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Rev. Edmund S. Janes, D. D., Senior

Rev. Edmund S. Janes, D. D., Senior image
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Bishop of the M. E. Church, died in New York on the 18th inst., aged 69 yeara. The State Fair opened at Jackson on Monday. Tho attendanco ia reported largo, and the exhibita in all departments excellent. Grant still Iainent8 in this wise : "In 1868 I gave up a position for Life for th presidency." The publio deeply sym pathizes with him in his regrets. Butler is again on tho Congression al course in Massachusetts, - a regula Republican candidato. And that is th kind of reformers the Massachusett Republicana are. A PRIVATE letter froni a well postee frieud at Washington says : " Every thing seems to be looking favorably fo us. Indiana is ours, sure : Ohio de batable ground." AND now largo numbers of Ropubli cans are threatoning to bolt the nomi nation of Chamberlain in South Caro lina and vote for Hampton. Where i Grant ? Where are the troops ? ] thia thing to bo tolerated ? We paus for a reply. Tuis 19 what the Ypsilanti Commer cial (Republican) says of one of th Democratie candidatos nominated las week: "The nomination of Mr. Bab bitt for Pro8ecuting Attorney is a goo oue. Mr. B. is a ripo lawyer and a honest man. He will got a largo vot in this aection of the county." And o another of the candidates : " Mr. C R. Whitman is a creditable nominatio for Circuit Court Commissioner though we believe the Republicana, i their Convention on the j '27th inst., ca match it." But they will have to ge up very early to do it. In bïUALF of the aristocratie O;ir Schurz the [chairman of the Republ can State Committee of Indiana de clines a challenge for a series of publi discus8ions- in English or Germán - with Hon. Joseph Pulitzer. Chairma Friedley cites the distinguished posi tions Mr. Sohurz has held and says " In arranging for joint discussions be tween gentlemen, certainly some re gard Bhould be bad to thoir characte services and roputation," and Mr. Pu litzer not coming up to the test Sohur is not permittod to meet him. Th Mr. Pulitzer so cavalierly rulegated 1 a back seat has been an assouiate o Mr. Schurz on the 8t. Louis Wesllic Post, which leads us to aurmiso that h knows the weak points of that geutle man. But it may be that Schurz is a " oucommon mortal.' A correspondent of the Vree lreu, writiug frotu Washington, gives froiu flicial sources - the "Bienmal Register" iropared uador the directiou of tho Secretary of the Interior for each Conress - tbe number of office-holdera or employés in the service of the several civil departments of the government, as compared with several former years as well as under former adminiBtrations. Vb pxtract his suuiniary statement: Nuiiilier of civil employés under- Mr. Buchanan's admlnlstratlon in ls-VJ, 44,627 Itr. Lincoln' admlntotratlon in ikiii, 48,049 3r. Llncoln's admlnistration In 1868, 47,375 Llncola'a Md JohittOD'a udniinistration in 186S 88,167 ri.-iiicnt jobnsoD in 18G7, 56,nii President Gntnt iu 1H69, 54,207 President Grant In 1871, 57,005 President i.rant in 1873, 8S.BÜ0 President Giatil Ui is7.", 94,11 President 6ínl W1878; 1O2.3SO The locusta of Egypt or the grasshoppers of the western plains never increased at a more alarniing rate, ani do not more surely oonsume the substance of the people. And yet the Senate made determinad resistance against any reduction of the force in the deartments. If the tax-ridden people E the country want oconoiny introducd into the administration of the naional government, the barnacles removed from the bottom of the ship of ;ate, they must vote for Tilden and ,oform. Hayes will prove entirely icompetent to the task of driving lis supporters from the public crib n any large numbers. A radical and borough change is necessary. After the nomiiiation of Comproller Eobiusou for Governor, by the )eniocraoy of New York, he was serenade'd by a large nuniber of the citizens of Albany and yisiting strangers, and n his brief speech in response to the compliment, said : "That great abuses now exist aud have oog existed in the administratiou of the general government is admitted by all men ; ut our oppouents claim that they may be corrected by their own party. Can they be ? s it probable or possible ' Is it anywheie recorded in the politica! history of this counry that any party corrupted by the long posseesion of power over reformed itself and cor■ected its own abuses. It has never been done and will not be without a chance of administration. Whether such a chango shall je made is the questiou at issue in this irajaign." Mr. RobinBon is right. A radioal change in the administration of the general government is necessary. It oannot come from or through a perpetuation of Republican control. No more can Hayes and Chandler and Morton and Logan and Ben Butler clean the Augean stables or purify the corrupt official fountains at Washington and all through the civil service than the leopard cn change his spots. The country is sick nigh unto death, its present wet nurses give impure milk [whisky ring slops), and its physicians are in league with the nurses. There must be a change of nurses and attendants or corruption will breed corruption and the pohtical body beconio a mass of putrid sores. Johx W. Babditt waa a one-legged soldier living in the town of Salein in 1865, in whioh year he was appointed a clerk in the Treasury Department at Washington. In 1866 Mr. Babbitt was eleoted, as a Republioan, Treasurer of this county, the duties of which office he discharged by deputy (Geo. S. Wheeler), while he hold on to the clerkship, and remained on duty at Washington. In 1872 Babbitt Greeleyized and an unsuccessful eLfort was made by the 80oalled " Michigan Association " - a Republican organization - to get him discharged. And now Babbitt refuses to pay Zack Uhandler's campaign assessmont, and, worss still, refuses to pledge himself to vote for Hayes, and so Babbitt's head is again denianded. How soon it will roll in the waste-paper basket is not knowu at this writing, bat his plaoe is wanted for some more suppliant tooi, - for a man without either soul or principio. Even one-legged soldiqrs havo no business with opinions differing froin those held by Grant, Chaudler, Morton, Morrill & Co. A Confedérate soldier who will do their dirty work, like Motby and Longstreet, is more to their liking. The House, dotermined upon a reduction of the expenses of operating the government, and of oourse in the drain upon the pockots of the people, providod in the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Apprópriation bilí for a reduction in the force of the several departments of 1,112 clerks and employés. The Senate equally determined that no clerks and employés should be discharged resisted to the last, and finally oompromised on terms making the reduction only 765. And ever sinco the bill passed in that shapo it has been dinned into the ears of the publio that the business of the departinonts, and of course of the pooplo, was suffaring because of the forced reduction of clerical force. Yet the story comes f rom Washington, and is doubtless true, that the clerks living in Indiana and Ohio are being given forty days leave of absenoo, without a 8toppage of pay, and sent homo to vote, - both at the Octebor and November eloctions : some of them being coinpelled to go, under penalty of losing their places, who neithar feel able to pay fare home and back, nor havo any stomach to vote for Hayes and Wheeler. And this is Republican eoonomy and civil service reform. The Pkesiden'T has been mteiviewed touching the involuntary reaignation of Postinaster-General Jewell, and the President couldn't (or wouldn't) exactly teil why he wished Jewell to surrender the oharge of the mail-bags. He didn't like his way of doing business was the burdon of hi plaint, and the conclusión was, " I got very tired of Mr. Jewell generally at the Cabinet meetings. I have nothing in the world against Gov. Jewell, but I got very tired of him. That's all." Which rominds us of, " I do not like you Dr. Foll, Tño roason why I eau not teil, But I do uot like you Dr. Feil " In THE Soventh Massachusetts Republican Convention held on the Kith inst., Benjamin F. Butler, an eminent civil service reformer and greenbacker, was nominated for Congress, getting 81 of the 106 votos. Ton obstinate delegates refused to vote in favor of making his nomination uuanimous. But Butler cares nothing for that. He will run all the same.


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