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A convention of women, lasting throo days, was held in Philadelphia last week. Prof. Marín Mitcbell prosidcd, and Alioo C. Flotcher acted as Secrotary. Thiu is the foiirth Congress held under the samo auspicea, ito ohject being to meet a preesiug domand for an intarohange of thought and harniony of aotion among women intereeted iu the adYaneoniont of their own sex. In a dranken row last week, at Taylorsville, snburb of 8crnton, Pa., Ruse James killed a saloon-koepor, Edward James, and a man namod Cernew, by stabbing them with a Jackknife. It is proposed to form & stock companyïn Philadelphia aud purchaso the Main Exposition building, lo bo devotod to future exhibitiona. The' cost will be about $500,000. A public meeting bas been held and a coiamittee of organization and au executive eommitteo apponited One thoueand workmeu in the ehope of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Woetern Railway Company, at Scrantoi, Pa., are on a etrike, in consequenca of a rednotiou of 10 per cent. of their wages The engine, baggaee-car, Bmoking-car. and ono pwciigorcar of the passenger train bound Weet were thrown from the track on the Erie railroad noar Oeuesee, N. Y., last week, by striking a horse. The eugiafcer, Clark, aras killed, and the firemita, brakeman and a tramp were badly injured. Tbreo passenge wero sliehtlv injured. A terbidle holocaust occurrod at New York one day last week.invobiug the livea of five persons, and will probably re-mit in tile dcath oi twoothera. The Bromen pücket-ship Europa, wlnch for several vears has been engaged in the kerouene carrying trade betwoen the ünited States and Öermany, was placed on a Utkv balance-dock ai the foot of Rutgeï Btroet, for the purpose of receiving a general ovprhauline A large forco of calkew, shipcaippnters and blackamitbs wero put to work A ship-carponter named John Caaoy struck a match for the purpose of lighting his pipe, aud then careleesly threw the btirnine match to the floor. A large püe of oakuin was eloee by, and the match falling in a thread oí iiemp, aet the pile on flro, Casey, in eudeavormg to smotber the flamea, was so badly burned that his Ufo is despaiied of. The flooring of the veesel having becomo saturated with kerosene taizme aud other highly inflammable liquida, in a moment cauaht flre, and the Hamos spread with lightniug rapidity. In a scond the entiro hold, from sttm to stern was a niass of flamea, which gained constantly' John Sever, another workman, residine in Brooklyn, was badly burned, bnt the worst waa yet to come. Numerous workmen in the ?iold of the ship wero shut off frota air, and as tbongh they hai been in a tomb fllled with We. Beveral of their uumber, whowere at work amidship. were oompletoly snrrounded Dy flames and those who were not in the midst of thé damos were oiposed to the deadly fumes which aroso from the fire. The ñremen wero promptly on hand and auceeeded in extinguishiug the dames in about half an hour. A numbor of ■workmen were then discovered to be mi-sine and a search revealed the dcad bodies of live men. Another was so badly burned that he cannot recover. While three loaded care were belng hoisted from the sJope of tho Middle Lehigh colliery, at New Boston, Pa., a fewdays ago, tho rope broke, and the care ran rapidly to the bottom our minere namod William Backus, Joe kiUed61' OmM Jonea and Nausa were THE WEST. Miss Laubeïtf. Younqeb, who is described aa 6 prepossessing young lady of 20 years, paid a visit to her Drothers, in jail at Faribault Minn., laat week. " On firstgoiugto the jail," says a St. Paul paper, 'she went straight to Jim ounger, who was lylng insidetho cell with his head close to the ban-, throngh which she kuwedhimrcpsatidly, sobbing and shriekinK the while, saying, 'Oh, Jim, this is too bad If it had not been for Bob and Colo vou would novar have been here. They've enticed yon to this. Oh ! dear brother, what shall I do now ? Hieres no ene to care f of me when you're gone. Oh what shall I do ?' Cole was uneasy when Ue heard abe was ceming to him. Shb