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C. K. Carpenter Declines To Accept

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tho notuinatiou for Governor conferrec upon hiin by the Groonbaukors. He' no such man. A CENTENNIAL Eeform Club was or ganized at Walsh's corners on Saturda; last, with 30 members, and the follow ing officers: President, George Sut ton ; Vice-Presidcnt, K. Clancy ; Secretary E. Gibuey ; Treasurer, Patrick Wall. When Patcihx (when Jared, we mean) was a Deniocrat the Kepublican papers of Detroit didn't think him au; " great shakes," and even now that he haa written a letter indorsing llayes for the purpose of getting a free notict of his silver mine into tho l'rümne neither that paper nor the Pont makt any great boast of his conversión. His reception is decidedly a cool oue. A good hit : that of Mr. Wells on Tuesday evening when speaking o intimidation and couipulsory voting in the South or elsewhere, he said he knew of 60,000 voters who would be compelled t.o vote the Kepublican ticket, under penalty of discharge for doing othorwise, - 60,000 oifice-holders. The house " oamo down " in a way to 8how that the hit was appreciated. At a Democratie Convention for the Firet Kepreeentative District, held at Ypsilanti on Thursday of last week, John S. Henderson, of Pittsfield, was nominated. Mr. Hunderson was formerly a resident of this city, haviug been engaged in both the hardware and grocery business, but for a number of years bas lived on a farm in Pittsfield, earning an honcst living as a tiller of the soil. He is a man of good ability and sound judgtuent and if elected will make a safe inembor, - voting intelligontly. Ho runs in a district with the chances aguinst hiin, but will make a good report in November. Senator Sherjian, of Ohio, chairman of tho Finance Committee, made a cumpaign speeoh at Columbia City, Ind., on the 5th inst., in which he congratulatod hinisolf on being the author of the shara rosuinption act of 1875, and expressed bis conviction that specie payniont could be resumed beforo the date fixed by the act. But iL found impracticable Congress had plenty of time tor other legislation betore 1879, - an astounding piece of inforraation most aB8uredly. Ho arraigned the St. Louis Convention and charged the Democratie party with bypoerisy, with " nouiinating one hard moncy and one soft niouey man and placing them on a platform which can be ooustrued in different ways," and thon " warned the greenback men not to bo deluded into believing that Tilden sympathizud with them." When Sbenuan goes to New York to speak he will probably warn the hard money men not to be deluded into believing that Hendricks sympathizos with thom. Hadn't ho bottor teil the great puhlic liow his shain resumption act is to bring about rosumptiou in tho absence of lugislation or in face of the administrativo extravagance of which the Itopublican Benate is an exponent.


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