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Tilden And Reform

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Fellow-Citizens : I am qmte sure when I look into the faces of this audience, so different froni orciuary political gatheriugs, that thore aro hero tö-niglit a largo number of thoBe persons who class thenwólves as iudefendout vptiiin. Inwhat t Bhalrsay, therefore, shall address inyBeif uöt so mtldh to Deöiocrats, who do not need argumeuts to conflrm their eonvictious, aa to that large and increasing body of citizons who intend to voto without regard to provioiH party átnliations, [Applause.] During the past four weeks speeclies have bepn made in the State of New Yorlc rathor re.markable in character, Upon the ltapublican side of the cjueBtion, Tlio firat was delivered by Senator Conkling at Utica on Tiiüsila y nigbt, the second by Gen. Dix - [hisöes] - in thus hal) last Tuoaday night, the tjiird, by Mr. Cowdin, an eminent merchaut of this city, last uiglit, and tho fourth has como iu the form of a commuuieation, lately published, from a well-knowu lawyer of tiiis city. Mr. Stonghton. Now, theso íour prouuctioná muy be divided into two classes - or.e tlie argumentative, addresned I'ather lo the roason th&n to the prejudicea of tho pooplo. i nía glad to uay tbat iu his spcc-ch tLo Huator from this groat State did not disholior himself or tlie Sute which he repreaenís, by aiiy apuenl lo pasoion. [ApplausA.] I am glad to aay tliat tlmt merchunt, who is typical of the merchante of New York, Mr. Cowdin, delivered a aira and températe addreas. I am sorry to say tlmt I cannot make tho same commendation, eitlier of the letter of Mr. Stoughtou or of tho Bpoech of Gen. DX. [Uiaaea.j I know tllat when thoy appeal to those dead issues that it is all traah and rubbiab, wliich tho pcoplo of this country, and especially the independent voters, are heartily aick and tired of : bat Gen. Diy is the last man in the State of Now York, or, iuiJeed. in the United States, to auek to revive theao dead iaauea MR. TILDEN AND GEN. DII IN 18G0. ín tlúe hall, on the 8th of October, 1860, waa held a meeting, over which Geu. Dix proeided, and at which he made a speech. On the l?tU of Deoember following, in Pino atreet, was held another moetiug at which Geu. Dix was the Ohairman of the Committee od Iteaolutions, and ho brought in aud read theso roaoliitiouji to tho poople tliere aasembled. I waa one of that audience, aud remembor aa if it was yesterday that the epeech and resolutions by Gen. Dix, aud the addreea prepared to l aent to the Sautheni poople, were so ultra in their ntterance that I, even thoügh an old Democrat, openly diese nted, saying I would never subacribo to such deotruotive doctriuee. [Applauae.] Now, sinco they have revivedthis isaue, let me read to you the ro80lution which wa offored iu tliia hall by Simuel J. Tilden - [eheera]- ou the 8th of October, 18C0, when these venomoua adveraari3 charge him with having been a scceasioiiint. Kcro ia h4 lan guage. I take it from the Tribune of Oct. 9, 1860: "The Hou. Sam J. Tilden then road tho following resolutions : "Itesolved, That we regard the attempt of a aectional party in the Northern States to take poaaeaaion of the federativo ageney of all the Statea, advsraely to the whole people of tho fifteen Southern States, aa coutrary to the fundamental idea of the conatitution ; that the attempt to inaugúrate by such means a aec tional policy upou a subject vitally affectinj, the rights, the interoata and the feolinga o: thoao fifteen States createa a great danger to our confedérate Union and to the peace and safety of the whole country ; that we deern it to be an imperativo duty to waive personal preferences as to the candida tea and differences upon abatract questions in favor of a unión of patriotic citieens f or the sake of a unión of the SUtes." [Oheers.] That was Samuel J. Tilden's utterance. [Oheere.] Now, I hold in my hand the roeolutions and speech which Dix uttered at the meeting of the 17th of December, in Pine street. I will only read a portion of the reaoutiena and of the address : " Heatived, That the delivery of fugitivo elaves to their mantara is an obligation enjoined' by tlie oonstitution, in which all good citizena are bonnd to acuieece, and that all lasva pasBed by th States witli a viow to ombrroe olhI obatruct the exocution of the act of Cougresa making provisión therofor are an infractiou of that instrument, and should be promptly repoaied. ' 'Jiesolted, That the Territories of the United States are the common property of the people thereof ; that they