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Sewing Machines THE SXXTGER., ÏTE W DOMESTIC, And th.s HOWE, And several good Second-Hand Machines at the SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Aun Arbor. Also Needies for all .Machines The vvry best that are made, and attachments and parts for nearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired better therc than anywhero else in America. If your machine don't work well, trade it for oue that does, or have it repaired. AU machiues suld ou easy payments at the office. Seconü door eait of Post Off Ice, Ann Arbor, lUich. (1556) 1. 1. GRINNELr, Agent. ETN A. . 1NSUKANGB COMPAiïï, Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assc'ts Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid ïd 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus orer all Liabilitieg, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. S'ot Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-lnsurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. 0. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE CHEAP ! THKnewtwo stojy frame dwelling house, just cumpleted. Situated on east Uuivorsity Aveiiie, the seeoiid house south f rom thc Medical Colege. Bpecfally arranged for keeplntf Huurders, iooiners, or Club. Tenns easy. Apply to C. H. MILLEN, No.4, Ö. Main St. For Sale Cheap ! TUK large new doublé dwelling house, situated Cor. North and Fourth Öts, two blocks from }ourt House. Knquire of C. H. MILLEN. BTJILDIIVÖ LOTS LARGE numlwr of very desirahle building V Iota, well located, for sale low, small pavmeot own aud long time giveu for balance if desired. C. H. MILLEN. i NEW Plioetou lïuggy for sale cheap. One of V Arkni'y '.s Im'.si tuake. 1596 C. S. MXZ.X.E2T. "PARM FOR SALE ! By InstructioD of Catherlne E. James wc offer br aale thc Patrlck Caranauh farm of eighty irrrs more or lcitH, in Northfield '.' ! Who Want a Unoü nargain .' Ann Arbor, August 2Í, 1876. 596iu3 BEAKE3 A CUTÖHEX)N. BILL HKADS AND STATEMENTS I AT THE ARQU8 OFFICE, Corner Main and Huron Street, j Northern Central R. E. Go. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE 11 CENTENNIAL." Through in 27 hours from Detroit, as per Mtaedule of passenger trains below : [Via Caaada Southern Railway.] Loave Toledo, 6 10 p m 10 45 a ni " Monroe, G 52 p m il 4. a iu " Detroit, G 55 p m 2 20pm [Via Great Western K'y] PM A M P M Leave Detroit, 6 25 4 20 12 20 [Via Grand Trunk R'y] PM AM AM Leave Detroit, 5 45 2 30 1 30 [Via New York Central B. R.] AM AM PM PM Le. Niágara Falls, 4 00 7 30 1 45 8 10 ' Suspension Bridge, 4 20 7 35 2 00 8 00 Bullido, 4 35 7 1.) 1 50 9 50 Rochester, 7 30 3 35pni5 30 12 20am [Via Northern Centra! K'y.] AM PM PM AM A Le. Canandaigua, 9 45 4 40 6 55 1 46 PennYan, U02 5 53 7 48 2 42 Watkius, 12 17 7 00 8 37 3 38 8 00 Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 09 8 4 8 08 Khuira, 1 80 8 10 J 30 4 30 9 00 ïroy, 3 38 10 89 5 34 10 09 Minncqua, 4 09 11 00 6 02 10 38 Williamsport, 6 10 12 35 7 40 12 25 Northumiwrland, 12 40 a 25 2 05 Sunbury, 12 50 2 00 9 35 2 15 Harrisburg, 2 45 3 55 1140 4 10 Baltimore, 7 35 6 25 7 35 Washington, 9 02 9 07 9 07 Philadelphia, 7 00 7 35 3 30 7 20 New York, 10 10 10 25 6 45 10 20 Passengere by thin route have the privilege of stopping off at any point, and of visiting Washington