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Haves A Know-nothing

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We have received the followiug letter froin Mr. Charles Gardner of Cincinnati, dated Septombor 3 : "In your issue of yestorday you soy: " Mr. llayes assures us over his own signatura that he ' deeply Bympathizea ' with a movement for ' an amondment liuiitiug suffrago to persons bom in this country or of ' Ainerican-born citizens only to ottioiul positions.' Mr. Schurz had better auuounce this to his Gorman brethren and preveut theiu froni being caugUt with such chaff as he has been. " I don't believe Mr. Hayes even over his own signature, or in any other way, ever said any such thing. If you can prove it, do so and uiako one voto for your trouble, for, though a Republioan, I shall vote for Mr. Tilden if what you say of Mr. Hayea is true. We think that Mr. Gardner will vote for Mr. Tilden if what you say of Mr. Hayes is true." We think that Mr. Gardner will vote for Tilden. And this is why : The "American Alliance" adopted a series of rosolutions which said of the nominations of Messrs. Hayes and Wheeler that they were " hereby indorsed by the American Allianoe Conference," and that the Alliance " earnestly advised all who are in favor of Amerioau principies, as advocated and setforlh in these resolution, to give these nominatioiiH au active and determined support." These " resolutions" were sent to Mr. Hayes, who returnod the following reply, datod July 5, 187G, addressed to " Samuel J. Tyler, Socretury of the American Alliance : " "I have just recetved your letter informing me of iny election as a member of your admirable Alliance. Eeturn my thanks to the Alliuuce, as 1 deeply synipaUn.c with it, principies. I reniiiin your fellow citizeus " R. B. Ilayes." Kow here is one expression of the priDciplo8" ot the Alliance of which Mr. Hayes is proud to be a member and with which he deeply smpathizes : " 'An amendment to the naturalizaron lawa imitiug suffrajíe to persous . bom in this country ; opposition to the interfereuoe of the Ivmmii Catholic organization in the politioal affairs of this nation, aud opposition to the formation of political organizatious composed excluiively oí foreign-born citizens." We uiay add to this that ten days ago a foreign-born citizen of Brooklyn wrote to Mr. Hayes, asking him if it was true tbat he held to such KnowNothing views, and that Mr. Hayes has not thus far deigned to reply - or to return the stampa inclosed hira for an answer. And now will Mr. Charles Gardnor not give us that vote for Tilden 'i


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Michigan Argus