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AWARDED Tle Firsl Premium AT THE CENTENNIAL SEPT., 18 7 fi, Over Tliousauds of Competitors t THE CROWN JEWEL The most benutiful stove, and the best of all the Cotil stovos made. This stove can be tound in use in the following houses in Aon Arbor : Alphen Felch, Dor Kelloeg, G. W. Sharples. .1. W UxnffatpTtAr. Jnmp Jnnpü. K. Curtís. K M. ardson, Piof. E. Jones, Mrs. J. West, Dr. 1'. B. Koa, Sire. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, R. A. Meal, C. A. Pomeroy, 8. T. otis, C. M. Cadwrll, B. Vaughn, Miss lijdia Smith. A. Hoy, lt. McDonald, Mi. Whitelieiid, Charles ö. Millen, J. C. Wattb, Fred. Sorg, Prof. M. C'. Tyler, Hrs. 3. A. I'ollmmu, J. O. Banks, W. D. Hiirriinau, J. L. Burleigb. Geo. W. ('ropsey, Mrs. Hubbaru, Qeorue Hujier George Granvilte, Mrn. Chainbers, üeorge Walker, Zera l'ulcifer, and Rinsey & fieabolt. KF"You will alio Bad a fnll assortment of Parlor and Cook ötovea for "Wood, at L. C. RISDON'S. 31 S "Uth Mainittreet, Ann Arbor. ÜÜKANGB COMPAOT. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, including Ee-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over LiabilitioB, including Be-lusurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. JIACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. Ifor sale cheap ! THE new two stojy frame dwelliog house, just completad, tíituatcd on east University Avenue, the second south from the Medkal College. Bpecially arrauged for keeping Boarders, Roomers, or Club. Terina easy. Apply to C. II. MILLEX, No.4, 8. Main 8t. THE large new doublé dweiling house, situated Cor. North and Fourth St, two blocks frotu Court House. Kuquire of C. H. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS A LARGE nuinber of very deslrable building Iota, well located, for sale low, smull payment dowu and long time giren for balance if desired. C. H. MILLEH. A NEW PliKton Buggy for sale ebeap. Ono of Arksey's liestinakc. 159,; C. g. MIIiliBIT. Qt B. PORTER, DENTIST Office overjobnson's Hat Store, South Main Street, A ARBOR, 111(11. 1592tf BrictSto for Sale. Í OFFER FOR SALE my Brick Store, Corner ol Iluron and Fourlh -stroets, oppnaite Cook's otel. This is ono ofilic most desiraMe locations in the city, and will be sold at a bargain. 1598 JOHN O. GALL: "Dr. S. STFITC" OF 714 Broadwa?, N. Y.f Author of 8ix Lecturee on the Prtvention and Cure of Conaumption, Asthma, Heart Diseasea, may be consulted at Finney's II n.-l, Detroit, Mich., peraonully or by letter. He treats all diaeases of mulca and feraales of all aea. Family Phyaician sent free. Conaultations íree. Dr. Kitch'B meana allowg'enerornty in clmrvea. Hia fame ís forcur ini bad caaes. May, 1876. 1884eowly A DOLLAR SAVEO IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS! And prices LOWEK THAN KVEB. I have purchased iö New York, for oaeh, and I am now duily receivini; one of tho largest and most select stocks of Orooerie in Washlenaw ( 'uuuiy, cousisting of a lull uní! well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Gnupowdcn, Imperial, ïonnf lij - sous, Iljsoim, Japan, lolon-s, lormosuN, Coupons, SuurlioiiN, und '1'lVUilkll) n, Totfether with s full line of C0FFEE9, consistma of the fullowing br.ind : MOCHii, OLD OOV'T JAVA.MAKACA1H0, LAOL'AYKE.SANTOS