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NEWjLgVEBgSEMENTb wawttedTT A GockI Germán boy to work in a store. Ap pi y at 1004w2 ARCÏUS OFFICE, F 011 SALE. IHAVE a Clover Huiler, nearly Dew: also, Two Horse Th ivc spring Doufole-Weated C'arriage that I will Heil cheap lor cash or Kxchange, eithe orboth.fora firsw-hiss Young llorse or a gow lleaper. lfi(Hw4 M.KOGKBS. ltvfitrutioii Notice. TVTITICE is hereby given that mssiMis of th 11 Uoanis of Uegistratiun of tlie several wards 0 the city of Au n Arhor, will be heldin the reapae tive wards of said city, for tbe purpose of register ing new eleetors, on Tuesd&y, the :tlst day of Oc tober, Is7ii, coinmencing at 9 o'clock, a m., am closing at 7 o'clock p. m, of that day, at the iollott ing muni'i places -. First Ward - F. Sorg's shop. Bucond Ward- T. W. Koot's office. Third Wanl, Shi-rilt s ollice. l-oiiiili Wttixi - Xi. Uwtvr's store. I ali Ward- A. M. Dot;'' store. sixtl, ward- (l'lace lörnu'rly) T McDonald' stori;. Alo, that a session of tbe Iioard of Reglstraüon tor the city of Ann Arbor, will be held at the Com mos ('iiumil room (in Kireraijn's Hall; on Wednoë day, ihc öret da; i November, 1870, from 9 o'clock in thé foreboou, until 4 o'clock in the alernoon o thflt iay, lor the juirj.ose of registeriug qualiliet electors, and for eoinpariiig, revi&ing, correctin, and coiapletlng thé severa! ward registration lists All peisun.s who will at the coming election to b held on Tuesday, the seveulh day of Kovember 1876, bc: entitled lo vóte under the proviaious o ectlon 1 artlcle VII of the constitution, aud who have Dot alrcady registered in the wards iu wliicl tlu } dow li'-. s'h.jiim [ggistol their Daniea. By order of the Board of Registration NELSoX .1. KYER, rhalrman. Aixi.vzu M. Dotv, Secrctary. Ami Arbor, Oct. lü, 187l. 1604W2 SREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. THK sik mr i.i Ni' BSTWXBM DETBOFt, BUFEALO, NEW YORK NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON Pliilaflelplia, AND ALL KASÏKRN 0ITIE8, - O inilGStboSliortest I.inefroiu í s Detroit to Uullulo an I l'oiuts East. Rk ff Miles the ehortest line from Detroit to 4O-Ht O Niágara Falls and poinU East. Sure Connectioiis at Nimpi-nsion uitd lnif.ilo iviili tbc ti iv ork i uil t rul umi liïr Kuil h u) s. The Truck nd Kquipments of tlie ÖKEAT WKÖTKU.N ure perlcct, and lt in munaged with h a view to the SAFETY and COM FOUT of its Patrono. TOURISTS AND PLEASURE 8EEKER8 VIS1TINO THK "CENTENNIAL" ihould bt-nr in mind thiit the GRKAT WESTERN ïailwaT is tbe Shortest nd most (lomioitable lotite between Detroit, Huaptnsion Bridge and iuM.ilo, ai.d iu thu only line wliich crosses Suspcnion Brido in lull of the falls. For iuforniittiou a: ú lickets via thia popular route uppty to G. w. snAiirLKSs, Agent M. C. H. H., Aan Arboi Mich. TOUX L,. BVBLËI;tlt AttorAey od 9 ('ounselor at Iaw, . Kortli Main stroet, Aun Arbor. ,1 i._ fci l'ur uuy ui home. bumples worth $O ro O""H tree. .Stinson & Co,, Porünid, Me. 1 573 JEND0. toG.P, HOWKLb A CO., New York, O ior pmnphlet f 10 puilen, contaiuiu lists ol "n nowitpüper, and estimutes abonincoHl ol 'adrtisintf. iI1J, HEADÖ AND STATEMENTS