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Agricultural And Domestic

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The Old Log House. There's an olI !og houeo cnmy fatber's farm, All si lont, and lonely, and Btill; Not a sound of mirth ia ever heard now In the old log house on the hill. lint fondly I tllink of the bygone dajs, Where with brotbers and sisters dear, Not a happier home, in the country around, Could be found, either faror ncar. Cutmy father bnilded anottier house, And my brothers are gone afar; And the old log hotise is deserted eot, And def aced with many & Bear. The rabbit and squirrel play hide-and-seek With mice o'er the oaken fíoor í But they quiokly beat a hasty retreit When tho owl flies in at tho door. The " twittering swallow " now builds ita nest On the rafters, going to decay; And therobin and sparrow have' mado their honsc On ths logs for many a day. The little room, where my bfother and I Oft listened to the weird whip-poor-irili, Is open now to the birds and the bat?, And tüey come here without fear oí ill. But poor-nill ia miss'd from hls nightly Beat , On the apple tiee near the door - For there'g uo one there fo answerbim back, As we've done a thousand tirees o'er. The primroses blojm uncared-for now, And the " blue-eyed violets " blow ; And the cottage rose, that my sister loyecï, Ciimba in at the casement low, As if it wmild ssl, " where are they all gone That used once to careas and to love Ua xïoor flowers, neglected now In the rank weeds that o'er us rove ?'' But the fricndly vine, o the old black logs, Still clings thero, loving and tme, As if it would hide the marfes of decay From the passing trsveler's view. Oii, my heart still cïings to the dear old home, And the times of my ehildhood there ï And I'd rathor live oer Êhoso blessed dy Than to dweil in a païrHW fair. -Rural New Yorker. Experiment and Experienccfl. A cobeespondbk'ï of the Maine Farmer, speaking of improving wet land, says : " A few years since I took a piece of wet, rocky pasture that produced nothing but ïtags and rushes, cleared it from rocks and drained it with an open drain, then plowed and thoroughly pulverized it aiid seeded it down. The first year there iras from one to two tons of grass per acre." No tooi is more essen tial on the farm than a gpod grindstone. They were formerly all imported from England. Then the Nova Scotia ones were found superior. Ohio grindstones are largely nsed by Weotern farmers. But now Lake Huron grindstonea are superseding all others; they have a fine, sharp grit, and leave a fine odge. The tone should be kept clean and dry, and free from grease and rust. It used to be thrown in our face by Eastern butter and cheese makers, that " the corn-growing Vest could notgrow the grass and had not the water to make good market butter, exeept for the vitiated tastes of Western people, yrho snowno higher flavor." But since we lave come in competición with them ia a fair field, and carried off the palm, ;hey now patronizingly coEcltide, " you setter confine your operations to corn and wheatraising, for which your fjoil is peculíarly fitted." Come out West, youag man. - Dea Moines Register, g To asOektaik the mimber of beat! cattle of an average of eight cwt. that a !arm ought to support, French agrieulmrists generally estímate than an animal consumes in a year eleven cwt. of lay for every one cwt. of its weight, Thus, twenty-to tons of hay ought to support during a year two tona ot live stock, equal to five animáis of eight cwt, each. Two hundred weight of nutritivo ïay, being taken as the standard of nu;rition, are found to be equal to eighfc and one-hflf stones of oats and sixteen of potatoes. It should be borne in nind that the richness of food varies with the soü, and its feeding value will vary with the temperament and the digestive powers of the animal. Who that has had a garden and grow vegetables but has time and again been disappointed, in getting old, worthless seeds, or euch as turn out untrue to „m„ mi ' - i - j:,,,, anrtsnf vegetables that are indispensable ia a kitchen garden, and to have these fail is a serious matter. To avoid such failures, and always be sure of uch cropa, there is one me asure which if put in praotice is certain of success. This is at the time of gathering the erop to select a few of the best specimens of the different kinds, from which to raise seed the following spring. With the exception of parsnip seed, these are gcod for terms of from two to ten years, if properly kept. By followiüg a plan of growing two or three kinds of seed eaeh year, a supply can be kept up at a small outlay. In this way the constant annoyance and loss resulting from sowing seeds not true to name can easily be avoidod. - P. T. Quinn, in Scribner for November. To hang seed corn, or place it where t can be smoked a few days, will put itin a condition beyond question. The heat will dry it onfc and the smoke leave a covering upon it which will protect it Trom the changes of temperature, froia insects when planted, and be a stimulu fco it when it starts to grow. It ishardly possiblo for a farmer to devote more time in tlie seleetion and care of his seed-corn than will be returned to him in a tenfold ratio in the erop which may be produced from it. When the seed ie saved, be sure that it is placed beyond the reach of vermin. Mice will walk with feet uppermost if they only have two sides to brace them against. Suspend the frame or scaffold which supports the ears, by wires or rods of iron which can neither be gnawed off or descended by the little rodents. Do not fail to save the seed-corn in proper condition, for it is often worth, in a wet, liaekward spring, nearly a whole erop of coru to the man who devotes a little time to saving ifc just at the proper season. - Western Baral. The Kitchen. Triples.- Eoll out rich puff paste, quartor of an inch thick, brush over with icing as made for cake, then cut in strips Eour inches long, and one wide, and bake delicately. Dbied Salmón. - Pull soine into flakes ; have ready soine eggs boiled hard, and choppod large; but both into half a pint of thin cream, and two or three ounces of butter rubbed with a teaspoonful of flour; skin it and stir till boiling hot, make a wall of mashed potatoes round tho inner edge of a dish, and pour the above into it. Bbown Sour for jnvalids, - Take one tablcspoonful of flour and brown it. Fut it in a bowl and mix with it one ounce of butter, stir them together to a smooth paste; then add half a pint of boiling water, with a slice of toasted bread cut in small pieces, and just salt enough to taste; i f approved, a litüo black pepper may be added. When animal fooi is forbidden, this may be used as a substitute for a richer soup. Btjckwheat Cakes. - One quart of buckwheat flour, one pint of wheat flour, half a teacupful of yeast; salt to taste. Mix the flour, buokwheat and salt with as much water, moderately warm, as will make it into a thin batter. Beat it well, then add the yeast; when well mixed, set it in a warm place to rise. As soon as they are very light, grease the griddle, and bake them a delicate brown. Butter the cakes, and oat while hot. Onion Sauce.- Take f our onions, four peppels, and one pint of green tomatoes, and chop all fine. Add ono gmall cup of salt, and let it stand over night. Next morning drain off tho liquors and add ono cupful of grated horseradish, one tablespoonful of ground cinnamon, and a tablespoonful of ground allspice. Cover with yinegar, placo on tho back of the stove in a preserving kettle, and stew slowly for six hours or more. Hottle tightly. An ex-iellent relish with cold rneat.


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