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Forty-fourth Congress

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Teesday, Aug. 15.- Señale.- The CommittcCB on Priutlng and on Public Buildings and Grounds wcre authurized to Bit during thc recese - The Stnate thon procoeded to ecusider the ir billa grantiug pensions to vsrious persons, and a largo number werc paased. .. McCreery BHbinitted a rcsolulion roturnii-K ÖW thanks of tho Renato to tho PreBldent pro tempore, thc Ilon. Thotuas Wi Ferry, for tho dignlty, juetico and impartiality with which he li;il prended over hv dolilxsrationB of tho Senate. 'i to y íi un:niimoua vote. At. 7:30 p. ni. tho navol of the presfdJDg ofiteea iu, :m-i h fegpofldé fotac resolutlou of McCrccry in a brief npcech, closingasfqllpws: "To iho oflicer of tho Sonalr, wlioco valriéd aid has enabled me to hold your coníldcnco, I tender pinecro acknowletlg;ment. í'inally, wiBhing you all a safe returu to your respectivo homo, I iirouounce the iirt regular gcaeiou of tbe l'orly-fourth Cougretm al iouriicd rithoat day." [Applauao on the noor auii m tlic gallarles.] llovm.- Tho Rlouday night bohsíoii of thc liouso rontinuod nOtll fi o'clock Tuosday mornliif?, mot o tho limo beiiiK tíikt-u llp iu dilatory motions aut niani'uvrrs to prevent Cox resumJng hin hpoech in rcply to Kawon. At lant, about 5 o'clocl i. ni., a truco waa effected between thc opposinpc fovoes. and an opportunity waa ftfforde U both Cox and Kaseon to tnake a duo ftpology u í!' IIi;u.-c anl cach other for exhiblttBg ;tny augry juiwiou or tho -.iolation of any parltanenory deinnn that cithor might bave buen gullty of Aftor lliat llcwitt toolí' tl)" nd i a speeob whicb waa írciiui i4lv ap' b own sido of (he : O) II lUlt !. ■.:■■'■' '-■ bearcr of tho national Democraey Tho Houso rcfusod to concur in the Senato amendmeutfi to tho House bill for tho enli&tment of volunteors to aid in fiuppreseing the Indian hos'tilitieB. A message was alHo reccived from the Vresidont atmounniug that ho had statiüd the Diplomatifc iind Consular Apr.ropriatitín billy bilt JóaUlng aUenlldn to iho farhl Üiat ponhiitutionMly me House bad 110 rigttt to oi'Jcr the wiihL'rawal of Confluís or Ministetsj thouli it niifíht reductor wiilihold cntiiely alarios to bé poid to said ofllccrs. A consiltutional discusHiou ae to tho liniitw of the power of the Prcslüent in rfgard to diplomatie offleers cnBUctl, wbich nuled by reierring the mewae to the Comniittee on Approprialiona Hunton, f rom the Juciieiury Couimittoo, made a report exoncrating Uio Chairman of th;it Committce (Kuott) iu ookaectivn wltji tho Joriah CaldweU te !c Mini. Adopttd- ftl to Í59 Bahkfi offercd tho foliowing rcsolutioD, wliioh was adbptöd by a uuanimUa vote, and a copy ordcred tp be telegraphcd to Speaker Kerr' "iwwlyedj Thut thb ïloiiso of -UcprcscHtativ., at tb1:1, iiioiüent or ciobiuR ite preseïat seraioD', tenders to M. C. Kerr, ita belOVed prealdlg officer, tho unanimous expression of the heartfelt eympathy of ita menibers i n hia affliction, md hope that tbc recovcry of bis health may soon give bis country the benefit of bis counsel and exaniplc." Preciaely at 7:30 o'clock the Speaker pro tem (Saylor) annomiced that the hour f or final adjournment had arrivod. Thanking the House for Uu courtesy, the first Bession of tho House of the Forty-fourth Congrees stoort adjourned without day.


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