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For Congress--john J. Robison

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What the papers aay abont him and ais chances : Two yeara ago this staunch championoí administrative aud legislativa honesty was placed iu noniinatio for Congress aguiust one of the shrewdest and most cuuning of the politioal wire-worksrs of the Kepublican party. The district had before given emphatic Repubican majorities, but Mr. Robison, notwithstanding the most herculean oppolitiou of his antagonista, melted away VIr. Waldron's majority of nearly 7,000 it the previous election, over Mr. Maïan, to a lean 558. His astonishing popïlarity and the brilliant canvass which ie made surprised even his friends and ïtterly astonished his enemies, who woke ;o the situation to discover how narrowy had their candidato escaped defeat. X needed only a little more exertion to ïave triumphantly eleoted hiin. Since hen the Reform inovement has steadily jained ground. Th friends of the Washenaw farmer are now confident of his leotion over Wiüits by a good inajority. Hr. Eobison is in every sensti of the vord a man of and froui the people ; a radical business man and a practical armer. Washtenaw county has repeatidly intrusted him with various posiions involving integrity and ability, rad well has he served them. Whether as Supervisor of his townhip, County Clerk, or State Senator, lis record has been above the reproach )f the most exacting critic, and it is ittle enough to say for his worth and ibility, when we assert that the con'entiun of yesterday did itself honor ind reflected credit upon the party in jlacing Mr. Eobison again before the jeople as a candidato for tbeir sviffrages -this time not for defeat, but for YICCORY. - Adrián Prees. The nomination of John J. Eobison 'or Congress by the Deinocracy in the Second District of this State is eniphatcally a good one. Mr. Eobison was the ïandidate two years ago, and made a rery fine run against Mr. Waldron, unjuestionably the strougest man on the ttepublican side in the district. A lit;le more effort on the part of the Democracy two years ago would have redeemed the district, and as the prospecta are brighter in eaeh of the counties in the district than they were two years ago, it is entirely reasonable to sxpéct the triumphant election of Mr. Robisou. The candidate is well known throughout the district, and, if eleoted, will make an intelligent, faithful, hardworking Eepres6ntative, with whom the iuterests of tLe people will be of parainount importance and uot those of nfiice-holding cliques and corrupt rings of hangers on. - Detroit Free I'ress. Mr. Eobison. is a farmer of moderate means. He is a man thoroughly respected for his many good sterling qualities as a citizen ; his character for uprightness is without a flaw, and in both public and private life his name is without a blemish. The Democracy in this district did what a respectable portion of the delegates at the Eepublican convention which nominated Willits demanded. "That the politicians for one stand aside and allow a farmer to represent the district, and have presented for the suffrages of the people not a politician, but an honest candid representativa of the agrioultunsts and laborers, a farmer above reproach, and with no taint of politica] triokery about him. If the supporters o', J. Webster Childs at the repubiican conveution ineant what they said, they said tbey cannot without inconsistency fail to support Mr. Eobison. We now have in this district the lawyer an( trained politician in the person of Mr Willits pitted against the honest, toil ing farmer in the person of John J Robison. Which will the yeopU en dorse 'i - Monroe Monitor. Mr. Eobison is a leading farmer o Washteaaw county, a man of libera education, liberal ideas, and of sounc judgment. Two years ago he was the candidato for Congress of the party in this district and so great was his populurity and so favorable an impression did he make upon the voters of the district, that Mr. Waldron, who hac been eleoted by a majority of 7,000 two years before, only rnn in by a majority of about 500. It was so close a shave that he had no desire to try it again, and " stepped down and out." The nomination of Mr. Robison for Congress is a just recognition of the great farming interests of the district, whioh is essen tially an agricultural district; and whioh has always been represented in Congress by lawyers or bankers, who have had no interest in the farming oommunity, except such an interest as Shylock drew from his viotim. Mr. Kobison's interests are with the farming class ; and if eleoted it is reasonable to suppose that he will watch the interest of that olass a little more olosely than would one who had no interest in oommon with the farmer. He is one of the Deople ; and will legislate for the peoje. - UilUdaU Denwcrat. Woetb Conbidekinq.- Good diet makes ïealthy childien and healthy adults. Good Saleratus helps to make nutritious, healthy diet. Henee use D. B. DeLand & Co.'s Best Chemical Saleratus, as ït isperfectly pure and better than Soda, and mucfi Detter and cheaper tban Baking l'owder.


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