are of right and ought to be open to the free immigration of citizens of all States witli their families, and with whatever ia the subject of personal ownership uuder the laws of the States from which they einigrated ; that the relatioit of maeter and slavo cannot, during the Territorial condition, bo rightfully diaturbed by Foderal or local legislation, and that the people of any such Territory oan only dispose of the question of elavery in connection with their own politica] organization when they form a conatitution with a view to their admission into the Union as a State. "Hesolved, That we pledge oursolvos to uphold these principies by all the means in our power ; to seo by all practical efforta a redress of the wrongs of which the Southern States juatly complain, and to maintain their equality under tbe constitution in the full enjoyment of the rightn and privilegos it confers. "Resolved, That while wo deplore the exwting exciteinent in the Southern States, we do net hoaitato to aiiy that there is just g rundo for it." From the address of Qen üix on that occasion, whioh ia of the same general character, I make the following extract : ' The object of this meeting is to see whether some moaaures may not be devised to arrest hasty and inconaiderate action in the South, until we can consult together for a redress of our grievauces. We do not despair of securing from thoao to whoee hands the reins of goverument are about to bo iutruated a recognitiou of your rights in regard to the surrender of fugitivo alavés and equalityin the Territories. We stand on tho grounds of an address publiahed in May last in this city, viz. : 1. A citizen of auy State m the Union may emigrate to tho Territories with bis property, whether it consista of slaves or any other subject of personal ownerahip. 2. 80 long as Territorial condition existB tho relatiou of master and slave is not to be disturbed by Federal or local legisiation. Whonevor a Torritory shall bo ontitled to admiuaion into the Union as a State, the inhabirants may, in friming their constitution, decide for themselvoa whether it siiall authorize or txchide slnvery. Tbo Ropublicaii pariy cannot possibly ïemain unbroken during the term of the mooming adminiatration. :i Wrong as tho aclion of eight or nine States in pafaing lawa calculatcd to embarrass surrender of fugitive slaves was, it has boon practically nugatoiy ; tlioir onactaients have wronght in practico tho injury of furniahing au example of infldelity to conatitutional obligatiou. Any yiolation of jour coostitutional righta by the incomine adminiitratiou, if it were attempted, would meet with as prompt and detormined a reaiatauce here as it would from yourselvos. We desire it to be distinctly underütood that wo apoak with full knowiedge. If the events shall provo that we have oyeratatod our own abUity to procuro a redresa' of exiating wrongfl, or the dispoaition of othera to concede what is duo to you, as membera of a oonfederacy, who can only be preserved by equal justice to all ; let us, whon all the Offorts 1 of patriotiam shall have proved nnavailing, when tho panful truth shall have forced itself on the conviction that our common brotherhood can be uolougermaiutained in tho mutual confldence in which its wholo valui coneints - 1 in a word, whon reconciliation shall have beconie hopeleas, and it shall be manifest (which may God forbid !) that our futuro paths munt lie de apart, lot us do all that becomea reaaonablo men to break tlio forco of ao great a calamity by partiiig in peaco. Now Gen. Dix calis Samuel J. Tilden to judgmont. I cali Gcu. Dix to judgment, I coll tbe whole of tbat crew of partwan, bitter Iiopublicana, nneonverted iuto truo Union men, fco judgmont witli him. (Clieering.) Thcy were Union savere then ; wbat are they now ? ( " Coff ue coolers" - L&ughter nod applause.) THE HEl'DBI.ICAN CONI-'IDKXCF, (AMR. It does ueem to ino tbat tbo confiuonco game now bciiK played by the ltnpublican managers and leader before t!:o mena n people must be an amu.zing bpcuïaclc. HdT6 ö au adminintration which haH lal fnll poeseeeiOD of tbe Government for over iiftoeu yeara (without uo much aa a check initil the recent aession of CougroB), an almiuintration which haasocondHctcd tho public K QflÍBOQfl that by the tontimony of it ora supportora it bas becomo a bywortl and a roproach at home and abrond, and ruin bas ovortakeu the business of the country and roducod to bankruptcy a largo number of ííh mobt enterpriaing aud desorviug citizeud. Ju'Jgo Iloar, the ltepublican member yf Confroni tiie Worceattr (Maas.) district, in