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A Tilden and Hendricks Club was organized here on Friday evemng last, and the foliowing officers elected : President- A. K. (Jlark. Vice-President- Jacob Sturm. Seoretary- George W. Hall. Treasurer- Frank Whiting. Executive Committee- Three in the villago and one in each school district, as follows : E. A. Reyuolds, J. G-illin, Arthur Le Baron, Adam Feldkamp, J. Manly Youngs, Joseph Feathers, Byrou Forbes, A. F. (Jlark, Henry Hammond, James 13. Lindleley, Win. Lamb, and Amos Miller. This sets the ball in motion, and we mean to do our work thoroughly and well. Our next meeting will be held Friday evening Sept. 1, when we expect a much larger attendance, and a more thorough understanding as to the work before as The utmost good feeling prevails throughout the towu, and I firmly believe that not a lew Kepublicuusiuthe township will vote for " Uncle Sam." Our oaucus to nomioate delegates to the Couiity Conveution wiil be held on Friday next. i ui Robert Blakemore, the excellent colorea drummer of thu city band, became embroüed in a quarrel with some Northfield men on the uight oí' the Democratie meeting, and whacked 8ome ot them over the head with their owu weapon, the shillalah. Several brokeu heads was the result. Among those severely injured are Charles Cook, James Burke, and James U-ibney, the ürst named haviug a terrible head put on hira. There are anumber of different stories regarding the iracas, and from them all we condense the following : Blakemore wasgoing up Jklain street, after the opera house crowd had dispersed, with four other colored men. When in front of Eberhardt's saloon a number of Northöeld Democrats came out " weli shot." The colored squad hurrahed for Hayes and Wheeler, when the Democrats attacked them. Blakemore had a stnali club or cane in bis hand, and commenced to lay ab;mt him, with the result above given. It was reported vuu& UlIU uccu a-hicu, ii nu AJiiiKi'muro shook thö dust of this city from his feet, since whioh time he has íiot been seen. It is supposed he is in Canada. From what we can ascertain both sides are to blame - Blakemore and his orowd for huirahing at the time they did, and the Northfield chaps ior assaulting them . - Courier. And so the Courier has come to be a mere echo of the cock and buil stories of the Register, a repeater of lts fabrications, a secoud hand falsifier and slanderer. The Courier ought to have kuown that those "Northñeld men" ueither became " embroiled in a quarrel " with Blakemore, uor " attacked them." Blakemore was both the aggrossivo and assaulting party, and the " orgaiia " caunot shift the responsibility upon others. If au orderly campaign is desirable our cotemporaries are not takiug the right way to promote it. lt would be better ij V.UU1UCUIU iLuuuiii.uu njrv iy iam i.tXull'SL bllii.lL apologize for or exult in it at the expense of inisleading their readers. Political- On Saturday evemog last Messrs. W D. Hiirriinan and C. H. Kichinoiid, of this city, addressed a street corner meeting of the Ceutennial Reform Club at JDexter. Their audience was Jarge and attentive, and the speeches are repDfted as having been excellent, - discussmg the issues of the campaign in a clear, frank, and forcible maimer. Both gentlemen are well posted both in political records and íacts and figures, and each was Irequeutly interrupted by applause. Mr. McMillan, of the Dexter Leader, also made a brief and timely speech, and the meeting adjourned with cheers for Tilden, Hendiicks and W ebber. - A kickory pola 100 feet long was raised at Sheehey's corners in Northüeld, on Saturday evening last, aud a Tilden and Hendricks flag gladdens the eyes oí the citizens thereabouts. E. E. Frazer, Esq., of this city, made the speech of the occasion, and was listened to with interest by severul hundred persons. - D. Cramer, Esq., of this city, will address the Tilden and Hendricks Reform Club of Sharon, on Thursday evening next, September 7, at the Town' House. Cramer used to be one of the most effective Eapublican campaigners, and uow that he has reformed he rnakes the Ittjpublican íur íiy.


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