City without extra e-hartre. No dust. Koad thoroughly stone ballasted, and its passenger trains are equippnl wltherery known improvemeut for the convenience and aafety of passengers. The far-famed Watkins filen beinglocated on the direct line of Northern Central Railway passengen can take it in on their route to the Ccntennial by taking the Northern Centra! ltailway. Be sure your tickct3 read oio New York Central and Northeon Central Roadg. Information giveu on application to Western Passenger Agent. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Gen. Pass. Agent. Sam'l L. Seymoub, Western Passeneer Agent BuBaio.N. Y. 159HÍ Visitors to the Centennial, 2SJ"E-W YORK HALTIMORE AM) WASHINGTON, TASE UOTICE ! ' Thut the lcvclaud Stcamer NORTHWEST, E. N. RICE, Leave M.C. R. R. wlmrf, Detroit, daüy at 9 o'clcek p. m.,except Sundays. Thia line has arranged n system of tickets vla Cleveland wliereby over 300 routes eun be made to I'ni ladel pli in and New Vork, 1,'oing and returning by any route -di-sired. No other line ean offer sucll a vanety of routes. Tickets for sale at principal Railroad OIHces, on board steamers and at Company's otfiee, foot of Shelby st., Detroit. 1586 . CABTEK, Agent, Iwarded the Highest Hcdal at Vicim.i. E. & H, T. ANTHONY & CO, 691 llrmiiluaj. iv Vork. tOpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) Hanufaclurers, loiporters & Dealers in CHEOMOS and FEAMES, STEREOSOOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Gbaphoscopeb, asd Sditable Views. Photographic Materials. ( We are Hetdiunrtcn for everything in the waj of STEBEOPTICOXS & MiCIC l..lvrKllS, Bcing miiuufactnrers of the WICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, BTEREO PANOPTICON, UNIVERS1TY STEREOI'TICON, ADVB11TI8KB'S STEREOPTlCON ARTOPTICON, JCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'3 LANTEUX. !ach atyle being the best of its class in the market. o Catalogues of Lanterns and Sudes with n tions for using sent on applicntion. & Any enterprising man can mako money with a K lapic Lantern 157] KJTCut out this advortisoment for reference.ea E 61 9 A day t home. Agents wantod. Outfit T P ■ -1 and teruis (ree. TRUE CO., Augusta, lio RAILROADS. micihuax central railroadT MAY !8, 1ST6. uoinq in, ■ S -S . o BTAT108. „, CA SS" IS _J_ L_;j_H_j A. M. A. M F.H. P. M. P. K. p n Detroit, leave, í 7 00:10 05 2 50l 4 00 6 (Hl u Je U. T.Juuction, I T 15 10 20 S 06 4 lt: 6 15 10 03 Wayne Junction 7 57 10 48 8 32 50 6 47110 48 Vpailunti, 8 31 11 1U S 51 6 is 7 12 n 14 AnnArbur, 8 66 11 26 4 IS; i 45 Mili Dexter, 9 40 4 85 6 06 8 lo CUelaea, 9 (3 4 47 8 28 8 Sal QraBBl.ake, 10 07 5 15 6 49 8 46 1'. M x „ JackBOn, Ar., 10 40 vi 32 í 48 7 15 9 25 12 ió Jackson.Lv., 10 45:12 37 9 30 12 4C Albion, 11 35 1 14 g 10 25 1 V. K. -s Muiahllll. '12 26 154 2 8 '10 58 ] 45 BattlaCrtek, ! 1 00 2 17 11 37 J m A. M. Oleburg. 1 31 a. ai. l 10 , Kalamazoo, 1 52 3 03 4 00 12 3u 2 5', Lawton, : 2 35 -. 4 41 1 05 " BcCKtur, ! 2 S2 5 00 1 25 Dow(fiac, 3 16 Si6 1 45 i Nili-.i, , 8 15 4 23 6 10 i SO' 4 % Buchuoan, 3 69 6 26 2 45 __. Threc Ollks 4 28 4 55 7 04' 3 23 5 m New Búrlalo, 4 43 6 os 7 213 40 _ Michijtau City, 5 10 6 35 7 50 4 06 i il Luke, 5 48 6 14 8 S5 4 i 6 31 Kepslngton, 6 4.V 7 ÍS 9 35 5 42 7 1 Chicago, arrive, I 7 30 8 00 !10 20! 6 3o' 8 M OPIMO EABT. 