tlie rernarKable peroration to bis argument on the Bolkuap trial, Bpeaking of wliat had happened wilLm tïght year of liid Cougrcesïonal Herv ce, siiyd, "Ibavt teen live Jndi;t.M of a bjgli c mrt'of tho United Stat&i tlriveu frotn ollico by threata of impenchmeut for corrnptiW ïiialuctministratioi). X have heard the taunts frota friendliest lipe, that wheri thé' Uuited StateB presentad herself in the Kast to tako pitrt with tiio civihzod world in. gcnorouB compotition in the arta of lifb, the only product of her institutions m which she surpasaed all othors was lier corruptinn." Says hi still more eminent brotlier, Judge Rockwood Iloar, in a letter published on Weduesday last: "WhatinilHencehasstoppod the triumphsil march in which the Xlepublican party has been acoustomofl to go to easy and ed victory.aud h:is sntntituted a strhg(tle fot "!xitenco ?■ flrnat v,üt tho i3oei-eated and iido epfead (ïi'Httiiaction exoited at tliö North lU. the Sinborn róoietlcs, salary gi-ahs, the bargaiim, contracta, oftlcejobbing and caucus-pacting which occur to ■every mait's mind when Gen. Butler's n&mo ie moutionod in concectiou with politics. ". Senator Goukling, in hia spoech at Utica on Tueeday last, aiter opening with a deBcription of the deplorable condition of the business of the country, to whiüh no vrords of mino can add forco, asks for the continued support oi the people, although, as Ijo says, "Éïtonuating no oase of fraud or crime, and knowing with olmuio and Borrow that individuals ng omciai Lrusis nave Deen guuty or uetosta)le jobbery." 8xys Mr. Cowdin, an omineiit Republican nerchant of this city, "Of courso tiioro lian )een iuexcnsablo looseness and corruption tlndbr the rüle of tho H6publian party which we all lameut and cunden..'' "TH.rJElí AND BÉFOKM." But it a UBoloBs to multiply these confesBions, which are made wlth "shame and aorrow" by every fair-miudcd Ropublican who etill adherea to bia party. I havo made them only bccause it is the best bind of evidonco to 30 addressed to the independent voteru ; it i evidence derived, not fiom partisan Iem ocrats, but from loyal RepublicanH, who expec to effect reform withm the Republican party I kuow that tbe lïopublican journals object to tuis method of argument. They do uot like Kepublican extracta. Thoy do not like Tilden extract. Thoy oven denomico Tüden's ex tract of coffee as poison. But nearly all powerful remedie are poiaonGUS when administered in large doses. We uhall, however, adüüniator to fche country in tiie comillg elaction such a judicioiis dose of the Tilden extract of reform as will, X am sure, purgo thin Government Of all the diaeases whicU have been engraftcd upon it by the corrupt and vioious rale of the laat cight year. (CheerB.) But the indictment againttt the administration bas been framed and formulated in the addreaa of the ab'o and patriotic men who attendcd the Fifth avenue conference in terms which admit of no roinforcoment from auy BOiirce. The name of two mon only were there invoked as able to redeem the country from ita peril. The one was Bristoïf and the other was Tilden. Tke Republican Conventiou rcjected Bristow, the Democratie Convention, wiih a unanunity as unexpeoted ae it was gratityiag to the patriot, adopted that of Tilden with overwhelmiiig enthusiasm. The Republican Convention, on the other hand, took the very man outlinei in the following passage of the Fifth avenue addreua, when it ralled upon the people to reject " men who, however f avorably judged by thoir nearettt friendu. are not publicly known to poBeeas qualitiCH of mimi and character which the stern task of genuino reform requires : for tho American people caunot now afford to risk tho future of the republic in experimente on merely supposed virtues or rumored ability, to be trusted on the streugth of private recommendatiens." Whom does this portrait fit, I ask j'ou, independent voter. Hayes or Tilden ? The honost Republicana aro fülly conscious of great iiiñiculties which lie in tho patb of tho advocacy of tho Republican candidate, and a warnhig to him, in caiie of his election, of the conuequencos which will follow auy atiompt on hi pirt to asseit bis personal or official independence by the spirit of his party ! [Cheers.] Now, if tha Bpirit of the party is represonted by the leaders, who have they been, and wüo are they now ? " By their fruits ye shall know them. " THE REPÚBLICAS PARTY. It ia not Bristow, who representa its reform element, but it is Chandler who has all his lifo avowed his contempt for civil-sorvice reform, and who, though a Cabinet ofticer, uses his ofticiat