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Eytatf of Johu G. Mötzger. QTATKOF MICHIGAN, county oí Wabhtenaw, O &t. At u HvHioii of the Probate Court lor the cüiiniy ot Wobhtenaiv, lioldeu ut the Probate Uliice in the city of Aan Arbor, on Thursduy, iheütth duy oí uetober, in the yeur oue thouaand eigut huiiciit-d uud seventy six. Present, Noah W. Caeever, Judge of Probate. in the matter of the estáte of John O, Meizger, deceaued. Ou ruadiiiL and iiling the petition, duly verifled, of Michael citierle, praymg ihut a certain iuBtruinení now unñle in thiu 'Jourt, puriortin to be the last will and toaiaiunt ot múa decuased, iuay bo admitted to probatu, and that Newton Bheidon or aoiat. itlitttblQ perauu muy be appoiuiud oxeotltor tiiereoi, Thcroupon ït ís ordered , that Mondayt the sixtü aity of November nuxt, ut ten o Vloek in Ihe íuienuou, be aitóiijed lor the hearing oí said petition, mid tii;it tlie devinee( Jegutccu and ueirti at law ol aaid deceutod and ail other persont mterested in mud estáte', are required to appear at u vs.i:n:i uf uu! (Jourt, then to bö hulden t the Probate Oiiicü, in the cily of Anu Arbor, nd show saasé if uny there be, wiiy the prtiyer oí he putiuouer shuuld oot Defrianced: And it ia 'urtbtr ordered that said petitioner give notice o the perbons intereated in taaid etaie, of the lendeney of unid petititin and the hearing lereoi, by caubing a copy of tbis order to bc iK'li.ji.i'il m the Michigan Aryus, a newspaper n-inied and circulated in said county, tlnew suceaiiive weeka previous U uaid day of heanng. (Atruecopy.) NÜAH W CUlfiEVKU, ltiUiwS Jude oí Probate. y ANTED ! Bv an induBtHous boy, a place in some private imiily u do chores foCr liis buard und g tu school. Addrvss J. C. i., care oí this Üfflce, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And dealer in Rval Estáte. Office, No íí, Opera House Block, ANN ARBOR. kjOTÍCE7" lij wifi'. EUsabeth Armbrnster, has left iny bed and board, and havinK commeoeëd a snit for aivorce against me, noiioe is liurcby giveo to all persons uot to trust her in anyway ou iny account u I ahall py nu debU uf h.-r contractioK after this' late unli'ss consent is first obtuiued of me. Ann Arbor, Oct. 4tL, 1876. ltij:ltt:i JOHN ARMBRUSTEIt. OILL HEAD8 AND STATEMENTS AT THE ARUUS OFFICE, (Corner Main and Hiiron Street.


Old News
Michigan Argus