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Stauley Matlhews, who is defeated to Congres in Cinoinuati, is Hayes' broth er-in Uw. Defeat runs in the faniily this year. If Hayes canriot get his own major ity in his own State, that's enough. In leaning on him his party trustee! a broken reed which pierced it fatally. - Boa ton Post. In the year 1871 the War Department sold, without warrant of Congress, #8,280,000 worth of arms to the French Government, to enable it to war aguinst the (ierman Empire. The war ceased eleven years ago ; and all sensible mon in the North beiieve that it is now time to let the Southern Status manage their own affairs, and believe this beoause they see that wherev er Federal interference has ceased peace has come at once. - Neto York IleroÜ. It seetus that those " large Kepubli can gains " in Couneoticut werö rnanu factured to order. Now that the re turns are all in it appears that the Dem ocrats havo made a net gain of eigh towns. These frequent let-downs mus be hard to bear. - Dover (N. H.) Press. The decisión of the Hepublioan read ers to stake a presidential contest on the issue of hate was an atrocious crime against the peace of a long-suffering country, against the aspirations of the better men of all parties, and agains the laws, the faith, the hunianity of the n a t i on . - Philadelphia Times. It is not Hayes vhom the Dem ooiats tight. He is merely a figure head. They tight the worst element of Grantisin, the most prominent cor ruptionists of the country by whom h is supported, and by whom he woult surely be controlled, if elected. - 8t. Lou is 7'iines. Ex. jail-bird Hessing, of Chicago, i now bowling hiinseif hoarse i'o Hayes and Wheeler. The man wh stole half a uiillion of the revenu and only bad to pay a fine of oue thous and dollars and lie in jail two weeks ought to bowl lom! and long tor th parly. - Madixun JA moerat. Zuchariah : Much 'bleeged, but s'pos you let me 3ee what can be done in th canvass henoeforward by a little civil service reform and les blood; shirt. Regañís to Kilputrick, but re mind him hu can uever more be office of mine. A bloody-shirt campaign with money in it didn't win. If you'! look after the Department of the In terior 111 boss the political campnign. KUTHERFOKü. NoDomocrat who voted against Haye tor Goveiuor last year will vote for him tor Prusideut. Tüey did not think hiu fit evon tor the Govi-rnorship of Ohio thuj' regard him incompetent for a posi tion likc the Presidoncy. They know if elected he will be controlled b Blaine, Logan, Zuch. Chandler, etc Now let the Democracy rally for th November fight with energy, zeal an hope. - Cleveland Plaiiuhuler. Uno of our largo wholosale houses fo the sale of stationery received an orde this month trom Dallas, Txas, to ship quantity ot gooüs ror Outubci, -vitl in 8truction8 that the order be dajilicuted i November in the event of Ooteriior TUd-en eleclion to the Prenidency ! AU over th South, and in niany parts of the West hundreds of men teel thisway, and wü act just this way when the chnge comes Even the faith that the change will b made has led men to their busi ness orders in this city. New Yorfc citj indeed, has an immense interest in Gov ernor Tilden s election.-


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