'tlLílill A.M. A. H. r. M. P.M. ' P.M. Chicago, leave, 6 00! 9 00! 4 00 5 16' 00! Kensington, 5 45' 9 4ï 4 V 6 57 9 43 I.ake, 6 40 10 20 & 30 6 43 10 26 Michigan City, 7 32 11 00 6 S0 7 40 11 Is New Butfalo, 7 54 11 20 6 66 11 86 Three Oaks, 8 09 11 32 , 7 08 8 11 11 47 1'. M. A. M. Buchanan, 8 42 ! 7 S0 lï 80 Niles, 9 OP 12 09Í 8 20 8 55 IJ 35 Dowagiac, 9 27 8 49 1 01 Deoatur, 9 52 9 16i 1 i Lawton, 10 10 9 S6( Knlamazoo, 10 45 1 36 10 10 10 26 1 161 Oalesbutíf, 11 12 ï 3H Battle Creok, 11 52 2 17 , 11 09 3 15 i P.M. "3 M Marshall, 12 45 2 55 8 1 11 35 S 47 Albion, 1 14 3 16 ? 11 SS, 4 07 i A.M. A. K. Jackson, Ar., S 08 3 55'a.m. 12 40 ! 4 81 s Jacknon, l.v., 2 12 4 00; 7 uO l'i 40 4 SS (runs I.iik.i, 2 45 7 30 6 23: 9 SI Chelsaa, 3 10 7 56 i 50 10 U Dexter, 3 25 8 131 6 08 10 ii Ann Arbor, lil 5 16 8 36 2 00 6 28 10 u Ypsilimti. 4 15 5 28 8 66 2 20 11 i 11 i.r U'ayne Jnnc, 4 45 6 45 9 23 2 40 7 OSlll 18 O. T. June., 6 30 6 10 10 00 3 15 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 5 46 6 26 10 15 3 30 8 00 12 00 Sundays excepted. iSaturday and Hunday ex oepted. tDaily. H. B. LRDYARD, Gen'l 8upt., Detroit. H. C. Wentwobth, öen. Pasa. AkL, Chicago. ÜETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA KAII.HOAI) OOINO WEST. -1876- OOIKO tmt. STATIONS. Mui.. Kip. 8TAT1ON8. Kxp. Mil A. M. tf, H. Detroit, dep.. .7:00 6:00 "■ Ypsilanti.... 8:35 7:15 Bimkers 6:00 ; Saline 9:20 7:46 j llillndalo .. 6:30 1:5 Bridgewater.. 9:45 7:57 : Manchester.. 9:16 t-.n Manchester. 10;. 8 8:00 Bridgewater 9:45 Ui r. M. ! Saline 10:10 4:55 Hillsdale 1:15 10:10 Ypailsntl.... !10:65 5:M Bunkers. ... 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6:!í Trains ran by Chicago time, ïo take effect , April 16, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Bnp't, Ypsilantr. Cëntennial Exiloi PHILADELPAIA, PA. THISGreat International Exhibftion, deskoed to coinmcmorate the One Ilundredth Aiuiiw:sary of American Indepeudence, opened May lOtk and will close November lüth, 1676. All the Nitions of the World and all tbe States and 'lYrritoriea of the Union will particípate, bringing togethcr the most comprehensivo collection of art treasures, mechanica! iuventions, sclentific discoverio, manui'acturiug achievements, mineral specimens, and agricultural producto ever exhibited. Tbe grounusdevotcd to the Exhibition are situated od the line of the Pennsylvania Rallroad, aud embrace four hundred ana fifty acres of Fairmount Park, all highly improved and ornamented, oo which are erected the largegt buildings ever coa structed, - five of these coveriug an area of flfty acres, and costing $5,000,000. The total numberof building erected lor the purposes of the Exhibltion is over one hundred. The Pennsjlvania Eailroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND FAST MAIL ROUTE OP THEU. S, will bo tbe most direct, convenient and economici) way of reaching Philadclphia, and tliis grt'&t Kïhibition from all si-ctiun uf the country. !: tiains to and from Philadilphia will pas tlirousb a (ÍRAND CËNTENNIAL DEPOT, which tk Company have erected at the Main Entrauce to the Exhibition Grounds, for the accommodatlon of passengers who wish to stop at or start from tbt numeróos large hutels contiguous to tuis station, and the Exhibition, - a convenienee of the greaWst value to visitora, and aitbrded exclusively by