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Sewing Machines THE SX2TGEH, 1TE W DOMESTXC, And th.e HOWE, And scveral kooiI Socond-Hand Machines ot the BEttflNQ MAOHINK OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very beat that are made, and attachments and parU for nearly all machiucs. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaircd botter therc than anywhere olso in America. If your maohiae don't work well, inde it for one that does, or have it repaired. All machines suld üu t'usy paynients at the ollice. Sccond door f.-ist of Post Office, Ann Arliur, .11 f li. . (UW) 1. V.. CBIKMELI., Agent. GIÍSS „jp, MHM.] "Z. H m rM H CO COHANSEYGLASS MFGCO MFR'S WINDOW GIASS.BÜTTLES &C. PHUADELPHIA r.scpns .o. f JET NA. INSURANCE COMPMÏ. Capital, ■ - $3,000,000. Assots Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losses Paid in 55 Yoars, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilitiea, inclucling ]{ö-Insurance Reserve. $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over LiabilitieR, including Ee-Iusurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. M A ( h , Agent, Ann Arbor. Northern Central R. R, Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE "CENTENNIAL." Throiigh in 27 hours froiu Detroit, as per schedule of passenger traius belnw : [Via Canada Southeru Railway.] Lc:iv.' Toledo, o lo p m (i ir, :i m " Monroe, 662 jm n SjjTa ui " Detroit, 6 55 p ni 12.20 ji.iú [ ttVsvrn Ify] P M A M 1' T Leave Detroit, 6 ■_'. -i n 12 20 LViaOran.l Tnmk K'y] P M A 51 A M Leavi; Detroit, 5 45 2 30 7 ;íl.l [Via New York Central R. E.J A M A r !■ r V M Lo. Niágara Kulls, 4 00 7 SO 1 ir, s ID Suspension Bridge, 4 20 7 35 2 00 S 00 Bullido, ír ■'TU! 1 SO Itochestor, 780 8 88i)m,580 n íjara [Via Xorlhcrii Central B'y.] AM PM PM A MAM Le. Canan'ïaijiiia, 9 4:" 4 40 íi 05 1 n IVnn, 110J Ti 5:! 7JS i tí Watkins, 12 17 7 01) 8:7 ö : s 00 Ar. Havana, 121 7 09 8-13 8 08 ■'mira, 130 8 10 :l :ll) 4 .SO 9 00 'l'r"y. 8 88 lu:su S84 10 09 Minncíiua, 4 09 11 0Ö 6 02 10 3S Williamsport, 6 10 12 ;;,", 7 lo 12 i", NorthumWland, 12 40 92fl 2ÍS Sunbury, 1260 2 00 9 85 2 15 Harrisburg, 2 15 S 6S 1140 4 10 Báltlmore, : :: , 6 2S 7 :!." Washington, 9 02 '.107 o 07 riiila.I. -Ipliia, 7 01) T.ír, n;í 7 20 Nuw York, 10 10 10 2ñ 6 I" t0 20 eassengers by this route haré t li - privilege of stopplDgoffal any point. and uf vlslting (Vashlüêton City without t-xtra cnaxgfe; Noilust. KiKul il.orou.ühl)' stnno hallastcd, aud its passenger trolns are equipped witherery Icuovn iinn-itvi'iu(Mit f.r rhu c1')!] VL'iiifMci' ;ind Mif.-i'v ofnasBODfferB. far-famed WatkiosGlen ■ i n the ciïrtct llnsof Xortlu-ni Central i:.iiw:iy na can taki' it n on Huir nm ■ lo Ihé Centeuulal liv liikin' the Northern Central línüway' ]!■■ Miro your tickets feiia ra N'ow" York CVmral and Northeon Centra! Roads1. [nformation given ou ibplication to.Watpru l'assenger Agent. r. M. KOYD, Jn., Cm. IaJB, jVgcnt. HAM'r. ti, Sbymoub, VveèEBrn Pasaenirer Aitunt Buflalo, N. Y. 159U? fvnrded the llighest Medal at Vicüiia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO, ö!H It.