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flttflïXESB DIRECTORY. nllN.UD MAC1.EAN, M. I., Physieian and ) Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Huron Street, Ann Arlr. Office hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and f rom Stol i. m. WJ, EESDHAN, M. I., Physiciau and Sur. geon. Office, Southwest corner Main and Huron Ktreete. ResidcBce, 48 South State stroet. Office bours from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. LE. McFARIjAND, Surgical and Mechan. ical Deutist, corner of Main and Huron streets (Jackson's oíd stand.) Great pains taken in all operatious entrusted to my care Prices to suit thetinies. Allwork warranted. Teeth extracted without pain. Office hours : 8 to 12 a. tn.; 1 to G p. m.; r to 8:30 p. m. TT7" H. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner of yy Main and Washington streets, over Bach 4: Aljel's Btore, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics administered if rccjuired. EUGENE K. FRUEAUl'F, Attorney at Law, Notary Pub ie, and Commiseioner of Deeds for PennsylvaDi i. Consultation in the Germán ob KuRlisb language. Oflice, Hlll'a Opera-House, Ann Arbor, Mi eb. -yC7 CLARK, Justice of the Peace, Notary PubXÍit lic and C -nveyanccr. Will loaü money for tier ou real estáte sectirity. Office over No. 8 Huron streef, Ann Arbor, IMich. TTINES WOKDEX, 20 8onth Main atreet, W Auu Arbor, Mie'!., wuolfeale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Oirpetij and Groceries. MACK & SCHMID, deslere in Dry Goode, Groceries, Orockcry, etc., No. 54 South Main Btreet. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., No. 26 Soutu Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. -TTTM. WAGNE1Ï, dealer in Beady-Made ClothW ing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trunks, CarpetBags, etc, 21 Soiith Main street. JFKEDERICK SCHAEBERM;, teacher of , the PIANO, VIOUN AND GUITAR. Residence southeast corner Main and Liberty OtMBts, Ann Arbor, Mich. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in l'robate Office, Ann Arbor, Mich. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAI REVENAUCH IS THE Soss Photo'grapher of Ann Arbor. 28 Bast Uuron Street, upsiairs. W1NBLOW 13ROS. 32 East Huron Street, DEAXEBS IN TiCTÜKE FRAMES, BRACKETS ASU ViOLIN S1RINÖS. 1565 J. H. ]SriOiELS, Dealer in FRESH & SALT MEATS, Hains, Sausages, ILard, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVEKStTY CAMPOS. Orders proraptly fllled. Farmers having meats ito sell should givo him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Beceives depotits of One Dollar andupwards and ■allows,rive per cent. interest on all deposits remaiiiing three months or longer. JdEREST COMPOÜNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Also, bujs and eells U. S. Bonds, Gold, Silverand Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and ChiJgo Exchange. Also sells Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Ireland, Oermany, or any other part of the Europcan Confinen!. Tliis Bank is organized uuder the General Banking Law of this Stite. The stockholders are individiially Hable to the amount of their stock, and :the whole capital is security for depositors, while with Banks of issue the capital is iiivested for the security of bill-holders. This fact makes this Instituiion a very safe deposit of moneys. Married Women eau deposit subject to their own drafts only. Money to l.imn on Approvcd Securltlcs. ] IDikectobs- R. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. V. Harrimn, W. Deubsl, W. W. Wines, D. Hiscock, W. B. Smith. OFFIOERS: C. Mack, Pres't. W. W. Wises, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Cashier. W. A. L0VEJ0Y, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN P1NE-CUÏ AND SMOKING Tobáceos, áNTTFF, PIPES, fee, At No. 7 East Huron-st., Ncxt to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHIGAN EBERBACH & SON, Dillists ui Pteiiists, 92 South Main St., Ketj] i ou hand a Urge and well eelcctcfl stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, ARTISTS' & WAX FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Articles, Trusses, Bic. PURE WINES AND L1QUORS. "Spe ial a'tcntlou paid to the fuimi-hing of Phy clans, Cliemiats, Schools, etc., ih Pliilosojibica ,"! C.'iemical Appaiatus, Kohem'tn Chemie m tare Porcrfsfij Ware. Puro Keagens, ett-. 1 ■ 'Wlaas' ptescripiloos c-vrefiüly preparrrt at . "' lr 1546


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