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Sewing Machines THE SINGER, NEW DOMESTIC, And th.e HOWE, And sevcral eood Second-IIand Machines at the SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Anu Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very best that are made, and attachments and part for uearly alt machines. SINGER MACHINES Rspaïred bet ter therc than anywhere else Ín America. If your machine don't work well, trade it for one tlmt does, or have it repaired. All machines sold on easy payments at the office. Si'conil door cast of Post Olf ice, Anu Arbor, fttlch. (15r6) 1. 1.. ;it li 1 l„ Affent. IK8UKANCW COMPACT. Capital, - - $3.000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Re-Insurance Reserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 36. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Iii8uranue and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. JIACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. F0R SALE CHEAP ! 111IE new two stujy frame dwelling house, just . complctwl. Sitii.iti'il on cast University Avenue, the second house south froia the Medical College. Specially arraugeil for keeping Koaniers, itoomers, or Club. Tenus easy. Apply to ('. II. MILLEN, No.4, 8. Main Ht. For Sale Cheap I TUK large now doublé dwelling house, situated Oor. North and Fourtli BU, two blocks froin Court Houw. Eoqutre of C. II. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS AIjARGK nuinbor of very desirable building lot, well located, for aale low, amall payment duwn and lonji time given lor balance if dusired. C. H. MILL15N. A NEW Phieton Buggy for sale cheap. One of Arksey'.s best malee. 159G C. H. MILLLN. PARM FOK SALE ! By instructions of Catherlne K. J&tnefl wp otrr for salt; the Patrick (yAvanatih fanu of cighty acres more or less, in Korthüeld '? Wlio WunlK a Unou Itarnin 1 Ann Arbor, August 25, 1876. 1596m:l BEAKES A CIITCHEON. rILL UEADS AND STATEMENTS AT THE ARGUS OFFICE, Corner Malu and Huron Stieet. Northern Central R, R. Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE " CENTENNIAL." Through in 27 honra from Detroit, as per sched ule of passenger trains beluw : [Via Canada Santhexn Ilailway.] Lea ve Toledo, 6 11) p m 1 o 4.1 a n " Monroe, G 52 ni 11 r ;i n " Detroit, 0 55 p m 12 20 p ni [Vía Oreat Western R'yJ FU A M P M Leave Detroit, S 25 4 20 12 2 [Via Grand Trunk R'y] r M a M a m Leave Detroit, 5 45 2 50 7 .;u [Via New York Central R. R.J A M A M P M P M Le. Niágara Falls, 4 iK) 7 :di 1 45 8 10 Suspension Bridge, 4 20 7 35 2 00 8 00 Húrtalo, 4 SS 7 45 1 50 9 50 Uochester, 7 30 8 89pm 8'80 12 20 a m [Via Northern Central R'y.] V M i ■ M PM A M AM Le. Canandaigua, 3 l" 4 40 t 66 1 r I'enn Yau, 1 1 (12 r. .":! 7 48 2 42 Watkin.-. 12 17 7 00 8 37 3 38 8 00 Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 09 8 43 8 08 Klulira, 1 :t0 8 10 9 30 4 30 9 00 Troy, 38 lo 3'J 6 34 10 09 Minnequa, 4 09 nos 6 02 10 3 WilHamsport, 010 12 35 7 40 12 25 Northumberland, 12 40 9 Í5 2 05 Sunuury, 12 rm 2 00 9 55 2 lo Harrisburg, 2 4 3 55 11 40 4 11 Baltfmore, 7 35 6 25 7 35 Washington, 9 02 9 07 9 0 Philadefphia, 7 00 733 330 7 20 New York, 10 10 10 2.5 6 45 10 20 Passengen by this route have the privilege o stopping off at any point, and of visiting Washing ton City without