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- E. F. Uhl has removed his family from Tpsilanti to Urraud Rapids. - The Supevisors went "over the hill to 'ie poor house " 011 Tuesday afternoou. -ESorts are btinginade ior the establishBit of a lodge of Odd Fellowa in the village il Dexter. - John Shannon has opened a neat and tidv meat market in the Freeman building, North Main street. - It ïb estiinatei that ten thousand persons ïere upon the fair grouuds at Ypsilauti ou Thnrsday of last week. - The members of Company A received their pay, ou Monday evening, for attendance ui the recent regirnental encarapment. - A new meat market has been established in this city by E. C. Freer. It is located in the rear of the ü. O. D. grocery, Main street. - The chduge of weather has caused a gieat dernaud tor overcoats and thicker clothing, henee the cause of the rush toward Joe T Jacobs' during the past few days. -Rev. C. H. Brigham will preach at the Uuitarian Church on the next Sunday raorning, and in the eveuiug give a lecture on " St. Bernard aud his influence." Student's Class at 9.30 A. M. - The Demócrata of Northfield held a rousing meetiug at Whitmore Lake, on Thursday afternoon of last week. Speeches were made by Hou. H. J. Beakes, W. D. Harrimau, Col. Burleigh and others. Northñeld will do her hole duty next month. - The Supervisors admire the improvements beiug made around the Court House Square by the city authonties. Some of them think auew Oourt House would also be an ïmprovement, aud that the city should be granted permisión to build one lor the county. - D. Cranier, of this city, spoke to a large Democratie meeting on Tuesday evening, at Hamburg village. He spoke for nearly two bours and commanded the closest attention. At the conclusión of the 6peech three rousing oheers were given for Tilden, Demócrata and the speaker. - The Germana of Bridgewater, on Tues4y aiternoon of last week, at Bridgewater Station, raised a fine hiekory pole - 105 feet in length, without a aplice - from whieh floata Tilden and Hendricks bauner. Speeches wert made by D. O. Church, of Saline, and M. McDougall, of Bridgewater. - Ou Monday afternoou a small boy was discovered hanging by his neck in a shade 'lee, on Lawrence street, Fourth ward. He "as rescued, wheu it was ascertained that in Oescending irorrr" the tree his neck got caught Ui sonie mauner betweeuthe limbs, from which te was uuable to extricate himself or to cali for p. He was nearly strangled when louud. - The Freshman class, of the Umversity, n Saturday morning last, elected the followng officers : President, B. S. Waite ; Vice President, Miss Minnie Cramer, Ann Arbor ; Secretary, D. A. Garwood, Cassopolis ; TreasUref, T. Q. Alleu, Aurora, 111.; Class Captain, c-JKeynick,Caro; Captain B. B. C, Wm. Haunah, Dowagiac. There was a warm conteBt over the election of President, ior which there wei e three candidates. - The forty-tirst aunual meeting of the Michigan Baptist State Conveutiun will be tald at Lansing, commenciug at 10 A. M. on Tuesday, üct. 17. Meeting of the General Doard on Monday evening, üct. 16. The Wo"lUi'a Board of the Baptist Home Missions WU1 hold their anuual meeting at Lunsing dunilg the Oonvention. Efforta are being made, with prospecta of success, to obtain re-. "Uied rates of fuxe on several of the leading railroads. A team belong ng to Geo, Reese, of Lodi, ws leit standing at Wallace's wood yard, on Washington street, last Saturday evening. Haring the absence of the dnver the team becanie frightened aud ran away, passing through he wood yard, broke loose from the wagon, aud piuiiged headlong into the cellar of the store of Wiuslow Bros. The horses were bad'y bruised and cut with glass, oue of them los'g au eye. The team was resoued from the cellar by being taken up the stairs uuder the "lewalk at the front of the store. - At the fair of the Eastern Michigan Agricultural Society, at Ypsilanti, last week, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, Truman Goodspeed ; Vice President, Fred (travee ; Secretary, Frank Joslin ; Treasurer, Wm. Cnmpbell. - The Democratie Convention for the Second Representativo District, met at the Court House on Friday afternoou last. E. E. i'razer, Esq., was eleoted chairman and P. Wmegar, Secretary. Hon. Hiram J. Beakes, of this oity, was nommateii on the secouii ballot, the vuie being Beakes, 19 ; Gen. Sutton, 6. Mr. Beakes appeared beiore the conventiou and accepted the noinination. The following persons were designated as a District Committee - Jas. H. Morris, Ann Arhor; E. Olancy, Northield; and M. Duffy, Webster. - Kev. H. L. Hubbell occupied the pulpit of the Congregational Churoh laBt Sunday morning, gave a review of his labors as pastor of Lhe church during the past seveu yeais, after which he read a letter tenderiug his resignation, on account oí his continued ill health. A meeting oi the society was held Tuesday eveuing, with Hon. Chas. Tripp as chairnmn, at which the resignation was accepted. Dr. J. ti. Angelí, Dr. C. L Ford, and J. Austin Scott were appointed a committee to presenfresolu;ions expressmg the feelings oí the members of the society townrd their pastor. - ün Saturday last the Democracy of Lima had a gala day. During the afternoon a splenJid hickory pole, 140 teet in length, was raised at Jerusalein Mills. Over ÖOO people were ireseut, umi werj ably addressed by Col. J. L. Burleigh. A company of mouuted Tilden Guarda, in uniiorm, trom that Democratie tronghold, the tovvuship of Freedom, were also present. Ln the eveniug a very large and nthusiastic meeting was held at Lima Center. V. D. [iarrimun dehvered one of his best peeches of the campaiga, and was frequently nterrupted with bursts of applause, and at lts onclusion was highly complimeuted by his )emocratic friendo and by several Republiaus. Brief speeches