l'owed, shaking hands, but speaking no word except of greeting, and to Bah the 8ame Thev have always said Jim was the pet of the family ?hnanaffirotnm" r " &nt hi COnditio Elbbet;a. Woou-wakd, the Clork of the old New ïork Board of Supervisors, under the Tweed regime, who has been wanted for several vears, was arrested at the Palmer House in Chicago, laat week. He was traveling uuder the astiuraed name of A. Wallace, and represented himself aa n Engliahman. Woodward was Tweeds confidential man u the división of tho proceeds of the run; thieving, and was deeply involved in all the rascahtios of the ring. He haa been &nk"" backT,t0 New York t0S answer foi hL ""■.■■ -Tue Chicago ï-ntene reports "the in S. hH1T oa thB Trions roads landing to the East has grcatly picked up during the lst week or two, and an immense amountof grain is going forward. There has been no change in ratos-20 cents per 100 pounds still beingcharged on grain to New York. These rates, however, are not strictly mainUiued aad It is known that coutracts are beiug made York 8S Cent8 POr 10 mmdB t0 Ne" The Chicago papera report that the great religious movoment in that city, under Mr, Sloody's minUtrations, is inercaaing daüy, Tho immense tabernacle, with wting capacity of 10,000 or 12 000 is Hlledeveryevening, and thousands are turned away for whom tLere is not even ctauóiug room.... Chicago elevators, a?i per official fiK1MS ií?í,taÍS ,11f5'419 bll8hfi' o' whca!; J,45,H2 buahelsof corn ; 355,102 bushtla of wta ; 120 347 biuihela of ry'e, and 470 538 bnshiSh? i8 ey' maki"G Krand total of 3,870 - period1asle'y&SÍÜSt 2l339'96 bU8h6la &tthis The Uts Indians in Colorado and Nuw Mexioo iro renorted to have asaumed a hostilo attitude to the whites, and an outbroak ia eaid to be feared at any moment. Tbia news is rather, in view of the utter failure of our campaign against the Sioux, of which it is highly probable the ütes have learned by 'tb a tune.... James W. Gilchriat, a farmer, while liorse-racing with his brother-in-law, ncar Calmg, his head staking a atump near the roadmatantly S " Death eusua1 almost A coixision eccurred laat week on the Lafayette, Muacie and Bloomington raiJrod about four milea eaat of Lafayettc, Ind betwoen a steek train going eaat and a gravel oToxfoTTT iU, the kilIing of X mU on ?hl' Ind-,wh0 wa i" orge of the eittle on the tram and waa on the engino at tho time Both locomotivo were badiv nam jged, and nine hoad of rattlo killed. Xkws from Fort Fetterniau states that a híying party of twelye toen and aoven ox teams were attacked by a band of twenty or thirty Indiaas, twenty-iive noileB from the above post, lí'ml1VirOmidÍrifí lTbu OtteDf)' gonmaBter, and ltilhng one horso. Two of tho paitv, out huntiDg. heard a wr oong, and haatoned to M' F iinmediately preparad for tefonso. ïonr of the men started to find tho troïrT ch theJ and made a livc'y rev ?iy P"red b-v ludians to withi.i flity vanto of the train, when eigbt men sent a volnf ti,Di i6 r6d?' Who rotleatl to the shelter oi tiio IMi and oommenced firing upon the l, unlch was at a disadvantage, and comtin ? tmove 20a yard8' "fthenghteonviï%L Ueariy f our Tu number o f reds Tf.nT8 Two were een to drop. Mtmnn 8 8owed great courage, and were rifles8 y f med with Winchester 'and army deLtrñw i oi at Clevelnd, O'aio, last week, deatroyed 250,000 worth of property. THE SOUTH. A KiLLiw.i froat, extending as far aouthward m Vicfeaburg and Shruvepoit, aprei'.d over the SoiUhorn country on tho night of Oct. 2. Tb tobáceo tbroDghont Weateru Keutucky aud Tenneuseo is badly nippcd and seriously innred. Tho tubacco prospect, previously verv unfavorable, is cut short more tban one-third by tliis calamity. The cotton erop ia mature and will not be hurt. It ia the earüest froat exptrienced in the South for eleven years. Tui: tbirty-first annual meeting of the National Grand Lodgo of Odd Followo (colorcd) was held at Memphia last week. I'orty-six delegates were in nttoudance. A i-mu at Houstou, Texaa, laet week, destroyed the entiro block on the east eide of Main streef, betwoen Preston and Congrcss. Among the buildiuga