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Necessity Of A Change

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Tbo following ia an oítfact from a recent speech by Prof. Pony, of Wüliams College r "On the very da'y Mr. rilden wa nominated by the 8t. Louis Conventiou t hnd ncv more doubt tliat it was my privilege :rvi &mY to vote for bim tban it was my duty to do tlght. Tjonil cbeera ] My mind has been and is nov perfect)}' clear on that pomt. If ChatUa Francis Adam had been nominated at Cincinnati - and I give him the precedenco on Uio whlle- I would have snpported him ss earneatly. These two men represent a cines of luen that onght to be Presidenta of the Dnited States, and no other clase. This clans aro well repieteötea by Mr. Adam and ïlr. Tilden. ] mention Afana rst, beoauso in my mind be represents in á puii.'"' way the qnalities re. (inired of a Preside He is cbargcd with briog an aristocrat. 80 -■ George Washington, only he waa much mofo oí an aristocrat. Tbis ia the kind of men wt waiít M Presidenta - mn ïfho have a proporty 01 tlieir own, and who re not dependent on tho paiy or set of men who placed them in office. Oov. Tildcu representa this claas of men, and accordiujly I giVe bim my fote. I said to myself when lw ws nominated, he is a man we can rely upon. They say that the Democratie party is corrnpt that it does not mean what it says. There in an illasion in the minds of men that tbere is j constant unity in parties which the facts áa not sustaic, Two-thirds of the population ot the United State were eithor unborn or undcr 15 years of age ín 1859. Look not at the Democratie party of BuOliftnan's administratiou as the Democratie party 0 to-day. The leaders of the Republican party wei' moet of Uien Democrats when thit party recéis?" ts bad name in the days of Pierce and Buchan.T'. "In the firet place, the name of ISerjj. F. Butler appears. He is the most influential rtepublioan by all odds in the State of Magsachmett. There is no intelligent man in the community that will dispute it ; not an oflicer in the Castom }Ioase in Boston that doei not owe hiB appointment to Butler. He has íately been all bnt unammoualy nominated by the Republican. He is the representativo Republican. Tako the flve beet of the Republicana, the fivo bravest of tkem, and Ben Butler can put the whole of them in hin breeohes pocket. Where was Ben Butler in 1860? He was at the Charleston Conyention and voted uixty ümea for Jeff Davis. Where was Gen. Banks ? In the Democratie party. Wbero waa Senator Morton, of Indiana, the great organizer of the [tepublican party in that State; Simón Casi' eron, of Pennsylvania, and Johu A. Logan, oí Illinois? They were all Demócrata. The tl'ree organizem of the Republican party m HiWHachusettM were Charlea F. Adame, Frank W. Bird, and Charles Humner. Of theae, the tiret ia tlie Democratie candidato for Govemor of Masaachusetts, the bccond believes a etiaage of administration necessary; the tbird, Charlee Huoiner, bas pasBed from this eartb, to hia future reward. Bnt we cannot doubt uhat position he would take in tbia contest." Thí professor clcsed with the statement tbat he feit sure that the next President of the Uuited atates would be Samuel J. Tilden. Matías Romero, when he was in Washington as the Mexican Minister, married an American woman. Lately she eloped from their home, in Mexico, with Clestino Negrete, a journalist, ttIio left a wife behind and took a fortune with him. Eomero is a member oí the Mexican Congress, and he was informed of his wife's flight just as he was abont to deliver an address. He went on with the speech without embarrassment or confusión.


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