AT THE AKUUS OFFICE, fcCorner Main aud Hurón 8tr?et Hangsterfer'8 Hall. Tuesday c& Wednesday Evc's,Oct. U & 25. BIO-ELO'W'S (MT PHUTOGRAPH1G PANORAMA OF TUE CETBNIAL EXIIIBITION. ' ompi two hundred of the inost interettiiig siiíhtBOl the World'f Exhibition. Th' 'views are tbrown upon the screenë, ílfteenfeet square, ahowing man y of the objects the full size. The jhí in every city, wheryver exhibiled, have been profuae in their praise oí it. Prce of Admsssion only - 25cts Chiltiren tinder 15 years 15cts STAR LÜ I h w 5 ufo o o s UJ r Z ! co D HOUSE. AWARDED The First Premium AT THE CENTENNIAL SKPT., 187fi, Over TlioiisaiiiN of Competitors ! : Él THE CROWN JE1ÍEL The most betiutif ui tove, and the best of all the Cual atoren made. TMs stove can be found in use in the following houses in Ann Arbor : Alphous Feloh, Dor Kellotrg, O. W. Sharpleaa. f, WIanf?8terfer, Jumes Jones, E. Curtía, K. M, Riehardson, Fxof. E. Jonert, Mrs. J. West, Dr. V. B. üoso, Mrs. Loomis, Dr. Hallock, K. A. Beal, C. A. Tomeroy.S. T. otis, C. M.Codwell, B. Vuughn, Miss Ljydia Smith. A. Koye, K. McDonald, iirs. Whitehead, Charles ö. Millen, J. C. Watts, Fied. Borg, Prof. M.C. Tyler, Airs. J. A. rolhumuB, J. O. Banks, W. D. Harrituan, J. L. Burleih, Geo. AV. ('ropaoy, Mrs. Hubburu, (ieoiiíe Hay Ier üeorgif Granville, Mra. Chaiubert, George Walker, Zera Pulcifer, and Hinsey & Heabolt B3rVou will als find a full nsortment of Parior and Cook Ötovea for Wood, at ' L. C. lilSÜÜN'S, 31 South Main utreet, Ann Arbor. INSÜRAM Hl Capital, - - $3.000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $3,792,649.98. IiOsses Paid in 55 Yoars, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all LiabilitieB, including Re-In8urance Keserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re -Insurance ajid Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. .M WK, Agent, Ann Arbor. f OR SALE CHEAP ! TTI1C new two stojy frame rtwelHng house, just completed. Situnted on east ünlveralty Aveïuc, the saoond house suuth from the Medical Colege. BpeClany arranged for kcepinji Boftrders, (oomers, or Club. Termi easy. Apply to C. H. aiILLKN.Jio.4, 8. Main St. For Sale Cheap ! THE lare new doublé dweiling house, situated Cor. North atid Fnttrth Sta, two hlock.s from 'ouri House, Boqulro of C. H. MILLEN. BUILDING LOTS LAKGK nuinber of vory desircble building l(ts, wcll located, for h:i1 low, sniall payriu-nt own and long time gíven for balance f derfred. C. H. MILLKN. NEW Phffiton lïuggy for sale chtap. One of Arksey'c best maké. i5iw d C. XX. MIZiZiSilT. BM StoíforM OFFER FOR SAIjK niv Brlck Rtore, Corner ob ' Huron HUti Kourlh streeU, opposile Cook'l otcl. Thls is om oí the most desirablc busint'M: eattotiK in ttie city. and will be sold at a bargains 1.5as JOHN O. (ALL. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A OLLAR KAKNED ! NEW GOODS ! Audpricw L.OWKR THAN KVER. I have purchased in New York, for cash, and I hid now duily receivinu one of tht lurgest and most elect stocks of Oroeoiies ni Wtishlenan Cüunty, con sist ing oí a ful) and well aaleuted LINE OF TEAS, Allof tbe new crop - includüig Guupowders, Imperial, Young Hysuiis, IlysouH, Japan, Oolonjj, Forinotaa, loiitun, Sonchong's, and Twankays, Together with a full line ofCOFFEES, consistin of the following branda: MOCHA, OLÜ (JOV'T JAVA, M AUACAIBO, LAGUAYKE.SANTOS and K1O, both roaated and (,'rouud . tt íul[ and vell uelected atock of SUCARS, SYftUPS AND MOLASSES, Together witb evei7thing in the line cf Pure Spict-.i.