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A New Youk telegram of the 18th says "Europoan advice concerning tho TurkoSe-rvian war created a great deal of excitement diiring the day on the Produce Exchange, legitimato me being made at the whoat table of ncarly 500,000 bushels, purchascd mostly for export an Bpoculation. Tho telegrapïi was smrounded by au eager crowd of telegraph i operators, who bought or sold on options botweeu 10,000,000 and 12,000,000 of bushel. Wbcat advaoced 5 to C cents. A considerable amount of money changed hands among tho operators. Many email fortunes of 610,000 and $25.000 were made and lost dnriug tbe day, whichwas tho mobt active foraome yoars." Thk Frenoh renidents of New York havo appointed a numerous comraitteo to solioit subacriptions among the Franco-American population of the United 8tates for tbr completion of tlie colossal ntatue of Libertv. ... A man named Sam Bennere, who is believeu to have been connected with tlie disappearance of little Charlty Eot-.s, was arrceted the other day in l'hiladelphia. At flrst Bennera denied all knowledgo of Charley Bosa. Ho was givon another hearing by the authoritieo, and this time ho confesHed that ho knew all .bout the missing boy ; that he waa in Pennsylvania, and had never been out of it; that ho was not many miles from tlie city, and that he (Bemiern) had seen him about tbree woeks previonsly. Bonners is etill in custody, but ho will not töll wlicre the boy is. Tnr. wife of Ira Bsker (colorod), residing at Gien Lock, Pa., last week murdered her three littlo children, the eldest aged 6 ycare. by beating tbem over the head with a club, and attempted to kill hor babe by smothering it under a feathor-bed. Tho woman is insano. A Chinaman named Quimbo Appo staobed and instantly killed an Irishman named John Kelly, in the Home Lodgiug-IIouse, in Chatbam etreet, New York, a few nights ago. Kelly was the aggresBor, and provoked tho Chinaman to a fight, in which ho was getting tiioworetof it, whtn he drew a knife and stabbed Kelly. Appo was arrested. He haa recently been reloased after serving out a flfteen years' sentence for killing his wife and twomen.. . A schooner was boarded by niue ruftians in Long Island Sound, only a few miles from New York, on Friday night of last week, everything worth carning away was appropriated, and thofreebooters eacaped unharmed. A Philadelphia dispatch states that "the Park Commissioners beid a meeting held on Mond ayto decide as towhether the Main building shpuld do permitted to remain pormanently in its positiou. After discuesion, a resclution wan adopted authorizing associationa of citizens to take possession of the Main building and cmploy it for tbe purpese of a permanent exbibition. Mnch fatisfaction is feit at the tinal rtecmion to retein the building on tbe grounds.' THE WKST. Gen. Tebky's commauj, consisting of tbo Seventb Cavalry and a amall forcé of mountod infantry, followed by a wagon train conveying supplies, left Fort Lincoln on the 19th inst. i Ita object is underatood to be co-operation Col. Merritt, moving from Cuater City. Black Hills, in an attack npon tUe large hostile camp believo i to b8 located uear tbe fork of the Cheyenne river Chicago elevators, as per official figuren, cnntin 1,891,812 bushels of wheat ; 2,01-4 444 bnshols of com ; 598,317 bnshels of oata ; 131,918 bushels ol ryo, and 758,263 bnshels of barley, makiag a erand total of 5.424,781 bushels, against 2.541,936 bnahela at thia period Jast year :The man recently arreeted by St. Louis detectives at the residence of one Dr. Noland, noar Kansas City, Mo., and supposed to be Frank James, turna out to be John Goodwin, a reapectable and law-abidirg citizen. It ia said he will bring suit against the city of St. Louis for heavy damages for false impriaonmeut. A Cheyenme dispatch saya that almoat every hour brings newg of new depredations by Indiana upon ranchmen located weet and north the Cliug. A large body of Indiana are encamped at the head of the North Lsramie, distant from Fort Laramie fiftv miles án embaesy fiom Sitting Bull visited Fort Peck the oer day, and presented a modeet riqu6Ht that his warriors be pormitted to visit the post for Mie purpese of buying ammimi tion A dispatch from Ynma, Arizona, says that gromid was, broken Oct. 18, fon the Texas Pacific railroad, on both sides of the Colorado river. The work will be vigoroualy prosecuted both eaat and west. A man named Kavanagh, who lntely returned to