-umlu'iiy, rVow Vork. (Opp. MetropdUtuB Hotel.) fl unif irdiriTs, Importfrs & Dealers in CÏÏK0M08 and PEAME3, STEaE0ü00PES& VIEWS, Al. HUM, (rll.U'HOSCOl'KS, .il UIIAULI: VlïW,,, Photogfjtphic Mitori:ils. ü - r= - Wc are rie;i;liu:irtt!r. fur everythin;; in the wu of STEREOPTICOTIS it HKifC !,ATEJ1VS, TU'in.i mMUufactnrers of the MICUO-SCIKN'TIHC I.A.N li.X, fa'I'EliEO PANOPTICONj UNiVEiisiTY 'i'::i:KOi'TIroN, ADVKUTISKR'S 'STSBBOPT-IOI 'N' ARTOITIClIN', SCHOOL r,ANÏKK FAMIIA' L.l.NTEKN PËOPLEÏl LANTKUN. Each style being the best uf its clussia the uiiirket. Catalogues of Lanteros aml Sliiles witli directiou.s for uin;í sem uu ppliuution. Any cnterprisiug man can muku iuoney witlia Miiii' LanlrMi 1571 ItiTCut out thia advortiseraent for refercnce._j ThÍTnEMY orDÏSËASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. 1 tUo Urand Ola MUSTANG LINIMENT Which has stood tho test of forty years. There is no Sore it will not heal, no Lameneps it wül not cure, no Aclie, no Pam tlmt ainicte the Human Body, or the Body ot a Horse or othor donjestie aniniul, that does Dot yiild to its mngb touch. A bottle costing 26c., 50c, or $1.00, has uften Baved the Uto of a human Ih-íiiíí, and rcatored to life and UafnllMU manj a valuulile boné. RAILROADS. HK'MHiVN CKXTIIAI, IUiLílOAD. MAY 2K, 1H76. - . . UOINO WIST. .'T& %' %■ is r. á S f g4 A.M. . M l'.M.'l'.M. l'.M. P.1C. jfetrolt , leave, 7 on i 05 ï "o 4 uoi 6 9 61 O[T. Juuctiun. 7 15 10 20 3 05 4 16 B 15 10 03 WayneJunction ï .47., 10 9 3 32 40 6 47 10 48 ïpsilanti, S :;i 11 l'i :; íl S 28 7 12 11 14 Ai.nArbor, SM) 11 28 4 !3 4 45-7 45,1130 ii. ■ r, ■.'-' 4 35 6 06. S li g 4.; 4 47 0 23: 8 28 . oiaaa, 10 0" % : 6 4W 8 55 ; P.M - AM. ln-ks.m. Ar., 10 4' VI :v2' 5 45 7 15 9 í j 12 49 .l.u-kin l.v., 10 46(19 37 ■ 9 80,li4( Albion, 11 36 1 lt s 10 2i 1 21 l'.M. l-'o Marühall, VI iü 1 -1 .5 'S 1" i 1 45 UkttleCrevk, 1 1 00 2 17 7 11 37 '2 10 a. M. (Hlaabncgr. i 1 31 a. m. u iu ; Kal.iuiu7.uo, 1 2 8 03 j 4 00 12 8') 2 55 I l.awton, itl 85 i 41 1 05 ! Deciitur, 2 .'i2 5 00 1 251 1.1c, 3 10 5 26 1 55 Nflea, ■■ 16 4 238 10 2 3U 4 30 I Bui -huimn, 3 Í 6 25 2 45 I TUii-cUiika U 21 Ui 04: 3 23 ! 5 10 ' Xcw Bultülo, 4 43 08 7 21 V. 4ll Michigan City. 5 10 5 35 7 50 4 06, 5 50 I.ako,' 5 4R 6 14 S5 4 52 0 31 Kinsiníjton, C 4"i 7 15 9 35 5 il ■ 7 15 ChiCMio, arrive, 7 30 8 00; 10 W. 6 30' 8 I O0IN(iEAT. 1 . m I ■ " ! "' " 's Cv. .5i:í 1 A i í A.M. A. M. L'. M. 1'. M. I'. M. ('hici(ri),leave, 6 W, 9 Ol) 4 ÍIO 5 15 9 00 Keowiñgton, ' 6 45 s 4". 4 45 6 57, 9 43: T.ako, 6 i" ín -"■■ 5 30! 6 43 10 26 MlcMgfl City. 7 8! 11 ffl! 6 8W 7 40 11 16! New fiutfalo, 7 65n so1 6 65 -' 11 3.i: ThreB UakUi 8 09111 32' 7 09 8111117 r. M. A. M. Buchaiiíin, 8rí2L. - 7 5( 13 2! Ni'.rs, 1Ï M B 21 8 .'.." 