deatroyed were aorno of the handsoircBt l.usineiu stiuctures in tho city. The WoRtorn Union tolegraph oftico was burned. and communication by telegrapb was Tbe l09 i 350.000 ; inaurance, ■T '), 000. WASHINGTON. A. R. Muli.eit, former Supervisiug Archiwct of the Trcasury, bas been apjiointcd by Secretary Morrill to superintend the construction of tho public buildiuga now in proceas of building throughout the country. . . . Hon. Philip B. iouke formerly a Repreaentative in CongrocH fiomllhuoi-, and a warm personal and ixiliiital fnend of the lato Stephen A. Doufclai, died i in Washington last week. The total coinago at the mints during öeptember waa $7,000,000, inoluding L4,500,000 in gold coin, 8600,000 in trade dollars, and 82,000 - üOö mibsidiary silyer The üomptiolier of rreuoy lm ulied for repoi national banks, Bhowing their condition at the close of business on Mouday, the 2(1 iost. The thirty-Bixth Cali íoi the redemptiou of 5-20 boud of 1865, May and Novomber, prcVides for their payment on and after the 6th cf January, 1877, upon which date interest will ceaso. The cali i as followa : Coupon bonda, 100, No. 12,401 lo No. 17,000, both inclusive ; 500, No. l!),001 to 22,100, both inclusive ; f l.DCO, No. 46,851 to No. 53,300, both inclusive. Total coupon, L5,000,000. Registered bonda, $50, No. 51 to No. 200, both inclusivo ; $100, No. 1,051 to No. 3,450, both inclusive ; $500, No. 1,811 to No. 2,750, both inclusive: $1,000, No. 5,751 to No. 10,000, both inclusive ; 85.000, No. 2,901 to No. 4,150, both inclusive ; 81,000, No. 3,951 to No. 5,150, both inclusive. Total registeren1, ■fS.OOO.OOO i OugVegate, $10,000,009. "- OKNERAI,. l The annual aession of the National PortcPackera Association waa held A Indianapolia Ia3t week. About u dttzen WSstern and Southern Statoa wwo repreaonted James K. Hill, one of t'ae Indiana whisky ring, who vVats Bentenced to two and a half vears' imprisonment in the penitentiair', 'aas been pardoned by the President. ïhe Btoamor Leopard, at St. J'-.3, N'owfoundland, reporta the loes of thirty-aeven Iwliing voeaeli. with thoir cargoes, on the Labrador coaat. No livas repprted loat. A rAsMsar.B train on the flreat Western wilway of CauadH ran ofT Uio traclt with Fatal resulte near PariB, Ont., a few daya ago. The train rolled down a high embankment, the baggage car took flro, and in a very short time ït, together with two passenger coaches, waa consumed. Drivor Cooper, fireman Irving, baggagoman Wright, expresa-mesaenger An drews, and a man suppoeed to be nalned llcBrido, in tho eaiploy of Hendrie & Co., at Detroit, and who Was riding in the baggage car ut the timo of the acoident, were killed. No:ro er tlie paasengera worO hurt, beyond a fov' catchca. To ibksu.-t dato, gaya a Bt. TaOl papor, nearly 811:000 have been roeeïvod at tho Pire National Bank o? St. Paul in response to a circular to banki asklng donations to the fuud ïor the benefit of Mrs. Heywood, widow of tho biiik caahior killed by the robbers at Northfleldi ; and BO f ar respouses have been roceived f rom but one-tenth of tho hpuka út the couDtry. PÓUTIOAL. The ltepublicpjjs of the Fifth Maeaachusetts ' District have reuominated Gen. Banks for Con, gress. Dr. George B. Loring bas beon nominatod in the Sixth District, íptmoriy Butler V His Democraüo opponent is Thompson, tho present mein'ora'. In tUo beventh District there are thre eandidatea, namely, Gen. Butlor, tho regular Hêpublican nominoe; Judgo Hoor, nominated by diaaatisfied Republicanas and i Mr. Tarbox, the Democratio nominee. FOKEIGI. A correspondent at Constftntinopie telegrapha to a New York papel' that the situation thero is roally critical. Tho incendiary character of the artioles in the publio prints, he ; tilinta, renders it urgent tliat an American flect be Bent to the Bosphorua to protect the liyea and propertyof Americaus A Vienna 1 diapat ch eav a there are now 7,000 Kiissicn vol1 uuteera in Sarv a.including 1,800 oftteers, and 2.000 more voluütecraai-e eiilialed The Emperor of Ruseia has writtfin a letter to the Emperor of Austr it ,in wliich he declares himseJf still