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Ádispatcii from Tamaqua, Pa., saya: "Tho conviction at Wilkeabarro, of Thomas Campbell, a notorious Molly Maguire for the brutal murdorof Miohacl McNulty, at Uarbondale, last July, has arouaed tho murderous organizition of which ho was a member in IiuKerne canuty, and alroady the gang have commenced their terrible operations. Thcmaa Long and John Donnlly havo faltan victime to their vengoance. The Moliiea, who have terrifled Hyde Park, Dunmore, Meadow Brook, and other places n the Lackawauna región, are reportad porpetratiug atrodous outragea." K 8PLKNDID bronïe status uf Vfilliam II. Rsward was 'unveiled in Jtadlaon Square, New York city, one day last week. The oration was deliïered ty' WillUm M. Kvarta. John lligelow, the Beert tary of State, mado the addreas of preaentaüon on behalf of the contribntora to the fund for the statue, and Mayor WlPkham accoptud the gift for the city. Thêro Was a largo uumber of people in attendance, aud mudi intareut was mauifeated Penusylvania'a day at tho Centonnial- Thuraday, Sept. 28- witnesaod tho largeBt attondance of any day bIiico the opening of the big show. From oarly morning tül late in the afternoon, almost to the momont of closing the gatee, the people swarmed to the grounds in multitudes, and uumbered at length about 255,000 eouls. Every imaginable vohielo, from na oyster-(!art to a truck, was utilized in drawing people to the show, and uotwithatauaïng the fact that almost everj available horse in tho city was brought into requirjition, at the close of the day thousands of people, many of them womeu and childreu, were compelled to trudge to their diatant homes on foot. Of the fifty-cent admissions during the day there were 217,678; twenty-five-cent ajmissiona (childreu), 33,785; to the live-stook show, 5,823; total oaeh admiasions, 257,286. DüRiKa a fight between a uumber of Molly Maguiree, near Plymouth, Pa,, a few nights go, John Brannigan, Poter MoNamara, and Bradley O'Neil were clubbed and stoned to dealh. The trage ly ocourrod near where the ODonnell family were murdered some timo ago. The transaction haa croated intenoo excitement. Although the murderers wero ïrareued, they managed to escape .Ucob Huutzenger, late Prosident of tlie Minere' Trust Bank, of Pottoville, Pa., haa been arreated on five distinct charges, covering alloged miademeanors by false pratenses and embezzlement to the extont of upwards of $200,000. He was sent to jail in default of 238,000 bail. Bcbolaks entered the atoro of Franklin Horton, No. 42 Fulton streel, New York, a few nights ago, broke open the safe and secured $20,000 worth of jowelry. No arresta A horrible domestio tragedy was enacted in New ïork city tho other uight. Juliua Blank, a Mind professor of music. reeiding on the top Hoor at No. 201 West Thirty-third street, shot his wife, Mary, inflicting a mortal wountl. He alao ahot his child, Amelia, 3í yeara old. Sho died soon after. He then ehot himself, the shot küling him instantly. IBE WKST. At the Spotted Tail Agency, on the 23d uit., tho Peace Commissioners held a council with fchcSioux Indiaos gathered there, and, after tbe usual grumbling about the bad faith of the Government, Spotted Tail and his men put their Dames to the new treaty. A teleobam from Vinita, Indian '".Territory, states that the Cherokees and other crvilizèd Indiana of the Territory are greatly exeited over the proposod' removal of the Sioux into tnoir country. Tbeyeay the Government i8 Rgain proposing to viólate troaty atipulationa byremoving those Indiana to their country without their consent. They cbaracterize the setion of the Commissionefs in agreeing io pve the bioux homes in the Territory of Öakahoma a being similar to the one mado by atan on the mountain 1,800 yeara ago. There will be a united and solemn protest made bv Jl these people against the eonsummaticn of Uuf) lleged outrago against tho civilizad as wil b the öioux Indiana. Sevebal weeka ago a requisition was made by the Governor of Wisconsin upon the Governor of Illinois for tho snrrender of the body of Mr. W. F. Storey, editor of the Chicago Times, charged with the publication of a libel agamst one Beek, the Milwaukeo Chief of 1 olice. The matter was referred by Gov Beveridge to Attorney General Edsall for an opinión aa