poeition contrary to the spirit and iutent of the law to levy assessments on feeble women, and underpaid clerks, powerless to resist his exactions. Who ars the striking figures in the c.impaign and upon the stump ? First and f oremost comes jamos Lr. mame, wiio has no record ior rolorm, and has shown himself to be a partiaan, recklesH in bis assertions, the evideuce of which is found iu the excoriating letter of our fellowcitizen lSnilih Johiieon, in reference to the false imputations of Blaino on Johneon'ö loyalty, and on Judge Cüíford'a official mtegrity. ït ia John A. Kaseon, whose constituents in Iowa have at length placed tbe seal of cheir condemnation npon bis disreputable public and private earecr. It is the coterie of bad men who have íormed a ring arouud the President, and by their evil acta and woiao advice have utterly ruinod one of the grandest reputations of modern times, and defaced one of the proudost pages of American hiatory. It o Bouiwoii una Rtcuardaon, who mtsmanaged our finances, bo tbat theytshould beeverywbere denounced as the immèdiate authors of the rain and distress wbich pervade tbe country ; it ia Bobeson who bas created a navy at a cost oí over $200,000,000 which Admiral Porter declares to be wortlüesii, and who haa made bis department a very beehive of scandal ; it is the bid men wbo have bronght disgrace upon the honored head of the State Department ; it is Williams, first, with bis Ilegal expenditures ; Pierrepont, with hh diegraceful circular in rogard to informers ; and now Taft with his military inatructions to Marshals, in violation of tbe laws of the land : it is Cameron, father and on, of whom their beat frionds will only claim that they are poiiticians, and not tatesmen ; these are tbe men wbo are the leaders, and represent the spirit of the Republiean party. Will Senator Conkliug deny it ? Will any f air-minaed Republican deny it '! tlow then will Oov. Hayes be ablo to introduce the reforma wbioh are ossential to the salvation of the cDuntry? How can Senator Conkliug, wbo is a statesman and a man of honor, and who was overturown by these very men, and he always will be, witbin the party, support their canöiiate in tbe face of bis own pbilosophic and tiuthfuldeduction, tbat wben elected I19 must do their bidding ? " Sball the vase say to tbe potter, wbcrufore bast thou made me so ?" Independent votera can you, with such a de mouetration before you, ast your vote to re mam in power the very men who have been the authors of so mucb ruin and such natiou.i disgrace ? Wbat answer is made to this indictment Defonse of themaelves being imposaible, thej turn to abusing the oposite party, and tbrow ing mud upou its candidatos. One who reads the Ropublican speeches, and newspapers, aa I am forced to do, migbt well oxclaim, with Fernando in the Tempest : " Heil iu empty, and all the devils are bere." Tbey remind me of tbe boy wbo lived in the mountain of New Jersey, away from all traces of civilization. Coming for tbe firat time to a atore in the yalley, be gazed with wonder at a!l he eaw, ontll he carne in front of a lookingglass. Taking one startled look, ho ran home aa faat as his iegs coulri carry him, and on arrival exclaimed breatlueas with terror: ■' Mother, motber, I havo aeon the devil." The Republicana havo at length caugbt a gliinpae of themselves, and proceed at once to describe the hideous features aa the attributes of the othor party, iybo have not had the opportunity of geituïg near a looking-glasa for aixteen yeara. They cry out "Solid South." They cry out "Hebel cluims." They cry out " Dishonest Demócrata." Thoy cry out " Tlio war will bo ronewed." They addres thcmselvce to the feara and prejudicoa, and not to the reaaon and convictioiiH of men. They seek to transfer to their oppouenta the very vices of which they are eoncious in themsölves. For example, the cry of solid South, wben analyzed, is that the Democratie party ia a sectional paity. Mow, it is notorions that the Democratie party nevor was, and ia not now, a aectioual party. This great meeting hero in the city of New York, in tbe very beart of tbe Nortb, is the best answer to that ealumny. lint it is equally notoriouu that tho Republiean party was, iu its origiu and duriug ita entire hiatory, even until uow, a sectional party, for the very allegation tbat tlie Democratie party ia aectioual involves the a'lmiasion that the Kepublican party w aectionEl. They havo had overy opportimity to l;o otberwise, But they have deïiberately rejected their opportuuity to concíllate tlie South by politie and wise policy and constitutionnl