and 1110, botu mHstud uud grouud ; a íull and well uelected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Tojiether with everytliing in the line cf Pure BpioeetCuaDed fruita, und Vegetnbles. We have a Íull aud complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Uoftiery. AIbo, ftchoice aasortraent of Ladies' und tíenileruc-n's Underwear. Cali nd exiimine Goods and lricea ttnd we will inburesutisfaction. KDWARD DUFFY. , II Mayntird'rt Bloek,-' cor. Mnin and Ann slreeta i Ann Arbor. Mich. ï ■yHiirhest cush price pnid for all farm produce. fca ' JOIÏS l.. nvlllA'.Uill, Attorney Tni 0 iselor at Luw, 5 Smi i .Main street, Ann ' Albor. o - t (j . )i l't'r dny at home. 8ampks worth iflO " pwFi free. Stinson & Co., l'ortland, Me. . 678 S" END 25e. toG.P, BOWBLL A CO., New York, ior paraphlot 1' loi pas?ett( containiug lista of 3000 newnpapers, and eutimatos shoningoost of advertlgiiig. AT THE NTARUimiHK YOU CAN BUY mm mm akd business SÜ1TS. YOÜTITS AND CUILDREiVS 8UITSUNDERSHIRTS & DRAWERS GLOVES, MITTENS, &C. PRICES THÊ LOWEST IN THE COUNTY ! A. L. NOBLE. 1601 Sewing Machines NEW DOMESTIC, And the HOWB, i And soveral good Second-Hand Machines at the ' SEWINU MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines '' Tho very host that aro m;uV and ftttníihinonts and parts for nearly alt machines. S1NGER 'MACHINES; Rspaired better therc tlian anywherc éhe in Ann-rica. If your machine doti't vvork well. trade it for oue that does, or havo it reainv.1, AU luachineg sold on easy payments at the offloe. Second door east of Post Office, Ann Arbor, I. li. (155S) y 1. 1.. GRINKELI,, Asciil. I iWEI.I.IX; HOI SUS FOK SALE. 8 M Alar(?e and very wen built bnek house with o ur inore lot. Two largu irnmod house. AUo i good sized brkk house and frame hiu8f ; and l small frame house on a Rood lot. in tended for adlinf a front. For sale on fair terms und a reiiaona)le credit. Also other buildings, lot, and propertv ÍIOEY 1ÏASTED..8 mnny wishing uborrow money applj tome that I cal) reaihlj ,. ibtain for Unders good uatisfaotory investinents ' en per cent. intereBt. E. W. MOKUAN. Ann Arbor, Jan. 3 , 1S6. 1604 [7-ISIT1NO CARDS- NEW STYLES Ml K AT THE AIÍGU8 OFFICE, Corner Main and Hurón Streets i Northern Central E. R. Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THI " CENTENNIAL." Through in 27 hoursfrom Detroit, as per sch il ule of passenger train below : [Via Canada Southern Railway.] Leavc Toledo, . fi 10 p m 10 45 a r " Monroéi fi 52 p m 11 45 a n " Dcti-oit, s: 'm i in 1 20 p 1: [Via Great Western P.'y' PM A M P If Leave Detroit, 6 25 4 20 12 20 [Via Grand Trunk R'y] PM AM A X Leave Detroit, 5 40 2 50 7 30 [Via New York Central K. R.] AM AH PM PM Le. Niágara Falla, 4 00 7 30 1 45 8 10 Suspension Bridge, 4 20 7 85 2 00 8 00 Búfalo, 435 745 150 950 Kochestcr, 7 30 3 35pin 5 30 12 20 a m [Via Northern Central R'y.] AM PM I-M AM A Le. Canandaigua, 9-15 4 40 6 55 Ui Peno ïan, 1102 5 53 7 48 2 42 Watklng, 1-2 17 7 00 8 37 3 3S 8 0C Ar. Havana, 12 27 7 Uil 8 43 8 0Í Klmira, 1 30 8 10 9 30 4 30 9 0C Troy, 3 38 10 39 5 34 10 OS Miunequa, 4 09 11 Ofi 6 02 10 3f wllllanraport, c 10 1235 740 12 2J Northumberland, 12 40 9 25 2 Oi tSunbury, 1250 2 00 9 35 2 15 Harrtabnrg, 245 355 1140 410 Baltimore, 7 88 6 25 7 35 Washington, 9 02 9 07 9 07 