extra charge. No dust. Road thorottghly stone hallasted, ani ita passenger traína are equipped with every knowu iraproveinent for the eonvenience and aafety of pás sengers. The far-fanied Watklns Glen beinglocated on the direct line of Northern Central Railway passenger can take it in on their route to the Centennial, b; taking the Northern Central Kailway. Be sure your tic-kets read rLa New York Centra and Northeon Central Roails. Information given on application t Westeru Passenger Agent. D. M. BOYD, .Ir., Gen. Pass. Agent. Sam'l L. Sevmouk, Western Passenger Agent Buflalo, N.Y. lSOltf Visitors to the Centennial BALTIMORE JJH WASHINGTON, TAKE 1TOTZCB! Thai tlie Cleveland Steitmers NORTHWEST, R. N. RIOE, Leave M.C. R. R. wburf, Detroit, daily at 9 ü'clcckp. m.,except Sundays. This line has urrunged n ayrttera of ticket via Cleveland whercbj over 300 routes can be made to Pui lade] pli i;i and New ïork, going and retiirning by auy route de&ired. No other line can offer such ia vunety of routes. Tickets for sale at principal Railroad OfiiceB, on board ateamers and at Company'a olüce, foot ol Shelbyet., Detroit. i-"'st; i. CARTER, Agent, Auarded the Higliest ilnUil at Vlenna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO, 591 Broadway, IVew York. COpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) nunufacturers, laiporlcrs & Dealers in CHROMOS and FEAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Gbai'iiosooi'ks, and Suitable Views. Photographic Materials. o We are Headtjuarters for everythiog in the wij of STEKEOPTICOXS & DlltilC l,lIKHS, Being mauufactnrers of the MICKO-8CIENTIFIC LANTERN, 8TEREO PANO1TICON, UNIVER81TY STEREOPTrcON, ADVEHTISER'S STEREOPT1CON ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LaNTERN PKOPLE'8 LANTERN. Each style being the beet of its class in the market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slidon with directions for using sent on npplication. Any enterpriniug man can inake money with a Magie Lantern. 1571 sarüut out thia advnrtisement for referente. _L( 1 A day at home. Agenta wanted. Outfit 9 anil term tree. TRUE & CO., Augusta, Me RAILROADS. MICIHttAH CENTRAL RAIl.KOAU MAY 28, 18T6. oottto wptBT. ==== Á i's s r j P S pw P f a. m. a.m p.a. r. m. i.„ "T Jetroit , lenve, 7 OO'lu 06 2 5fl 400 6ijo v i. ï. Juuclion, T 15 10 2d 3 05 4 15 6 IS i Of Wayne Junotion 7 57 10 49 3 32 4 50 6 ,, ! Vpailanti, : S 31 11 10 .{ 51 S L8 7 12 , Ann Arbor, 8 56 11 SG 4 13 & 45, 7 45 JeXter, ! 20 4 S5 6 06,8 1u _J_ Uhelsen, 'J 4.; 4 47 6 23 8 28: Ora88l.Ve, 10 07 5 15 0 49 8S4.' P.M Jacknon. Ar., 10 40 12 32 ö 45 7 15 9 U i „ Innknon, I.V., lll 45 12 37 9 30 5 Í Albiuu, 11 ;lfi 1 14 j g 10i jj Marshall. íi"s l M ]l UHn BatUtCroek, 1 00 in f n 3; J A.M. Oalenburg. 1 31 a. m. IS II) iviilniiiii. 1 1 52 3 03l 1 4 1)0,12 3j . ,. Lawton, 2 35 ; 4 41 1 05 _ T Decatur, 2 r2 1 5 00 1 25 iJowugiac, 3 16 ti 1 55 Siles, 3 45 4 23 16 10, J Ju 'T Huchnnan, 3 69 6 26 2 46 ïhree Oaks 4 28 4 55 1 7 04 3 2J "7 New Buffalo, 4 43; 6 08 I 7 ïll S40I Michigan (JUy, 5 10 5 36. 7 50 4 lij 77. Lake, i 5 48 0 14 '■ 8 35 4 6! g ? Ki-iiiitiL'tiui. 6 45 7 15 9 35 1 5 45 - ?, Chicago, arrive, 7 30 8 00' 10 20 '3 iy OOINO EA8T. " ■ W C ú ft; i _?__ _?_ ?_ 5_?i A.M. A. M. p. M. 