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- Matt. Blusser is writiug spicy Ceutenniai letters to his lively puper, - tlie Manchester f.dtrprise. - Abram Hawkins, of thw city, has drawnta ticket ïor the traverse jury ol the United States Court, November term. -The Uommon Councii has appointed a committee to talK Court House to a coiumittee of the Board oí Supervisors, or to the Board itself. -The Board of Supervisólas talk of a sine die adjournment to-day, or probably to January, at which time a meeting will be necessary to approve the new Treasurer's boncis. -The Altaus and Godey'a Lady's Knok will be iiirmshed for 1877 for $3.75, and the sub' scriber will receiva in addition a copy oí' a beautiful, new and original chromo, " The Mothei's Joy." -At the anuual session of the Baptist Conveniiuu for this State (its 41st annual meeting), held at Lansing during the current week, Prof. E. üluey, of the Uuiversity, wa3 re-elected President. - Judge Huutinjiton ailvises the Clerk that he shall open court on Tuesday next and ïmediatoly adjouru until November 9, or withdut csiUing a jury. He suspectti that bar and &ats have too much politcs on hand to prowd with business. -We invite attention to the caid of Miss Katie J. Bogers, to be fouud araoug our "Business Notices." Miss Hogers is making a íiiie reputation as a portrait painter, aud any desiring to be tránsferred to canvas will do well to examine her work. - After careiully reading Mr. Sawyur's letter to Judge Beakes - seü another column -we have come to the conclusión that we were mistaken in Buppoeiog that Mr. Sawyer ws theRepublicau caiidHate for Representativo. Poliüoal issues seem to üe ignored iu his proJtamme for the ciuuoaign. - -The Couucü has íixud tile items and aggregate of city anti ward tases as follows : (ieueral fund, $6,000 ; srener il street fund, f2,WO: Sreueu'8 fund, S:!9j ; First ward, f800 ; Seccmd, HJJüü ; Third, Í1.0Ü0 ; i'ourth, l,000; Fifth, iJU8; Sixth, íl,WI0. Total, $13,695. -The weathor has been ñue duriug the week, sharp ttosty moruinprs followed . by tiright sunshiue, uot exactly th iii almost fabulous "ludían Summer," but approachmg it ín a degree gratifying to that portion of tha commuuity spendiug so much time in givmg a ihow of iife to the street coruurs. -David Wiisey, of I'ittsrïeld, was electec Superiütendent ol tlie l'oor on Wednesday Geo. A. Peters, of Scïo, was the aucus tavorite, bat the Eepubhcau rnembers could not al be brought to his support. The Democrats Toted first for Aaron L. Feldkamp, of Saline ; and theu lor JEverett B Clark, but the change of base was to no purpose. -The Uegister speaks of the Hon. J. M Ashley, of (Jhio, who addressed the Democraoy at the Opera House on Saturday eveuing lust, as " a sore-headed individual of whom the Republicans are so glad to be nd." The Heg ster ïolks had better count noses and see how mauy "sore-headed individuals" they can spare before expressing their joy. -The desperate bravery with whieh the Register throws down the gauge of battle to somebody (see its article " Why") reminds ua forcibly of a couplet from an oíd and once populai patriqtic song : '■ A Hornet can sting a liritish bird's tail, BlLces8 to our nuvy cried Granny O'Wail." The Reijhter evidently imagines itself the "Hornet" Dare that BritiBh bird show her self ? - A. A. Terry hailed a representativo of the Abous on Broadway, N.Y., oue day last week and charged him to say to our readers and the public geuerally, that he was purchas 'ug iuch a stock of hats, caps. &c, as it woul do them good to look at, and at suah prices as would compel them to purchase whether n "eed or not. Ash. knows just what to buy ad how to aell. -At a session of the Begents of the Uni vsity, held on Tuesday, Prof. Burt ü. Wild er, of Cornell University, was appointed lec turer ou physiology, in the Medical Depart mc-nt, at a salary of 8900 a year; Henry B Parsons was appointed aseistant in the Chemi Ml departmeut at 125 a year ; and Miss Kate Crane, accountant and dispeuser of chemical n the Laboratory, at a salury ot $500 a year. The new stone sidewalk is nearly com pleted on three sides of the Court House square uJ when the othor s'ide is down, the rubbish ceiiied up, and the edgea neatly sodded ( work now progressing), it will bocome a fash iouable promenade during the sunny hours o tliu day, and both citizens and straugers wi oHlgnt in frequently making the circuit, - i will give them such a complete view oí the an cjent but beautlful Court House aud lts "an uestes." Mjljf!' Chelsea has a Centeiinial Reform Club wit 'he following ofScer8 : President, Jamos Hud W J Vice-President, H. D. Fuller ; Secretary ■ ülackney ; Treasurer, B. F. Tuttle ; Execu tive Committee, (J. W. Turnbull, James Hud K John P. Foater, Orrin Thatch9r, Timoth allen, Büruard Krame-r, Seymour Qoodyeai Iíkoisteb ! Keoistkk ! ! - Every resident of thia city who will be au elector on the coming seventh day of November must see ïhat his name is properly registered. If yon re a qiialiíied voter umler the Constitution and do iiot reside in the ward in which you lived and voted at the last Charter eleetiou you uiust register in the ward in which you noto reside or will reside on the 28th day ot Ootober. Kemoving from oue ward to another that dny you will lose your Tote. If you have moved tuto the city smce the last electiou you must register in the ward in which you have taken up your resideuce. If you have recently come of age and propose to cast your tirst vote, register or you will lose it. If you have been reoently naturalized and have not vet exercised the new rii;nt of citizenship you must register. If you lost your vote at the laat eleotion, by reason of nou-registration, see to it that you do not suffer the same loss ag&in. Your ward board of regiatration will be ïu sessiou on the 3lst day of October, irom nine o'clock in the orenoon to seveu o'clock in the eveniug, and ïthin those hours go iu person and register our name. Make a note of this item and teil our ueighbor.


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