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Those Rebel Claims

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Tho attontion of ovory voter is cal led to the following frank and manly .lottor froni Samuel 'J. Tilden. It spikos the last radical battery. Bead it and hand it to your Republiean noighbor, that he inay read it aud thereafter sleep in peace : Nkw York, Oct. 25. " To tlie Hou. Abram S. Huwitt: " JJcur tíir, - i have received your letlur iuioruiiug me that ltepublicnus high in uutliority are publicly repreaenting that tho South desires.not without hope, to obtain payment for losses in the late war, and to have provisión niado lor the rebel dubt and for losses of slaves. "As the payraent of siu:h loesos and claims was not important enough to deservo tho notice of either national convention at the time it was held, you ask me to state iny viows in regard to their recognition by the general government. Though disposed myself to abide by tho issues as made up already.I have no hesitation to comply with your roquest. "The fourteenth amendment to the Constitution expressly próvidos as follows : 'The validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, including the debt incurred for thepayuient of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing the insurrection or rebellion shall not be questioned, but ueither the United States nor any State shall assuine or pay any dobt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or robellion against tho United States, or any claim for tho loss or etoancipation of any slave, but all such debts, obligations or claims shall be held illegal and void.' " This amendment bas been repeatedly approved and agreed to by tho State Democratie Committees of the South and was unanimously adopted as a part of the platform of the Lemocratic National Conventiou at St. Louis on the 28th day of June, and was declared by that platform to be universally acceptod as a final settlement of the controvuisy that engendered civil war. " My own position on this subject has been previoujly declared on many occasions, and paitioularly in my íirst animal message, January 5th, 1875. In that document I stated that the Southern people were bound by the 13th, 14th and lüth Constitutional amendments, and that they had joined the national convention in the nomination of of candidatos, and in the declaration of principios and purposes which, form an authentiu acceptance of the results of the war embodied in the last three amendments to the orgauic law of the federal unión ; and that thoy had, by the suffrages of all their voters at the last national election completed the proof that now thuy only seek to share with us and maintaiu the common rights of American local self-goverument in fraternal unión uuder the old flag with one Constitution and one destiny. " I desire at the same time to say that the questions settlod by the war aro never to be reopened. The adoption of the 13th, 1 Ith and löth ameudments to the federal constitución closed onegreat era in our politics. It marked the end forever of the system of human slavery and the struggles that grew out of that system. These amendments h;tve ben oonclusively adopted, and they have been accepted in faith by all political organizutions and the people of all sections. They close the chapter.and are and must be liuul. AU parties heroafter must accept and stand upon them, and henceforth our policies are to turn upon the questious of the present and the future, and not upon those settied and past. rebel debt wiU be aVTor pa cl V Bi ÉëMfMÊ 'g lts own exlstöucö. It has nr. Tr io:BrríSobtut tofiet - bebt thiif h;. """' muire, and on I ís a tembló thing for a Southern I .te to vote fo, Tilden md Hendrioks, and that any of them fa likely to do ' .sev„ience(toallRepab]ioans)thatt Demooracy i9 a party of rebel 8ympathiZen. devo.d of love of country, I ism. and all nth „„.o . ,:.. ut"ot - , „„ „LUür gO0(1 quaHtios y no stone is left antnrnod to procure the eecto , vote of thos. sani0 SontLerl State, tor Haye8 and Wheeler. and even [the whole military power of ,he Gov ern.nent.stobeusedto BOlfc The same voters are classed a9 trauorsonoyalmen.aocordingasthey cast their vote Thafs logic for you. ,


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