to the Iaw in the case, and tho latter has repuert ui r letter to the effect that the reqnisition cannot be lawfully camplied with, ior tho reaHou that Mr. Storey was not in Wiaconsin at the time the allegcd offenso waa oommitted, and therefore cannot be conaidered a fugitivo from iustice. A Bismarck special reporta prep'arationa at J! ort Lincoln for an expedition of the Seventh ivaliv and a detachment under command of Maj. Reno. Destination not Btatcd, but the preparations mdicate an absence of a month or more. The amusement outlook in Chicago is more peculiar thau at the beginuing of any aea?on eince the city laid claim te metropolitan taate ud öxporiencs. Tho effort of tho paet toward buUdmg up soveral housea for the drama have now all condeneed ihemselves to single substantial focus, and HcVicker's Theater ia the only legitímate Thespian haunt m the city. Thia veteran iustitution haa outhved a score of yeara and doublé that ?? iwJ f "Taj8. and taits in for the season or 1876-7 atronger. and better tban ever Xhe delay m carrjing into effect the order for disarming and di smounting the Indians at lihevonneAgenoyhas ïesnltod in the uuprovoked raurder of the Rev. Mr. Fennell, in Episcopal miasionan-. Ho was Bhot through theheart and head by a flendiflh redakin who had been 'conHned in tho guard-hoiue for aomo misdomeanor, and had aworn to take revonge on tho first wbito man he met after his reteaae The largo and extensivo establishment in Tolodo, Ohio, koown as the MUburn Wagon i nnnS4 dJe8trOyed fire laat &. Over 1,000 ümshed wagons, beaides a large number D, "1 !?,'e(3 0ue8' wero brned. Tlio loaa ia o'í-tt n, nU?R W!li0h there w insirancs i 3lv. ?0Teral of the firemen narrowlv oscaped death from falling walls, and ouo had an arm broken. Thia disaster throws aboi-.t -Joti men out of employmeut. The fire is suppoeed to havo been cansed bv spontanooiis combustión. A TEBBiBLB explosión of a tbreshuig-machine boiler oocurred in Marshall county, Ind., a few days ago. Thomas Jones, aged 12, waj blown X?.,t.'ni8,clor!;hestoni off' and Wmself inVïïlJ' f' ah)onia Wort, agod 24, bandtutter, died boou aftor ; he leaves a wife and Uiree children. WÜliam W. Johnson, aged 22 waa türown 1C0 feet, and died. William Hughes, kged35, waa blowu 110 foet, his right leg broksn and hia body badly scalded ; h"w 1 tured land one of lus amn broken. Amimbar or other persona were trtaimed aud bruised in a shocking mmner. Tho boiler wai thrown 200 feet, etnking the separator and soing over a stack twenty feot high in its fl:ght. FraKWofnO5nfeetWOOd W6reered A HORuiBLE gallows. sceue waa enaoted at CoAhocton, Ohio, last week. The vietitn waa Honry Ept, who, in November last, murdered A,bfah,am Wnrtheinier, of that place. "At 1 o dook, wntoH a correspondent, doaeribing the i-aredy ''the lever was touched and th! drop feU. Then followed a horrid and ropulïvo ceno. Tho drop had not killed the unhappy man. nor ws the uoose straugling him Jlw bodytwungto aud fro violently. From his lipa carne terrible moans and cries, lio franticalJy struggled to freo his limbs. His agonios couUnu.d. The witnesses of the eiSention tiirned ick at the awful scone. Fmallv the p.atforw was brought back to ifs place, aud tho poor victim of an exeeutioner's buugling work vrJi drawu upon it, aud tho ropo readjunted. the poor half-straugled wretch groauing aud TOUag and begging not to bo hknged a'ain, au tnuwhile held in tho arm of the ollicials aud waiting another Httempt. Four minutes ircm tlietimeof the flret f all the half-killed man was launc'jod into the air agaiu. Tbto time tho rope and the fall accoinnliaheJ tho laws decisión. The man'a neck was broken, ad the poor follow died without a atruggle." The Springfield (Ili.) Ttegister of the 2d inst. htb: "15y tho erop reporta for Sept. 11, received at the office or tho State Board of AgriciUture, it appcars that the prospect for oom ia better by about 10 per csnt. thau on Ang. 11 tüo da'o of the laat provious report. Acoordmg to tho oatimates tho in tliia Stato will be about 270.000,000 biifihols, or about 78 per cent. of a fnll erop." THE SOUTH. Gkn. Bjuxtos Bhaüo dropped deal of heart disease in the ntroetfi of Galveston a few daya aso. Ilt bul bew in l.i? eustomary healtk up to t!io moment of th fatal attack. Gen. Hragf? was a proannfiit ofliccr