tin PeniidyUania Pailroad, which is THE ONLÏ LINE KUNNING PIRECT TO THE CENTENNIAL BL'ILDINGS. Excursión irains wiilalsostop at the Encarapment of the Patrous of Kusbaudry, at Elm Station, on tuis road. 43-The Pennaylvania Hailrond is the grande railwuy organization in the world. It control seveu thousand tuilcs of roadway, formfng cootiauous Unes tü Philadelphia, New York, Baltimoie, and Washington, over which luxurioua dav awi night cara are run from Chicago, St. Louis, lioaisville, Ciucinnati Indiahapolis, Columbas, Toledo, Cleveland, aud brie, without change..Lff lts main line is laid with doublé aud third trackr of heavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of brokeo stone bul last, aud its bridges are all of iroo or stone. lu passenger trains are equipped with -vf ry known iraprovement for comfort and safety, aoi are run at fas ter speed for greater distances tliao tlit' traina of any line on the continent. The Oom pauy bas largely increased ita equipment for Cdtennial travel, and it will prepared to build, i ita own shops, lucoiuotives and passenger cars at short notice, sutficient to accommodate any extn iemand. The unequaled resources at the commaod of the Coinpanyuarantee the most perfect accominodutions lor all its patrons during the LVnU'uui;ti ! ; h i I iil ii m . THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY for which tbe Pennsylvauia liailroad issojustly celebrated, preieuts to the traveler over its perfect Roadway an aver-changing panorama of nver, inountain, and landscape views unequaled in America. THE EATING-STATION8 onthisline are m iurpassed. Meals will be furnished at suitable ïoura and ampie time allowed for enjoyiug them. EXCURSIÓN TICKETS, at red ucea rates, will je sold at all principal Raílroad Ticket Offices ia ;he West, Northwest and Southwest. . -ttf-Be sure that yuur tlcketl rcad via the Grefc Pennsylvania Route to the Centeunial. ['RANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYJD, Jb., General Manager. Gen'l Patt'r Agí National Centennial RouteTAKE THE Baltimore & Ohio R. B, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE CENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY! By this line pawiengeiB are lnndud at the (Vntenmn] Groundn, or at Broadand l'ine Strtrrts, ia vicinity of the leuding Iii.IHh in Philadelphia, a' they may prefer. lloldertt of Through Tickbts CAN STOP OFF AT THE National Capital ! And visit the Government Buildings and be mttny objecta of interest in and about WaahiDíLtofl City. Travelers deniring A SPEED Y, PLEASANT & COMFORTABLE TEIP Sbould remembtir that the Baltimore & Ohio Hailroad Is celebrated for its elegant Conches, Splendid Hotel, (rund and Beautiful Muuntain tind VulUT Bcenery, and the many pointt of Historie interest along its line. f3Sf-Fnre will uluuyi beai Luw a fc by any ther i.iu.-. PULLMAN PALACE CABS KUN THROUOH WITHOUT CHANGE Bet ween the principal WESTEEN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Through Ticket, BaRgnge Checki, Movement of traint, Skepiiig Car AecommudationB, &-r &c, apply at Ticket Ottfro at all principal pointí, NORTH.SOU'JTH. EASTOR WEST. E. R. D0R8EY, ii. M. COLE, AH't Gen'l Ticket Ag't. Gen'l Ticket M THOS. P. BARRY, THO8. R. 8HAKP, Weat'n l'aiaeager Agent. M mter af


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