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A fatal explosión oecurred at the Governmeut works at Hell Gate, in Now York harbor, a f ow daya ago, by wbich throo men woro killed outri;:lit rd3 a mimber of others moro or lesa wouudctl. nomo quito senously A. Philadelpbia dispaUíh says ''tho cool woatlior is having a docided inflnenoe ou tho attondance at the Expoailion, and hundrcds of oxcursionwts, who were waitiug for tho ond of tho heated torm, aro now viaiting tHo grouiuls. " The nnveiling of tho etatue of Lafayette, prosented by tho French Government as a token of ita foirout friendship for tho American Uopublic, occurred in New York, on tho 6th IbbL, with appropriato ceremonies. The Btatno Btanda in Union Sqiiare, whore also uro locatod tho statues of Washington and Lincoln. Gov. HiiiiTiiANFT, of Pcunsjlvania, has issucd tho death-warranta for tho oxocution of Thoinaa Murphy, JamcB Carroll, James Boyle, Jlugh McGeeghan and James Itoorty, tlie "Molly Magiares" who wero recently convicted in Schuylkill couuty, of murder in tho firat degree. The executíon is to tako place Oct. 1. A colonv of framo structureB, located Ín iho immcdiate vicinity of the Philadelphia Exposition, caught firo tho othor day, aud viere destroyed. Tho Contennial buildings and tlicir contenta narrowly escaped at least partial dcstruction. Tho mero accident of the windbeing in a favorable direction waa all tbat saved the big show from tho fire flond. In view of thia iact, tho grand jury have made a special preaentment, declaring the cloud of franje Bhantiea that have arisen around the F.xpoaition a imisanco, aud asliing that thoy bo romoved. TUK WKST. David Segur, an oíd aud prominent citizen of Toledo, Ohio, coíiimittod elucide the othor day, by blowing tho top of hia head off with a ahot-gun. Deapondency, cauaoci by ñnaucial reversea, led to the fatal act .... At Fairmount, Neb., a few days ago, a farmer namcil Brewer took a grist to mili, accompanied by bis littlo boy aud girl. In drawing hia gun from wagon tho weapon waa discharged, tho contente striking both childrou, killiug ono and mortally wounding the otlier St. Joaeph, Mo., papera record the death, in that placo, oí Gen. M. Jeff Thompson, of New Orloaua, who acquired some repatation by hia esploits in Southeast lliseoun aa a Confedérate General during the late war. Fou a long time merchanta throughout tho Stato of Minnesota have been chafing under irregularity in businees remittancea, and complaints have been showered upon the authoritiea. Instituting a rigoroua eearch, two clerks in tho St. Paul poatoflice have boen entrapped in the very act of dospoiütig lettora. Tho culprits are Charlea C. Kelly, registry clerk, aud John C. Tcrry, Jr., distributing clerk aud anperintendent of city carriera. Their arrest has cauaed a genuino aenaation in Bt. Paul. Theue were 1, 120 dcatha in Chicago during the mouth of August The Wabash railnay doliverod over 2,000,000 buehels of grain at Toledo during the motith of August Tbo MiaBouri PHoitio railroad wassold at public anction, under the Sherifï's hammei', at St. Louis, last weck. Thopricepaid was .?3,000,000, Aiidrow Pierce, Jr., being the successful bidder. An awful bank-robbing tragedy was enactcd iu tho town of Northfield, Rico county, Minn., onthe 7th inat. About 2 o'clock in the af ternoon eigtit monntod men, armod with Davy revolvers, rode into town and dismouutod in front of tho Bank of Northfield. Five romained out-iile, and tliroe entered the bank and sprang over tho counter. Ono hf ld a knife st tbe throat of J. L. Haywood, cashier, ordering him to open the vault. The othor two compelleil A. L. Hunker, assistant cashier, and Frank Wilcox, clerk, to hold up their hands. Ilaywood refused to open the vault. The kuife was preeaed against bis tbroat. Stül ho refused. Meantirae tho townspeoplo wero gathering, and tho robbers becamo impalient. Haywood