í'unned fruiu, and Vegetable. We huve a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES A mi II (H-ifi y. Alo, achoice aBsortment of Ladiea' lid (jreMlemen's Underweur Culi and exmuine i und Prices and we will umurc satisitiülion. KDWARD DUFFY. ' Maynard'g cor. Main ano Ann strceta Aun Arbor, Mich. ■y HiL'hent ciifth price paid for all tarín produce. La Sewing Machines THE SXNGEB., 1TET77" DOMESTIC, And tile KOWE, And several good Bocood-Hand Uacblikaa at tbe 8EWINU MACHIN'K OFFICE, Ann Arbor. AJso Needies for all Dtachines rhí very íp.t that are inml, and atíHclnnciit.s and Mrtfl for nearly all nudttaea S1NGER MACHINES tspaired better therc than anywlier-"1 else íu Lmsrio. [f your machine don' t work p]L mu!' t for ont' that does, or huve it repatrod. A!l niahines sold on eay puyun-ntr :tt tlte office. oinl door enit of l'i Office, Ann i rlor. I, li. (W56) ■ I.. OBINNELL, Affent. AVKI.I-lXi ll(Mi;s FOR SALE. Alargeand very wcll built bncK houw with wo or more Iota. Two taiga flmaiAd hoiiHcs. Aíao itocidiizi-il brick houae and l'riime hnusr; and i smallframe boufli'on i goodlot. iitended for ildlinafront. Por sale on fair term anda reusonaile crodit. Alootber buildingK, loU, and property. ÏIOSEÏ taany wlohing ' ü bnrrow money appl; to mu that I can readtly ■ btainfor Undrrs good satiffactory inVt.-Htments en pr eent. mttirent E W. MO1KÍAN Ann Arbor, Jan. S , 6. 15B4 r-ISITlNO CARDS- NEW 9TTLB9 AT THE AROU8 OFFICE, Córner Main uud Hurón Streets I ] Northern Central R. R. Co. MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE " CENTENNIAL." Through in 27 honra from Detroit, as per schedule ol" passenger trains below [Via Cacada Southern Railway.] Leave Toledo, ti 10 p m 10 45 a ni " Mouroe, 6 82 p m 11 45 a ra " Detroit, 6 55 p ni 12 20 p ni [Via Great Western R'y] r k a m r tí Lcave Detroit, 6 25 4 20 12 20 [Via Grand Trunk R'y] v m a m a m Leave Detroit, 5 45 2 50 7 30 [Via New York Central R. R.) A M A M M PIC I. Niágara Falls, 4 00 7 30 1 45 8 10 Suspension Bridge, 4 20 785 200 800 Bu fíalo, 4 :(.' 7 45 1 r0 'J 50 Rocheater, 7 30 3 S5pm 5 30 12 20 a ni [Via Northern Central R'y.] AM I' M PH A M AH IjO. Canandaigua, .' 45 4 40 S-fiB 1 40 r'llli Yau, 1102 55: 7 48 2 42 Watklna, 12 17 7 00 8 :i7 3 38 8 00 Ai. Havana, I2Í7 7 W K l.; 8 08 Umita. 130 8 10 '.' :(n 4 30 9 00 Troy, 3 38 10 39 5 34 10 09 Miuucqna, 4 09 11 06 6 02 10 38 Willianisport, 6 10 12 35 7 40 12 25 Northumljerland, 12 4U 9 25 2 05 Sunbury, 12 M 2 00 9 35 2 15 Harrisburg, 2 45 3 55 1140 4 10 Baltimore, 7 35 6 25 7 85 Waahingt.m, 9 02 9 07 9 07 PhlladeTphla, 700 735 830 720 New York, 10 10 10 25 6 45 10 20 l'assengers by this route have the privilege of stopping off at any point, and of Wsitlng Washington City without extra charge. No dust. Koad thoroughly stone ballasted, and ita passenger traiiiH are ecjuipped with cvvry known improvument for the convenit-uce and safety of passengers. The far-famed Watklns Glco belng locatd on the direct line of Northern Central Kaüway passengers can take it in 011 their route to the Ccntennial by taking the Northern Central Railway. fíe sure your tickets read ma New York Central and Northeou Central Roads. ïnforlDatlon given on application to Western PasHt'nger At'nt. