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Prayer And Slavery

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There are inany men professing the Chn'siian religión, who also profess to believe Slavery a Divino nstitulion! - Now we have livèd thus long and never vet have heard a prayer ollèred up to God, in its behalf! If it is of God, Christians, fray for il! Try it ; it will strengt hen your faith, and purify your soul. "O thou Ömnipotent and benevolent God, v!io hast made al! meuof one flesh Ihon Fa'iher of all nations, we do most dovóutly bciecch the to defend andstrengiheri ihy institutions, American Slavery! Do tliou, O Lord, tiglrten th ehains of our black brethrcn, and caus slavery lo iucraease and multiply through out tlie éhrfhl And uhereas many na tions of the èarth havo lovëd their neigli borá as fliemselves, and have done unto others as tlicy would ihat others slioulc do unto them, and havo broker, ever} bond, and lettho oppressed go free - do ilion, O God, turn their hearls from their evil ways, and let them siezo once more upon the weak and defenceless, and subject iliem to eterna) servitude! And O God, as thou has ccmmtintled us not to muzzle even the poor ox tha treadeth out the corn, let them labor un cejtsipgly witliout ïeward, and let thei ovn husbandsand wivcs and children be sold intodistaut Jands without crimo, ilia !hy name niay be glorified, and ihat uu believers tnny be confounded, and forced to confess that indeed t!iou art a God of justice and mercy ! Stop - stop, O God,the escape f rom the prison house, by whicli "accurscd''1 men floe into foreign countnes, where nothing but tyrany reigns ; and compcl them to enjoy the unequalcd bíessings of our ov n Jrcc land! Whereas our rules in the Alabnma lcgislatnre have emancipated a black man, because of ome eminent public senrjc, thus bringing thy holy name nto shame, do thou, O God, chango their hearts, molt them into mere; and t tilo obedience lo thy wil!, and cause thern speedily to restore the chain to that unfortunnte sor.i! And O God, ihou sen reher of all hearts secing thai many of thinu oivn professod íolloweip, when thev come to lie down on the bed of dea'h, nv.d enter upon that bourne wh'ence no iravcler returns, vvherc evciy one shall be cnll to account for tho deeds done in the body, Chej be good or whether thoy be evil - cmuncipate their fellow men, faiüng in l'aiih. and givon over to hardness of hcart, and blindnessof perceptiou of the truih, do tliou, 0 God, be moici.ul totlieri), and to the poor recipients óf ifieir fleceilful philanlhropy, and Ie! the chain enter inlo ihc Hcsh' and the irou. Inlo ihc wuZ forceer !