persisting in bis refuaal, one robber prsented a pistol at bis right temple and hot him dcad. The thrce then turned to BuDk r, ordering him t j open the vault. Ho denied kuowmg the coinbination. The robbers made a demonslration toward him, whou ho ran out the back dcor, receiving a? he ran a piatol-ljuilct through lus right shouldcr. Wilcox was uot attacked. Meanwhile the towns peoplo in the etreet had opened fire on the robberd, kiliing two and wounding ono. Five escapeil. caiTying the wounded one with tliem, loaving one horse killed and anotber captured by tho citizens. Tho robbars aro described aa large, able-bodied men, well mountod. They secured no booty except a handful of nickels, which they ihrew on the floor. The loug-talkeü-of prize-fight between the bruisen, Joe Goss, of England, and Toni Allen, of St. Louis, came off ia Boono connty, Ky.. twelvo miles south of Covingtcn, ou the 7tli inst. The combatanta pumniol&d eaeh other for nearly two honra. The Si. Louis brute was íí: tting the best of the fight, and, from all accounts would undoubtedly have ünashed the Englighmau, but, in an ungnarded moment, he adcuinistered, in the tweuty-ürst round, what tho fancy cali a "foul" blow, Mid Goas was docJared the winner of the content. An immense cr,owd of roughs, and a few people wbo claim to be respectarlo, witnessed the affair. A Cüeyenne dispatch says : "Mr. Ingram', whocame iuto Eawhide Springs, the present terminus of the Black Hills telegraph line. reporta that on Suuday laat fifteen indiana attaeked his party onlndian creok. and two men, named Gannon and Stearns, of Gjlden City, Col., woro killed. A defensivo position waa máintaiued by thewhitea untii ten Indiana wc-re killed or wouuded, wheii the rest abundoned the field." Advices from Gen. Crook's columus indícate that Sitting Bull's forcea have split, the Iarger number, iu straggling bodies, going ■ the direction of tho agencies, whilo about a tuousand hostiles havo taken tho direction of the Black llills, with the inteiition of making a murderous raid on the miners of that locality. Crook, with a forcé of 1,900 men, is now on tho trail of this latter body, which he hopes to overtake ere they roach their destination. A terhidle disaster occr.rred at a Hayes and Wheeler pole-raising, at Lancaster, Ohio, last ■week. The pole, which waa 250 f eet inleDgth, had beon elevatod to a height of 100 foet, when the ropos enapped, and one of the derrickg feil into the large crowd that was witneasing the work. Charles Drinkle, George Fink and Charles Iloffman were killed, and George Martin had a log broken and was badly bruiaed otherwiae The Peaco Commission met the Indiaiis in council at the Red Cloud agency on the 9th inst., and presented their ultimatum : First, that tho black Hills country Bhonld be yacated ; seeond, that they should receive rationa at the Missouri rivor ; third, that threo roadj bo openod from the Missouri river to the Black Hilln, through their country. The eelobrated trotting stallion, r:than Allen, bnown as tho King of the American Turf, li juat diei at Leavenworth, Kansas, at the age of 27. For a long timo he had no peer on the American turf, his record boiug 2:15.... A most extraordinary duel occurred a few days ago noar Colorado Springs, Col., the circumstancos of which are shaded in mystery, as nothing la knowu of the affair, save tho findiug of the body of A. J. L. Schlesinger, ono of the parties. ÖchleBinger was private secretiry of Gen. Palmer. President of tho Denver and llio Grande railroad, an estimable and very tjuict gentleraan, the last mau one would expoct to fijjht a duel. He loft a nota saying he would iight at a certain tirue and placo, and if he feil tho other party would uever bo known. The pai-ty went to the placo aud found bis body dead and cold, shot through the heart. Evorything indicatod that he feil m a duel, but no trace of the othcr party