St. Paul from the Black Hills, thinka about half those in that región reported killed by the Indiana aro killed by whites, and the minéis are in more danger from robbers than from regular scalp-takers. The State Auditor of Minnesota, who lately roturned to St. Paul from a visit to Otter Tail, Pope, Douglas and Svrift counties, reporte the people of thoae counties generally in straitened rircumstancea from contimi al ravages of the grasshoppers. Only enough wheat is left for bread and seed, thongh many are obliged to aell to meet preasing neceaaities. But, after all, the settlers are not despairing. They aro plowing and harrowing to turn np and break the eggfl and cocoona, saving the grass to burn next spring after the hoppers have hatched ad are making new breaking A Bismarck dispatch states that "Gen. SturgiB, with cight compames of cavalry, three of infantry, and a section of artillery, moved south, on the eaat side of the Missouri river, on the 20th of Octobor. Gen. Terry, with four companieB, on the same day, moved south on the weht mde. Nobody knowa where they aro going." SíTTixo Bull, the hero of the Little Big Horn annihilation, has grown aweary, and wants to go home, as he still has the aesurance to cali the Fort Peck Agency. Tuis noble aavage has made known his dcsires to the Ageut at Fort Peck, and the latter has hastened to carry the news to the Indian Burean. Tiiin bureau, with all its faults, is not ao neglectful of its functions aa to forget the debt it owes to Sitting Buil. The Agent will, thereforo, inform the applicant for winter quarters that he and hia band can como in, but that, owing to tho eccentricities of civilized uaage, be will be required to eurrender as a priaoner of war, to be dealt with as the Government shall think proper The snow has fallen in the mountains in the neighborhood of Salt Lake, Utah, witbin tlio past few daya to the depth of from one to threa feet. A suocKiNCi accident, resulting in the drowning of five persons, occnrred at F.ast SagLnaw, Mich., a few days ago. Charles Bluhm, Fred Smith. John Smith, Herman Knapp, John Cassow tai a boy named Theodore Peters, mili laborera, were croesiug the river to thtir work in the Litchfield mili. They were in a flatboitomed, small boat, the croes-board froming bc-iug not quite as high as the tug-lining. A bargo came along and raised somo awell. The small boat was only about twenty or thirty feet from shoro, but when the boat began shipping water the men becamo striemen and all rushed toward the bow of tho boat, immediately filling it. Instoad of clingiug to the boat, tbey clung to oach othor. except the boy Peter, who swam ashore. He seized a long board and shoved it out to the ferry boy, who wa-i nearcat Bhore. The latter waá juat sinking the third time, but Peters got the board nuder liia arm and thua pulled him ashoro. Tiio other flve men were drowncd. All were Germana and men of families. IDE SOITH Louisville, Ky., was last week viitd by tho most destructivo fire tho city bas experionced in many years. Soveral large Wholesale establishments were swopt away, involving a loea of at least $600,000. As A quantity of convertod steol was beiug poured ioto au ingot mold ut the Vulcan Steel Works, in South St. LouU, laat week, the mold burst. scattoring the melted eteol in evory direction. A largenumber of men wero working in that part of tho building at that time, eix of whom wero badjy burned and otherwiso Djured, two of them perhaps fauüly. ÏOUTICiL, Feknasdo Wood and Abram S. Hewitt have been renominated for Congress by the Democrats of New York city. The official voto of Ohio, at theOctober eleotion, gives Barnes, Kepublican candidate for öecretary of fj:ate, a mnjority of G.692 The official vote of Indiana on Governor (exeept Htark county, eatimated) is as followa: The total vote of the State ia 433,403, of which Willi]jia receivtd 218,098, IIamon 207,979, and Barrington 12,226. Williams' plurality over Hai-riion is 5, 119. Tiio official mnjoritits on the Congrofsional vote is s followa : Democratie - Firet Dihtrict, 1,569; Second, 5,153; Third, 5 169; Twelftli. G.335. BepuhUcan-Fotaüi Ui-itrict. 332 ; Fifth, 1,509 ; öixth, 276 : Scvonth. 1.393; Eightb, 1,100; Ninth. 1.410; Tenth, 114H; Eleventh, 1.448; Thifteenth. 