Phllartclphia, 7 00 7 35 3 30 7 '0 New York, 10 10 10 25 fi 45 10 20 Passenger by this route have the privilege of stopping off at any point, and of yisiting Washington City without extra charge. Ho (lust. Road thoroughly stone ballasted, and iu p:Lssini;er trains are eijuipped withevery known linproveinsnt for the convenieuce and safcty of pasn [ers. The far-famed WatkinsGlen beingloeated on the direct line of Northern Central Railway passengen can take it in on their route to the Centeunial by taking the Northern Central Railway. Be sure ymir tickets read cía New York Central and Northeon Central Roads. Information giveu on application to Western Pasenger Agent. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Gen. Pass. Agent. Sam'l L. Seymol-r, Western I'assenger Attent BufTalo, N.Y. 159UÏ Yisitors to the Centennial, asr-wr yoek 5ALÏIM0RE AND WASHINGTON, TASE 1TOTICE! That tin' Cleveland Stennier NORTHWEST, E. N. EICE, Lenve M.C. R. R. whnrf, Detroit, dailv at 9 o'clcokp. m.,exoept Sundays. This line has arranged h system of tickets via Cleveland whereby over 300 routes can be mude ti PniladelphiH and New Vork, going and returning by uy route desired. No other line oan ofl'er sueli a vnnety of routes. Tickets for sale at principal Railroad Offices, on ooiird steamers and at Company'a onïco foot of 3helby st., Detroit. . CARTJEK, A.nt. Uarded (he Uighest tlulal at Vlenna. E. & H. T.TÍÍtHONY & CO. 501 Cruail vu}-, Hi York. COpp. Metropolitan Hotel.) IiiDufacrurcrs, Importe & Dealers Id CHEOMOS and FEAMES, 3TERE0SC0PES & VIEWS, ALBUM, CÍRAPHOSCOPrB, AND SOITABtE VlKWB, Photographic Materials. fe are Hcadquartan for everything in the waj of TEREOPTICim & nUM LANTERHS, , Being mauufactnrers of the [ICRO-SCIKNTIPIC LANTERN, STEREO PANOPTICON, UNIVER81TY STEREOPTICON, ADVERTISER'8 STEREOPT1CON, AltTOPTICON, CHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LtNTERN PEOPLE'S LANTERN. ach style being tho best of its classin the market. o Catalogues of Lanterns and Slidea with direc tione for usini; sent on application. J Any enterprising man can make money with a i asicLantern 1571 J ï"Cut out this advortiBement for j lday t home. Agents wanted. Outtit n I ■ and tormslree. TRUE (JO., Augurta, M8 ' RAILROADS. 1KICIIPMN CENTRA I, lUILROAl). MAY 18, 18T6. aoitta w . I frf L - - ktation. g „, &g L& sé II L L LlOi A. M. A.M P . M. F. M. F. M. p M. Jetroit.lenve. 7 dn 1 ■ 2 50 4 HO: 6 nfl 9 K U. T. Juucüon, ; 7 15 10 20 3 116, 4 16i 6 Ulo OS WanwJunotion ; 57 lu 4a 3 32 4 50 o 47no 48 ipnilanti, R "1 . i L8 i 12 11 u Ann , S öö 11 V, 4 18 6 16 7 15n jj, . ■ ':, H ÍV i Sb' 6 06 8 1' CheUea, a 4:1 _ 4 47 0 13 8 28 Í}ru8:..kc. 10 0} t l.i 0 10 8 M I a. m .Inckfon. Ar., ld l" l'J v_ ;, 15 7 151 9 2, 12 45 Jackwii, IjT., 10 li l J7 9 80 ij i Alhiou, II SC 1 14 10 26 1 l'. M. o Martholl, IS 26 1 4 L z LOM 1 45 BnttteCraek, loo si. u 37 210 A. -M. Oalonbnrgr. 1 31 a. m. 1 LO -. Kslmuaguo, 152 8OÍ 4 00 1 12 3 j 245 Lawlou . (5 4 41 105 Deoatar, i 9 .'j 00 1 25 bovmgiao, :i pi -. - 5 iü 1 is Kilo, 8 45 4 ::; 6 10 2 Sul 4 sn Bucharinn, 5 2 4ó! ïbrceUnka 4-8 4 fin 7 04 3 23 s 10 NewBuflolo, 143 6 c8 7 B 1 iliciiigmi Oliy, i IO I 7 '1 4 1:0 i o Luke, S 48 14 6 36 4 6i! 6 31 Krtisintot), fi 45 7 1 ■■ "1 42 7 )g (Jhlaiiu, uirivt', 7 30' 8 Oui 10 2(i 6X ik OOINO EABT. i -a U S S C f . f__ J_ P_p__5.jM A. M. ' A. M. P. M. 1'. M. p. H. t'hiaago, leve, 5 od y un 400 5 15 i mi EeDtisgtan, : 6 45 il 4"' 4 4.i 6 57 9 43. r-ake, 6 4U ui 80 5 in ii 43 10 25 Mic:ii&n City, 7 82[u ("0 Au 7 1 1 -, Ni-w Huif aio, 7 66 11 2o! IÍ 56 1. Sö Thrue Üake, 8 09 1 1 32 7 W) S 11 11 J7 P. M. A K, linchnnan, 8 4-' 7 50 12 20 Niles, 9 0.' 