in tlie ttonfedorate army, holdiug at varioiis timos important oommands. Ho was Incated at West Peint, but for HOTorai yeam previous to the outbieak i.f tl. o robellion ho had had mo connection with tho United States amiy. Advicks froin Noitbern and Northwestern Ttxas ïeport a graéahoppcr invasión. In aomc counties they are deatroying vegotation. WhcaUaowing ia to bo delayed until it is aeccrliined whfctlicr tbo 'hoppers will ïomain long i.'nough to doposit their eggs. A special from gau Antonio, Texae, to the Galveaton JVai-s says a detachment of Capt. JIdNelloj 'rt company nnder Sergt, Armstrong ttttscked h party of outlaws ou Espanosa lake, neatBlSle Pao, killed five, wcunded one, and captured tit'y borses and a larpo namber of cattle, WASUÏNQTON. So kar i?i(),058,252 a tjilvor oolu Jim bowi paid out by the Xroaaury Doportnient for the roderajit on of fractlonal currency and in payluent of obligations siuco the 19th of April last, lcaving a balance of $2,000,000 of euch soin on hand at tliw date. The nünts ate now running to their full capaoity te supply the domanas for subsidiary silver coiu. Last week $500,000 was reeoived from ltussia to ba converted into American gold coin. There is an active domand for silver for export to China. Thk trial of Gen. O. E. Babcock on the safebnrglary indictment waa brought to a conclusión laat wcok. The jury, af ter an absence of two hours, renderod a verdict of not guilty, The public debt statement for October maken the following exhibit ; SIi uer cent bonds $ 9R4.999.6SO i'ive per cent bonds 712,320,480 Total coin bonete ïl, (97,320,100 Lswfiil inoney debt $ 14,000,000 Mitund debt. 2,738,530 Legal tenders 368,561 ,472 Oertiflcates of deposit 84,R2',000 Fractional currency 29,858 415 Ooin cortiflcatCB 29,777,900 Total without Interest 462,717,788 Total debt $2,176.77i,4I8 Total interest 27,126,227 Cash iu Treasury : Coin $04,501,124 Currency 13.524,845 Speel! deposite held for r demptioti of cvrtincataj of dcpofiit 34,620,000 Total In Treasury 111,636,069 Debt less cash In the Troasury $2,0d5,181,Mt Decrcaso of debt during September. . . S-,913,365 Deercase since June 30, 187 7,172,769 Bonds ispufd to tlie PaciEo Railway CompaaiM, inteïeBt payable In lawful mency: IMncipal outetanding 64,623,512 Interest acenteil and not yt paid 969,352 Interes! p iid bj the ünited States 32,080,21 Interest repaid 'uy Irausportation oí mails, etc ! 8,050,398 Balance of interest paid by United States ,,,, L 25,129,824 GENERAL. For nearly twenty years the groat horse Loxington Btood at the head of the Amerioan turf, and it was not until two yeara go tliat bis four-mile tima, 7:19V, waa boaten a quartor of a second by Felloworaft, at Saratoga. Another Kentucky horso haa now bonten the time of both Lexington and Followcraft, and the pecple of tho bluo-grass State are warranted in feeling proud over the performance. Ten Broeck, a thoroughbred named iu honor of the gentleman who owned Lexlngton, and bred and owuod by a member of the famous Harpor family of norse broeders, at Louiaville, tho other day, rn four miles in the nnprecodented timo of 7:15J, or threo aeconds faster than Pellorrcraft's, and four seconde faster than Lexington's time - an acbievement which stampsTen Broeck tho greatest horso of the century. Better pricos are expected for American grain becauae of the short erop in Kngland. The mai'ket iu Now York, saya the Tribune, shows the effect already, but happily thore is no wild speenlation started, and the improvement in prices promises to be of a snbstantiaT character. Tueke men feil from the neaffoldiug of a churchin Montreal last week. Onewasinstantly killed. and tho othertwo f atally iu jured .... James Lick. tho San Francisco millionaire, breathed his last in that city on the lst inst., leaving in trust for various public, patriotic, and charitabje purposes a eum estiinated at $5,000,000. "LEATKyourtrunks at home" is a suggestion of Philadelphla newspapers to tho mnltitnde about to depart to the Centenuial Eshibition. Mountains of wnnks rise in everv railroad depot, and travelers are frequently delayod in obtaining them. A hand vaheo is far preforable. The fashionable garment in the Ëzhibition and on the streets is tho one every pernon haa worn in traveling. POUXIGAXa The New York State Greenback Convention