12 35 DÍwagiac, U 27 8 49 r 1 ol Díciitiir, 9 52 - - ' 9 15' 1 25 Lawton, 10 10 '951- 1 Kolmnuzoo, 1 45 1 86 10 10 10 20' 2 15: (jalealmtK, 11 12 _ -i SU liattle Crcek, 11 52 1 17 . li 09 3 16: P.M.' t Mi)iall, 12 45 2 55 = a u K 3 47 Albimí, 114 :J 10 ? 1155 4 07 ■ 1 : _____ x.M. AH J.icksun, Ar., 8 M 9 55 A.M. li'ibl t ij 9 Si jltkwn, !.v., 2 1' i "I 7 IK) l- 40 I SS cíMxs Laico, 3 4.ri 7 30 :" 23' 9 54 CBeteon-, 3 -10 7 s : 6 50 io ij Dexter, 3 2S S 13 6 08 10 % Ann Arbor, 3 53 .', 16 8 M 2 iKi 6 28 10 U Ypsilunli. 4 IS g M 8 56 1 2 20 6 48 U 00 MiiymJnnc, 4 45 6 48 9 23 2 40 7 OS'il 18 ÖJT. June, 5 30 ( 10 10 OU 3 15 7 45 Detroit, Ar., ' I 5 45' 0 25 10 l.V 3 301 8 00.12 Oft ♦Hundaj-8 excopted. :S;iturdny ud Sunday eï cepted. fümly. n. 6. LRDYAHD, Oen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wkntwouth, Oen. l'ns. Agt-, Chicago. DETROIT, niLLSUALE & INDI ANA EAILËOAX. OING WE8T. - 18Ï6 - OO1NH EAflT. i , i . ; . BTATIONS. Hui.. Exp. STATIOHS. Exp. MaO, Dotroit, dep...7:(m A' M' " V'lisiliiuti.... :35 7:16 Bnnkers 6:05 i-.Sf SuJinev 9:S0 7: ir. Hillsdule ... 6:36 2:4S Iridí,-ewater. . 9:45 7:57 Mnncheater.. 9:tó 4:18 Manchester. 1H: 8:00 Bridgewutír 9:45 4:31 P. M. i Buline 10-.1O 4:S5 Uills.iük t: 13 10:00 Vpilanti.... '10:55 5:20 Bnnkeni. .-.. 1:30 10:10 Detruit 12:30 0:25 Trnins run by Chicago time. To take uiluct , April l(i, i:c. W. J?. PAliKEE, Sup't, YpBilanti. CemlialExiltiöii PIULADKLPAIA, PA. rp II IS Gmtt International Exhlbltion, deslgaêd 1 io (.uiiiiiiciaoialt llic Qne llumlmith Annïversacy of American [ndépendeñce, opéned May loth, uil wül close November ïotli, ïöTtj. All Uv Ktjoba óf the World and all tho Stóteé anü T.rriu.fli b of DnioD wüi partíclpftte, bringio toguthr tin must cuinpreheiidivc cullection of art trii techapicaJ íhtodUods, relentlftc discoverleB, ibtBiufscturing achievements, mineral specimens, and ftgrlculiural producto ovtfr exktblted. Tïa grduüds devoted to tiio Exhibltlon are BÍtuated on ilmliiu' (.f the Pennsylvania Bailfoad, and eniturace four hundred aiiu fifty acres of Fairmount Bark. all highly Lmprovod and ornameoied, on wmen are erectea the largest bnildings ever conBtracted, - fiveof tbesc covering au area of flfty ;ui--, nid costing $5,0ü0,0')0. The total numberol bufldlngs erected lor the purpoaes of the Bxhiblñop Ia over ouo huudrud. The Pj-nnsjlvania Eailroad, THE CREAT TRUNK LINE. AND PAST MAÏS ROUTE OF THE U. ff. will !■ the most direct, cuuv.nicut and ocnoMieali uay of reachlng Phuadelphla, and thia 'ii-ut Exhlljltlon from all secttoiu of the country, itl i ;t i 1 1 - U) and lïoiu Philadeluhia wil] pass tbrouidi a ÍKAND CENTBNK1AL l'l.rox, whui, .:„ üoiyjjauy havo erectd at the Main Entrence to tlie uon Grounds, for thé áccommodtlon of pasteugeis wliftVMh toftoj o sSrl fmiu. ihe iHiiin-rinis large hoteia contigtious to thb siliuii ' atulihy Ëxhibition, - a convenienceof thneatesl valuf to vÍNÍh.u, arnl aübrik'.I exclusiv ér by the Pcunsyliania Kailroad, u-hieh is TUK ONLY I.1NK Kl'.NNI.Ni, 1IKECTTU THB UENTENMIAi. 