'p. M. p. v Hhlc&go, leave, 5 00 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 00 Kensiugton, 1 5 45 a 4i 4 45 '■ 6 57 9 4J Lake, j 6 40 10 20 5 30' 6 43 10 Michigan City, I 7 82.11 M) 6 3o! 7 40 11 15 XowButfalo, , 7 55ll to' 6 55. 11 35 Three Oaka, 8 09 11 32 7 09 8 11 11 4; i'. m. Am. liuchanan, 8 42 7 50 12 20 Niles, 9 0i' 12 09 8 20j 8 55 12 35 Dowagiac, 9 27 S 49 1 01 Decatm, 9 52 9 16 1 25 Lawton, 10 10 i 9 85 Knlamazoo, : 10 45 1 36 10 10 10 26 2 la Ualetburi?, 11 12 _ , . 238 Battle Creek, 11 SI 2 IT k 1 1 09 3 (S r. m. -g m Marshall, 12 45 2 65 o W 11 35 3 47 Albion, 1 14 8 1(5 11 55 4 07 A.H. A I l ,Tackon, Ar., . 2 P8 3 55 a.m. 12 40 4 JJ Jacksou, Lv., 2 13 4 CIO, 7 00 12 40 4 55 Orass Lake, 2 46 7 30 .'. 2S' 9 54 t Chelnea, : 3 10 7 56 5 50 1011 ! Uexter, ; 3 25 1 8 131 6 08 10 ü Aun A rb. ir, 3 52 5 16 8 36 2 00 6 28 10 Ú Ypsilanti, 1 15 5 28 8 55: 2 20 6 48 11 09 f. Wnyiie Jnnc, 4 45 5 45 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 li ü.T. June., 6 O 6 10 10 00; 3 15 7 45 Detroit, Ar., ■ 5 45 25 in 15 S 30. 8 00 UM ! #8undays excepted. :Saturday and Munday ex oepted. tUaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Oen'l Supt., Detroit. I H. C. Wentworth, Gen. Pasa. Agt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA KAILROAD OOINU WKBT. -1876- GOISO ÏABT. 8IAT1OX8. Mui.. Kip. STATIONS. Kxp. Uil A. M. 1". M. .... Detroit, dep. ..7:00 6:00 '' I Ypilauti.... 8:35 7:16 Bankers 6:00 4:3 Saline 9:20 7:45 Hilladale ... 6:30 1: Bridgewater.. 9:45 7:57 Manchester.. 9:16 4:11 ' Manche8tr. 10:. 8 8:00 Bridgewnter 9:45 4:li P.H. ! Saline 10:10 j-.-i Hillsdale 1:15 10:00 i Ypoilsnti.... '10:65 S:M Bankers 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6.Í1 Trains run by Chicago time. To take efieot , April 16, 1876. W. t'. PARKER. Sup't, Ypsilanti. SüTEÜii PHILADELPAIA, PA. TUIS (ireat International Kxhibition, desJKQfd to euiumcnjorate the One llimdri-dth Auniver sary of Aiiu-rican Indepcndence, opened May lWh E and will close November lOth, 18"ti. All the Natïons of the World and all the States and Terrilo ries of the Union will particípate, bringing together the most coiuureheusive collection of art trmures, mechanica! inventions, scientific dlscoverifl, iiianufacturini; BohleraneniB, mineral Bpecinuaa, and agricultural producU ever oxhibited. The groundsdevotcfi to the Kxhibition are situated os I the line of the -Peunsrlvania Railroad, and embrace four hundred and fifty acres of Fairmooot Park, all highly iiuproved aud ornamented, on which are erected the largest bnildings ever coiistructcd, - five of these covering an area of flfty acres, and costingS5,000,000. The total numberoí buildings erected for the purposes of the Exhibí tion i over one huudied. The Pennsylvania Eailrod, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND PAST MAIL EOUTE OF THEU. S. will be the most direct, convenient and economical way of reuen ing Phiiadelphia, and this great Bx bibition from all sections of the country. h tiains to aud from Phíladelphia will pass througb B (iKAM) CENTENNLAX DKPOT, which tbe Oonipany have erected. at the Main En trance tu llie Ëxhibition Grounds, for the accommodatton passen ge rs whu wish to stop at or start from the iiuintTous large hotels coutiguous to this stutioo and the Ex h i bition. - a convenience of