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Your correspondent has just nsen from the erusal of Attorney-Greneral Taft's labored atteinpt to sustaiu the cause of the admini3tration m the employment of U. S. troops at the polls. Thus they come ; one usurpatiou succeeds another, and the American people tamely submit. ;t niakes one's blood fairly boil to read this mpudent manifestó, with its treasonable and ubversive heresies, with its complete disrejard of State autoaomy and constitutional prerogative. But this course can not fail to iijure the Repubhcan party who endorse it. 3ven here it is beariug lts bitter fruits to-day, aud mauy waveriug ones have signified their letermiuation to abjüre the Chandler-Hayes mrty aud its usurpations. The Democrat8 of this vil lage will raise a fine hickory on Thursday, the 14th inst., at 3 o'clock p. M. We intend to open the campaign or Iteform in good shape aud have secured able speakers to assist us. There will be peakiug alternoon and evemug; in the eveïing at the Reform Club Rooms which will hen be dedicated. We have secured the large rame store corner of Jefferson and Water sts. and will use it for headquarters during the ampaign. The nomination of John J. Itobisou for Conress gives unbounded satisfaction iu Ibis viïnity. No better nomination eould have been made, nnd the Couvention evidently consulted he best interests oí the district in the choice hey made. The friends of Mr. Robison, aud heir uame ís legión, are unanimous m their pproval, and even po'iticol oppouentB conede the great strength of the nomination. lis election seems almost a certajnty. SpeakiDgof political prospects genera'ly, it eems to your correspondent that never iu yeais have the Democracy of this viciuity been o united aud euthusiastic. We hear of pole aisiug8, meetings, etc, aH around us ; while icre in the village there is that determined pirit which brooks no obstacles, but coufidenty looks forward to victory. But a truce to politics for the present. In he matter of local items there is still a dearth. To be Bure Mr. Whaters, whose misfortvne I noticed in my last, has succeeded in discoverng the guilty party who feloniously abstracted 1190 from his possession. The culprit proves to be one Kirkwood, who formerly worked for Ai. Whatera, but who now, thanks to the viglanco and shrewdness of our officers, reposes n the safe rejesses of the county jail. Sheriff Fleming was iu town Monday. He irought a warrant with him, and took a man back with him. The whys and wherefores will probably transpire ere long. We notice that Qeo. Unterkircher is followïng the example of the proprietor of the Goodyear House, and aa a cousequence the Uuiou Hall store is greatly improved in appearance. A young man employed by Gr. A. Fausel, jeweler, ot this village, was assaulted and robbed of a quautity of jewelry in Dexter a few days smee. We learn that the assailant has been arrested and is now " in quod." Still the Centennial rush coutiuues. Would you bolieve it! Manchester talks seriously of iustituting an excursiou to the " city of brotherly love." Meanwhile excursious prosper and business languishes. Is there not a relation of cause and effect between the two ? But it is mail time and I basten to close. Au revoir. A thiEAT Discoveky.- It has been discovered by thousuuds of housewives in all parts of the country that D. B. DeLand & Go. 's Best Chemical Saleratus is the only Saleratus that will produce a uniform resuit, and give perfect satisfaction every time. If once you try it, you will always buy it. -The Hon. Sylvester Lamed, of Detroit, is advertised to weep with the Republicana of thia city on the evening of the 23d inst. His oxpectant hearera are adviaed to get their onioua ready for duty, or lacking that bucculent but somewhat irritating vegetable, ahould buy 8ome cainpaign Republican sheet and read how Tilden stola the cents from hia dead grandmother'a eyea, robbed his neighbor'a henroost, ran off poor Charlie Rosa (roasted and ate him), carried a musket in the Confedérate service during the recent "onpleasantness," gobbled up a half dozen railroads, and didn't pay that income tax. Then Sylvester will not weep alone. A Bepublican paper, speaking of the reduction of clerk's salaries made by Congress at its last session, remarks that " Members of Congress did not reduoe their own salaries." This is true ; but it was not the fault of the Demooratio House. That body passed a bilí reduoing the pay of members of Congress from $5,000 to $4,000, but a Republican Senate would not pass it, and thus it failed at the hands of the Repnblican party. - St. Louis BepuUican. The Eepublioan party, like Capernaum, hath been exalted to heaven. It deserves the same doom. False to every promise and reoreant to evey duty, it has long since forfeited public confidence. There is no way of judging the future exoepfc by the past. The past is all overolouded with national infamy, and there is no possible hope for the future save in a complete chango of administraron and in the restoration of a purified public conscience. - Si. Paul Dispatch.


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