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Under this head, we propose to continue the name, business, and plaec, of all who n the Signnl, free of charge, during the time tlieir advertisements continue in the paper. U Manufacturera, Booksellers, Machiniste, Wholesale Merchante, nnd all othera doing an trttnsicc business, who wi&d to advertise, will riudtheSignal thebest possible medium of communication in the State. W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Druggists, Ann Arlior. Bkkcher &. Abbott, Dry Goods, Detroit. Half.ock & RAYMONi,Clothing Store,Detruit. S. W. Koster, & Co., Woolen Manufactur ure, Scio. W. A. Ravmond, Dry Goods, Detroit. E. O. &. A. Ciuttenton, Smut Machines, Ann Arbor. W. R. Notes, Jr. Stoves &. Hardware, Detroit. H. Gkkgorv, Sash and Blind Maker, Ann Arbor. G. F. Lf.wis, Exchange Broker. Detroit. T. Bi.ack)od. HoniCDpaihist, Ypsilanti. CalVii Buss, Jeweller. Ann Arbor. VV R. Pekry, Book Store, Ann Arbor. P. B., Tempcrance House, Deiroit. Uarkis fc Wir.LiAMs, Sieam íoúndr}-, Ann Arbor. E. G. BtffcoKn, iJcntist. Ann Arbor. T. A. Havii.amj, Real Eslate, Ann Arboh J. Holmes &■ Co., Dry Goods, Detroit. Rijqkbo & Co.. Tanncry, Detroit. F. Wkthork, CrocKcr5, Detroit. R. Marvin, Hardware. Detroit.H. & R. rnrtri'Jge. Mnchinists, Ann Arbor. Knapp & HAvir.ANh, Machimsts, Ann Arbor. A. C. McGkaw &, Co.. Learhcr Detroit. Waruxvku. &. Dixon, Hardware,rï. V. City. Watkins fe Bissei.i., Korwarding, Detroit. Miss J. B. Smith. School, Ann Arbor. Ym Pikhck. Hoinccpaihy, Ann Arbor. C. F. Smith. Hotel, Ningnra Falls. Jt. T. Wii.i.son, Corn Mills,, JacUson. S. Finnky, Temperonce Hotel, Dclroit. E.F. Gay, Tctnperancü Hotel, Howell.