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The Tramp's Murderous Revenge

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The hWse of Jeptha Hazard, in Jorkshire county, Mass., was recently he scène of one of the most uupro'oked and utterly atrocious crimes ever :ommitted in Massachusetts, the victim eing Mis. Hazard, an inoffensive old ady of 35 years. Mr. and Mrs. Hazard, in old couple living in a house by themelves in a liltle-frequented locality, ïave not been accustomed to entertain itrangers, but when a tramp, who now alls himself Charles Wood, rapped at heir door and asked for shelter f rom the ain they did not turn him away, al;hough when the storm was over they equested tbat he seek a lodging-place ror the night elsewhere. No hard ivords had passed between the Hazards md the stranger, and they had no reason ;o suppose that he bore themanyill-will, out, as he started from the house, he seized a ciub near the door and commenced a violent assault tipon Mr. Hazard, who, being an old man, was no match for him, especially against the disadvantage of such a weapon. Mr. Hazard had noticed his neighbor, Mr. Tillotson, a teamster and a powerful man, drive by but a short time before on his way home, and he obeyed his first impulse, which was to escape from the scoundrel, and by obtaining Tillotson's aid secure the fellow's arrest before he sliould flee, and never thinking for a moment that he would enter the house and attack a harmless woman. Tillotson, on learning from Mr. Hazard how he had been beaten, ran to the house, and there, to his inexpressible horror, found Mrs. Hazard upon the floor and the tramp swinging an as above her with the energy of a maniac, ha ving already piobably struck her four or five blows. Tillotson, at the risk of his own life, rushed upon the murderer, and, after giving liim two blows on the head with a hammer, succeeded in ovorpowering and holding him until further assistance arrived. Mrs. Hazard lived but two hours. The tramp was committed to jail at Pittsüeld without the privilege of bail, to await. the action of the Grand Jury. He says he had no provocation for the crime, and does not know what possessed him to commit it. AU the explana tion he can give is that, as he passed the door, he saw the club, and something made him seize it and impelled him to attempt the murder of the two old people. The criminal carne from Trance nino years ago. He says he has no friends in this country and wishes he was dead. " Look here, you critter, cxclaimed a Hoboken man the other night, as he brought his hand down on the pluce where a mosquito sat, " do you take me for a lunch counter?" The mosquito, by this time sitting on tho far nde ot the room, was vory respectful, and made no reply. Mabï Montaoue, of üranby, Mass. , aged 70 years, has for a third of her lifc been diligently searching out her genealogy. Sheiiow sayS, triumphantly, that she has established a twcuty-flftli cousinship wiü the British royal family.


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