2.022. The Independent vote fjr Congress " ia aa f ollows : Kirot District 1.240; Secoud, 911; Third, 1,034; Fourth, 378; Fifth, 9; Sixtl), 816; Soventh, 1,595: Eighth, 4,700; Ninth, 3.349; Teuth, 28; Elevouth, nothing; Twelfth, 875; Thirtcenth, Full official returns of tho late elections in Ohio have been publishod, and foot up aa follows : On Secretary of State - Barnes, Republicau, 318, 176 ; Bel), D: moerntic, 311 220 ; Clispman, Prohibiticu, 1,863. Barnes' majority, 6.956. Oa Suprcme Judge - Boyuton, Ilypnlilicn, 318,750; Finck. Democratie, 809.183; Gago, Prohibition, 2,C65, Boynton's (usjorlty, Ü.C17. On member of tho Board of Public i I Worka-Evaiis, KtpubHcau, 318,241 ; Cloiigb; Democratie, 910,318 ; Sohumafeer, Probibition, i 2,104. Evans' nmjority, 7,893. Tho majorities on Congreesmcn are as i lows : First District, Sayler, Democrat, 670 ; I Second District, Banning, Democrat, 75; Tnird District, Gardner, Republican, 496; Fourth District, McMahon, Demrcrat; flC; Fifth District, Kice-, Democrat, 7,895; Siith District, Cox, Ropublioan, 1.915; Seventb District. Dickey, Deinccrat. 1.841: Eighth District. Keifer, Ropublican. 3.738; Nintb District, Jonos, Rcpubican. 793;Tent'n DiHricN Foater, Republiean, 271:Kleventh District, Neal, Republican, St!; Twclfth District, Ewing, Doiaccrat, 5,087; Tbirteenth District, Routhard, Republican, . I! ; l'ourtocülh Diftriot, Finley, .Democrat, 6,587; Fifteontb District. Van Voorhees, Republican, 504; Sixteenth District, Danford, Republican, 2,202; Hovcnteertb District, McKinley, Repnblican, 8,80 I'.inliUenth District, Monroei Kcpnblican, 4.1:!1; Nneteenth District, fiai-fiehi, BepubUoan, 8,688; Twentieth District, Towiiaend, Republican, 3,373. TlíE oflicial table of the October State election in Indiana has been publUiliod. It shows that the vote for Governor was 484.45T, a gain of abont 50,000 over thtj vote of 1872. The followiug are the Democratie majoritics over Republican opponeuta : Williami", Governor, 5,084 ; Gray, Lioutonant Governor, 5,335 ; Judies of t'no Supreme Conrt, First Diirict, Niblack, 5.4.53 ; Second. IIaylc, 5,289 ; Third, Perkin, 4,211; Fonrtli, Warden, 5,484 ; Neff, Becrotary of Statp, 5,078 ; Hemlorron, Aviditor, 5,017; 'Sbaw, Treasurer, 5,067; Bunkirk, Attornoy GeBéral, 4,819 ; Smart, Superintendent of Public Instruction, 7,113 ; Marden, Reporter of the Supreme Court, 4,647 Schmuck, Clerk, 4,511. WASHINGTON. Fkancis Pkeston Biair, Senior, the fathor i of Montgomery aud Gen. Frank P. Blair, die in Washington last week at the age of 87 .... Orders havo been iesued for varlous detacbed bodios of troopa to report to Gen. Ituger at Colnnibia, ti. C. Gen. Shermaji statcs thattlio available force in the Military División of the Atlantio will not exceed 5,000 men Tho McPbeison ttatno was unveiled last wéfek witb imposing ceremoiHOn. The presentatiou of tb o magniücent addrees from Ireland to President Grant, throuRh Messrs. O'Connor Power and Parnell, members of Parliament, bas been doferrcd. It soems that, accordbig to etiquette, the resolutions will have to come t.brough the Britieh Minister at Washington, to the President. Au obaiacle bas beon fouud to tho auccess of tbo firat step in the wording of certain paris of the resolutions. One part cites that, " baving suffered tbrough sevou centuries of tyranny, the Iriüh people make their ereetings to the United ! Btatea and its President, etc." This cannot, it is contcudfd, be paescd bv without an act of i disrospect on the part of President Grant to Her Mí.jesty'8 represen tative. The resolution are magnificent evidences of art and taste, appeiring like a plato of the purest alabaster, inlaid with mosaic. They are at present in one of tho rooms at tho White House. GENERAL. The Socic ty of the Aimy oí the Tennessco, at their recent annual meeting in Washington, elected the following ofücers for tko ensuing year : President, Gen. Sherman ; Vioe Presidents, flens. Logan, Colc, Woodworth, M. D., Haj. Powell, Gan. V. T. Clark, Col. Know, Capt. GUI, Capt. Steel. L. T. Stevenson, Ma]. W. B. Mnore, MaJ. Spear. and Capt. Laid ; Corroepouding Seeretary, Gen. Hickenlooper ; Treasurer, Gen. Force. 