was found bevond traoks in tho sand. THE SOUTH. The Hew Orleans Times recontly printed au article rcflecting tipon the character of L. J. Souer, a prominent Ropublican politician an 1 mcinber of tho Louisiana Legislature. Souoi responded through another Journal, deuoanciug the author of the article as a Har. HonnL. Smitli, a reporter for tho Times, and the author of tho charges against Souer, sought tho latter on tlie street and proceedod to cliastise him with a cowhide. Houcr drew his piste 1 and fired severa! shota at ömith, tbreo of which tcok effect, inllicting woimcia from which it is hkely he will not recover. Bmith also used his litiie revolver to some effect, putting thrco bullets into Souer1 auatomy. The lattor'a wounds, howevor, aro not dangeroiu. FoktSmith, Ark., has again been the ecene of a wholnsalo hancing, tho victima, as usual, boing Indians. Four of tho noblo red men wcro executod on Friday, the 8ih inst., making sixtcon criminal that have been hung on the Katne spot and on the sumo gallows withiu the period of twtlvc mouths. WASaiSGTON. Tnu Secrotary of tho Troasury ha called for tho redeuiptiou of $10,000,000 of 5-20 bonds of 18(!5, May and November, tipon which tho intereet will ccaso on tho Sthof December. Threo uiillionw aio regiatered, and $7,000,000 coopon-bonds, asfollowa: Coupon bonds - $500, Noe. 551 to (ino, both Inoluaive ; (100, Nos. 851 to 2,500, both inclusivo ; Í500, l!os, 3,351 to 'J 700, both inclusive ; 1.000, Nos. 14,551 to 26,000, botn inclusivo ; L15 (?), Nos. 201 to 650, both inclusivo ; ?100, Nok. 201 to 650, both inclusivo ; 500, Nos. 801 to 1,050, both inclusivo ; t 1,000, Nos. 501 to 1,800, both inclusivo; Í5,000, No. 1,101 to 1,550, both inclusive ; $10,000, Nou 1,151 to 2,100, both inclusivo Tho ofticial report of tho procoecflugs of tho lirst sesaion of tho Forty-fourth Congreos is ' now roady. This report malicH oight bulliv i volumes of tho Congressioyial Record. Tlicw. taken in conuocticii witli tho hundreds of volumes of testimony of tüo invoetigating coinmitteeH and tlieir reporta wül make tho weightiest additiou to political librariea completed m any one year sinse the war. Tuk ofiicera of tlie Washington National Monmont Society havo cxccuted a couvoyauco of nll tho rights and privileges oí the Bocioty to the United States. Pkf.sident Giiani liaa iaaucd the cnstomary proclamation ratifying the reciprocity treaty with tho Sandwich Islands, which was paeeed by the Senato last winter. It will, no doubt. bo of groat benefit to tbe Paciflc ulope, wbioh is largcly dopondent on Kalakaua's domimons I for ita sugar swpplies. GGNKKAL. A Govermuknt commissiou, composed of officore of tho Engiueor Corps of the United States army, left Washington for Omaha tho other day, to enter upon tho work of re-aurveying the Union and Central Pacific railroa'l lines from Omaha to Sacromsnto. This ie in accordancs with a joint reaolutiou recently passed by Congresa, and is fortho purposo of re-moaauring tlio entiro line of both roaás, it being aeaertid that the roads are not as long au has boen claimed. Ae Government bontls were imued in conHtrnction at the rate of from $14,000 to i?48,000 per milo, the questiou of length becomca important. Thk steamer Arbitrator, from Nefw Orleaus for Liverpool, struck an iceberg on the 23d of August, and forfndered in twenty minutes. The passengere and crow wore all eavod. . . . lhe stock of oil in the oil regions, as gauged nuder tho smiorvision of tho Exchanges of Titusville, Oil City, Parkor's, and Petrolia, ia 3,164,000 barrels." Ge. Shekman has expressed the opinión that the ludían troublea wiil all bo sottlod this winter by wñipping the Indiana iuto a laating peace. A Madrid dispatch furnishes the followÏDg additional particulars of the arreat of William M. Twcod : " Capt. Gou. Jov&llar, at Havana, received intelligence that Tweed had disembarked at Santiago do