the grtatfsE alm1 lo visitors, and atforded exclusiwly by the PennayWania Kailroad, which is THE ONLÏ LINERUNNINti DIRECT Tü THE CENTENKIAh BUILDINGS. Excursión irains willalsosiop at the Encaiupment of the Patrous of llusbandry, Bi Kim Sun ion, on this road. 43"Thc Pennsylvania Railroad is the grandrat railway orgauízation in the world. It controlï seven tlumsand miles of roadway, forming continuous liues to Phiiadelphia, New York, Jtaltimore, aod Wiishington, over which luxurious day and night cars are run from Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Ciucinnati, ludianapolis, Columbtiö, Toledo. Cleveland, and Érie, without change.SV lts maln line is laid wiUi doublé aud tbird traeki of heavy steel rail, upon a deep bed of brokeu si ballast, and its bridge are all of irou or -.umi'. lts passenger traius are equipped with evi ry known iniprovcment for comfort and safety, and are run at faster speed for gre'ater distances tlian the trains of any line on the continent. The ('om pany bas largely ïncreascd its equipment foi Cíd leuuial travel, and it will be prepared to build, i its owii sliops, loconiotives and passenger cars t short notice, sutficient to accoumiodate any extra deniand. The unequaled resources at the comniaml of the Conipauy guarantec ihe most perfect accommodations for all its patrons during the Centeouial Exhiliition. THE MAGNTFICENT 8CENEEY for which the renusylvania Uailroad issojustly eelebrated, presentó to the traveler over itá ptTiect Roadway an ever-changing panorama of river, mountaio, aoil landscaje fiews unequaled in America. THE EATING-STATI0N8 on this line are unrorpaned. Ueab win be farniahed at BuIUblt houra and ampie time allowed forenjoying theiiiEXCURSIÓN TICKET, at redueod ratos, will be soltl at all principal Rail ruad Ticket Ütficen iü the West, Northwest and Southwest. L surt; that your tickets read via the Gre Iennsylvunia Routo to the Centennial. FRANK THOMSON, B.M. BOYD, Ju., General Manager. Gm'l Pass'r Ag1 National Centennial RouteTAKE THE Balliire&OMoB.E. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE CENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY ! By this line pasaengeis are landed at the i'ent'Miniul Groundn, or at Broud i nd l'inr Streets, in vicinity of the leading hotels in Philndelphia, aa the y muy prefer. Holdera of Through Ticktta OAN STOP OFF AT THE National Capital ! And visit the Government Buildings and the many object# of interest in aud about Washington City. Tmvelers deslring A SPEED Y, PLEASANT & COMFOETABLE TRIP Should remember that the Baltixnore & Uailroad [b celebrnted fox ita elegant Coaches, Splendid Hoels, Grand umi Hetiutiful Monntain and Valley Scenery. aud the many pointe of Historie interest nlong ita line. KiaFare will al iva) be a Low a kj: b' any otbcr Iiuc, PULLMAN PA LACE OARS KUN THBOUOH WITHOUT CHANGE Botween tho prinoipal WESTERN & EASTEEN CITIES. For ThrouRh Tickets, Baggage Oheck, Movement of trains, SUeping Car AccommodAtiuns, &., &c.,npply ut Tii-kot Otüres at hII principal pointo, NORTH, SOUTH, EASTORWEST. K. R. DOR8ET, L. M. COLE, Ass't Gen'l Tioket Ag'L Gen'l Ticket Aft't THOS. P. BARRY, THOS. E. 8HAKP, Wetit'n ltt8i)ugtr Agent. M:ul ei uf Tramtp'B


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Michigan Argus