 iuchunan, 3 69 6 26 2 45 ü. Thrue Ünks 4 28 4 55 7 04 3 23! J tg New Huffulo, 4 43 6 08 7 21 3 40 Z Miclngau CUy, 5 10 6 35 7 50 4 (15 j „ Luke, 6 48: 6 14 b 35 4 & 6 JJ itnsington, 6 45 7 15 9 35 5 42 7 1. Chicago, arrive, 7 30' 8 00 10 80 6 30 1 s o? QOIKO KAST. . TT i é% _?__ _tUí Í.M A.M. A. M. !. M. P. M. p.M. hiPBifO, leve, 5 00 9 00 4 00 ' 5 15 9 00 Kcnuington, 5 45 9 V 4 45 6 6" 9 43 I-ke, 6 40 10 20 5 30 6 43 10 25 Michigan City, 7 32 11 00 6 30Í 7 40 11 16 New Butfalo, 7 56 11 20 6 55! 11 85 rtiree Oaks, 8 09 11 32 7 09 8 11 11 47 I'. 51. A. M. Buclianan. 8 42 7 50 12 20 Niles, 8 0i' 12 09: 8 20 8 55 12 35 Duwagiac, M 27 1 8 49 101 Decatur, ■ 9 52; 9 15 l 25 Lawton, 10 lo! 9 85 Kalamazoo, 10 451 36 '10 10 10 26 S 16 Qaleabuig, Hl 12 ! '2 38 Battle Creek, Hl ii: 2 17 11 09 3 16 !'■ M■8 M ! Marshall, i 1.'. 2 U a W 11 35 8 47 Albioii, 1 14 3 10 ? 11 55 4 07 A.M. A. . .Tuckson, Ar., 2 08 3 65:A.M. 12 40 4 SS 9 si Juckson, Lv., 2 12 4 00 7 00 12 40 4 59 ürautt Lakti, 2 45 -- ■ - 7 30! 5 23 9 5( Cbelsea, 3 10 7 50 6 50 10 U Dexter, 3 25 8 13 6 08 10 S Aim Arbor, 3 52 5 15 8 3CI2 00 6 28 10 Ypsilanli. 4 15 28 8 56i 2 20 6 48 11 Wüyne Jlinc, 4 45 5 46 9 23 2 40 7 08 1111 (i. T. June, 50 8 10 10 00 3 15 7 45 1 K-t nut. Ar., '■ 1'. (i 'i: lil 15 3 30 8 00 12 n HuDdayu excepted. :Satuiday and Hunday ex oepted. tDiiiiy. H. B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wentworth, (ien. Paas. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA BAILEOAD. GOINO WE8T. - 1876 - GOINO EA8T. 8TATXON8. Mttil. Exp. BTATIONB. Kxp. Mfcfl, Detroit, dep.. .7:00 ti-Uü' "■'■■ Ypsilftnti.... 8:86 7:15 Bunkers 6:00 ti Í Sulina 9:20 7:46 Hilladala ... 6:S0 j: I Bridgewater.. 9:45 7:67 Muncbcster.. 9:15 tu { Manchester. 10:18 8:00 i Bridgewater 9:45 tí) r. m. ; Saline 10:10 tól Hilladale 1:15 10:C0 YpKilanti.... Í1O:65 !:J I Bunkers 1:80 10:10 Detroit 12:80 6:i Trains run by Chicago tune. To uke eflect , April 1U, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Bup't, Tpsilanti. CentennialÉxliííítioi PHILADKLPAIA, PA. TllIIS Great International Exhibitlon, desinwi X to cuMimeiuorate tho One Hundrcdtb Anuirá sarv of Amuriean Iudcpuuiluiice, opuntd May lOth and will uluse November lOth, 187i. All thé Ki liona -f the Wurld and all the .Statu and IVrriir riea of the Union will particípate, bringing togtiher the imt coinprchensivc collcction of art traurt's, mucbanical nventions, flcieutlfic discoveri(% turing achu-venients, mineral specimeni, and aricultural producta ever exhibitd. Tbt grounds devoted to the Kxhihitum aru situatttl os the Une of the Pennsylvania Kailroad, and embrace í'our liundred and flfty acres of Fainuount l'ark, all highly improved and ornamented, 01 whieli are ereetod the largest bnildiugs ever wu structcd, - üvo of these covering an area of öflT arivs, and costiug $5,000,000. The total numberd buildings erected lor the purposes of the Exhibí tiou is over one hulldréd. The Pennsylvania Eailroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AM) F AST MAIL ROUTE OF THEU.S, will be the most direct, con renten t and economía] way of teaching I'hiladelphiu, and this great 1 ■'■■ h i bit-i on f ruin all Bectious of the country, k; tiuin.s tu and froni PhUftdelpfaia will puss t Jir-mu-1 a GUANÍ CENTENNIAL DEPOT, whicb tiie CompftUT have erected at the Main Entraño Exhíbitlon Grounda, for the accumniüdation u( passengers who'wish to stop at or stnrt froni -i ' iMiiinTni.s hoii-l.