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A Two-horse Feat

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Mr. Bawyer, Bepublioan candidato for Representativo in this distiict, appcara to bu engagcd in the diffloult feat of riding two borees. It is well known that he claimed to be ti strong temperance man', that lio wns an nttivo orusadir in tho niovement tho saloons two ycars ago, that he addressed orusade meetings, t hut he oven went so f'ur as lo sign u. contract, which was circulated amoog tho lawyers of Aun Arbor by the ludios engagtd in that movoinent, by which he promised in writing that. he would not be professionally ongaged in tho dufeuse of proseoutiona igninst liquor sellers, and that ou tht othur haud he would prosecute without charge compluints for liquor selling ou beiug requeated to do so. What will be thought of a man with suoh a record, who will now, for tho sako of Recuring tbe votes of liquor sellers, abjectly piomiso that if elected to the Legislature he will endeavor to seoure the ab)lition of tho on saloons V There havo boen rumora on tho streets that he has buen patronizing the saloons since his uomination, seeking thereby to concíllate thcir proprietors and froquonters, and that he aud his frieuds havo oapturud soiuc of the lowest saloons and are making strong tfforta for tho united saloon voto. We had before tho ftCOeptuuce of the nouiination tor tho Legislaturo supposed that Mr. Sawyer would uot stoop to such a canvass, and have been unwüling to believe him so deficiënt in senso as not to seo that the conduct with which he is charged onght, if true, to destroy the coufidence of every class of citizens in him. But it is now known that soiiio saloons on Main streef, kupt by Democrats (who are understood to havo been seen by his business manager), have for some days been advocating the election of Mr. Sawyer on tho grouud that ho has given his word that ho will eudeavor to secure a repeal of the licenso tax of a hundred imposed ou saloons under the requiremtnts of the Act of Mareh 18th, 1873. We have seen tho statement of a porson under oath that ho was prtsent and heard Mr. Sawyer mako the same assurances at another place, aud was therottfter iuvited by Sawyer to tiko a glass of beer. In our judgmeut thera cannot thereforo be any longer a doubt th&t Mr. Sawyer has made the pledge above indicated and conducted himseif as abovo charged. It is well known that Mr. Bea), the ohief supporter of Mr. Sawyer, was an activo supporter of tho orJitiance whiah created this ono hundred dollar saloon lax, and that he dragooned tho Republican party into the support of Dr. Douglas as candidato for Mayor at the timo of his secoud election on the issuo of the maintcnance of that ordiuance. Do Mr. Sawyer and Mr. Beal supposo that contideuce is a plant of such rapid growth that tho men upon whoui thcy have tnado bitter aud relentless war, will on their aesurauco of repentance for their past course take them at once into their loving embrace 'í Do they supposo that temperanee men will havo faitb in men who stand rcudy to chango their opiniens for otes? A rEv Democrats who ought to be in i, ,.t .. ■ . - -. BWinijg Míniist mr. Ilariiman, and one of their excuses f er so doiug ia the allegation that Mr. Ilarliman, if elected, will givo the advertisiug patronage of tho Probate offico to Mr. Beal of the Cmtricr - that he has agreed to do o. Both charges aro lies of the baldest kind. Mr. Harriman has 110 outaiigling alliances with thoenoniy, and if tho Democratie journals of the county- -the Ahgus and Ypsilanti Sentinel - are not suspicious and airaid, theso anxious-fviends of theirs havo no nced to borrow troublo in their bohalf. Kqually groundless is tho opposition of others - perhaps the samo - based upon the ground thut llarriman has not been a Democrat as long, or honored and fed by the party as long, as some others. Mr. Ilarrimnn is now a Democrat, was regulariy and fairly nominattd by a Democratie convention, is and bas bocu doing good and thorough work for tho party and tbo whole ticket, is qualified in erery wáy to discharge the dutips of tho office, and is entitled to tho votes of all electora who claim to be Deniocrats. Let him have them. IX THE SPEECH of Ilon. G. V. N. Lothrop. on Friday evening last, ho paid his special respects to Senator Boutwell's report reeominending the " romanding " Mississippi baak to a territorial conditioii. Mr. Lothrop said : "Do you know what it is to remnnd a Statof A man may remand a dog to his keunol, a masUr may remnnd his slave, a despot may remand his subject, but who sha'.l remnnd a sovoreign State?" Tho manncr in which Mr. Lothrop uttered his comparison showed his dotestation and contempt for the proposition, and tho comparison itself ought to open the oyes of every citizen who does not long for a contralized despotism in which States will bo conceded no rights except such as tho administra t ion for tho timo being may seo fit to give them. Boutwoll would remand Mississippi, and another would remnnd Michigan. This remanding business must bo nipped in tho bud by tho oleotion of Xüden and llendricka. VOTE for tho for Constitutional amendment incroasing tho salaries of oircuit judges from $l,.r)00 to $2,500 a yoar. As lawyors' charges avorago, .$1,500 will only comniand the services of third rate men, savo in exceptional casos. Rejeot the amendment and tho bost judges now on tho bonch will resign, and besides tho noxt Legislature will increase tho numbor of circuits, and tho more circuits tho more contradiotory dooisiona and tho more business for the Supremo Court. Kconomy lios in tho direction of largor salaries and better judges. Il' iiavixq been announeed thafc C. K. Carpenter had declined the Qreonback nomination for Governor " in favor of Hayes and Wheeler," that gentleman denies the charge, and gives tho publio to understand that ho doosn't take Hayes and Wheeler iu his. He will voto for Smith and Stowart. A harmless exorcise, certainly.


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