12 09 8 2(1 8 S5 12 35 1)h-;isc, 27 ; 8 49 1 "1 Deontui) í 52 1 9 15 i 26 Lawtoii. I" 10 i) St Knlamazoo, lo 46 1 Sti [10 10 lo -ifi 2 15 (xulesbuig, II 2 -ZS ButtleCreek, ll 52 1 2 l7 . 11 (19 3 16 i-, k. -g Mnrahall, 12 4.'i 2 5.1 = M 11 35 3 47 Alhi.. ii, 1 14 3 10 7 11 56 4 n; 1 A. M. i .i i. Jackson, Ar., 2 08 3 65 a. m. 12 40 4 52 9 Si Jauksun, Lv., i 40 7 i-0 12 40 4 55 Urnas Lako.. 2 45 7 30 2! 9 ü Cliolse, .'i 10 7 56 1 6 50 10 1! Di-xter, 8 26 ! S 13 6 08 10 ü Aun Arbor, 3 52 5 16 8 36 2 00: 6 28 10 tf YpsiiHTili. 1 l.i :". US .'i.'i 2 80 6 48 11 00 Wnj-neJnnc, 4 45 5 45 9 23 í 40 7 08 11 H U.T. Junt., i 3d II 10 10 I). 3 1 r 7 45 Detroit, Ar., ' 6 U 8 '.i 10 UM : 30 00 12 o SuDdHVH excepted. ISaturday and Sunday x cepted. fljaiiy. H. B. LEDYAED, (.iea'l Supt., Dotroit. ÍI. C. Wentworth, (jen. Pium. Agí.. Chicago. L DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDI " ANA RAI1.UCI.-Ml OOING WI'.BT. -1876- OOINO ÜABT. BTAX1ONU. BtftL. Kxp.1 B1ATIUNS. Kxp. Mali A. II. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7 :IK) 6:00 " Ypailanti . . . . 8:36 7:15 BnnkerB 6:00 i: Baliue. ... 9:20 7:15 . llillsdole .. 6:30 J: Brid(rewator.. HAi 7:67 . llanchestcr;. 9:16 4:11 MancheBter. 10:. 8 8:00 ] Bridgewoter 9:45 Wi F. M. Bulint 10:10 4:Si iiilltulalr 1:15 10:00 Ypsüanti.... 10:65 i:S BitnkerE. ... 1:30 10:10 Detroit 12:30 6:i TraiüM run by ('hieago time. To take t-flect , Aplil 16, 187G. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Cüiiiai ExMMi riIILADELPAlA, PA. THIS Great International KxhibitioD, desiened ío couinieiuurate the One liundrcdth Aniurersary of American Itnieptïndence, oponed May lOtli and will close Novembor lOth, 187'i. All thé Njtious of the World and all the titatus and Territ.iries of the Union will particípate, br, inging together the must coniprohensive colleclion of art treas ares, mecfaanical inven tlons, scientiAc dfscoverio, mauufacturint; achievements, minera] specim and agricultura! producía ever exhibited. Thí j groónos derotedto the Exhibltíon tro situattd in ] the liue of the Pennsvlvauia itaiiroad, and em brace four hundred and fií'ty acres of Fairmount Park, all higuly improved and ornamented, oa j which are erected the largest bnildings ever i structed, - tive of these covering an área of iñr ; acres, and coating jfS.utlO.ouü. The total numberof L buildings erectcíl for the purposuti of the Kihibitíou is over onc huudred. The Pennsylvama Kailroad, E THE GREAT TRUNK LINL AJS"O F AST MAIL EOUTS OP THE U.S. wilt be the most direct, conveuient and económica! wajr of reachlng Phlladelphia, and ihis grtat I hfbitlon früiu all suctious of the country. In Iu tiaius toaud froui l'hiladtiphia will paaa tlironsli „ a UKANS CEXTKNJS1AL DKl'ul. wliicli ík u Company have erccted at the Maiu totht 5 KxbibltlOD Grounds, for the accomiuodation oí t puaeugera who wish to stop at ur start frülll tht numcrous large hotels contiguous to this 