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The Democratic Party

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What is the Democratie party 't It is a compact political organization, that aluioat uninterruptedly rul cd thia oountry for sixty out of sevonty yoars at' political atlmiiiistrution. It ia a party never yot beaten from Jefferson's time to the present, when it has gone harinomously and unitedly into a campaign. When it has been iefeated it has been, without exoeption, because it has been divided againat itaelf. In politics, as in all things else, " a house divided against istelf cannot stand." Jefferson, Madison and JVlonroe, for twenty-four years in succession, were elevated to the Preaidenoy by the votes of the Democratie party. Then there was a break in the line, and John Quincy Adums, defeated before the people by Andrew Jackson, secured hiB eleotion by the House of llepresentatives. The Democratio vote was divided between Jackson and Crawford, who together received a large mujority of the electoral votes, but neither haring a majority over all the others the election went to the House, and Adamo was succossful. For the next twelve years the party triumphautly elected ite candidates. In 1840 a great many Deuiocrats bitterly opposed the re-eleotion of Mr. YanBuran. They opposed himiu the nomiuating convention and out of it, and succeeded in defeating him and electing Mr. Harrison who received twice as inany electoral votes in the South as did Van Buren. So in 1849 there was a similar condition of afi'airs. The Democratio party was split in two by the nomination of Mr. Cass. The friends of Mr. Van Buren insisted upon placiag him in nomination, believing he had been treacherously used. In the State of New York the Casa and Van Buren vote was very far ahead ot' the Taylor voto, but taken separately neither had a majority over the Whig candidato, and so the vote of the state was given to Taylor, which secuied his election. And let it be noted that a large mxjority of the Southern electoral vote was cast against the Democratie oandidate, as it was in the election ot Harrison. The party from that time to the election of Mr. Lincoln won an uninterrupted series of natioual victories. In 1860 Mr. Linloln owed his election to the disruption of the Democratie party, to the tact that its vote was divided upon two oandidates, he himself receiving but a miuority of the whole vote. Siuce then the party has never been able to cast its whole vote. In 18(54 and '68 the South was aa good na disfranehised ; in '72 the party could not be brought to the support of -Gretley, its life long and bitter opponent. In 1876 the party again comes ihto the political arana, uuited, harmonious, and enthusiustic. Undivided against itself this old Democratie party, planting itself upou the rock of the Consttution never has been beaten. True to this old traditiou of the country and the party, it is this centennial year fightiug an old fashioned battle and destined to win an old-faahioned victory. The Democratie party, too, is that party which from the foundation of the govorninent has dug the political grave of every party that has opposed it. It torced the old Federal party to thg wall, and swept the Whig party off the political ohess board. It crushed out the Anti-Masonic party, the Liberal party, and the American party, and 1876 dates the fall of anothor party, which daring to be sectional rather than national, will ñnd itself crushed to the ptuth by this same old ConBtitution loving Democratie party, which has existed from the beginning of the government and will continue to exist as long as the government itself suall stand. What is the .Democratie party ? It is the party finding that the territory of the Union 800,000 square miles in extent increased it to 3,500,000 square miles making it equal to the whole of lüurope. In 1803 it made the Louieiaua purchase and brought to the Union all that rast territory lying between the MissisBippi river and the Pacific ocoan. In 1821 it brought Florida from the dominion of Spain and added it to that of the United States. In 1845 ii took Texas from the grasping hands of Mexico, and brought it into the family of States. It added California and New Mexico in 1848 to the national domain, and acquired the right to what is now known as Arizona, Nevada and Utah. The only increase of territory that has been made otherwise than through Democratie instrumentality was that of Alaska with its snow and ice. Thus the whole horóscopo of the future was changed, und the infant republic was transformed into a giant State. What is the Democratie party? It is the party that took the nation through the war of 1812, created an army and a navy, and made the rights of the American people respected by every nation of Europe. It is the party that conducted the Mexican war, stormed Churubusco, drove Santa Anna from Chapultepeo, and plantud the stars and stripes in the Mexicau capital. And it is tha party that if it had been allowed to elect its candidato, Mr. Douglas in 1860 would have saved the Union from tho hands of secessionists and traitors. It is the party of which Eufus Cnoate unid, just before his death, that " It carried the flag of the Union and kept step to the music of the Constitutiou ! " All the lies and standers which ignorant and uatruthful men muy heap upon it and upon its past canuot destroy it. Through its long history it has been true to the Constitution, and under it it built up a nation largor and greater than Alexander the Gieat ever looked upon. This then is the auswer to the question "What i the Democratie party ? " What have the Republioans to say about the f act known before i runt was elected President, that he first offored his services to the Confederates. The vory letter making the application exista. Georgia speaks loud euough for Republicana to understand. She has given a splondid victory to tho Democracy.


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