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It is wonderful what desperate efforts the Eepubhcan nominees are making to secure their election on the County ticket. As a case in print we mentiou that of Mr. Frueauff, the nomiuee for Circuit Court Commissioner. A Germán friend of ours hauded us a day or two smce a circular letter printed iu Germau and signed by one A. Hutzel, in which a despairing cry is raised for Germán help for Mr. F. The letter also is accompanied by a business card of the attorney, to which is a - tached as reference the aames of two prominent firma iu Manchester, evideutly for the purpose of leading persons to suppose that these firms endorse the political worthiness of Mr. Frueaurï to receive the Germau vote, when in reality the references were giren for no such purpose. Your correspondent has conversed with the meuibers of the dry goods firm whose name is attached to the card, and they wish us distinctly to state to their German friends that they go the straight Democratie ticket, and advise their fneuds to do likewise. The circular calis attention to the fact that Mr. F. speaks Germán ; also to the fact that there are mauy Gerniaus in Washteuaw County, all of which We readily admit. But the other idea, viz : that an interpreter can be dispensed with, thus effecting a saving to the couuty, and that the office is not political, are decidedly thin. Mr. Frueauff, if he is at all oonversant with law, knows that both court and attomeys are eutitled to an interpreter, and that he, even ii he can speak Germán, 3u.nnot act in the doublé capacity of interpreter and commissiouer. As to the office not baing a political one, it is as much so as any on the ticket, and it is the height of presumptiou tor thiB man to ask the great Gernian Democraoy of Washtenaw to desert their politics, abandon the Democratie party in which they have alwaya tound a home, and go over to this one man who has strayeil from the flock. It won't do Mr. Frueauiï. The Germans of Freedom, Bridgewater and Manchester stand by the ticket on which they are represented by a worthy man, tor a responsible office. We may also add that many (Jermans here would like to know who Mr. Hutzel íb that he should díctate to tliem in regard to their votes ï The Democratie meeting at Bridgewater last week was a very successful one. The attendance was good, the audience euthusiastic. The meeting was addressed by W. D. Harriman, Charles H. Bichmond, Wm. Gr. Doty, and Qeo. Eawson. Mr. Bawson is a young man of decided ability as an orator and logiciau, aud when he stated his reasons for abandoning the Hopubllcan party and coming out fot Tilden, hs carried the audience by storm. We are proud to welcome Mr. R. to the ranks oï men who are for Reform, Eoouomy, and better times. But it is mail time and a truje to politics.


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