1:1 LLDING8. Excursión traína wlll aldo, stoc, at Eiieampniont of the Patroiis of liusbamlrv. at Blm .Station, on tlii., road. &-ïhe Pennsylvania RaUroad is the srandï-sf raüway organlzaUon in the world. It coatrols seven thousand miles of roadway, fonoisiff cwütinuoiiliuesto Phlladeluhia, New York, BaMbnore, and Wa.-iliiiwton, dvlt liicli luxuriuus dav and kvs ar' i um. it'ini ( hicago, St. fjouls, Louifiville, ClucinnatL ludianapolia, Colutabus, Toledo, Cleieland, and Brie, without chanxe..g lts main lino is iaid with doulile and third tracks of heavy stuel rails, opon a deep bed ui' brokeD stoue hailajit, and U bridtri'S are all Of irOO ] luiic. [passenger tralnaaM t'iniipíil ry Hiiowu uuprovement for comfort and safety, and art ru u at laster speed for greater distances thao lK' traia&of aiiy Hoe 00 tlio continent. The ('umij:my has lariély Increised iis equipnient for Ccnn i;u:ul inivi-1, aml il 11 he propared te build, i lts. dwu shops, Locomctives aud passenger cars at ULODT notlce, Bufficicnt to accommodate any extra aepund. The unequaled reeoaroes :ir the coiuinand of the ,niii:ui guftrautoe the inosl perfect tcc&fr raodati.iii., fur all lts patrons duriug the Centennl al pxhibition. TUi: MAGNIFICENT SCENEEY for hiel, the Penpylwnia RMlfbáU isaojostly celebratéd, presi-iits tu the travel, ti. vit its perfeoi ROadVay an ewifchangiD ajiyama : tivii, nnnu:iaiu, anti landecapè vfewa liiiequAlcd in America. THE i:aííX;-jations ontblsline are unsurpanscd. M.uls mil be farulshed at suitable houiB and ampie tiinc aliowed for enjoyihg flum EICI KSION Tli Ki-.I, at coduL-udl rite, wlll in'.-.i:il at all printipal Ballroad Ticket Offloca in the ',t. Northwest nn Southwest. sure thal yonr tickets read via the Orea raiiia Kou;, tu the GeuteuojaL FILA.K TÜrtMaÓN, Ö.M. JOYÍD National öentennial Route. TAK E THE THE ONLY DlltlXl' BOUTE . THECENTENNIAL VIA. ; WASHINGTON CITY ! lïy tliis line pamengeia ara buided. ut the l'ntvTnicaf (rioninN, r at líro.'u] a nd Pine Streets,ln riüinitr of the If;u1i:ig hotela n Pbiladelphia, na tlitj muy pivfnr. iloldirs o!' Throogb ïickbt CAX STOl' OFF AT TUE Hational Capital ! And vi-it the Uovurnmont Huiniiu-is .-md he niKiiy objeets of Intergvt in ;iml about Washington ( ' 1 1 y . '1' r VL'lers Je i n m A SPEED.Y, PLEASANT & ' COMFOKTABLB TRIP Shuuld remember that the Baltimore & Hailroad Is celebrntcd for its elgaut ('oachcR, Splendid IIotLls, Gr:md und litíuutiJul Jluuutnin ;tnd Valley iicenory, pd the ruauy puin te of Historió interfat alung its lino. iKFirc will alwayi be n I-ov as ï3g by uuy other rULLJIAN PALACE CAES nrx rintouuH WITHOUT CHANGE Botwetiii the priucinnl WESTEKN & BASTEEN CITIES. For Through Tickets, Bngijnge Checka, Movement of traína, Sltepinsf Car Accominodutions, &e., &.:., :ipply it Ticket t ilires ut. all principal puinta, NORTII,SOU''H, E AST OU WEST. E. U. DOESET, L. U. COÍ-K, Aa't a.M.'l Ticket Ag't. on'l Ticket Ag't TH(l.-f. P. HAKKY, THOS. R. HHABP, Wf st'n l'naBc'iiij'or Acont. Uaater of TraLap'n.


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Michigan Argus