govfrnment, and bave proferred to rulo by force, and by antagonizing the races againat each other, nutil tliey havo arrayed against tbem almcst overy eulightened mau, white and black, iu the South : and yot they complair of a aolid South ! If it exista, it is the work of the Ropublican party alone. But, in trutb, it doea not exist. These ruined people Beek, with a yearoing unutterable, the companionsbip and fohowsbip of tbcir brothren in the North. They seek to share iu our proaperity. and to bear with ns our burdona. Tbey appeal to us for sympathy and for iustíce alone ; and if the leaders of the Republiean party bad been atatesmen and patriota tbey might long since have united these peoplo to tlioir rank by indi8soluble tios of love and gratitudo. Iu deHpair, and doupair alone, they have appealed to the intelligence and fair play of tbeir Northern brethren ; and I, for one. do not believe they will appeal in vain. The Ropublican orators next seek to terrify you with tbe cry of rebel claims, the paymout of the Confedérate debt, and the consequent baukruptcy of the troasury, and in this cry some of their most respectable speakers have jolned. Wbon these gentlemen tako the trouble, aa I have done, to get at the facts, they will be aahamed of the statements into which they have boen botravod hy the miaropre8entatious of tneu wbo, liko Blaiue and Sbern:an, know better. By my reqnesl, the present Journal Clerk of tbe Vonsoof Reproe!itativeH. Mr. II. 11. Smith, a mot oadful and ooosolenüoufl offloi i", who wan Olérk of t!ie Committrc 011 Claiuif iu the Forty-jccjii.l and Foitj-tbiid ('ouBiesses, bas mSde an exhaustivo oiaminstion o! all the i laíma pending ip the Forty foiirth Congres, ( ad has propafed ft complete statement of all he facts, a bríef sHmmary of which I hare ! already communicated to the prees, ándtha wbole statement is now printed in f all detail br the uae of the pcblie. Independent votera, to wlloííí alope Ij adIresa these remarka, will be surpriseu tcí Iíwi hat : Of üie 140 billfl which have been paraded af haring been introduced by Domocratio rep■oaentatives In the regent Congrees, it appeara ;hat 1 tí flre old claima which wero panding be'or6 the Korty-setfond or tblrd üongrcoeea and that the greater part of thone claim are exactly similar to thO38 clalmi! wh'ch hate alroady been p'aid by the Republican Ccrngfeüa and ' by tho Treasuf y and War Departmerits during the past ten years. It also appears that a Urge numbor of these claims were introduced by Rspubluian memoer as well from the South a the North. Petitions weiejfre ■ eentedby Mr. Blaine and otbor members from Maine eoveruig ectly the same cases. In regard to the amount mvolved in these claims it appears that of 9, 237 cases reported to Cougross by the Commismoners of Claims 4 42G were allowed to the extent of $3,172,r()G.42, iumM 11 werediéallowedto the extent of 1G,C19,986.OO. If the same percentage should bo contilmod to all the claims now pending the amouut allowed would be about $0,000,000. In fact they are drivcn to prooeed by the method tHiííOjl I belief e the lawyers all "oonfession and avoidaliCe." The confesa tho charges, but they plead the bauy act na to the past and promiüo to do bottor for tho future, by what they tiUl "reform within the party." But here lot ua take anothir close of extracta, this time the extracta of Conkling, tlio is altfays philoaophic in his ideas if he ia not always correct iu hia facta. He says in his Utica speech : "Few mu ure base and preeumptuous enough to acceit party or public ti'usbi in a representativo system, and then on pretsxï of indepondence or superiority to defeat the purpoee and conviotion of the constituency which delogatea power to them. Thore have boen such men, and party treason has been applauded for a moment, but contompt and disgrace for all Mme waits on the betrayer of every trust which reste ih honor, and the plain understanding of men. Ttiat each of the candidatos for tho PreaidenCy Will maintain and illustrato tho policy and spirit of his party, is a certain as good faith in man. and tuis fact presenta in the dlearestllghtthedifTeronee betweenthom." Exactly so. Aud is thid not pt the same tiae a judgment by coguovit against the Bepublican party with such a record and such acaudidate. The docket of the House Committeo on War Claims of the present Uongress shows that tuero were 1V887 cases referred to it. Of thia number 1,031 weïe old elairas, whioh were pending in the thiru Cöngrëss, nd 169 woro for a rehearing. In regard to the Hoard caso, a claim for damages for the use of tho battlefield of