-. contiguous tü this station and the KxhitiUiun, - a eouveuience of the p value to visitors, and attbrded exelusively by ibt Peimsylvauia Railroad, whicb is 'TUK ONLÏ LINE RUNNING DIRKCT Tü THE CENTENNIAI- BUILDINGS. Excursión irains will alsortaf ul Enéftmpment of the Patrons of IlusbniKlry, at Kim Station, on this road. 49The Pennsylvanla Railroad is the graodat I railway organization iii the world. It coutixl su ven ihousand miles of roadway, fonning conto uous lines to Philadelphia, New York, lïaltiuiore, ' and Washington, over whlch luxurlous day a u-i niht curs. ure run froni Chicago, St. Louis, IjOuíviMe, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Columbus, Tolol I Cleveland, aud Erie, without chaTige.jer lts main line is laid witli doublé uud third track of Ir'iivv steiil rails, upuu a deep bed of broki'i stone ballast, and its bridges are all of tron ': stone. lts paaaengei trains are equipped wil ry knowu iniprovement for comfort and saft;ty,a&í are iun at Autor speed for greater distances tbau the trains of any line on the continent. The Oom pany bas laigety Increased its ciuipmont foi CM1 U'iinial travel, and it will be ptepared to build, I its ow n shops, LoooinoUtes md pa-ssenger cars st sliort notice, hiiliiciont to accoinmodatu any extn demaüd. The onequaled resources at the eonniiaw of the Company guarantee the most perfect accommodatlOBS for all its patrons during the CcnteDoial ESxhibltton. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY forwhkhtb PSunylvania Railroad Issojustly celebrated, pi" E sents to the tra veler over its perfect Roadway ai ever-changing panorama of rivcr, inountain, and landscape views uuequaled in America. THE EATING-STATI0N8 on this llae are unsurpiissed. Meaï will be furnished at suiuble boura and ampio time allowetl forenjoying ' EXCUÜ8I0N TICKET, at reduced rates, vill te sold at all principal Kailroad Ticket Otficeain" the West, Northwest and Southwest. fl-líe su re that your tickets read via the Grea I Ptnnsylvania Route to the GenU-nniul. FKANK THUMöüN, D.M. BOYD, JB., General Manager. Gcn't í'ass'r A$t National Centennial .RouteTAKE THE Baltimore&OMoR.R. THE ONLY DIRECT BOUTE TO THE CENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! By this line pasaengeis are lunded at the Cep tenntal Grounun, or at lironda nd Tino Streets, in vicinity of tho lending hotels in Philndelphia, tfaey muy prefer. Holdcrs of Throuh Ticktta CAN STOP OFF AT THE National Capital! And vicit the Government Buildings and te muny objects of iuturest in umi ubout Washington City. Travelers desiring A SPEED Y, PLEASANT et COMFOBTABLE TKI1' Should reniembor that the Baltimore & Chio Zlailroad ;s celebrntcd foi its elegant Coachen, Splenilici Hoel, lirund und Ui': Mouiituin imd VnllfJ1 ci'nery, nijd the muuy points of Historie interes' long its libe. SSfFíirc wil] Hlu'Aj'tt bcagliOtf flN , S by any o(Ur l.ii'ir. _ PULLMAN PALACE CABS KL'N THKOUOH WITHOUT CHANGE Between the principal WESTEEN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Through Tickets, Bnggage Check, Move'iii ot' trains, iSleepinK Cur Accoramodiitions, &ö- c, apply at Ticket Ónices at all principal puintn, NORTH, SOUTH, EASTOR WEST. . E. DORSET, L. M. COLB, „'t Uen'l Ticket Ag't. Oen'l Ticket AS l HOS. P. BARKY, THOS. E. 8HAKP. Wenl'n Ponsenger ALent. Maeter of TrsMP


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Michigan Argus