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At the Convention of the American Alliauce, heid in Philadelphia on the 4th of July last, Itutherford B. Hayes and Wiiliam A. Wheeler wtiro iioiniuatd a tbe candid&teu of the American AUianco for President and VicePreaident of tho ünited States. On the 5th of July, in one of t'ae parlors of the Continental Hotel, Oov. lluvc recoived a cuinmittue froni that conyention, of which Lamb, of Ohio, wa Chairman, wbich committee informed llayú of hit noniination ; nnd lïayea thereupon thankod the committee and accepted the nomination. Ou the Oth of Jnly, 187G, the rosolutions of the convention, ith a copy of the constitution of tlio order, the oatli, tho address and a certifícate of houorary mcniborship were duly proaented to Mr. Haye, at Columbue. Oliio, by a uppcial eoinruitteo of nve. of whioh Wm. T. Black was Chiiirniar.. Jlayct acceptcd, thanked tbe committee, and HHkl he wor.ld make formal acknowledgmontíu writing. On the lOth of July, 187C, throngh Alfl'ed lí. Lee, bis private Bocretary, he did make formal acknowledgment, aud indicated to the society that he would put thom in tho way of gettiug money to help cariy the electlou. The aonunittee which waited iinon Hayea at Philadelphia waa composed of Lámb, of Ö iio ; Pi.rry, of Nowark, N. J. ; Wnrburtou, of Hartford, Coun. ; KitnbaM and Tyler, of New Vork, tuid Black, of PeunaylvauK The committee which waited npon him at Columbus waa com)Kel of Wiiliam T. Bl&ek, of Peniwylvaui ; Lerrrael 8. Tyler, of New York : 0. H. Smitli, of Conneuticut, and l'erry, of Newark, N. J. The constitution of the American Alliance, whose nomiuatiou Rutherford B. Hayes has accepted, and whose principies he indoraoH, and, as an hanorary membcr of the order, i bouud to support, oolitdic Uitse provisions : CONBTITUTTON OF THE ÁMEBI0AH AIJJANCE, OBOANIZED 1871, 1873, 1876-AMEKIUA2MTO BULE AHEBICA. Articxe 1.- Tlie namo of tliia order hall be the American Alliance. ARtjcIíE 2, BEOnos 1. - The object for which tbis order in organized is for the maintenajice of American prineipleB, as follows : An nmendment to the naturalization laws, limitiog the Buffroge to persons bom in thi country, or of American parenta ; the fciCtion of Amerioanborn citizenu pnly to official position in this country. lldlïS WITH CITIZEN OF FOBEIOh" BIRTB - EVERTÍ MBüHHER OF TITF. ORDER MUST TAKF. TUF. FOLjjovrisa oath : "I solemnly swear that I will not vote for Say n'ersoï or persons for any official ]osition in this eolwiry, imder the laws thereof, who are uot Amerieán-born írtizerre, Snd tliat I wlil not betray any of the secrete öf tbis Order or givo the name of any porsor. befciinc to the same without his consent, and tbat I wlii M(hfnlly obey all rules or orders of the en2o noS in conflict with the constitution of the UníteJ Ststes ud the State of which I am a resident, anfl that I will do all n my power to forward the interest of the Order gcncrally, and my ebuncil, of which ï am a member, and of Ainoriiian prineiptea in this Countrv. Sj help mo God." _ THE OKDEB Full HÍVEÍT. The resolutions of nomination and incforaoment, after reafiirming the principies of tieir consiitution. rcad as follows : ÜUDEB ()K THE A5IEI1KAN' ALLIANOE, CONFERKNÍÍE OF THE ORAIïD COVUCH,, UNITED STATES. PHtiADKi-iHlA. Jnly 4, 1876. At a coöietenco rf the Grand Council of the United States of tíic Afiorican Alliance, he'd at Philadelphia July 4 and 5, Í8CC, the lollowint; resolutions wcro sdapted, and the conference fatonirtrenfled all Amtricau-boin citioun. without distiiiction of party, at the ensuicg nutional election to casí íhir votes in favor of American principies as the ouíy íafety for the future welfare of this country : r 'x'hat the,, nomination of Butherford V. Haven, of ö!iiC', for President of the United 8ta"tes, and William Á. 'Wheelor, of New York, for Vice President, bo and the BatM re hcreby indorsetl by the American Alliauce Confcrece. and we earnestly advise all who are ia favor oí American principies as advocated and Bet forth in (hese resoltitions to eive theee nominations an otive nd determined support. Dy order of American Alliance Conference. L. 8. Tyleb, öocretary. Hutheriord B Hayes accepted this nomination promptly and eagerly, and reiterated his acceptance solemniy snd fofmally after he had been fully acqüainted with a!l thedetail of the orgíinizatíon, the eonstitution and tho oath. He ioïraaJ'y accepted the houorary momborsbip, and is böttnd oe'er to support as a candidato nor appoint to ofh'ce an? foreign bom citiien,and to labor to so amend the uaturalization lad th only Atnerican-bjrn citizeus ean vote. If Hayes be electecl, and the principies to which he is committtd prevalí, turongh the inllaenco of hls admiuistratiOD the foreign-bom citi7!oi), althoogh he may hare come to om' shores when but 1 year oíd, can nevor voto or particípate In the affairg of government. Con ánything add moro to the duplicity of Gov. Huren ? Eiected toofiico by foreign votes, asking för the snffrages of all, yet proaoribing all bon abroad ; prohibiting tltem ever takiog part in tho government of tbis country or ever casting a vo to. HAYES' LETTE! OF ACCEPTANCE. Colpmbüs, Ouio, July 10, 187C. Deab Sifi- Öo+. Hayes doaires me to acknowledge receipt of yont raliied favor of July 7, inclosing resolutiona of the Atnerioan Alliance, and to say in reply that he is deeply gratifled by this expression of confidence. The Importance of carrymg the Btates of New Yoi k, New Jersey and Ccinnecticut in the ing canvans is fully recognizcd, and at the i proper time referencas wul be given you to committees for such aid aod co-operation as ' seeme to be advisable. Very reapeotfully, Axkbed E. Lek, Becrttary. To L. S. Tïlee, box 2,P7J, New York.


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