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Venerable Bones

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[Milton (Wia.) Oor. Chicago Times.] This week a party f rom this village, includitig President Whitford, , of Milton Ooilege, Chas. E. Mann, of Milwaukee, W. P. Olarke, your correspondent, and Beven others, visited the west bank of Lake Koshkonong for thepUrp se of opening an aneient mound. Work was bogun on this mound, whioh is the largest in this seotion, last July, but little excavating had, however, been done previous to this visit. A trench tliirty feet long and five feet wide was dug f rom the outef edgn of the mound to the center, at which point the exc&vation reached a depth of ten feet. Upon going down In üie center of the mound and when about a foot from the bottom a layer of ashes and decayed wood was uncovered, and a few inehes below that we carne to a deposit having the appearance of mortar, being light colored and quite hard. Immediately bolow this compound were found the remains of the ancient people who were laid away there hundreda of years ago. The first skeleton uncovered lay with the head to the west in a reclíníng poaition, At his kneea were found, near each hand. tffo handsome wriat ornamenta, with holes drilled throtigh them to attach them to the wrist. They were the jaw and teethof some wild animaJ, about four inehes in length. Carefully excavating the soil the skull was soon found, but so badly decayed as to make itimpossible to remove it. At the south side of the skull weïe found four perfect arrow heads. They were all of different sizes, a pure white and as true in shape as if they had been manufactured by machinery. Lying at the shoulders were found twenty-nine beads, made from beautiful little shells. perforated, and evidently a necklace worn by tiie gentleman whose bonos we were digging out, and who was, without doubt, a great chief of his tribe, for no other ornamenta were found around the bones of the remaining skeletons. Five other skeletons were exhumed. They were lying abotit the chief to the west, northwest, and east. Three wero evidently adulta and two children, for in the ]arrbone of the smaller of the two was fottild a wisdom tooth which had not, at the time of the burial, forced its way above the level of the jaw. The relies exhumed will carefully preserved in the cabinet of Hl.Jl.Uil "-flll-(lw-. A. llUUlil vf V-u. .. loft on the banks of the mound, not being valuable on account of their decayed condition; Several jaw-bónes, including the teeth, were foünd in a good state of preservation. On the top of this mound. an Indian skeleton was aug out about eighteen inchea below the surface, while the remaining skeletons were brought to light eight and onehalf feet below that point, showing conclusively that the remains tre those of a race who preceded the Indians. Arrangements will be perfected for making further developments in that región on a more extensivo scale in the spricg. The mound was sixty feet in diameter and ten feet above the natural surface at the defitef. On top was turf, to & depth óf eighteen inehes, and a black loam natural to that locality. The next five to six feet vas gravel and soil of a different kind, evidently put there by artificial means, and immediately beneath that ani above the bones, a black loam like that on top, the bones resting on clay like that found jast below the black loain of the country thereabouts, which shows concluaively that the black loam on top was the natural deposit of soil since the mound was imilt. An Expensive Lessoü. John Bright, in his recent speech at Manchester upon the Turco-Servian war, delivered to an immense audieiice, told the English people some home truths not only with regard to the Eastern question and the Bulgarian atrocities, but also the Crimean war. In the couröe of his speech, Mr. Bright said ! Great; indeed, I know, were the reasona that were offered to thiragbtless and uuinformed people to induce them to support the Government and Parliament in that unhappy war. They were held eufticient, and the war took place. That it was dieastroua, looking back twenty years, I think all men must now admit. I am not speaking of the valor of the troops or of their failures in any contest in whieh they were engaged. I am speaking of it from a far higher point of view than that. It was a disasfcroua war ; and to us now looking back again it was especially humiliatinp. I thiuk Mr. Kinglake say more than half a million of lives, first and last, wero sacl'iflced in that war. I think our share is supposed to approach about 40,000 men. A hundred millions of money was spent by us - I am not speaking of what other nationa spent; I am not addresaing other nations. The moment the war was over, though thero was a reduction of armaments, still our miiitary charges remafned, and have remained from that time to thie at L 10, 000, 000 or more higher than they were before ; and, bosides all this, we entered into commercial transaetions with an insolvent firm on the Bosphorus [laughterj, to which the people of Eng land advanced large sums which there is no hope they will ever see again, to the amount probably of nearly a lnmdred million of moncy. It may be said, looking back to those loans, tliat at this moment there is not an ironciad that slumbers on the Turkish waters, there isnut a musket or a rifle or a bayonet or a sword by which a Servian hae been hi;led in thia war, or unarmod men and helplesa vromen or chlldren have been murdered in Bulgaria, that was not purchased and paid forby money torrowed from the creduloits people of this country. Kayser's Dog. The St. Louis Democr at tells this story of Kayser's expensive dog : "About two years ago John Plasstook a fancy to a dog belonging to one Kayser. It was a good watch-dog, and dangerous totramps and iuterlopers. Kayser made Plass a present of the dog, but the animal, niter stopping a few days with his new owner, returned to his old rnaster. Plass got him back, and again the dog returned to Kayser, and was again taktn home by Plass. The dog shifted his kennel so often that it was a matter of doubt which of the two men was the owner of the beast. While the dog was in possession of Plass he inflicted a bovero bite upon the leg of Elizabeth Lochlein, which gave her great i ain, r.nd necessitato;! tho outlay of $50 for tho services of a doctor. She sued Plass for $5,000 damages, and obtained a Terdict for $1,500. A new trial vas granted, whioh took place, before Jnclge Jones, and the jury gave :i TOKÜot for the plaintiff for $1,000."


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