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By the time this issue of the Aeous reachos its nmny readers we shaü be on the eve of electiou, and consequtmtly your correspondent frora Manchester wishes to Bay merely a few worde to his Democratie frionds of the county. ïhey are tluse, that in all human probability four towns in this vicinity, the "bnrnt district so called, will roll up the strongest DemoI oratie majority they havo yet polled ; further, that the eutire county ticket, as well as State and National, gives general satisfaction and will receive hearfy support. Therefore, I ocrats of Washteuaw, stand by the straight ticket, vote it olean, and be sure that the days of Republicanlsm in the county will be ended. Everything is favorable, the auguries ure auspiious. Close up the rauks and move torward to victory. Many of our citizens are going to Adrián on Thursday, to attend the Democratie mass meeting. ïhis meeting will probably give the oup de groet to Mr. Willits, and msure this [ jOTIiTrpstiii-ïiio 1 di'sln't 1... _ i . . s. uiovrict uy a round majonty to Mr. llobison. If Washtenaw does her duty by Robison, there is no doubt but that he will be our next liepresentative in Congrcas ; a result whieh will do honor to and benefit the district and the county as well as to the country at at largo. A very succesaful meeting was held at Wm i iranke's,atRiverKaisin,one day last week Wm. G. Doty and A. E. Hswatf, addressed the the acople on the issues ot the day, after which the Bruigewater Cilee Club favored the audience with some excellent music. M. Mcüouall acted as chairmau and introduced the speakers witfi some very pertinent remarks Bndgewater will be heard from next Tuesday and " don't you forget."


Old News
Michigan Argus