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MousTAiN Boys. Our correspondent ia a fijain 111:111 tliat loves his fricnd and epeaks in a [)lnin niaiincr. Liberty lias ever founil a resting place in the mounláirie. The timé is coinin wlien nn ovcrwhelming vote wiïl flow irom the Highlands nnd puge the Lovvlunds ol thcir crimina! usurpadlas. Oh for a thousand of these brave licarls on anothcr 18th of August! Kkox Countv, March 4. 181C. Mk. Cassius M. Ci.At - ï have to write yoi a leiter. to tfríjrm yon how much I like you. - I got hold of one r two of yoür papers, nnd 1 think they are grèat papers; I read ihein, as di several of my mighbors, and says I : 'Thcy nrc great.' 'Yes,' b.iys they, 'that thcy was.' want to take tliem lifter awhile, tut nol now, bc ei use I have nol got ihe moncy. Yet 1 went to teil you ns how alt the peoplë it Knox go for Emancipation of Slnvory in Kentucky, I dun't know none of my neiglibors bu what wants s'nvcnj killed ia Ktiit icky. Perlmps you tnay not be ncquainted up ahout Ijnrboursville; we have got somc inigliiy 6inart Lawyois and Doctors; thoy all go fjr tniancipation. - May bejou don't know C. W.. and G. A.. nm J. M.. nnd Dr. ftfc,nnd .'. B., and J., and R A.,üihI M. A. - thty nll go for you niighrj b-irong, and agaiust ''ölavtiy in fact;" 1 lliink ;lic wlioiecounliy will go ngninst it strong, J bi-Uevi you can get one thoiuand votes in old Knox 10morrow. C. W. mude a speech the other nigh ngainst it - lic ie a mnnrtcr man ihnn you f tíífi ft. of Lexiiigtdti; I h(;;ird luih 011 Ab. Baker'e trial, and C. beat all ÜpIIovy. G. A. s a migh y fine man. I want you to be encyuragcd, and J have but to teil you how siroiig thé peplc wil s?o for you in these hills - I wnnt you 10 come oi't here next sunirñer Sul make us a specöli - ind I wili get C. W. to liclp you: do come.- 'I'hen dn't givc up, we all pmy God's lI-ss ing upon you - wc lo: go you - so no inore - bu' remaih, Yours till dca a,