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- Dou't forget the aunuaL school meeting m be held on Mouday uext. -Tlie public schools opened last Monday, ' „ju a larga atteuditnce in all the rooms aud gpartiuents. .-A hickory pole is to be raised at 5 o'clock p h to-day, at the corner ot Washington and fjortb streets. -Tlio pastor being absent at Conference HOT will be no services iu the M. E. Church on SunJay uext. _$72O: that is what Zack Chandler'a asjssaieut ou the postinaster of this city is said tobe,- 20 per cent. on the salary. -The second store in Rinsey & Seabolt's aew block is completed and now forms a part jj the extensivo grocery store of that firm. -10,000 majority for Hayes in this State oidtwo hats bought on "tick." Oue of two Ssio street merchante will have to pay for botb hats. -A meeting ot the Executive Committee of t;,e ffaahteuaw Couuty Agricültural Society „illbe held at the Court House to-morrow at 10 o'clock A. M. -Mrs. Azubah Vail, an old resident of the filth vrard of this city, died ou Wednesday of paralysis and typhoid fever, aged 70 yearB ud 10 months. -Jacob F. Bross, who came to this city from Senaany nearly thirty years ago aud has lived hen ever smce, was buried on Suuday, the funeral being largely attended. He died of Mthtnft - ffill one of the horgans which 'as such an % 'orror of 'ïckory poles boing raised near atons moasure the distance from that taraaatk raised on Monday evemng to the nearest MfeM, and adviae either us or lts readers 't -S. Hendrickson, a grocer doing business on State street, was thrown t'rom his delivery ugoa ou Monda y , by the horse startiug sudJenly and tippiug his seat over. Fortunately bl ras uot seriously injared. - Very naturaliy the Register protests unit the A.RGUS telling the truth in plaia English. Ita abiioreuce to truth-telling, - epecially whea discoarsing on political subjects. sufficiently accounts for lts horror. - Prof. Jones, oi the College of Homeopaihy, lias been iu thö city a tew days seeking trwiatsr quarters for his wife aud farnily. He says that ïf he autl his college are to be siaagled he wauts wiie aud children to share íísame f ate. -üur late fellow citizen K. P. Bishop, the Btarmed Union soldier who was not dis4i$i by the door-koeler ot the House to mferoom for a rebel, has been noniiuated itProseeuting Attoruoy by the Republicana iiMastm County. -Tho membeTS of Compauy A are ordered ;:ieat the armory on Monday eveuing nuxt, ■Wciock, in full uniform, for drill and in[ictioii of arms and unitorms. The pay rolls nlltematle up and be there ready for signing brillthat were in camp. -Wedidn't hear the speech made at that 1 iteet-comer tamaiaclc pole raising on Monday eyening, hut told that Messrs. Sawyer mdWaldrüu did thir level best to prove the iepublicau party and admimstratiou punty ::lf, aiul thsir Democratie neisthbors rebels audeveiything else naughty. We hope they aösfied themselves. -The Rey ster saya " spell it wite a 'v' 5ammy." l'o spell it with an a would be better. Verucious was the word not ferocious. -tteTen the Tribune needs a ferocious coireudeut when the " usual Democratie npMdix, a street iight," is participated in by a snjla black Eepubbcán. Our typographicaj Wn8er was a lucky one for the Register. We Wliliefempted to make auother just for its -Oa flfif$luesday evening of last week, fcryfean.ot this city, son of B. P. Crane, ko was U6. ís. a party of campers at Poi tage K, 8ix nsiUöinorth oí Dexter, was bitten on 'iefinger by ftrftttle-snake, which had intru■&iiito tbe circk.of campers, and upon which 'ta.xideutally pised his hand. The wound w 8ucked, annaoiiia ajiplied, and brandy aren iteely, and uet úay he carne home and íwdoing well. !l'he snake- over two feet g-waa killed. -The "Mozart Quartette Club" gave one Bieit parlor couceits at the Oregory House "& Saturday evemng. The audience was M lirje, but an .fip.preeiative one, and the "TOrtu fuaootnceíí. ono of tlie best given " 'lila city. .Ou Suuday eveniug the Club !" a free concert at the Congregational irch, on which occasion tha church was dtooverflowing with our musie loving cit"8. Xhe programólo consisted Outirely of ! singing- solos, duets, choruses, &c- 'l sas liighly appreciated. The Club have "ÏMHHng the week in the city, and have "Woiedto give another of their concerts on ïndïy evcuing ncxt, at the Unitarian Church. ,4 fine tamarack pole was erected in Scio wwuship ou Monday last. The pole stands on four corners of Win. Uenter's farm, is 70 in height, and bears a streamer with tho oesoí Huyes and Wheeler thereou. Speechweremade by David Almandinger, William "er, Israel Kuhnle, and Stafford Meek. We J "ilormed that the dibtance trom any saloon "e aud a huif miles. A good example for atB"Xmti.Courier. u' advices ore that there is a saloon i"llu a quarter of a mile, but that there was needof resorting to it f rom the iact that ""I eider was so abundant that there carne 'ery oear being no pole raising; and that the h made by D. Almaudinger, one of the ■r ers listed above, who was present as a er-on of the proceedings, wíis in response n invitatiun to give the victima of too ""fb eider a lift, " I dont help raise that kind Polss-raise it yourself." Another speech '! n brief, the result of a " little more "ia" probably: "The Republicau party is rruPV at which point the speaker evidently W whether he was for-Hayes or Tilden iad ret'red. Try it again Mr. Courier. Uïï Festival.- The ladies of the CongreWiiial Church invite their friends to a Lawn sM""il, at Mr. J. Austin Soott's, on Friday, pPt. I. The grounds wil) be open at 3 o'clock ' ■ Slipper can be obtained between 5 and ,. clock, aud reireshments at auy time during altrnoon and eveuing. In case the weath'"ïofavorable the festival will be postponed "'1 Saturday. Polhemus' "street car" will lrllt regula,, trips to the gi'ounds from (Jregr 'ri House corner dunng the afternoon and eTeu'ig-fare flve cents.


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Michigan Argus