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Gen. Pass. Agent. Sam'l L. Seymouk, Western Passenger Agent Buffalo.N. Y. U9ltï ' Tisitors to the Oentennial, 3ST K"W YORK BALTIMORE AM) WASHINGTON, TAKS 2TOTZCS! 't'luii tbe Cleveland Steamem NORTHWEST, R. N. RICE, Leave M. C. R. R. wharf, Detroit, daily at 9 o'ckukp. m.,except Sundays. This line bus nrrnnged a syHtein of tickets via Cleveland whereby over 300 routes citn be made to l'niliiilel plila and New lork, going and returning by any route desired. No other line can offer such a vanety of routes. Tickets for sale at principal Railroad Offices, on boaid s1.Mi.11TH and at Company's office, foot of Shelby st., Detroit. D. CARTER, Affent. Awarded the Hlghext TIilal at Tlenna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 Broadway, ew York. fOpp. Metropolitan Hotel,) nanuracturers, Importers & Dealers In CHEOMOS and FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Gbaphobcopes, and Suitable Vikwb, Photographic Materials. We are Headqunrters for everything in the wj of STEKEOPTICOJIS K nu,U LMTBM8, Beiiig muuufitctnrers of the MICRO-SCIKNTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO I'ANOl'TICON, L'NIVKRSITY STEKKOPTICON, ADVKUTISKR'8 STKREOPTlCON ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN l'EOPLE'8 IJLNTEKN. Each style being the beat of its clasa in the market. o Catalogues of Lanterns and Suden with 1 tiona for using sent on application, 1 Any enterprising man can make money with a 1 Miigic Lnntern 1571 tarCut out this advortisement for referonce.. ] C I ' 'bv at home. Agent wanted. Outfit 1 CP ■ and terms tree. TKUE & CO.. August, Me RAILROADS. MICIHUA.N CENTRAL MAY 28, 18T6. OOINO WKST. v. -c c et ?■ S . '.S o , TAT1ONR. 3 aKagc sa = X f_ S Pi . M. A.X f.M. F. SI. P. M. p „ Detroit, leave, 7 00 1 05 2 50 4 00 6 00 r O.T.Juuction, 7 15 10 20 S 05 4 16 6 16 lo ,7Wayne Junction 7 57 lo 49 :j :2 4 50 6 47 in tit ïpeilanti, 8 31 11 10 ;t 51 5 28 7 12 n AnnArbor, 8 56 11 26 4 13 5 45 7 45 11 5,, Dexter, 9 20 4 35, 6 06' 8 lo ÍZ Chelsea, ' 9 43 4 47! 6 23i 8 's'I itrasB Lake, 10 07 5 16: 6 49Í 8 55 r.M i, M Jackon, Ar., 10 40 12 32 5 45 7 15 ! 9 25l 49 Jackson.Lv., 10 4512 37 S SO tl S albion, 11 35: 1 14 _ J10 2Ö Marnhall, 12 56 1 54 '31 Kus , u Battle Creek, 1 00 2 1Í 7 11 3; j A. M. Oalesburjf, 1 31 a. M.llS 10 Kalttmazoo, 1 52 3 03 4 Ki 12 ji . „ Lawton, , i 35 4 41 1 05 _LT Decutur, 2 52 1 5 00 1 25 Dowagiac, 3 16 í M 1 55 Niles, 3 45 4 z:i 6 10 2 30 4 „ liucliíiiiíin, ' 3 69 6 25 2 45 ThrceOaks 4 28 4 W ! 7 04 1 S 23 7Z NewBuffalo, 4 43 6 08 7 21 3 40 Michigan City, 5 10 5 "„', 7 50 4 05'Tü i-nke, 5 48 6 14 8 35 4 62 6 ?. Knington, 6 45 7 151 9 35! 5 49 j f, Uhiwgo, arrive, 7 30 i 8 00! 