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Nominate A Ticket On Tuesday Next

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coinposed of well-known, fit, and com petent men, from top to bottom. Tha is all we have to say to the convention Go And heab Hon. W, P. Wells o Tuesday evening next. He is an ah] and interesting speaker. At the üpor House. Tuk speech of Hou. Win. Bigler, o the fourth page of this paper, will b found good reading, - as will the ex traot of a letter from Parke Qodwin t the N. Y. Trümne. The Springfield RejnMican fears tha if the defection is as great throughou the State as in the western portton Mas sachusetts is indanger. Curry the new to Zack Chandler. We ARE oompelled to give so muc space to important local mattors tha our inside political columns are unusu ally lean this week. But compensatio will be found on the fourth page. Don't fail to road the spooch o Hon. Georgo W. Julián to be found on the fourth page of this paper, - espec ially if you are a Repúblicas. Mr Julián has been for muny ye.ars a trust ed Republican leader, and know whereof he apeaka. The Demócrata of Massachusotts di( a good thing on Wodnesday, by nominating Charlea Francia Adama for Governor. - In Connecticut the same day, Hon. Richard D. Hubbard was nominated tor Governor." ARKAN3AS rolled up a 40,000 Doinocnitic, majority on Monday, and on Tueaday the Republicana carried Vermont by a majority, oatimating a fow towns, of 24,161, which is 1,172 loss than at the State olection in 1872. And this after desperate efforts to incrcase the majority. And NOW tho Republicana know how it ia themselves. Their groundless charges that Tilden made false incomu returns have led to an investigation, with counter charges that Haye8 has not been paying tases on all his porsonal property, and that his sworn returns and valuations are anything but correct. Guess that our Republican friends will wiah that they had confined thomselvos to political issues. " 1 luist by their own petard :" that ia thoir present fix. The Democrats who controlled the recent New York State Convention and forced the nomination of Iloratio Seymour for Governor, despite his dispatch to Senaior Kernan and his generally known refuaal to be a candidate, are not tit men to lead the party. Unless the convention when it shall re convene on the 13th inst. shall do soniething to recover lost ground and inspiro new confidence and enthusiasm, both in New York and olsewhere, the men who diotatcd at Saratoga had better not have been bom, - politically. It 18 a favorita amusement of Republican journalists, stuinp-speakeis, and street-corner politicians to sneer at the economy of the Democratie House, and the question these windy fellows put is, "Why didn't the House out down the salaries of its own meinbers '" The House did paas a bilí reducing the salaries of Senators and Representativos to f4,000, - a reduction of 20 per cent. - but the Senate refused to conemr. The Senate is the stuinbling block in the way of retrenchment and reform, and the Senate is Urgely IlefiuUican. That is the answer to suoh sneering inquirios.


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