81 and the Exhim'tion. - a ouuvenieaco of thegrtat'it value to visilors, and art'orded exclusive!? by !he Pennsylfauia Kailroad, which is ïllK OSLÏ LINL RUNNING DIRECT To THE I AL BUILDINGS. Excursión iraina will ah ut the Ëncampment of the Patrona ut' HusUmdr;, at Elm Station, on this road. WThc Pcnnsylvania Kailroad is the graDdesl railway organtaation in the world. It conlroti f seven thousand miles of roadway, forming contin : uouslinra to l'hiladelphia, JSew York, Baitimwe, ana Washington, over which luxurious day auii [ 4 niht cars are run froni Chicago, St. Louis, Louiiville, Cincinnati, liKlianapolia, Columbas, Toltdo, ; Cleveland, and Erie, without chanco. -ft ) lts main line is laid witi doublé and tliird tweki i 3 of heavy steel rails, upon a deep bed of brokt ) stone ballast, and its bridgea are all of iruu m } stone. lts passenger trains are equipped withc"5 ry known impiOTement for comfort and safcty, ac 5 are run at faster speed for greater dlstances !bs 5 the trains of any iiue on the continent. TheCom pany bas largely Increased its equipment for Cep) tcnuial travel, and it will be preparad lo build, i i [ts own shops, locomotivas and passenger cars al ' " ihortnoUce, Buffideot to accommodate any elln I ) di-innnd. The unequaled resources ai the commMÍ ) of tbe Company goarantee the rnosi perfect accomr rnodatious lor all its palrous durini lhe Ccuumii alEihibitlon. THB MAGNIFICKNT SflCNERY for which K [ Pennsylvania Uiiilroad lssojustly eelebrated, prf i i sents to the traveU-r over its perfect Koadway b l ■ ever-changing panorama of river, mountalo, tú landscape views unequaied in America. ■ THU EATINti-STATlONS on this line are uek Í nrrpassed. Meals will be ftlrnished at suiiiWe hciurs and ampie tiui" allowed for enjoying thom. KXCUKSIOK 'i'ICKETS, at rcduced ratcs, 1 besold at all principal liailroad Ticket Offices i the West, Northweel and Southwest. Sl!e aure that ymir tickets rcad via the Grca Pennsylvania Rout tu the CeatenntaL FKA.NK THOMSON, D.M. HOYR, JR., General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r M National üeDtennial Route TAK E THE Baltimore&OMoR.B. THE ONLY DIRECT KOUTE TO THECENTENNIAL VIA. . WASHINGTON CITY ! By thi line passengeic nre lanried nt the O' i tci.nml Uroundf, or al Broad ; nd l'ine 8tru,i vicinity of the leading hotel iu I'hiladelphw, " they niuy prefw. Holilerü of Throujjh Ticktta CAX STOP OFF AT THE National Capital! And visit the Government Buildings and the many objects of interest iu and about W'ftahiugW11 City. Truvelere deiring A SPEED Y, PLEASANT 4 COMFOETABLE TEIP Should remember that the Baltiraoro c& Ohio Hailroad Is eelebrated f..r its elegant Coaches, Splemlii! Hotels, Grnnd and Benutilul Mountain nud u"eJ Scenery, and the points of Historie inler along its line. jrjS=Fire will always beafl"' ILSJ ) ;ui) nin l.iiu. PULLMAN PA LACE CABS KUN THKOtGH WITHOUT CHANGE Bet ween the principal WESTEEN & EASTEEN CITIBS. For ThrouRh Tickets, Baftlia(;e Checks, Moment of truins. SleepiiiR Cur Accommodation' Sc.apply HtTicki't at all principal pum, NORTH, SOUTH, EASTOR WEST. E. R. DORSEY, L. M. COLE, ,, Ana't öon'l Ticket Ag't. Oen'l Ticket - THOS. P. BAHRY, THOS. B. SHAKt. West'n roaU{8rAi{eut. M aiUr of TraP "■


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