10 20 6 30 g J. OOIHO EA8T. ! . L} ïTTfj I 2 = s5 i__L_!__; 5 ?5 A.M. A. K. P. M. I P. M. p. K Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00 4 00' S li 9 00 Keneington, ! 5 45, 9 45 4 45; 6 57 9 43 Lake, ; 6 40,10 20 5 30 1 6 43 10 25 Michigan City, 7 2; 11 00 6 30 7 40 11 1-, NewBuffalo, , 7 55 11 20 O 56 11 85 Three Oaks, I 8 09 11 32: 7 09 8 11 11 4; a.m. Buchanon, I 8 42' 7 S0 hj 201 Niles, 0('i 12 0B. 8 20! 8 55 1; U Dowagiac, 'J 2 8 49. i 01 Decatur, 1 9 52; 15 1 25 Lawton, 10 :o 9 S5 Kalttmazoo, 10 45 1 36 '10 10 10 26 2 15: Oalesburg, 11 )2_ 1 -j 3 BattleCreek, 1152 2 17! . '1109 3 Ij" r. M. -g m' MarBball, 12 45 2 b; - ' 11 3"' 3 4; Albion, 1 14 S IB P 11 55! 4 I I A.M. A y ■lac.kaun. Ar., 5 P8 3 51 .. M. 12 40 4 JJ 11 Jnckaun, Lv., 2 4 80 7 HO 12 40 4 55 UrauLake, 2 45 ! 7 30, : 5 23 9 j( Ohele, Í 10 7 56 iSO'ltlj Dextet, ' 3 25 8 13, ' 6 08 1(1 ■)' Ann Arbor, ï 52 5 15 8 3fi 2 00' 6 '8 10 41 Ypsilaoti, 4 15 5 28 8 55 1 2 20 6 48 11 M Wuyne Jnnc, 4 45 5 45 9 23' 2 4ft 7 OS 11 U (i. T. June, 5 30: 6 10'10 00! 3 15 7 45 Detroit, Ar., . 5 46 6 26 10 15: 3 30Í g 0() n H Hundays excepted. ZSaturday and buuday ex wpted. tDaily. H. B. LKDYAHD, Gen'l Supt., Detiuit. H. C. Wentworth, Uen. rasa. Afrt., Chicago. DETROIT, HILLSDALE &1ÑdT ANA RAILROAD. oomo -1876- Qoiyo kasï. xatioh. Mail. Exp. stations. Kxp. Mail Detroit, dep...7-oo' 6:Oo' f ■■ Ypsilanti.... 8:36 7:15 Bankers 6:00 j! Saline. .. 9:20 7:46 Hillsdnle ... 6:30 S'(S liridgewatcr. . 9:45 7:57 ' Manchester.. 9:11 Manchester. 10:18 8:00 Bridgewater 9:i. p. m. , Saline 1H:W Hillsdale 1:15 10:H0 : YpUnti... . HO:.".. Bankere 1:30 10:10 Detrok 12:30 t:Ji TraiuB run by Chicago time. To take efiect , April 16, 1876. W. F. PAKKER. Sup't, YpBilanti. Centeiial Exlitiii PHILADELPAIA, PA. THIS reat Interuatioual Exliibitiou, desieud to cuinnitítuorate tlu One Hundredth Á sarv of American Independice, oponed May 10U and will close November lOtli, 1876. AH th." K tíoiiá oí1 the World and all the States and Territorios of the Union will partfefyato, byingiug logetb er the most oomprehennre eollection of arl tnaures, mechanical inventkms, scientitic discoi manufacturiug schievements, mineral sp íi and agricultural producís ever exhibited. TV grounds devoted to the Exhibiiion are aituatid the line of the Pennsylvania Railroud, and embrace four hundred and fifty acres 01' i"uf miotiut Park. all highly improved aml omameoAd, on whiclï are erected thv targesi bmldiags wcr constructed,- five of these ooredng an area aflftj acres, and costiug $vj,i0O,y()0. The total inimben-I buildings ereetod fur iíui-w1 ui tin. hijhiMtion is avp.T ohh Inin.lti'd The Pbüüsylvania Railroad, THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. AND PAST MAIL EOUTE OF THE U.S. ■ will be the most direct, convcninu and ecönomkd way of reaching Philadelpliiu. and this great Bxhibition from all sections óf the country. Ifc tiaius to and i'roni Pfailadelphia will pass tliroiiïh i a GRAND CENTENNIAL DEPOT, whuli tlit Company have erected at the Main Entraño 1 Exhibition Grounds, lor the ftccotnmoda I passé u ge rs who wish to stop at ot siart i, n numerou; large hotels cqtiÜKUúus to thi - and the