was held at Albany, last week. Richard Montgomery OrifÜD, ditor of tho Albany Svening Posl, was nominated for Goveruor ; Thomas Armstrong for Lieuteuant Governor ; Anthony J. Cudderback for Canal CommisBioner ; Marcus M. Dixon. Judge of Appeals; John W. Crump, State Prison Inspector. The Republicana of Nebraska have nominated Frank Welch for Governor, A. O. Abbott for Lieuteuant Goveruor, Bruno Tzchuck for SeCretary of State, J. B. Weaton for Auditor, and J. C. McBride for Treasurer. ÍOKKIGN. The BusBian Government has ordered the registration of all tho horsos in the empire liable to seizure in case of war The United Stotes steamer Franklin, with William M. Tweed on board, has sailed from Vigo, Spain, for New York.. ..Spain is sending more reinforecmenta to Cuba. News from Panama statcs that in tha engagement at Laschanoos, in the Cauca, between the rebels and Government forcea, the rebels loet more thn a thousand in killed and wounded, whils the Government forces lost 200 killed and 300 wouuded. Dubing the suspension of active hostUiües in Mexico tho Government is reorganizing the army, in the hope that the next battle will be the last and end the rovolntiou. Yet it is never the last revolution in Mexico, bnt always the latest. Stil], that progress has been made in that country sirco tho expiümon' of the French aroused national pride cannot be denied. Th Congress is now in sesiion, and it is probable that arrangement will be made for the paymeut of a part of the English claims The mlsery which the Cubana approhended Will exteud throughout their islaud is painfully apparent at Puerto Principe. In this inland city, which once enjoyed great proepenty, real estato is almoat valuoless, and 4,000 impoverished people are f ed at the public expense. Heedless of this ruin, the Spaniards re sending more troops to the island aud ereeüng coast defenses at Cionfuegos againêt orno imaginary foe.... llepoita received in Kngland confirm tlie settlement of difficulties between England and China, growing out of the Yunoau murders. The British Minister, Wade, and the Cliief Foioign Secretary of Cbinabave signed a convention diaposiug of the caee Uoatüitiee have been resumed botween Turkey and Servia, the latter having rejected the proposed extensión of the armiatice.. . .Sir Thomas White has l;en eleeted Lord Mayor of London. Tiie 142 stonemasons who aailcd from New York to Scotland have arrived and been set to work oa the new parochial buildings at Greenock. They get ten pence an hour, aud are guaranteed work for two years The Pope is again griovously ill Armed Ruesiaus continuo to pour into Hervía by the thousands. A. cablu diapatch annouuces the death of the great Gei-mau sculptor. Ernst Von Bandel, the fouudcr of the colossal slatue of Arniirjiua which was placed upou the snmmit of the Teutoburger Wald last August, amid the rtjoicinpB of the whole Germán people, and which spread his name and iamo far and wide. Ho was born May 17, 1800. ... A ferry boat waa receutly swampod in Youghal Harbor, Ireland, and ninoteen persons, nearly all farmora and their wivos, woro drowned. The Servían army has again been overwhelmingly dcfeatcd. by tho Turkish force near Alexinatz. The London Times' correspondent at the Tnrkish headquarters telsgraphs. uudar date of Oct. 3: "Thnreday's battlo, both as regards the loases aud nunibers eugaged, was dicidedly tho greateat in the whole war. In the front, toward Moravia, the Servían attack was merely directed againat the TurkUh bridgo. The maiu attack was against the Turkish left wing, under Hafaiz and AU Pabha, in order to cus off the Turkish retreat to Nisch. Sixteen Üei-vian battalious a!so crossod t!io Moravia at Uraehevoc, and advauced bv way of Jeaica againit the Turkish nght, uiidcr Falei Pasha. Thi doublé flank niovoment completely failed, and the ServianB, by noon, wore driven back at all pointa with great loss. T)ey uubseijtiontly reuewed tho attack agaiOBt the Turkiah left tlirce timea, but ere on eveiy occaHioi ropulaed with great Iokh. A rtiapatcli fromBerlin saya that ' considerable portions of tho Iïua-iian army have reoeived ordera to be roaiy f or immediate conceutration. Cavalry aud üeld artillery are now on a war footing, and tho infantry are ready tomarch."


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