8t. Paul, lliun., Bept. 9, was ciioaen as the place and time of the next annual meeting, and Gen. M . M. B&no waa elected orator All doubt are removed concerning the ideutity of the two traveliug conipauiona of Bots Tweed, vrhogave their namcs as " Hunt " and "Sanda" when the "oldman"was arrestod Ht Vigo. The twain have arrived in New York, and tli6y prove to hi, what they wero claimed to be at the time, Kichard Tweed and Wiiliam KiDg. We learn frora the New York papera that the steamer Colon, of the Pacific Mail Steamship line, on her last trip tookoutnearly a f uil cargo of Remington fire-arms, destined for varions pointe in Central and South America. Included was a large consignment for Mexico, all the combátante there appsaring to be deairous of flupplying thc-maclves. The number of weapons of al] sorts sent in that direction within the last few months only excites wonder as to wbat can be done with no many. The whaling bark Florence lias arrived a San Francisco from the Arctic ocoud, with 190 men on board, being a part of the crews of the Arctie whaling neet, twelve of which 8he reporta lost in the ice, with a portion of the crews. The remaining survivors have gone to Honolulú on the bark Thrco Brothers. The following is a liet of the abandoned vessel : Barks Oaward and Clara Bell, of San Francisco ; ships 8t. George and Marengo, and barks Corueliua Howard, James Allen and Java, of Now Bedford ; ebip Camilla and barkentine Joaephine, cf Boston ; bavk Acers Barne, or New London, and Hawaiian barks Deamond anrt Arctic. The veaselB had on board altogetker about 1,000 barrels of oil, besidea a large amount of whaleboue and ivory. It is the undivided opinión of every raaater that no hopo can be obtaitied of a rescue of the ellips. Of those who reroained on board, then, numbering between fifty and aiity, all are undoubtedly lost, ond carried away to the northeaat in the immense ico-pack wbich closed them in for miles around. FOKEIGN. The European news is decideilly warlike, and indicates unmiatakably the early preeipitation of active hostilities between Iiusaia and Turkey. Russla, has not been idle during tbe discaeaion of the armistice proposal. Quietly but rapidly she bas beeuengaged in gigantic proparaions for-the great atruggle. Arrangementa have been completed for maasing au army of 250,000 men npou the TürluHh frontier, the Itoumauian railway companics haviiig engagtd to fransport Ilusaian troops at tho rate of at least 25,000 daily. England ia bestimue lierself to bo in readinees for her part in the bloody business whenever that part shall havo been dcfiued by tho unfolding of eveuta. An autumnal neeeion of Parliament ia to be convencd; tho Government bas applied to the Lloyds for ships for the transportation of troops to tho Hediterranean ; aiul threo army corps have been ordered to be in readineas for tho voyago. A Loudou dispatch says: "AU Iiueaisns in Paria under the age of 40 have been ordered homo. The new KiiHsian ironclad Peter the Great is to leave Cronatadt immodiately for the MeíHterranean. Ku-Hia has iöBued a circular note announcing that, in the intereatH of humanity, she fcels bound to march troops iuto Bulgaria and Armenia. Tuero are 82,000 men at the camp of Bender, and 04,000 around Tiflis. Austria's Eaetern policy will conform to that of ltuaaia and Germany." A Belgbade digpatch of Oct. 21 says : "8erioua fightiug took place near Saitechar on Tuewday and Wedneaday. Ihe Turks are trying to foics their way to Paritchin, whence t!:oir march to Belgrade would only be interrupted by weak fortilications at Chupria." A London telegram slates that tli&BritiHh Cabinet, at ita meeting on Oct. 20, "dccided upon the policy of abstention, for tho present at least, and in thia policy tliey have tbe support of the prena and the people. This removes from the coneideration of the chances of the poace of Europe one of tho elementa which in Wedneaday's panic wbs cortaiuly reckonod upou to disturb it, in caso 1Í issia 'cionsed the Danube." Maxi officers of the English army have applied for permission to enter the Turkish service.. .:lt the wordt como to the woröt, and Bussia obtains no co-operatiou in her movements for the settlement of thö Eastern question, she will be preparod to play a pretty strocg "l'jne hand." Tho concentration of ten aimy corps uear tho f rontier has boen ordered. A Calcutta dispatch to the London Times states that prospecte for the crops in Bombay btcome daily more gloomy. The districts of Khanáaipk, Nassick, XhmendnnKgor, Poonah, Sholaporo, Kaludgi, and Dhiirmal, containing a population of nearly C.000,000, are tlireatened with eeveie diatrcBs. The lecal Govoiument eatimutes that over 200,000 persons must be relievcd in threo districts alono A conspiracy haa been discovered in Constantmoplo to aasassinate tho Grand Vizier and Midhat Pasha. Soveral high oüioera couuected with tho Government have been implicated in the affair and sent out of tbe country.


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