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DRUGS. E A. Tremaine & Co. (Succnjsor to K. W. ELLIS k CO.) AM AltBOR, MICH. A FIRST CLASS Drug Store. DRUGS AND DYE STÜFFS, Patent Medicines, TOILET & PERFUMERY ARTIGLE8 Prcsoripüons Compoundetl at A31 Houra, Cor. Main and Hurón Sts, 1561 CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE GO, A-iirmal Statement, JANUARY I, 1875. Aceumulated Assetti ,,.... $,rr5,&3 IAabilitics, incluillna reserve 1,843,8 Surplus bclonging to Folieyholden 7"9 Atmual Income #,#20,3.. Amount of Insurance in forcé. . .G4)98,9 THIKTY DAYS OF RACE ALLOME ON I'AYMENT OF RENEWALS. No restriction on Travol. Prompt aud libera pajTïieut of claiiaB. CLAIMS PAID IN 1874, C00,000. Total dcatk laims paid in last cight yers 13.000,000. G. A. WATKINS, No. 10 Bank JSlock, Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOIIN SEABS, Diet. Agent, Aun Arbur, llicli. 1598 FIRE INSURANGE. INSUEE YOUB PEOPERTY WITH FRÁZER & IÍAMILTOJÍ, Who represent the following safe and trostwortbj Firo Insurance Conipanies : FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADEtPnlA, Incorporatcd 1820. Assets, Jau. 1, 187C, - 83,289,798.91 AMEBICM FfflË INS. CO, OF rHIL.ADBL.PHIA, Iecorporated 1810. Assets, - - $1,250,000; WESTCHESTËrI'IRE INS. CO. Assets, - - - $859,700" Northwestern National FIKE & MARINE INS. CO. Assots, - 881,425.53 Michigan State Ins. Co. OF ADRIÁN. Assete, - - 8327,493.6; The State Insurance Co. OT? TjAJSrSINGr. Assote, - - - 175,00 OFFICE OVER THE SAVINGS BANK, Ann Arbor, Miohistan. 5G8 ism VÏBËATOE" 1OO SOLÍ) L.VST 8KAS03 WITHOUT ONE FAILURE Ült KËJECTIOH This H tho f;unoii8 Thrrshinji niaeliino b "Hwcpt thd field " and created BÓcn n rovolution int 1 :.l-l", hy It8 MATCULESfl GltAIN-ÖAVI.NU AND TlMK-öA'' i.vq principias. TITR ENORMOOS WASTAGE of prnin foíbt1 i trifi oí'. ■' ' : ! ' . . .i. (-i S.WKDtyWJ E Improved Muchin", nJRtíát, (-?i tírr; Vf', ío mo a .:,V i;H c.cpcï!s of llirwliing. FLAX, TlMOTIIiT, MILLKT, HÜNGABIAN j liko eeeda aro threshod, eoparatíd, clcancd oud T m easily and porfectly os Whcatt OaiBt Byo or PítW' AN EXTRA PRICB ia us1ially pald for grain ol scoda cloaucd by this machino, for extra cletmHnftisIN TUE WET GKAIN of 187S, thcso woro 8ulJ' tinll.v tho ONLY MACIIINKS thntcould run withF0" or cconomy, doin fiu? (borough and perfect ' wten othén iitltrl- failctï. ALL GRAIN, TIME nntl ÏIONEY woeting wm$ tlons, such os "Endlras Aprolis," "Rnddlei," "Bnllf?. " l'ickora," ote, aro mttrêb tli'paivil trilh; If t., onc-half the nsiml Grora, Ilolui, lioxra, nd Juïï t oasior inanagcd : moro durable ; light runuingínoccj": I ly repairs; nodust; no4Jittoringa" to clean I'J troublod by adverso windg, rain or storms. - FMIMERS and GR.MN RATSEltS who ar ff in the largo saving made by it will nol omploJ 'E rior and wastefhl machinr, but will insist oo improTed Turoshor doing thoir work. FOÜB SIZE3 made for 6, 8, 10 and 12 B" Polvera. AlüO a spodalty Of ËrPARATOBS, ÚWS11 . and made exprvjot,y fok ktfam power. TWO STTLK8 OF HORSB POWBRS, li.: onj 'J provod "Triple Gear,"antl our "Spur Speed" (n" liuiy Stylo), both " Mouutcd " on four wheels. Iï" INTEKE8TED in Tlirahing or Oraln BslM api'ly to ont neart Poalsr, or write to ua for I'10 tèfl ■ircnlar (a.Mii IV), glTlng fiill particulars of "" BtjK-rt, Pricos, Torms, etc. Nichols, Shepard b Co., BATTLE OBEEK, Ö'' '■ nnrivaled moohineii and exlraa ar plied at lowett fat'lory prloea tiy MOSE8 KOut01 Ann Arbor, Micli, ■


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