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_- Couuty Fair next week. Capital : the weather this week. - Xow is the time to advertise in tlie Akqüs. .-Wagner changes his advertisemeut this ffeelc. He has a fine stock iu store. _ Colored dodgers tor the County Fair : the ABGUS office is the place to get them. The mauy strangers seen on our streets indícate the uear opening ot the college year. __We need money aiid that iinmediately. Vill not our subscribers and other customers jjke the hint ? _Abel didn't go East for pleasure alone. Witness the new adyertisement of Bach & bol and a atore full oi choice gooils. - Fine linea Letter and Note Papers at the ARGU8 oilice, - with euvelops to match. They fill be printed cheap. Bring in your orders. -This evening the Eepublican candidates lor the several county offices indulge in a preliininary and rieudly tussle in tuo ward cauCUS68' - The County Fair opens on Tuesday next sndwill continue (our days. The "Gitizen's Premiums " wiil be contested for on Friday. A number of well kuown tast trotters are expected to compete. - The Ivepuimcans oí tnis city oon t seem to be very much elated over the speech Sylveater Lamed made at Ypsilanti on Saturday evening. He out-Heroded Herod in the bloody shirt" line. - Tlie University professors are gettiiig home one altor another, and all will be on band ready for work on Weduesday next, the day the Literary Department opens. - A. L. Noble, of the Star Clothiag House, has a new advertisement this week. He does „ot put in buncoinb ads. but tells people jast hst he means. Cali and see for yourself. - Mack is back íroni New York, where he spent considerable tima in investigating the market and in buying goods cheap. Maok & Scbmid's advertisement proclaims his success. - Prof. M. C. Tyler, of the UniversityTpröposes to enter the lecture tíeld the coming sea3011, witti a new lecture entitled " The Humorous Element in the American Revolution." - Eev. S. W. DufReld, who resigned the pastorship of the First Presbyterian Church of tbis city 6ome two years ago, to take charge of the Eighth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, has now resigued that cliarge. - If you want your Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, etc, put up aeatly in books within blottiug pad covers, the AROUS office is the place to get them. No other office in the city cirn compete with us. - f25 and costs, or about $55 : that is the suin of the forced contribution Ievied upon our neighbor of the Courier, tor discussing the pending libel suit of Douglas vs. Beal. Coutempt of eourt they called it. Never too oíd to learu, neighbor. -We met President Angelí on the streets a few days ago, with a genial countenauce which said that he had not heard of (or feit) the slap in the face which those Methodists of the Detroit Conference gave him. Guess he witl survive, and with him the University. - Hon. Henry Waldron has appointed as cadet to the Military Academy at West Point, John Mills, of Wheatlaud, Hillsdale County, mth Charles S. Fitzsimmons, of Tecumseh, as stond, Mills iailing in his examination. If kihfail Wm. B. Osbwn, Jr., of Sharon, is nrïleced to test his scholarshin and mnaalo. -Two youug Demócrata- trom 10 to 14 jears old- sons of (3. W. Audrus, living on Mosoly Street iu the Secoud Ward, took a horae and wagon a few days ago, went down toTork, iuid came back with a straight and haudsome hickory pole 72 feet long, and a number oí' active aud prominent Democrats raised it for them on Mouday aftemoon. Those boys mean business. - Exuminations lor odmispion to the Literary Department of the Uuiversity commenced jesterday, at 9 o'clock A. 3t., and will continue to-day, to-morrow, üüonday, and Tuesday. The college year will regularly open on Wednesday. The examinations for admission to f.he professional schools will be held on Friday aud Saturday, Sept. 29th and 30th, at 2 o'clock P. H., and lectures will begiu Monday, Uct. 2d. - By order oí the Common Council the vacant grounds in the rear of the (xregory House and adjoining blocks has been leased for a public inirket, and all wagons and carts loaded with hay, straw, wood, or fisb, are to tand there and at no other place in the central portion of the city. The grouud ia now being cleaned oft and put in order. This will bate a greafc nnisance which has long been oaintainad in Huron and other streets adjoiumg the Court House square. -Paulina Mager, daughter of Adam Mager, living in the filth ward, inet with au accideut n Saturday last which proved fatal. She had kmdled a ñre for the purpose of getting diner, and it not burning to suit her it is suppoaed that she commenced to fan it with her toss, which catching fire she rushed iuto the treet soreaming ior help. Before the neighbors came to her ieacue her clothing was all in iames, and when the fire was extinguished her Sesh was burued to a crisp in many places. She lived in great agony until Sunday foreooon, bat finally died peacefully about 11 o'clock. Her age was ló yeara. Eeiublican Notes.- The Kepublican Uounty Convent ion is to be held in this city O" Wednesday iiext,- the 27th inst. The caudidates are "putting iu their best licks " ad a right lively time may be looked tor. - At a recent tamaracis pole raisiug ia this city the iuterested party got 80 excited over tos eveut that he aunouuced to the gathered erowd, "Now, gentlemen, I will sing a Wheeze nd Hayler song." - Down at Ypsilanti on Saturday evening laí A. J. Sawyer, Esq., oí this city, addreSBed "e outside multitude, while Sylvester Lamed, "ie weeper, made a moving speech iu Light uuard Hall : that is he moved nearly all his sudience out before he concludcd. - Oue of the Hon. Sylvester Larned's great lobbies is that where schools are the most oumerous and best Bepublican majonties are the largest. He rode thia hobby horse at a 'iglitsmurt pace in his Ypsilanti speech,- forgettin that Washtenaw Couuty, with the Uuiversity, Nurmal School, and best public schools iu the State in its cities aud villages 18 good for a large Democratie majority. Is "iat nde of Sylvester's one of the reasons for anceliag his engagement to speak m this city f -We endeavored a week or two ago to do ur Kepublican tneuds a good turn by comwndiug favorably to them and the public sïlvester Larued, the "weeper." And now "e learn with extreme regret that hls eugageme"t for Saturday eveuiug has beeu cancelled. The reason aHsigned, on the streets, is that a Meting is wanted on Wednesday eveuiug lext, and that two drafts canuot be made on 'e steady-going, horae-staying, sédate and ver-respectubla Kepublicaus so uear together. 'his migllt 8 (lowl if an anuouncemeut for tapt. Deunison ou Friday evening did not are us in the tace. How much more time is thsra between Wednesday and Friday even'ng8 thau irom Saturday to Weduesday


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