Exhibition. - a conve nienue i the grate value to visitors, and aflbrded excluslvelv n Ibc PennsyUania Kailroad, which is Tl 11! ÓN1Ï UNE UUNNINU DIBECT TO TUK Ci;.NTi.N-N ■ AL BUILDINGS. Excursión irains will ;:; at the KneampineDt of the Patrons of Huisliauiirf, at Kim Statiuu, ou this roal. 4SThe Penosylvauia Railroad is the grandist railway organization in tile worhl. It i)Dtn aevt-n tlxmsand miles of rottdway, forming conti1 nous Unes to Philadvlphia, New ' York, ÜLiliiworf, and Washington, over which luxuiious dnv acJ night cara are ruu fryin Chicago, öt. Louis. '. vilitï, Ciacinnati, Indianapolbs, Columlnie, ! Cleveland, aud Krie, without chaiige.fttf IU niain line is htid with doublé aud tliinl mtï-. of heavy steel rail, upun i h-ep bed eClitok dtoue ballaat, aud its bridgea are all o]1 ii-ui v stone. It passenger trains are equi" ry knowu improvement lor comiort aud safcty,lW are run at faat'er üpeed for greater distancea Mihe the trains of any line on the continent. Tï pauy has largely increasecl it equijuaent f tcnaial travel, aud it will be prepared to build. i it o wn shops, locomotivos umi jtsseuger cars i' short notice, sulücient to :.-]■ ■"■'■-' deinand. The unequaled roouRt-s m tbi cotaM" of the Cuiupany gtiarantee the most perfect i modation.s for all its patrons dm ini; tlu; i.Vn-.' i. al Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT 8CENERT tor which tb Penusylvania Railroad issojustly eeleliratcd, P sents to the travcler over its pernol BoadaT ever-changing panorama of river, raottutal" landscape views uuequaled in America. THE EATING-STATIONÖ on thislim a; tasurpassed. Meals will b' fürntshcd al suitaN hours and ampie time allowed for enjoyni;4 i' ' ■ EXCÜltölON TICKETö.al reduced be sold at all principal Kailruitd Ticket Oífiwe a the West, Northwest and Southwest. ."Be sure tliat your tickets rvtul via ttu1 tirrt Pennylvaula Route to the Oenten nial. FRANK THOMSON, D.M. ÜtfVn, Je., Qtmral Manager, Getfl Pat'r M National Oenteimial RouteTAK E ÏHK Baltimore&OiiioR.K THE ONLY DIRECT BOUTE TO THECENTENNIAL VIA. WASHINGTON CITY! By this line pansengeis are lnnded at tlie te?' tennial Ground, or t Broad a ml l'ini' Sti-' vicinity of the lrading hoK 1 iu Philadeji'1' " thty may prefer. Holde of Through Ticktt8 CAN STOP OFF AT TUK National Capital! And viait the Government Buildings .L I many object oí interest in nnd utxmt il City. Traveler desiring A SPEED Y, PLEASANi 'v COMFORTABLE T1UV Should remember thut tlie Baltimore & 0&c IRailroad Is celebrated f..r it elegant Cosclie, Sple fc I tel, Urand nd Benutiful Mouuluin o Soenery, and the many point of Historie m'"' along its line. irRHFare wlll always be a I-0 a -'■"-■ " Kuy ui lui Line PULLMAN PALAEE CA8 KUN rHUOUOH WITHOUT CHANGE Uetween the principal WESTEEN & EASTEEN CITIES. For Through Ticket, Baggage Checks, M ment of traína, Siteping Car AccominoclatinnSi kc, apply at Ticket OflWi at uil prindp! Pu' ' NORTH, SOUTH, EASTOB WK'1 B. R. DORSET, L. M. COLE, j, AM't Öen'l Ticket Ag't. Oen'l 1x'}tf, THO8. P. BARRY, THOS. R. fp'i. Wtt'n futtugw Ag.nt. Matr of T"


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Michigan Argus