Stone rivor, it appears that the claim was reported favorably and passed by the Kepublican House of the Forty-third Oongress. Of the one hundred and nine cases reported favorably by the oommitteo of the Forty-third Congress (Bepnblican), the amoant recommonded to bo paid is $5,881,000; while the forty-two cases which were reported favorably by the committee of the Forty-fourth Congress (Democratie), amount to $215,361, of which ouly $74,433 was actually passed by the But it ia asderled that as soon as we get power, the Democratie party wül refund the direct tax, and the cotton tax, and will allow claims to an unlimited aum for damages to the property of rebela. To anch vague asaertions there is but ono anawer. These claims cannot be allowed oxcept by the votts of Northern and Western members. I do not know a member, and do not believe that there ia or ever will be one in either House from the North or Weat, who ] would be euoh a fooi as to vote for measurea ■ which woüld bo hii politieal death. Ho far as I know, these meaaurea bate but few advocates among the intelligent men in the South J büt j whether they would like to be indemnified or i not, they recognize the utter absurdity and absolu impossibility of any attempt to procure ( payment for disloyal claims. Another extract . from a Ilepublican sourco will, however, fur, nish oonclusive evidence of the spirit in which . these claims hare been met by the Democratie mnjority ih tbe present Hoitae. Mr. Conger ! of Michigan, well known as ono of the ablest ■ as well a one of the bitterest Republicana iu tbe House, whon tliin cliarge was made on the floor, roHO, and. to bis infinite credit, disposed of ie as follows. I qnote f rom the Record of Aug. 23, pago 23 : Mr. Conger- I have bnt one or two words to say npon this subject . 8m pleaocd to bear teatimony betoïo tuis Hones to the slrictness, accuracy and care with wbicb every claim is examined by tho Committee on War Claims, so as to bring it within the rules which I and every other gentleman on that committee reqnire, tbose wluoh should apply to tlie whole class of war claims, either in the loyal States, or the Southern States. Air. Millikcn - And the roles prejeribed by law. Mr. Conger - And the rnles prescribed by Iftvv. I take pleasnre in saying li6re for the committee with whioh I have the honor to act, that so f ar as 1 have seen, there bas been on the part of every member of that committee unusual care and strictnees in the examination of every one of these claims. Not only have members ineitttod on the observance of those rules of law, which I, claiming to be an extreme man in reference to the allowanae of Southern claim, would regard as proper. I think it is due to mysolf aa a member of this si.le of the House to say, in anawer to my friend from Ohio, that I am aatisued the Committee on War Claims do not intend to per mi t any of the thousands - I do not know but what I miht almoHt say millions - of claims which have been and will ba presentad in this and suocaoding Cougressea to be reported to tnU House, until thf.y are brought atrictly witliin the requirements of law. I feel satisQed that the most rigid rule must be complied with before they can be reported here. It seems to me that this bngatooo of Southern war claims is thus absolutoly brushed away. Dut somo stress seems to be placed npon billa introduced by Mr. Wilahire and Mr. K;ddle for tho payment of rebel claimt which itisestimatcd, would ataorb $2,400,000,000. Of course, the bigger the snm tho leaa danger in the bilis. Those who have just claims, even for such suma, know that it is better, practically, to abandon them than to try to get them allowed, the difüculties in the wav of private bilis being insuperable. But the whole outeïy procoods upon the assumptiou that tho introdu?tion of a bilí means aerioua lcgislation. It in reality means bat little more than the iivtroduction of a petition, which is a matter of right. A member, as a rule, introduces any bilí sent to him by a constituent, sometimea stating that he does it by roquest, but mole genorally sayiog nothing about it. These billa are introduced by thousands, have no signiucance whatever, and go to the "tomb of the Capulete." I do not deern it worth while to waste time on tho absurd charge that the Democratie party desires to get up snother war. We havo had enough of war. The country needs peace and good government, and the Democratie party have tio intoresta apart from the general welfare. But if we were to judgo by the utterances of the Republican orators, and eepecially by a recent cartoon, entitled "Hold tht Fort, " iu Tïnrfer's Weélcly, where the aoldiers ere repreaented as KUarüing the Capitel and tho varions dppirtmeuts at Wasliington from the ineominj Democratio administration, I sbould infer that the leaders of the Kepublican party would pre f er a rosort to arms to a surrender of the offices which tuey now disgraee. For thifi I can easily imagino a good reason. They fear the exposures which will reeultfrom the examination of the books. The corruption of the last eight years will be laid bare. The reason whv balances wero forced to the extent of over 200,000 000 will bo dieclcsed. The day of judgmeutia at hand, and they fear the righteous indignation of an outraged people. To them war would be a relief, and they would gladly try to throw tho odium on the Democratie party in advance. But the American people canuot be deeoived by the cry of "stop thief," raised by tbe abaconding criminal. Neither can they be deo9ived by such delui-ivo statements is thoso made by Sonators Boutwcll, Conkling, and others iu regard to the current expenses of the Gorernment, and wbich is part of the confldence game to whiah I roferred at the outaet of my remarks. Theso are all based upon somo tables prepared expressly by the Assistant Secretary of ttio Treasury. Mr." Conant, under order from Boutwcll, for the expresa purpcfie of doceiving the public. Senator Conkling Htates them tïias: "Compare expense of the Government iu 1875. with those in 1860. In 1860 they wero $1 90 for each persou in the Unite'. S'ates. In 1875, estimating only 40,000.000 of people, they were $1.70 for each peraon, estimating 43,000.000, 1.60 caoli." Now I have examined these tibies, and I confesa my astoniehment and my regret that a Senator of tho United Slbtes, who I know intends to be honest, should allow himeelf to be thiia misled by the devioes of men whom he ahould watch and detect intheirmisrepresentations. ITie statement in regard to the expenses of 1860 ia nbatantially correct. Thoy were $1.90 per head of population. But in 1S75, as will appear by tlio olïïcial return, tho expenditureu were as follows (aee Secretary' report, page 16): War 1 )opartmcnt ii ,120.6 15.98 Navy Department 21,fií)7,6.27 ] lidian 8,384 06.82 Mi8ccllancoil8 "1,070,702.98 Sí4.i.73,i;:k.oíí No interest or pensions are ïucluded in these itoms. Taking the population at 40,000,000, the expenditure is Ï3 55 per l'.ead, or at 43,000,000 it ia $3.67 per head, apaiimt $1.70 or $1.60, as etated by Senatcr Conkling. Now, liow doos tbis independent voter think that Uiia discrepaney has been prodneed ? Wliy, Mr. Conant proceeds arbitrarily to dcduct from tho oxpendittires in the aeveral doliartmeuta in 1875 the groator part of tlie inoreued exiionditures over 1860. Listen to bis table of deJuctiou. independent voter, ay(l imagine, if you eau, that Senator Conkling ster retd it. CoiurtOH .,..., $ 591,536.38 HxcclUWe 2,889,065.67 JIHüoiuíy 1,395,876.09 Torcign iátorcourne 51,016,286.99 MiüceUaKnouB; 28OI6,5US.S3 Army 16,799,148.61 Unvy !.! 4,991,40G.34 JS7.29,8Í.56 Now tlil ftrrív was all pent in 1S75, end it was all spent for Illa irdinary onrrent expensen of the Government. excÜiái+n f mterc.t and pensiona. Why in the world, Mí. Onant, who is certainly a model tablo mak r, liraitöfl iödtlf to the" modest dednetion of $57.000,000. rlton mth the samo proprioty he might have ♦eíiOTed the country from taxatiou outirely, h morfi thail eren "tho ingcnvH of Secrotary Boutwell and CionkiiHg öan eïplain. All that I know is that you pav the taes, nd they amount to ov6r $3.00 per head, inétewa of $l.0 as stated by Cwant, aud the deluded Benatcr wHo followed in nis wake. Bat surely, my nciepsteleut friend, it i nnnocossary to pursuo tliia íiuaúo Cí Jiiírep:esontations and misconceptions any furtiiei. They anderlie ill the speeches and all the argumenta of the Eepublican speakers, however well-intcutioned they may be. Dome of them are deooivod and somo or them deceivo. Uut tho result is the same so far as you are concerned. You pay the piper, while tho men in power dance. They may try till the crack of doom to persuade you that you are well and happy and proaperous and nntexed ; but you know bètter, and you know who ha bronght all thia disgrace arid ruin on tho conutry. If, then, you are independent and sensible, you win apply the remedy. It is in your power, and yonrs alone, and I m yery mueh mistaken if it bo not applied with a vigor whicb will a-tonifrti tho3e men who, bad therflselVes, have no fait) in the virtue and patriotism of the people. _


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