Cuba, and notiíied the authoritiea there. Bofore tho latter oould take action, Tweed embarked on the sailing-vesael Carmen, bound to Vigo. Capt. Ocn. JoveJlar telegraphed to tho Madrid Governinent, whieh, feariog that the Carmen might go into some other port, requested the authoriiioa at all Spanish porta to examino peraous on board of all voseéis namcd Carmen. Thero are twelve Spaninh véasela of that name. A portrait of Tweed being indispensable, the Spanish authorities obtninod and made copies of a caricature in an American journal represonting hiin as beatiní a child, snpposed to typify American juatice. Tho caricaturo led the Spaniah anthorities and reporters of the SpanisU papers to believe that Tweed had been kidnapping children. Henee, in tho íirst oñicial announcdment received of tho aiTest of " Twid, Antelüii," a siippq8ed telegraphic corruption of Tweed, American, it wts stated vhat he had been arrested for kidnapping American oiiildreu." POI.ITICAL. Tde Massachusetta Itepublioan State Convention assembled at Worcostcr on the 5th inst., and was presided over by Senator Boutwell. The followiug ticket was eelected by acclamation : For Governor, Alexander H. Iiice, present incombertt ; Lientenant Governor, Horatio G. Kuight ; Secretary of State, H. B. Picree ; Aaditor, Julius L. Clark ; Stato Treasurer, Charles Endicott ; Attorney General, Charles B. Train Congressman Sam Bandall, of Pcnnsylvania, bas been uominated by the Demócrata of hia district for re-election. The Demócrata of Massachusetts met in Stato Convention at Worcoster on the 5th inst. Charles Francia Adama was nominated for Governor by acclamatiou. The remainder of the ticket is constitotcd aa follows : Lieutenant Governor, William II. Hnnkett ; Secretary of State, Edwin H. Lathrop ; Troaeurer, Wc.stou Howland ; Auditor, John E. Fitzgerald ; ley Ctoneral, luchara Oiney. ISx-Gov. Gastou isada tho electoral ticket Tbe Nebraska Dettiocr&Us liave nominated Paren England íor 3overnor. . . . Alexander II. Stephens, of Georgia, Iiaa boeu renominated for Congress oy the Demócrata of liis district .... The Counecticut Democratie Stato G'onvention, which met at lïartford laat week, nominated tho following ticket : Govornor, Richard D. Hubbard ; Lieutenant Goveruor, Francia 13. Loomis, both by ucclamatiou ; Secretary of State, Dwiglit L. ölorris Troasurtir, Edwin A. Buck ; Comptroller, Charles C. Hubbard ; Elector at Largo, Charles E. Ingersoll and Geu. William B. Gov. Franklin. Complete returns of the Vermont Gubernatorial votegive Fairbanks 44,585 ; Bingham, 21,035 ; ecattering, 23. Fairbanks' majority, 23,527 The Presidenthas appointed S. S. Fry United States Marahal for Keutucky, and J. R. G. Pi'kin United States Marshal for Louisiana, vice Packiird, reñigned. FOKEIGN. Kecjlnt reporta oí tho inhuman conduct of the Turks in Bulgaria have aronseí a strong fceling of reeontment amorjg the Britwh people, which is constantly eeeliing expression through tho preaa and other channola. Gladtone and Bright, in letters to public meetings on tho subject, commant Btrongly upon the course pursued by the Eugiish Government, aid the Bishop of Manchester declares that England must withdraw her protection from a nation the deeds of whcae pooplo havo startled and ahocked the con&cionce of the wholo civilized world. ThO Times calla upon Lord Derby to "ccasefrom vaiu repetitious of the language of tradition, and to come to sorue agroemeut with Ru-sin wheroby tho two power can pres with irresistible authority on the Sultan and hia Ministers." George Smitb, the well known andindefatigable Assyrian exploror, is doad. The recent burning of the town of St. Hyacinthe, Canada, ia believed to havo been the reault of a conípiracy, and two men have been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in tho diabolic&l work The foroign dispatehoH teil of a growiug apprehonsion throxighout Europe that the refusal of Tarkey to agree to au airuistico will precipitoto tho ovent eo loog dreaded - the active participation of Kussia on the side of Sarvia, an'l the outbrek of war betweeu Rinisia and Turkoy. A ÜHLOBADE CÜapatCÜ Of tllO Hth ulSt. Sa.VS : " The Turks on Monday occnpied the left bank of tho Morava. Alexinatz ia in tlieir power. lt is uttorly desorted. The Sorvians at Delegrad are in no condition to tako the field. Tlie Turks committed groat atrocities during aud af ter the battle ou Friday. 