were also made by C. H. Mauly and Col. Burleigh. The Democracy of jima are alive and will give a good account of ;heinselves uext montk. - Last Saturday afternoon theSophomore lass, of the Uuiversity, elected the following officers : President, W. H. Butts, Ann Arbor ; Vice President, Miss Emma Croach, Erie, Pa.; Secretary, Miss Marión S. Gerts, Poutiac ; Treasurer, W. S. PenuiDgton, Macon ; Poet, R. T. Chandlee, Still Pond, Ind.; Orator, T. C. Green, Troy, N. Y.; Seer, E. C. White, Laeer ; Captain, C. S. Henning, Piano, 111.; His;onan, J. C. Goff, Cleveland, O.; Marshal, F. C. Way, ï'liut; Toast Master, L. L. Van Styke, Pike, N. Y.; Chaplain, Heury C. Post, Grand Rapids ; Asst. Chaplain, M. Norris, Ypsilanti ; Oracle Board- J. B. Brown, Milwaukee, Wis.; Fred S. Bell, Fort Dodge, Iowa ; G. C. Green, Troy, N. Y.; H. W. Ashley, Ann Arbor ; F. D. Mead, Ann Arbor ; N. McMillan, Ann Arbor; R. T. Chaudlee, Still Fond, Iud.; V. F. Bryau, Lafayette, Ind. A Model Republican. - Some of the treet-coruer orators of the Republican party n this city are veiy loud in their denunciaions of Tilden and the whole Democratie party. No epithets are too severe to be em)loyed agaiust the Democracy, which, in their stimatiou, is nothing but a company of traitors and rebels. Among the most rampant of these fanática is Richard Glazier, who is busy in telling how he Republican party saved the Union and the Constitution. Everybody acquainted with ïlazier knows that he is a gentleman of cul.uje and of great Information, but if he does not refresh his memory, he may lose a little of his reputatiou as a political leader. We thereore cali his attention to meeting he originated in January, 1861, the cali for which was headed : " No Union With Slaveholde-rs, lehgiously or Politically ! " This meeting was held Jan. 26, 1861, in .the Free Church, Aun Arbor, and was broken up by a mob beause of its disuuion sentiments, and we beïeve that R. Gr. was let out of a window. When the draft came on the loyal Glazier leaded to be excueed upon the ground that he belouged to the Society of Friends. This same Glazier is now telling how he and Grant saved the Union when the Democratie party was trying to break ït up. He attempted to address a "truly loyal" meeting at Lima Center ast week, but could only reinember the first ;hroe liues of hie speech, and hs a consequence he meeting had to adjourn. Now we do not want anybody to imagina that Glazier s not " truly loyal," or that he is a fanatic, or a lunatic. Such a conclusión would be a conxadiction of the above fact3. An Outagegeous Attack. - The Register, n its issue of this week, soils its columns by making a vile and outrageous attack upou the eligious opinions of the Democratie candidate for Judge of Probate. That paper kuows' and the citizens of this cpuuty know, the honsty and integrity of that gentlemau's characer. We notice the attack simply to denounce t as a vioiation of the proprieties and amenir .les of honorable journalism, and not to deend a gentleman who needs uo defense. We .0 not propose to denle our columns with any uch disgraceful matter. If the Register does, t can iniorm its readers that not long ago all ts editors were skeptics and aetheists. Itmay nlighten them as to the religious beliet ot one of its candidates on the Republican couuty icket. It may also inform them that its canlidate for Sheriff is Jacob H. Martin, is a mze-wrestler, and reputed keeper of a faro bank. That is a kind of dirty work which may suit the Register, but of which the Argus washes its hands completely. Univeiujity Hospital. - The new State ïospital connected with the Uuiversity is now ready for the reception of patients. There are male and female wards, entirely new, and fitted up with all the necessary improvements. tfedical and surgical services to the patients are faithfully and giatuitously rendered by the Faculty of the College, the only charges being for board and lor expeusive apparatus and apiliances when such are required. Medical, Surgical, and Opthalmic Cliuics, gratuitous to patients, will be held at the College on each Saturday until the last of Maren. Clinical mtieuts, especiaíly medical cases, must be at ;he College promptly by 9 o'clock A. M. The Faculty and studeuts of the College will be under obligatious to members of the medical jrofession and others who may direct caseB ot uteiesttothe Hospital or Clinic. Any further informatiou respecting either may be obtained by addressing A. B. Palmer, M. D. Dean of Faculty. Low Perbonalities- Hayes said he hoped this campaign would be cariied on without resorting to personalities ; but of all specimens 01 meanness in politics the Register of this week has reaorted to the lowest. lts attack on Hon. VV. D. Hurriman simply because he does not beheve in a certain wuy is too low for the lowest. A man s religión is his own, and certaiDly he ought to be allowed to enjoy it in quiet, especially wheu he has as little as Harriman or auy of " the star combina tiou troupe." One thing is certain, if any of the Register people ever reach heaven, after writing those articleb and before deep repentence for so doing, t will ouly be by laymg down pennies in close successiou, and then they may blindy follow along to piek them up. Proseribing a man of worth and htuess lor religious opiuïous partuku tbo much of the dark ages ; and auy man or set of men who will resort to it ought to be hooted from decent society. Justice and good tuste deniand that another injuuctiou, isauing trom the court of an iudignant public, should be put upon that insti. tution. Safe. -It is safe to say that no better Saleratus eau be made than D B. DuLand & Jo.'s Best Chemical, Besides, it is tull weight, and that is more thau eau be said of some orands of Saleratui,


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