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A reporter for a Pittsburgh recently visiteil the cremation furnace of Dr. Le Moyne, of Little Washington, Pa., and gives the following description of the singular structure : Btlt )ittle additional attention to the details of preparaüoii ís needcd to complete the arrangements for the recaption of the eorpse that will become historical as being the first oremated in this country. No fees will be charged for cremation, it being the intention of Dr. Le Moyne to put this means of posmg ot mie deart witinn tlie reach of the poorest of the poor. Hundreds of peoplo visit the furnace daily, and on the day of lts iuauguration amultitude will no doubt be in attëndanee. The furnace is inolosed in a building wíiicli is at once the cemetery and the grave. Economy is one of the Doctor's pet hobbies, and the building has been cónstrueted xlpon eoonomical principies. It is of brick, but oné story in height, with a roof of corrugated iron. It has three chimneys of ordinary size, one leading from the furnace room, one from the reception room, and a third from one of the corners of the building. The usé of the third is simply to preserve the architectÜfaï symfitetry of the strueture. The house is divided into two rooms, the reception and the furnace room. The reception room is J abouttweniy f eet square. lts furniture ! is of the simplest kind, consisting ! ply of a catafalque for the bodies to rest I itpon, a shelved case, with transparent las dooi, iü whieh the remains of the cremated will be' döpoëited, a few ohairs for the accommodation of friè'nds oí the departed, and a small stove to make things comfortable in cold weather. A door leads from this room into the cremation department proper, which is a room of about 10x20 feet. In the cremation room there is nothing but the furnace. The retort has been made especially for the aecommodation of coffins. It is seven and onehalf feet in leagth, twenty inches in height, and twenty-eight inches wide. All these are inside measurements. The retort sb'mó'wfcai resembles a gas retort, the difference being that its sicles are perpendicular instead of being arched. Above the perpendicular line, along which the comas will rest, the retort is arched and it is built around with brick work in the same style that gas retorts are. In the work of eremation coke will be used, and it is calculated ! that the retort can be brought to a white heat in twfcnty-four hours. Wlien this degree of heat is obtained the body to be cremated, inclosed in the plainest sort of a pine coffin, is put into the I iifiêti "oí1 Vilo f-Lhta-V!ítíamuour Í1OTJ i however, the doctor does not consider to be a very great objection as the proportion of wood ashes will be only as one pound to five, and after the furnace is in practical opeiation.if this objeotion be found to seriously mihtate against ita success, a method which the doctor has in contemplatie will be put into operatl0Anumber of boxes large enough to j hold four or five pounds of ashes wü be provided by tUe doctor, These , wül be made of metal, or of elasUc glflss, the material not having yetbeendecided upon. Upon one end of the boses there will be a place for the photograph of the person whose asbes are inmae, anu below the photograph will be a record of the date of the death, and of the date of the cremation of the powdered individual. These boxes wül be stored in the case in the reception-room, already described, and there they will be preserved subject to the demanda of the relatives of the deceaaed. In tlns same case there will be kept the record of all cremations, and these will be always accessible to persons having the right to inspeot them. An index of the boxes will be kept, and the ashes of any nian oi his mother-in-lawj can bc got at mth the greatest facüity. There will be no danger of the escape of any part of the rematas af ter they have been reduced to powder. The boxes will be hermeticallv sealed, and in packing them the greatest care will be taken to get possession of everv atöM of the cremated. The height of the chimneys from the top of the building is disappointing. Viaitora confldently expect to see great jiles of bricks rising scores oí ieet ibove the roof, and the majority of them believe that the failure to have such rhimneys will result in the poisonmg of the atmosphere by the gases whiche cape through the low ventilation Th s woold probablybe the resiilt but for the arrangement that has been made to effectually dispose of these gasea. At the bacK of the retort there is a ventholt four inches in diameter opemng into the furnace. Through this vent the gases generaled in the retort during the fombustion of a body wil fee forced to escape into tne furnace, there bemg no other outlet from the retort. In the furnace they will be coasumed. But titile smoke will eecape through the chimney, and that which does harmless, aa will be the hot air which will accompany it. Fight with a Catamount. The Honesdale Chroniole savs that George Gillespie, of Scott, Wayne county, Pa., while passing through the woods in that township, one aay last week, on his way to hnnt pigeons, saw crouohing on the limb of a maple tree, about ten f eet f rom the ground, a large oatamount, and thoughtlessly ñred a toad of shot at the animal. It dropped to the ground and glared savagely at the hunter? Gillespie eluded it, and qmckly put the contents of the other barrel into L and eves. This blinded the f nriated beaat, but it was not indined to surrender, and sprang about wildly aftei ts assailant, guided by the sound of bis eet He clubbed it with lus gun, and by eeveral heavy blows succeeded in rendering it unoonscious, wlien he cut ïts tooat with a kuil e. ïhe catamount was three feet four inches long, ana weighed sixty peunds. Exposition Visitors. The greatest number of visitois on any one day has been as follows at the different International Expositions : Sa':::--::;oSSS;S Lomlon".".". 109,915, on Tne8aay, Oct 7. 1 8.1. Loudon 67,891, on Thureday, Oot. J0, 1862. Philadelphia, it will beseen, surpassed Pari-? 83,2á6. ' 'J ' Considering that Paris has 150 per cpiit. more populaticm thau Phuadelphia, and that Franoe coutaín ten times the population of Peunsylvania, and aimost as large a population aa the United States, the "turn put" at Philadelphia on the 28th of September is as extraordinary as Unprecedented.


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