in favor o 1 peace. If liussia should civontually interven, it would only ba with the entire agroement of the powers, and thai i intorvention in any case would be preceded by i a conference. AKornra Unsucceesful attempt bas beon made to assassinate the President of Hayti .... The failure of the fish yield in Iceland has csused much auffering and privation, and many of the peopleareenügratingto Canada Iiuasia offers to compel Bervia's submiseioh to the ■will of the great powere, if Ëagland and Austria wil] induïo Tiirkey to agree to a trace. On the Btrength of this promise, England urges the Sultan to agree to an armistice for twenty daya. The Turkish Government pretende to be approhensivo cf popular violence, if terma not satisfactory to the peo'ple are agreed to, but it is suspected that there ia litUe reality in thin pretenso. Ncvertheless, tho position of foreigners in Conatantinople ia decidedly unploaaant, on account of the prevalent religiqus excitement, and there ia a general dispositicn among them to get out of the way of posBible derelopraenisL.vtk pewB f rom Cuba is to th e effect that the iiisargents are beginning an aggressive campaign that foreshadows trouble to the Spaniflh authoritics the coming winter. Tbere are heavy deae rtiona among the Spaniah troops, which are exposod to privations ftnd misery, whiïst a groat matiy ofllcere who walk the atrects af Havana appoar to be living well. It is said that the Government intenda not to harasd the troops any longer, but garriion all places, and uae the soldiera to artive from Spain to protect all catates during the next erop. Tm's policy would only increase atarvatiou ïnd Btrengthen the insurgente, whoae Oaüse would gain immensely by another frnitlesa winter campaign. A Londos dispatch of the 7th innt. aayB : "Lord Derby's diepatch to 8ir Henry Elliott regardinj? tho Buigariac atrocitiea waa issued la)t night. The British Ambassador is directed to demand a personal audienca with the Sultan, communicate Baring's report, demaud reparation and justice, urge the immediate rebuilding of the houses and ehurches, provii'e for the restoration of the industries, and give assistance to tho persono who have been reduced to poverty. ' tis stated that Rusaia has offered Roumanift absolute -independente if KnBsisö troops are allowed to mareh thirougli Üoumaniau territory. . . ,Ih thb preSentunaettled state of tSajtS iti the republic of Mexico, the CongroBB, now in eesaion deoci it unadvieable to I hold the êlection wiüch is aoon in order for tho choice of membera of tlmt body. They have, however, deemed it neocefjsvy that tho people : ehould b repreouted in Oongresa aissombled, and will therefore adopt the simple and nnique method of perpetuating their terms of service uy oleatiug themBelvo to continue in oflice i until uoli time as the natioa may bo I in a proper condition to risk the ordinary mode of choosing CongresBmon .... A telegram from Hh&nghai Ettya an imperial edict has been publiahed expreseing regret for Mr. Margary's mnixler, and aflinning the right of foreignere to travel throngh the countrv, and to eujoy tho protection of the authorities. An envoy with a letter of apology for the Yunnau ontrage ia to go to Eqgland at oiico Jovellar haa reeigned the Capiain-Generalahip of Cuba. He is to be succeeded by Gen. Hart in tz Cnmpoe. A Madbid dispatch saya: "The draf t ia proceeding. Twenty four thousand soldiere for Cuba were drawn yesterday, -without diai turbanoe. and these men will aoon follow the 116.000 who are already on their way." AnI other large public mseting waslisld iu London, on Monday, to considcr the Eaétërn question. A letter from Gladetone waa read. aeverely attacking the administration for what he callB peiêistingin a policy condemned by the nation and not supported by Parliament. Hecxpresaes the oonvictiou that making Bosnia, Herzegovina, and ltnlgaria independent of Ottoman will wonld end the oantroversy, but he declares ho has exhausted all hope that the Governmont will eee the true merita of Uio case.


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