1 lideoua atories reach me of rape and murder, of wounded Ruseians tied to trees and roaated, and girla outraged and flayed alive. Tho roads are Ulied with tbouaands of fugitives. . Tho Government talks of victoriee, and koeps tho public in the dark about tho danger vrhicli ia throatoning thom. Theio in now no force betweon the Turks and lielgrado." Frean disaster bas befallcn the Euyptian army ia Ab.vssinia. Fifteeu uundredEgyptiantroops, with their commandor, lïahibe Peoha, have been massacred. Tho Abyseiniana afttr.ward proceedc-d to Maesacroa, wliich tboy seized. The garrison and Government oilicera oscaped on board somo ship whicb happened to be in port, aud arrived tjafely in Suoz. Tho Egyptian Government ia contemplating revengo, and ifl eending fresh troops to the uceuo of actioa. Tdk following are tho particnlars of the arreöt of William BI. Twocd, aa furnished by a cable dÍBpalch f rom Madrid, Spain : It was found, in Jnly laat, that Tweed wen in Santiago de Cuba, having paased there from Havana. Gen. JoveHar wa applied to by tho American Oonaul to havo Tweed secured and Bent to the United States. Gen. Jovellar was quite wlling, oven in the absence of au nxtraditioa treaty, to obligo the American Goverumont, in return for thoir courteay in the Arguelles caeo, aomeytiarB ago. Tweed, however, wae appriaod in Santiago of hia impending danger, aad sailod for Vigo, Spain, July 27, on board the sailing veaael Carmen. Mr. Cuahing theronpon nctiüod the Spanitih Ciüvernment of tilia fact, and found them williug to arrest Tweed aud return him to Cuba, or dolivtr him np to the American Conaul. Every precaution was taken by the Spanish Government to uecure Twced'a arrest in any port ■ of Spain or on any coaat line by whioh ho mi glit nrrivo. Severe oidera wero piveu to local authorities, especially thcao of Vigo the Galician coast. The Oarmen hove in Higlit off Vigo, on Süpt. C, aud waa immediattly boarded by the Governor of Pontevedra. The Governor at once recognized Twoed from photographs whieh he had in his posaoaaion for Borne timo previous to the arrival of the fugitivo. Tweed waa entercd ou the ahip's pax)ei8 as öecor, and was accnmpftniod by a iuüii giving hia name as William Haat, who ia eaid to bo hi nephew. lioth were immediatoly accurcd aud thrown into the Calabozo, uuder a atrong guard, but wero aubnequently tranaferred, by order, to a fortrosB in Vigo, uudor comuaiid oí Die Captain General. Tur. Torka recontly inct a largo body of Moutencgriiia in battlo on the banks of tho MonaUcha rivcr. Wiion repulse!, a portion of tho Turk werecutoff from the ford. Tiiey woro drivon into an anglo betwocn tlie two ford and jmtihed into tho rivor, whieh nuis btween ierpondicular nud rocky bsiika. Tho Turlíwh artillery was inoffectual to oheofc the lurauit, aud the slauglitcr was great. Eight luindrcd Tiirku were left doad ou tho fio'd. aud npwttd of 1,01)0 woro drownod. Tiio SIoutouogríiiB loot 300 in killed aud wcimded. Anauohy aud revolution are ngain raisiiig tlieir Imai'a in öouth Amonca. Tlio Colomliian ropublic i in a Htate 'of wege, and its ihHint-ruberiuent w fearod. At Lima, Peru, tho Bemoei of troojis woro requireil (o Boppress a mob wlilob uiado au attaob on thu rcaidenoo of tho ex-l'residont, aftor havin,' lii'id alargo morcatitilo hou.-o of a juanhly of nnnu uil amiimuition.


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