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- By the way the Rgpubliean Board of Supervisors slaehed into the salaries of the oounty offioera yesterday, it is presumed that the members despair of the election of any of the Eepublican candidates. - The Detroit Tribune mournB the demand made by the Iiegister, of this city, for the withdrawal of Mr. A. J. Sawyer, Republican candidato for Bepresentative from this distriot. Console yourself, dear Tribune, " when rogues fall out," etc. - W. K. Childs, prohibition candidato for Representativo in the First distriot of this oounty, has withdrawn in favor of Capt. Allen, the Republican oandidate, whom he think's it the duty of all teinperanoe men to support. -Prof. C. K. Adams, of the University, has addressed a very lengthy " open letter " to R. A. Beal, of the Courier, giving his reasons why he does not support Mr. Sawyer for Representativo. - The Register does not put up the name of A. J. Sawyer, Republioan oandidate for Representativo in this district, and judging by a few remarks in its latest issue, none of the members of the "star combination troupe " are likely to vote for Sawyer. - The Register takes the Argus to task for its oriticism upon Jake Martin, Republican candidato for Sheriff, and gives Prof. Estabrook as a vouoher for Martin's respectability. It is charity to believe that Prof. Eutabrook was misunderstood by the Register writer, for we have abundance of good authority for asserting the truth of the Arohts statement. Tkt it bt all Mkans.- If auy of our readers have been troubled to make light and uniform bisouits, it is more than probable they do not use D. E. DeLand & Co. 's Best Chemical Saleratus. That is a pure article, not detrimental to health, and sure in its effecti. Try it by all means. Mack L Schinid are now in New York buying their second stock of Fall and Winter Goods, and are receiving freah lines of all the latest and most fashionable Dress goods in all the choicest shades of Blue, Myrtle, Green, Prune, Brown and Smoke. Cloaks in all the latest styles from $5.00 to 840.00. Black Cashmeres, Alpaca and Silks, they have the cheapest and best assortment in the city, and offer extraordinary bargaios in Men's, Ladies' and Childien's underwear. Mack & Schunld warrant their Cashmeres aud Alpacas to be the cheapest in the inarket. WuiidcrCul Succes. It is reported that Boschee's Germán Stbdp has, since its introduction in the United States, reached the iimnense sale of 40,000 dozen bottles per year. Over 6,000 druggists have ordered this medicine direct from the Faetory, at Woodbury, N. J., and not one hes reported a sinele failure, but every letter speaka of its astonishing success in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumplion. or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. We advise any person who has any predisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggists, Eberbach & Co., and get this Medicine; or inquire about it. Regular size, 75 cents; Sample Bottles, 10 cents. Two doses will relieve any case, Dou't oeglect your cough. Special Notice. Rinsey & 8eabolt take pleasure in informing their customers and the public generally that they are now occupying their new store (on the old location) with increased facilities for business. They propose to make a specialty of Teas, having arranged for stocks with one of the largest Tea Houses, and will also keep a choice line of Family Groceries. Flour of the best milis and brands oat meal, corn meal, ieed, fruits and vegetables in season Cash buyers will find it for their interest to give them a cali. Xhe " Iran Xrail," A spicy sketch descriptive of a trip over the Atchison, Topeka aud Santa Fe Railroad, the beauties, scenery andpleasure resorts of the Rocky Mountains, by " Nym Crinkle," the musical and dramatic critic of the New York World, sent free on application, together with the San Juan Ouide, maps and time tables of this ncw and popular route from Kansas City and Atchinson to Pueblo, and all points in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona aud the San Juan Mines. The finest line oí Pullman sleepers on the continent between the Missouri River and the Eocky Mountains without change. Special round trip tourists' tickets from the Mississippi River to Denver at $50, good to stop off at all points. Address, T. J. ANDEESON, Gen. Passenger Agent, Topeka, Kansas. Purtraita. From now until Christmas I offer to paint oilportraits at reduced prices. Those wishing work done in time for Christmas should cali now. Ann Arbor, Oct. 19th, 1876. 1604w10 K. J. ROGERS.


Old News
Michigan Argus